The First Son-in-law

C220 I'm Not Yours

C220 I'm Not Yours

Looking up, he's laughing at his phone. He was probably reading a novel somewhere. Recently, Wei Dapeng had been obsessed with reading a novel on his phone. It was just that what he had read was illusory and extremely imagined. A male lead could take care of a train of female lead. Qin Feng hated that kind of thing from the bottom of his heart. However, when he thought about how he wanted to learn how to write from his cousin, he never had the chance to do it. Qin Feng couldn't help but shake his head. He was too impatient now. It was time to calm down and do something good.    


He thought for a while and was about to flip through the newspaper again when he suddenly thought of Xu Mei going out for a while. Even if she was polite, it should be done. But why didn't she come back? Qin Feng felt his heart suddenly tremble. An ominous feeling enveloped his heart. He threw down the newspaper and rushed out of the office.    


"Ah..." Qin Feng rushed to the door of the women's restroom at the end of the corridor. He happened to bump into a person who had just come out of the restroom, causing him to shout.    


"What are you doing?" Fortunately, the person was none other than Zhou Ningmeng who had just come out of the toilet. Otherwise, she would have sued Qin Feng for being a hooligan.    


"Ningmeng, who is that? Is Xu Mei in there?" Qin Feng craned his neck and looked into the toilet.    


"Hey, what are you looking at?" Zhou Ningmeng was unhappy. "What does it have to do with you whether she's in or not? Did you guys choose to have a meeting in the toilet?"    


"What are you talking about?" Qin Feng did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Even if it is a meeting, you can't choose this toilet!"    


"Sure. Do you really want to meet her?" Qin Feng asked. Zhou Ningmeng was anxious. She grabbed Qin Feng's arm. "Tell me honestly. Is there something between you two?"    


Sigh, it really comes from the mouth and comes from the mouth. Qin Feng was originally very casual. A single sentence knocked over Zhou Ningmeng's vinegar jar and caused a wave of punches and kicks on the spot. The kicks were accompanied by biting and biting.    


"Hey, hey, hey, hey. This is the unit!" Qin Feng dodged while looking at the offices. Fortunately, no one showed up at this time. Otherwise, he would have lost a lot of face.    


"Humph, you still know how to do it in class. Can you learn a little? You have to learn from Chief Liu and his colleague. What about Xu Mei? Is she prettier than me or is she richer than me? "Do all of you men think that your family's flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers?" How could Zhou Ningmeng let it go? Qin Feng had chased them all to the ladies' room. How could this be?    


"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?" Qin Feng panicked. Not only was he tied up by Zhou Ningmeng, but he had also caused her misunderstanding.    


There was a phone call for her in the office. It was from her family. She said it was an urgent matter. Do you think I shouldn't be in a hurry? What if she has something to do at home? "    


"Is that true?" Zhou Ningmeng did not relax her grip on Qin Feng's arm.    


"Why would I lie to you?" Qin Feng endured the pain and whispered into Zhou Ningmeng's ear, "Have you forgotten about last night's madness? If I do something outside, Can we still fight like that last night? First of all, we'll have to fight another three hundred rounds when we get back tonight. "Make up for the previous part that we didn't manage to catch."    


"You are so beautiful." Zhou Ningmeng's grip loosened a lot when she heard Qin Feng's words. She felt much better, especially when she thought about the craziness last night. Zhou Ningmeng felt that her lower part was a little wet. One should know that these few days were just the time for ovulation. It was precisely because of her hunger and thirst that she urgently wanted to do that. Now that Qin Feng had said so, She actually had an impulse to do so. At this point, the force in Zhou Ningmeng's hand had completely disappeared. She tiptoed and whispered into Qin Feng's ear, "If there's nothing else tonight, go home early."    


After saying this, Zhou Ningmeng quickly ran back to her office.    


"Phew..." Qin Feng let out a long breath and finally settled Zhou Ningmeng.    


If there was no toilet, then where did she go?    


Suddenly thinking of a place, Qin Feng's back was covered with a layer of cold sweat. He ran to the sixth floor without caring about anything else. With the superb skills that he had practiced in the past, Qin Feng quickly appeared on the sixth floor and opened the door to the roof. Qin Feng climbed up the stairs and saw no one on the roof. Qin Feng looked down worriedly. He slowly went down to the sixth floor and wanted to leave. Suddenly, he heard some noise coming from the meeting room on the sixth floor.    


He didn't say anything about holding a meeting today, nor did he hear that there was a foreign company borrowing a place. Who would be in the conference room at this time of the day? The conference audio equipment inside was quite expensive. Could it be that a gentleman from the Liang family had come to visit?    


Thinking of this, Qin Feng relaxed his footsteps. He tiptoed along the wall to the door of the conference room and put his ear to the door. He could clearly hear the conversation between the two people inside. He was trying to figure out who they were. Qin Feng felt like his lungs were going to explode when he heard what they were talking about. "What's going on? Did all the men take any medicine that could make them sick? Just as he was getting angry, the two men in the room spoke again.    


"As long as you promise me, even if you can't get the vice president of the office, I'll think of a way to get you a vice division leader or something like that in other departments. " Moreover, it's the kind of department where the Section Chiefs are about to be released. " At that time, when the Section Chiefs reach the line, "At that time, the position will belong to you!"    


"You're right. Who can guarantee that this kind of thing will succeed?" A timid female voice sounded.    


"Yeah, no one can guarantee that this kind of thing will succeed. But if we try, there will still be 30% hope. If we don't try, there won't even be a single bit of hope. Besides, I still have a few years before I can leave. Even if I can't succeed this time, I will still think of a way to settle this matter for you in these few years. "An impatient voice then sounded," Hurry up. "    


F * ck, are you still human when you say that?    


Qin Feng spat heavily on the ground. Then he heard rustling sounds coming from inside. With his rich experience, Qin Feng could tell that it was the sound of clothes being taken off. Qin Feng couldn't hold it anymore when he heard this scene. However, he didn't want the other party to know who he was, so he gently pulled open the window beside him. He kicked the door of the meeting room and jumped out of the window.    


"Ah..." The person inside was shocked by this sudden turn of events. The woman screamed.    


Qin Feng did not dare to raise his head. He squatted on the wall and waited. Soon, a person came out and said, "Who is it? Who is messing around here?"    


Seeing no one respond, he turned around and went in again. "It's fine. I think the wind has just started. Let's continue!"    


"No, don't. We'll talk about it in the future. My heart is in a mess right now." The voice of the female voice declined.    


The man seemed to be unwilling to say something. Unexpectedly, his phone rang. He must have received a call from some boss and left in a hurry. Then there was the sound of a lady's shoes. The sound of the shoes disappeared at the end of the corridor. Qin Feng then turned around and jumped back into the corridor. As soon as he steadied himself, a gust of wind blew into his nose. He turned around and saw Xu Mei staring at him.    


"I... That... I... Qin Feng was so embarrassed that he did not know what to say. He rubbed his hands together and did not know where to put them.    


You already know. "Xu Mei's voice was very soft but carried an indescribable sadness.    


Huh... Ah? No..." Qin Feng was at a loss for words. He did not know how to answer Xu Mei's question.    


"I know you saw it. I know you deliberately knocked on the door. I know, I know everything..." As she spoke, tears flowed down Xu Mei's face. "I know you look down on me. You must be calling me a whore in your heart..."    


"I did not. Really did not?" Qin Feng panicked. This was not a good thing. This was not a joke. Although people did not come up often on the sixth floor, I'm just afraid that if someone sees it, it will be very dangerous. My... I have nothing better to do than come up to take a look at the scenery and then... and then..."    


Qin Feng couldn't explain why.    


"And then you saw me and Vice President Shen doing that, right?" Xu Mei had already cried until she was in tears, right? Did you see everything?    


"Vice President Shen, what Vice President Shen?" Qin Feng wanted to continue pretending to be deaf.    


"I see," Qin Feng said. "I see." Xu Mei stepped back step by step. "Why am I such a lowly person? " How can I be so cheap? Then what is the point of me living? "    


"Xu Mei, what do you want?" Qin Feng could tell Xu Mei was in a daze, so he pulled her back.    


"Let go of me. I don't need you to pretend to treat me," Xu Mei shouted loudly. Her voice resounded through the corridor. Qin Feng was so anxious that he wanted to knock Xu Mei out. However, he did not have the courage to do so. His current condition was somewhat unclear. If he knocked her out again, he might be forced to commit a crime.    


"What's the difference between us soldiers..." Just when Qin Feng was panicking and did not know what to do, Her phone rang at an inappropriate time. She took it out and saw that it was Lin Xuemei calling. Just as he was about to press the answer button, Xu Mei wanted to shout again. Qin Feng gritted his teeth and hardened his heart. He raised his hand and cut Xu Mei's neck. Then he picked up Lin Xuemei's phone.    


"Hurry up and come down with me," Lin Xuemei urgently said on the other side of the phone.    


Supporting Xu Mei who fainted on her own body into the meeting room, he gently laid her down on the carpet. Qin Feng took out his phone and quickly sent a text message to Zhou Ningmeng. "Quickly go to the meeting room on the sixth floor to take care of Xu Mei. Don't let her have any thoughts of finding shortsightedness. I have something to do now to go out with President Lin. I will discuss the specifics with you in the future."    


After sending the text message and wanting to leave, he remembered that Xu Mei came from the countryside. Her body was much stronger than Zhou Ningmeng's. Qin Feng went to the meeting room to look around the room that was filled with junk. He found a packaging rope and very ungraceful tied Xu Mei up. Looking at his magnificent feat, Qin Feng then stomped downstairs and turned off his phone.    


"Bang." After seeing the text message from Qin Feng, Zhou Ningmeng threw the cup in her hand heavily onto the desk, causing everyone in the office to look over. The calm surface of the lake suddenly threw a huge rock. Zhou Ningmeng was so scared that she trembled at the table and could not help but complain. "Little Zhou, what are you doing? Why are you so shocked?"    


If it was Kong Yuan, the person opposite him would never have said such words. Not to mention that Zhou Ningmeng gave her a fright, perhaps Zhou Ningmeng would even throw the cup in her hand onto her body. But now it was different. Now the company's surname was no longer Kong but Lin. Now, who would take Zhou Ningmeng seriously? Especially Zhou Ningmeng who was so charming. She was the public enemy of all the women in the world!    


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