The First Son-in-law

C199 I Want to Occupy the High Ground

C199 I Want to Occupy the High Ground

"Brother. Bro, I was wrong, I... Isn't that what I'm doing? " The man quickly begged for mercy.    


"What the f * ck? What kind of f * cking hobby is this? Is it because your wife can't afford it?" Qin Feng reached out his hand and slapped again. As a man of the new era, Qin Feng was not persecuted by the Japanese. He knew a lot about some people's special hobbies. However, Qin Feng hated those hobbies. He felt that it was a special perverted behavior, so he slapped the guy again. Only then did he see the man climb over the wall and walk out. It had to be said that the man's hand was not bad. It was just that he had met Qin Feng, who was even stronger than him.    


"It took so long to go to the toilet. It's even more troublesome than us girls." He had just returned to the house and sat on the bed. Sheng Nan's fiery body surrounded her. At this moment, she was already naked.    


"The sky is so cold. Why don't you cover yourself with the blanket?" Qin Feng pulled the blanket over Sheng Nan.    


"I'm so hot."    


Qin Feng's scalp went numb. God, why were these women so proactive when they did things like this?    


Qin Feng didn't dare to think about it any further.    


"It's getting late. Let's go to bed early." Qin Feng tried his best to control himself.    


"I can't sleep..." Sheng Nan said.    


"I can't sleep. I will tell you a story." Qin Feng stopped Sheng Nan from moving over.    


"Are you going to tell me about a temple on a mountain?" Sheng Nan stopped moving and said with a smile. She saw that Qin Feng really did not want to get close to her, so a girl should have the reserved attitude to return to her.    


"How can I? Let me tell you something that I personally experienced." Seeing Sheng Nan finally stop moving, Just now, the two of them did not carry out any physical activities. But if it happened again, Qin Feng could not guarantee that he would not break through that line of defense. After all, he would not be able to break through that line of defense. Sheng Nan was really pissed off. Facing such a woman, No man wouldn't be moved, let alone a virgin that a man could only dream of.    


"Ok. Tell me. I will listen." Sheng Nan leaned against Qin Feng's body through the blanket. This time, Qin Feng did not refuse. After all, Sheng Nan did not continue to flirt with him.    


"That was when I was still a soldier. The allowance was limited." Qin Feng seemed to have returned to those tough days. His past memories were also brought up.    


"Wow, you were a soldier?" Sheng Nan's words were full of excitement. Soldier brother was her love and also her request.    


"Yes, I worked in the army for a few years." Qin Feng nodded. He continued to tell the story. "That time, when I went to the military school to learn how to drive, I went there alone by train. I knew that the things on the train were more expensive, so before I got on the train, I bought a few buckets of instant noodles and a few bags of pickled vegetables. At that time, I thought these things were delicious. You know, I've never had instant noodles since I was a kid... "    


"You don't really want to eat them now, do you?" Sheng Nan wrapped herself in the blanket. At this moment, she had already integrated into Qin Feng's story.    


"Yes." Qin Feng nodded. "I miss the taste now, but I know it won't do me any good if I eat too much. " However, I can't forget the look in the man's eyes. I got on the train. When it was lunch time, I took out a bucket of noodles and opened it. I carefully carried it back to the seat. Seeing that I was just a bucket of noodles and a bag of pickles, the man opposite me looked at me with disdain. He muttered something to himself and took out a bag from his bag. Then he tore a crack and poured some cold water into it. The bag swelled rapidly. A moment later, the smell of roasted chicken spread throughout the entire carriage. It instantly covered the taste of my instant noodles. My nose quickly sniffled a few times, trying to inhale as much of this tempting smell as possible. Seeing my expression, the contemptuous smile on the other side became even more intense. He tore open the bag in his hand in a very cool manner...    


"Did you really drool at that time?" Sheng Nan asked with a smile.    


"At that time, I really could not help drooling. However, the other party's next move almost made me laugh." Qin Feng's mood became better when he thought of the exciting scene after that.    


"Why did you laugh out loud?" Sheng Nan propped herself up and looked at Qin Feng. In the darkness, a pair of big and beautiful eyes flashed, making Qin Feng feel like he saw the stars in the Milky Way.    


"Guess what happens next?" Thinking of that person's next move, Qin Feng couldn't help but laugh.    


"What's going to happen next?" Sheng Nan looked at Qin Feng with interest and pouted her lips.    


"I saw that brother twist the neck of the chicken and throw the chicken out of the window. I was wondering what kind of stunt this guy was playing. Later, I saw his black lines and realized that this guy had thrown the chicken in the wrong direction. He wanted to throw away the chicken head in his hand. He didn't expect to throw away the rest of the chicken head. At that time, he was so happy about me. He almost burst out laughing, but he could only suppress his laughter and lower his head to quietly smell the instant noodles. At that time, I found that I was really happy. At least I could enjoy the feeling of having a full stomach. I threw away my lunch, hahahaha... "    


"Indeed, it's very funny. If he doesn't steal the chicken, he will eat the rice. That guy seems to be trying to show off, but unexpectedly, he lost his lunch, hehehe..." Sheng Nan laughed along with her laughter.    


Two voices kept ringing in Qin Feng's ears. Qin Feng felt his scalp go numb. His painful expression could not help but spread to his face.    


"What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" Sheng Nan looked at Qin Feng in surprise.    


"Oh, no, it's okay. Go to bed early. I might have to go out with the boss tomorrow." Qin Feng quickly interrupted the two voices.    


"Do you really not want to do anything?" Sheng Nan was not willing to give up and asked tactfully. Her beautiful eyes looked straight at Qin Feng. She desperately hoped that Qin Feng could see the need in her eyes, but... Qin Feng really did not move like a lump of elm. He just gently covered Sheng Nan with the blanket. Then he said, "Go to sleep!"    


This night, Qin Feng slept very tired. Although he said he was sleeping, he was actually in a daze. He had never really closed his eyes, so there was nothing he could do about it. It would be strange if he could close his eyes with such a beautiful young woman by his side. Besides that, Qin Feng also felt a slight unease in his heart. He was afraid that he would encounter those kinds of fishing people. If Sheng Nan was trying to lure him here on purpose, What if I give myself some eye medicine? Then I'm going to die. In this day and age, knowing a person's face and not knowing his heart!    


Fortunately, Sheng Nan really did not do anything else. The next morning, Before Sheng Nan woke up, Qin Feng gently put on his clothes and left. However, when he left, He clearly saw the two obvious tears on Sheng Nan's face and his heart couldn't help but tremble. He understood what was hidden behind those two traces of tears, but... He could only run downstairs to get Lin Xuemei's car. Thinking about how to clean himself up on the unit, he did not think about it. Just as he was about to drive out of Lin Xuemei's residential area, he happened to meet Lin Xuemei, who had just returned from her morning exercises.    


"President Lin." Qin Feng stopped beside Lin Xuemei and saw that the boss did not greet him. Wouldn't he be looking for a beating if he had nothing to do?    


"It's so early." Lin Xuemei said expressionlessly. She looked at Qin Feng from time to time. She gently sniffed her nose. She hoped that she could smell something from Qin Feng's body. It was a pity. She seemed to have only smelled a little of a man's smell, and as for the rest, It seemed like she really didn't smell anything. It seemed like Qin Feng didn't go out to fool around. Thinking of this, Lin Xuemei's facial expression had improved a lot, especially when she saw Qin Feng's eyes. Lin Xuemei's mood was even better. "Qin Feng, let's go up and clean up. Look, I bought soybean milk. I can't finish it all by myself."    


As she spoke, Lin Xuemei took the bag of soybean milk that she had bought outside and showed it to Qin Feng.    


"This, why don't I go out and eat some?" Qin Feng said hesitantly. He also knew that his departure last night must have hurt Lin Xuemei's heart. Without a definite guarantee that Lin Xuemei would not 'clean' him up, Qin Feng did not dare to rashly go.    


"What is it?" Hearing Qin Feng say so, Lin Xuemei's face turned stiff. "Are you afraid that I will eat you for breakfast?"    


"No, I..." Qin Feng stuttered, not knowing what to say. When he saw the soybean milk in Lin Xuemei's hand, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something.    


"President Lin, why don't you go up first. I'll go out and buy some deep-fried dough sticks. Soybean milk and deep-fried dough sticks, isn't that a perfect match?" Qin Feng was glad that he had finally found a suitable step for himself.    


"Okay, go quickly. I'll go up first." Lin Xuemei's expression turned completely gloomy as she walked towards the building she was in with light steps.    


Seeing Lin Xuemei disappear around the corner, Qin Feng stepped on the gas pedal and drove towards the entrance of the residential area. He remembered that there was a delicious snack shop made with fried dough sticks nearby.    


"Bring two fried dough sticks and take them away." After entering the restaurant, Qin Feng realized that there were quite a number of people who came here for breakfast. He couldn't help but sigh, "Is the breakfast outside so delicious? It would be nice to get up early in the morning and cook some porridge and some pickled vegetables later. Just as he was thinking about it, he heard someone arguing over there.    


People liked to watch the show. Seeing that the fried dough sticks he wanted were not ready yet, Qin Feng decided to go over and see what was going on.    


"What's wrong with you, young lady? You clearly said that the pickled vegetables don't cost money. Why didn't you let me make them?" An old lady was carrying the box of pickles, and a waiter was holding the other end. With a helpless expression, she said, "Aunt, even if it's free, it's still free. You can take it all. What are the other customers eating this morning?"    


"Can't you just take out some more?" The old lady did not think much of it, and she kept increasing the strength in her hand. The small box of pickled vegetables was in her arms.    


"Aunt, we bought the pickled vegetables for free. If they are all like you, how can we be free in the future?" The waiter was a bit anxious. However, since the other party was a customer, it was not good to make too big of a move. After all, was a customer a god? The other party was an elderly person. If the movement was too big, If the other party really did have a heart attack or high blood pressure, he would be in deep trouble. These days, An elderly person was equivalent to a ticking time bomb. That was something that could not be touched. This is already known by everyone. This waiter naturally wouldn't make such a big mistake. However, as an employee hired by the boss, She had no choice but to defend the boss's interests. Tears were about to fall from the little girl's eyes.    


Qin Feng knew that the pickles here were free. In the past, when Qin Feng came here to buy fried dough sticks, he would sometimes take some with him. However, it was just a little bit. It was enough for that meal. He never thought that this old man would actually take away his food box. Looking at how this old lady was dressed, she didn't seem like the kind of person who couldn't afford to live. Why did she like to take advantage of others so much?    


There were more and more people watching, but the old lady still didn't have any intention of letting go. Moreover, the expression on her face became more and more smug. It was as if there were more people standing around to cheer her on.    


Qin Feng shook his head with a bitter smile. It was really not a good idea to interfere in such a matter. It was better to take his dough sticks and leave. The only thing he could do was to say in his heart that this old lady was really good at living. There were many people who had the same thoughts as Qin Feng, because the crowd had already started to point and point. They were also talking and pointing at the aunt. They didn't know if it was because of their shame or their conscience. The aunt's hand finally loosened. She murmured and took out a handful of pickles with a pair of gloves and a plastic bag. Then she stuffed the lunchbox into the waiter's arms and hurried away.    


"This old lady always takes away all the pickles every time she comes. I have seen it many times..."    


"Yeah, I've seen it too..."    


"She looks pretty well dressed, why is she so shameless?"    


"Who knows?"    


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