The First Son-in-law

C190 Causing Trouble

C190 Causing Trouble

After receiving Lin Xuemei's call, Liu Ming didn't dare to delay. He left his guest in the office and rushed to Lin Xuemei's office. It was a very important moment.    


It had been a long time since the branch had assigned Deputy Director to the branch company. According to the rule of rotation, Liu Ming was temporarily the second in command. One should know that this second in command was just a self-proclaimed position within the branch company. It was also ranked according to seniority and was not in the branch division. Although his age is not considered young, Comrade Liu Ming also hopes to advance a step further. If you want to improve, you need someone to speak up for you. People like him who wanted to be promoted on the spot.    


First, you must take down the main boss of your unit. This is the first and most crucial step. Then, you can think about other things. Liu Ming had also found the deputy director of a familiar branch. However, the vice president didn't promise him anything. Because he was just an ordinary deputy chief, and he had the power to do so. He wasn't even as powerful as the president of the branch company, so... Liu Ming still placed his hopes on Lin Xuemei. Since Lin Xuemei could become the main boss of the branch company in her position as the second boss, Then there should be a chance for himself to be promoted to second-in-command.    


People were most likely to see the attractiveness in front of them. Once they have a goal they want, sometimes they would even lose their dignity as a human being. Just like Liu Ming now, although he was more than a decade older than Lin Xuemei, However, in front of Lin Xuemei, Not only did he not dare to act arrogantly, but he also did not dare to act arrogantly in front of Lin Xuemei. And quite low.    


"President Lin, are you looking for me?" She entered Lin Xuemei's office. Liu Ming bent over and smiled. He did not care that Jiang Mi, his subordinate, was looking at him.    


"Director Liu, please take a seat." Jiang Mi still had eyes. When she saw Director Liu come in, she quickly got up and gave up the seat under her butt.    


"Let's take a seat here!" Lin Xuemei got up and went to the sofa.    


Looking down on a man who was much older than her, Lin Xuemei felt uncomfortable no matter how she looked at him. It was better to be more casual!    


"Director Liu, it's like this. You see, the Mid-Autumn Festival is about to arrive. According to tradition, we should visit the local boss. This matter. When Lin Xuemei said that, Liu Ming's face turned red. He did not know what to do.    


"The boss is talking to me about giving the boss a gift. It is such an honor. Do you know how many people in the company dream to attend such a small meeting? There are many important decisions that have been decided in the small meeting. Discussions during the meeting were all lies to Foreigners. The real decisions were usually made in the small meetings that only a few people participated in.    


Of course, Liu Ming also knew that he could not let Lin Xuemei down. He cleared his throat and told her what he was thinking.    


"I personally think that there must be a lot of bosses on both sides..." As he spoke, Liu Ming kept looking at Lin Xuemei's facial expression. When he saw that Lin Xuemei did not look bored, his heart finally relaxed.    


Although he respected her face, Jiang Mi's heart was full of disdain. What did they all say? CEO Lin did not know about such a thing? Do I need you to remind me?    


Speaking of which, the boss asked you to give your opinion mainly because he respected your opinion. You really treated yourself like a green onion and spoke frankly.    


Although he looked down on you in his heart, He still had to say something to show his face.    


"Yes, the old boss over there also needs to be taken care of." Jiang Mi said. Jiang Mi smiled sweetly and agreed with Liu Ming. It made him feel like a spring breeze was blowing on his face.    


Lin Xuemei did not think about this place. Of course, she also did not think about the gift. She was only thinking about how the matters over at Xiao Yuanshan's side were handled. She hoped that there would not be any problems this time. One should know that this was a very important time. Nothing could go wrong.    


For a moment, she was a little absent-minded until she saw Liu Ming put his legs up. She was wondering why this Director Liu did not care about his image this time. When he saw him, he recalled that Wang Yong's accident happened to happen to this man. Lin Xuemei felt disgusted with the man for no reason. Could it be that men really rely on their lower bodies to think? Can't they live without that thing?    


Lin Xuemei seemed to have forgotten that not long ago, she was still entangled with Qin Feng. People always see their own eyes on other people's bodies. Those who like to look for other people are not. They never look for the reason on themselves.    


"How about this?" Lin Xuemei looked away from her slightly disgusted eyes. "The main boss over there is Director Liu who has gone through a lot of trouble. The bosses on both sides will send three thousand yuan worth of cartoons to them. As for the specifics, the two of you will do as you see fit. As for the important deputies on both sides, Jiang Section Chief, Later on, you can prepare some VIP cards for our local supermarkets. Just 2,000 yuan is enough. Divide it to the deputy chiefs and let them handle it. As for the rest, I'll handle it. "    


"By the way, at Boss Zheng's place, at Manager Yang Yuan's place... Prepare one for me too. One thousand!" Finally, Lin Xuemei asked again. You must know, She had the most dealings with Boss Zheng and needed Yang Yuan to handle most of the things. Although the master and servant duo were decent people, but... One should know that they had to take care of the things that needed to be taken care of. People have feelings. If you can remember them on a daily basis, they will definitely reach out to you at the most crucial moment. On the contrary, if you don't drink water normally, If you expect her to help you at the most crucial moment, unless you have a heaven defying ability... Otherwise, just wait to be eliminated by the circle!    


"Yes, I will do it immediately!" The two of them agreed at the same time and stood up one after another.    


Speaking of which, neither of them wanted to stay longer at Lin Xuemei's place. They wanted to suppress their emotions. Let's not talk about it for now. The most important thing was that they were afraid of saying something that would not make the boss unhappy. That would not be worth it.    


With his back hunched, Liu Ming moved out of Lin Xuemei's office with difficulty. Looking at his background, Jiang Mi's mental activities were very complicated. She was a proper and proper family. But it did not mean that she did not want to think about the relationship between men and women. It was all because women could not leave the comfort of men.    




Liu Ming did not stay idle either. After confirming that Lin Xuemei could not hear him anymore, he hurriedly took out his phone and made a phone call. He only said two words like a signal, "Come up."    


Then, he hurriedly turned into his office.    


The seemingly calm office building was full of undercurrents and undercurrents. Everyone had their own ulterior motives and had thoughts that others could not guess. When Liu Ming and Jiang Mi left, Lin Xuemei did not have the impulse earlier and rationally opened the door, "Come out!"    


There was no sound. She looked again and saw that Qin Feng was already lying there asleep.    


Damn, this is fine too!    


Lin Xuemei went up and patted Qin Feng's butt. "You're quite bold."    


"Who is it?" Qin Feng suddenly stood up and wrapped his arm around Lin Xuemei's neck. It could not be helped. This was how alert people were. It was easy for them to be impulsive in their sleep.    


"Ah!" However, Qin Feng was impulsive. When he smelled a delicate fragrance, Lin Xuemei had already hit him firmly in his arms. Moreover, the turbulent waves on his chest almost suffocated Qin Feng.    


"I'm sorry. I... I didn't do it on purpose." Qin Feng suddenly woke up and made a low sound.    


"Qin Feng, you dare to treat me like this?" Lin Xuemei's anger immediately rose. Just now, Qin Feng had strangled her so much pain that she couldn't help but feel pain. Qin Feng felt like he was in a dream. Someone had sneak attacked him. How could he not dare to use his trump card?    


"President Lin, I... I really didn't do it on purpose. Just now, I accidentally fell asleep and had a dream. I felt like someone attacked me... And then I... this is an instinctive reaction. Please don't take it to heart. " Qin Feng quickly let go of the arm around Lin Xuemei's neck and helped her up.    


Qin Feng turned sideways and Lin Xuemei's body fell onto the bed. The two of them were lying face to face just like that. Their eyes met and the two of them did not speak for a long time.    


"Uh..." A long sigh came from Lin Xuemei's breath and Lin Xuemei's body suddenly straightened up. She felt an electric current sweep through her entire body.    


At this critical moment, the door of the outer office was suddenly knocked.    


"Is President Lin here?" A loud voice was heard, scaring Qin Feng.    


The sudden knock on the door also scared Lin Xuemei quite a bit. She actually forgot that she was in the office. If she and Qin Feng were to be seen like this, then they should not go out to see people in the future.    


Lin Xuemei wanted to say something but Qin Feng covered her mouth.    


"Don't move," Qin Feng whispered into Lin Xuemei's ear.    


After listening to Qin Feng's words, Lin Xuemei hid in Qin Feng's arms and did not move. The knock on the door continued for a few times and then came the sound of footsteps disappearing into the distance. Lin Xuemei let out a long breath but found that Qin Feng had already lost his will to fight. Moreover, Qin Feng did not allow Lin Xuemei to tease him anymore. He got up and tidied up his clothes. "President Lin, get up. I will clean up so that people will not come again later."    


"Yes." Lin Xuemei's face was red as she got up and turned around to enter the small bathroom.    


After making the bed, Qin Feng sneaked out of Lin Xuemei's office. It was better for them not to see each other so that both of them would not be embarrassed.    


After entering the small bathroom, Lin Xuemei stared at herself for a long time through the small mirror on the wall. "Lin Xuemei, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you are really going crazy? You should know that this is your office!"    


After tidying herself up, she heard footsteps outside. Knowing that Qin Feng had left, she secretly thought that Qin Feng was very reasonable. She then opened the door and came out. Sure enough, the room was empty. Lin Xuemei had a faint sense of loss.    


Although she was disappointed, she still had to do her work. Lin Xuemei grabbed the phone on the table and said, "Prepare thirty thousand yuan for me. I want a new one. We will use it tomorrow morning."    


One hand had its advantages. When she wanted money, she did not need to say any reason. Lin Xuemei calmed down and thought of the head of the branch and headquarters. There were many things to rely on others!    


One hand had its advantages and one hand also had its difficulties. Thinking about the dozens of people in the branch company, she should know who was in charge. I should promote them, I should suppress them. I have to figure it out clearly, otherwise... If you, the boss, do something stupid, the people under him will definitely complain. If you can't do it for others, who would think highly of you?    


After receiving Lin Xuemei's call, Jiang Mi did not dare to be neglectful. She took out a few dozen new hundred yuan notes from the safe that she had prepared earlier and walked towards Lin Xuemei's office. During this time, she happened to see Qin Feng come down the stairs with a lonely face.    


"Qin Feng, why are you frowning?" Jiang Mi said with a smile.    


"It's okay. What are you busy with?" Qin Feng quickly put on a smile. Qin Feng tried his best to face everyone in the company with a calm attitude. He did not want to face them. You have a personal grudge with anyone, of course. As for what they thought, Qin Feng couldn't do anything about it.    


"Boss is looking for me. I'll go up first." Throwing Qin Feng a handful of charming autumn spinach, Jiang Mi twisted her waist and walked upstairs.    


"There is something wrong with this ginger Section Chief today." Qin Feng turned around and looked at Jiang Mi's back. He muttered to himself, "It is not like this normally."    


Although Jiang Mi had a body that made men spit blood, she definitely had a cold face that made men shrink back. Throwing out autumn spinach was something that one did not even need to think about. In a trance, Qin Feng felt like he was knocked unconscious by happiness. However, he knew that he couldn't immerse himself in this feeling. Because Qin Feng knew that Jiang Mi was definitely not the kind of person he could provoke. Once he provoked such a person, what awaited him would be a bottomless abyss. A rabbit does not eat grass by its side. That was an ancient rule. Even if he wanted to eat it, he had to have a choice. You must not eat that poisonous grass.    


Damn, what am I thinking?    


With this thought in mind, Qin Feng entered the office. He casually picked up his cup and drank a big cup of water. It was convenient to put the cup in the office. Xu Mei would always prepare cold water for him. With this thought in mind, Qin Feng felt a little happy again. Being served by someone was really good!    


However, this feeling only lasted for a moment because he heard another sentence that did not make him feel good.    


"Brother Qin, can I trouble you with something?" Xu Mei surrounded him with a smile. She almost used herself to greet Qin Feng.    


"What is it?" she asked. Qin Feng raised his guard and thought to himself, "Don't ask me to sacrifice myself. I haven't been feeling well recently.    


"Chief Liu has given him a bucket of water a long time ago, but I don't have the strength to carry such a big bucket of water. Can I trouble you to bring a bucket of water to Chief Liu?" Xu Mei looked at Qin Feng pitifully.    


"It's a piece of cake." Qin Feng's heart was at ease. This was not a big deal. He carried a bucket of water and put it on his shoulder. Qin Feng walked out of the office. Xu Mei's worshipping voice came from behind him. "Wow, Brother Qin is so fierce."    


Damn. What's so fierce about it? My legs are trembling now!    


Qin Feng muttered to himself as he quickly walked up the stairs to Liu Ming's office. He was carrying something on his shoulder. It was better to walk faster. This way, he could finish his mission as soon as possible.    


Because it was water, Qin Feng did not think too much about it. He directly twisted the door handle of Director Liu's office. The moment he pushed the door open, Qin Feng felt that what he was doing now was the most failed thing in his life. Because he realized that not knocking on the door was a mistake, a failure in failure.    


With a bang, the bucket fell to the ground. Qin Feng pulled the door and closed it. Then, he ran down the stairs. The leg on Director Liu's desk flashed in his mind.    


Qin Feng felt like he was going crazy. What was wrong with this society?    


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