The First Son-in-law

C189 So I Was Kicked out of the House

C189 So I Was Kicked out of the House

"No need to listen." Qin Feng stood up and waved his hand. "I know what you want to say. I know. I don't deserve you. You are the daughter of the big boss. No matter what, you have to find a hall to face each other. As for a poor country boy like me, I'm not worthy of your eyes at all. We are two completely unrelated parallel lines, we will never be able to meet. I can only live my civilian life in this county, you are destined to be successful... "    


"Qin Feng, you know I am not that kind of person." Lin Xuemei got anxious. She stood up and pulled Qin Feng's body, who wanted to leave.    


"It has nothing to do with me. I only know that I, Qin Feng, am not worthy of you who came from a noble family." Qin Feng reached out and tried to break Lin Xuemei's hand, but he found that he could not use his strength.    


"Qin Feng, you know," Lin Xuemei said. You know that I am not that kind of person, but... " We can't live in a vacuum, so... I can't get rid of the shackles of my family, Qin Feng. I can give you everything I have, even... I can give you the power of the child's biological father, but... Except for marriage, I really can't hold your hand for the rest of my life. I can't get rid of the endless pressure from my family, like us. She was destined to be a victim of politics. Lin Xuemei hugged Qin Feng's waist tightly and said sadly.    


"Sister Lin, I... I know your difficulties. I... Qin Feng hated women crying the most. His stiff heart suddenly softened.    


" Qin Feng, listen to sister. Ningmeng is definitely not a girl like you think she is. You should hold onto such a girl well. "Lin Xuemei still did not let go of Qin Feng's waist." I... I cannot become your proper wife. "    


"Sister Lin, Zhou Ningmeng and I really have no more..." Qin Feng said in pain. He could not forget what Lau Xiao had said to him and the scene he saw in the garage. Everything reverberated in his mind like a movie. At this moment, Qin Feng hated himself for having memories. Why did he remember these unpleasant things so clearly? If he didn't have memories, perhaps... He would still put in all his effort to beg Zhou Ningmeng, but now... How could he ask a woman to make a cuckold for him?    


"Qin Feng, don't say anything too absolute." He took a detour in front of Qin Feng. "Listen to me and explain everything to Ningmeng. I believe that Ningmeng will return to your side. Remember my words. No matter how gorgeous the colorful flags outside are, they do not have the ability of the family's red flags to never withdraw their colors. Remember, no matter what the situation is, Protecting your own wife is the first."    


"I... I... I can't do it." When he closed his eyes, he would think of Zhou Ningmeng and Wei Dapeng in the garage. How could Qin Feng lower his head and beg a woman like her?    


"Then when you were with Hanyu, did you think about Ningmeng's feelings?" Lin Xuemei saw that she could not persuade him, so she directly used poison to fight poison. "When you and Hanyu were sweating in the hotel? Have you ever thought that this would be a bad thing for Ningmeng? You men are like this. Permit yourself to be drunk outside, but do not allow your wife to have an affair."    


I... Hanyu and I... I..." Qin Feng panicked. He thought he did a good job, but Lin Xuemei still found out about it.    


"Hanyu told me herself. Is it true?" Seeing Qin Feng's panicked expression, Lin Xuemei felt that her heart was like a piece of porcelain that fell to the ground, completely broken. Originally, she only wanted to trick Qin Feng. She didn't expect that this matter was really true. She was sitting on the edge of the water, but she still let others take away the moon in the water. Lin Xuemei felt a heart-wrenching pain. What Hanyu and Qin Feng did not know was, The person who came with Hanyu was related to Lin Xuemei. When that person saw that the ticket Hanyu bought was for the Baodong County, She thought Hanyu went to find Lin Xuemei, so she called Lin Xuemei. When she received the call, Lin Xuemei originally wanted to call Hanyu. But she hesitated. Relying on a woman's unique sensitivity, she felt that Hanyu definitely had some unspeakable secret on this trip. Later on, in addition to Qin Feng's performance, It was just that... She lied to herself and did not want to believe this fact. She just used her Q spirit to comfort herself. What a coincidence. She took this opportunity. Lin Xuemei asked the question in her heart. She did not expect it. The truth of the matter really made Lin Xuemei feel ashamed. She really couldn't understand it. With such an innocent body, why couldn't he compare to Hanyu, who had already married and had a child?    


At this moment, Lin Xuemei felt incomparably inferior.    


A woman's mind was really not something that a man could guess. No matter what it was, They could always be associated with envy, jealousy, and hatred, even if it was like a matter between a man and a woman. A matter that could make a woman go crazy with jealousy. At this moment, Lin Xuemei... Not caring at all about his noble and elegant image, he put his boss's identity to the back of his mind. In her heart, she just thought, No, I can't. I must take this Qin Feng down. He is mine. I can't let other women take him away. As for Zhou Ningmeng's matter... Let's just wait for a while. Anyway, there are still a few days left before the festival. I'll just wait until the festival is over and settle the matter. As for myself... You should take advantage of these days to enjoy life.    


"Sister Lin, Hanyu and I, we..." Qin Feng hurriedly wanted to explain something but did not think that his mouth, which was about to speak, was blocked by Lin Xuemei.    


"Don't say anymore, don't say anything."    


Qin Feng enjoyed the impact on his body, but... Reason tells him he can't do this right now. First of all, this was the office of the company. Secondly, although he is passionate now, But there was absolutely no strength on Lau Xiao's body. Qin Feng had released too much energy, and he hadn't accumulated it yet. If he were to fight with Lin Xuemei a few more rounds, he would definitely become a dried meat. One should know that he was a physical body, not a machine.    


Thinking of this, He decisively pried Lin Xuemei's body apart, "President Lin, this is your office. Didn't you say that work and life cannot be mixed together? We should be more careful. "    


If it was during normal days, Lin Xuemei might still be able to listen to these words. However, Lin Xuemei thought that Qin Feng was mocking her. She was so proud that she could not bear such a provocation. In desperation, Lin Xuemei started to tear Qin Feng's belt at all costs.    


"President Lin, Sister Lin, This won't do!" Qin Feng said in panic. He kept looking at the door. He had only brought the door to the door when he came in. It wasn't locked. If someone came in at this time, He would do it openly in the boss's office. Qin Feng felt that he wouldn't be able to go to hell.    


Lin Xuemei did not know where she got her strength from. She dragged Qin Feng to the office in the inner room.    


The current boss, especially someone who could take charge of a certain unit, Lin Xuemei's office. It's a level higher than the vice presidents' offices, and she's got a special lounge in her office. It was fully furnished with beds, and during the renovation, During the renovation, she had deliberately lured a sewer out. This design... It's convenient for the bosses to do something inside.    


The two of them were standing not far from the inner door. They were only a few steps away. The two of them leaned against the door of the inner office. Lin Xuemei reached out to twist the handle. Qin Feng grabbed Lin Xuemei's hand. "Sister Lin, I don't want to be here. This way, can you take me to your house tonight? Besides, listen to me. Someone seems to be coming from outside.    


Lin Xuemei really stopped when she heard this. She pricked up her ears and listened to the sound of footsteps coming from the corridor. She quickly tidied up her clothes and whispered into Qin Feng's ear," You're right. Go to my place tonight. If you dare to go back on your word, I will make you regret being a man for the rest of your life."    


After hearing Lin Xuemei's threatening words, Qin Feng felt a chill run down his spine. Women really can't be offended. Offending them. They could do anything to offend them.    


"Knock knock knock." There was a knock on the door.    


Lin Xuemei pointed to the office in the inner room and pouted at Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng helplessly opened the door and went in. Damn, why does it feel like the golden house is hiding something?    


However, even though he was unhappy, Qin Feng still obediently opened the door and went into Lin Xuemei's boudoir in the company.    


"Come in." After Lin Xuemei returned to the back of the counter and sat down, she issued an order with a strong sense of authority from the person in charge. Boss, there is such a benefit. If she did not speak, the people outside would not dare to open the door and come in. Of course, if the people outside are more important than her person-in-charge, other than that, Of course, that was almost impossible. Because if it was the boss above, Lin Xuemei, as the boss, would not be waiting in the office. At the very least, they would have to welcome them to the stairs. Moreover, she would have to greet them at the entrance downstairs.    


"President Lin" got the approval. The people outside pushed the door open and came in. It was the financial Section Chief Jiang Mi.    


"Jiang Section Chief, sit." Lin Xuemei pointed at the chair in front of her.    


Jiang Mi did not stand on ceremony. After all, Deep in her heart, she felt that the head of the Finance Department, compared to other departments, Some of them are even vice presidents. When Kong Yuan was still around, her own matters were basically settled. He didn't expect that people's calculations were not as good as heaven's. His own matters were not settled yet. Kong Yuan went to Heavenly State over there. Jiang Mi could only sigh that her fate was not good, but... She did not feel too bad about it. She felt that she had such strength. Looking at the entire Baodong County branch company, anyone who could compete with her for this position... However, Shen Jian was the only one who could compete with her. She understood Shen Jian's little tricks very well. From the side, she also felt that President Lin did not like him very much. Thus, Jiang Mi's fire which had not completely extinguished started burning again. From a female's point of view, she felt that it was better not to treat Lin Xuemei as an outsider too much. Of course, she was referring to private matters. As for the public occasion, it was either riveting or riveting. That was definitely not the slightest bit different.    


"President Lin, there is something I want to report to you." Jiang Mi sat on the chair in front of Lin Xuemei and looked up at Lin Xuemei.    


The reason she looked up was not because Jiang Mi was shorter than Lin Xuemei. In other words, Jiang Mi was also considered a flower in the Housing Administration. Among the middle-aged women, she was also one of the best. However, the chair in front of Lin Xuemei was much shorter than Lin Xuemei's butt. It was designed to make the boss look down on you. First, it would suppress you in terms of momentum.    


"What is it? Jiang Mi had ruined her plans, and she felt that Jiang Mi must have done something similar to Shen Jian.    


"It's like this. What happened in the past? Every time during the New Year Festival, the bosses would go to the relevant units to visit them. The time was usually one week or ten days before the new year festival. Now, There were still five or six days left before the holidays. I wonder if we'll... Jiang Mi did not say the rest. She believed that Lin Xuemei should know what she wanted to say.    


Lin Xuemei's heart trembled. Sigh, why did I become so suspicious now? She was thinking for herself. Furthermore, I really forgot about this matter. If Jiang Mi hadn't reminded me, But... Lin Xuemei would definitely not reveal her inner thoughts. There was nothing she could do about it. The bosses were all like this, even if the boss was wrong. This was because it concerned the dignity and authority of the bosses.    


"Oh, it's about this!" Lin Xuemei seemed to be thinking about something and nodded. "I was just about to ask CEO Liu and you to discuss this matter properly. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come over and report it. With you in the Finance Department, I have a lot of peace of mind!"    


"It is our duty to be a subordinate to share the boss's worries." Jiang Mi owed her body and revealed a complacent smile on her face. Being praised would always make her more excited.    


"Jiang Section Chief, since you are here," she said. What do you think is the best way to comfort her?" Since this question was brought up, Lin Xuemei wanted to solve the problem. Now, it had become an unwritten rule. The shop owners only had a few ways to collect money. There was nothing they could do about it. This was a big country, and everyone did it. If you don't do it, the bosses will definitely have ideas. Haven't you heard? Who gave it to you? The bosses might not remember, but who didn't? The bosses would definitely remember who gave it the most. The bosses might not remember who gave the most, but who gave the least? The shop owners would definitely have a deep impression of you.    


Some time ago, the Internet seemed to have exposed something. The wife of the person in charge of a county went to Beijing to be hospitalized, and all the bosses in the county rushed to Beijing like a swarm of bees.    


The bosses were busy. Hence, the secretary thought of a brilliant idea for the boss.    


The ten thousand, the twenty thousand, the name, and the fifty thousand. The boss would personally receive the one hundred thousand when he went into the ward.    


This matter instantly spread throughout the Great Land. Everyone felt that their secretaries should study like this, and learn how to let the boss earn money while at the same time making peace of mind.    


The topic had gone far. Besides, there was no need to cause so much trouble about the holiday gifts. Jiang Mi had been the head of the Finance Department for many years and was already very familiar with this.    


"In the past, it was always about giving cigarettes and wine. With the development of the situation, that was already out of date. " Last year, CEO Kong prepared a VIP card for our local supermarket. However, it is said that many units use VIP cards from the provincial capital. And it's the kind of one-card that's used all over the province, but this year... I heard that some units directly send this..." As she spoke, Jiang Mi made a twirling gesture.    


Lin Xuemei frowned. Of course, It was not because of Jiang Mi's actions, nor was it because of what Jiang Mi said. It was the meaning behind Jiang Mi's words. Lin Xuemei did not say anything. This social phenomenon could not be changed by just one or two people. Not only could it not be changed, but you also have to follow the customs. Otherwise, you would not be able to move a single step in the circle. Although Lin Xuemei did not care about the thoughts and opinions of these local bosses, her family background was something that these people did not even dare to think about. However, Lin Xuemei also knew that... She did not only represent herself but also represented the Baodong branch company of the Haojiang Group.    


Although it seemed like the boss's personal actions during the confession were his own, but... The bosses' vengeful thoughts were directed towards the entire unit. If he had any thoughts about you, then... He would have an idea about this unit as well. Lin Xuemei did not want the entire branch company to be wronged because of her. One sentence from the bosses could make you lose your power.    


Thinking about this, Lin Xuemei felt that it was not a big deal even if she lost some of her personality. To be able to let the dozens of people in the branch company live a good life was more important than anything else.    


"Director Liu, please come over here for a bit." Lin Xuemei picked up the phone and dialed the number of Deputy Director Liu Ming's office.    


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