The First Son-in-law

C118 Got the Treasure

C118 Got the Treasure

"Uncle Yun, you..." Lin Wanjiang was not a fool. How could he not understand what Old Master Yun meant? However, he really did not want Old Master Yun to leave the mountain because this would go against Old Master Yun's oath.    


"Child, this old bone of mine can only do this for the party and the people." Old Master Yun looked at Lin Wanjiang as if he was looking at his own child. "I hope you won't disappoint me, this old man."    


"Uncle Yun. Lin Wanjiang's voice was a little choked.    


When Old Master Yun retired, he had said that he would no longer be involved in politics. He even gave up the right to protect himself. There's no need to continue wasting the country's resources. Instead of letting those people stay by his side all day, it was better to contribute to the construction of the country. Otherwise, based on his position in the past, That day in the market, he would definitely have personal guards and attendants, so why would he need to worry about being bullied?    


At the beginning, the higher-ups secretly sent people to protect his left and right. After all, they had made outstanding contributions, but... The old man got very angry when he found out and directly fired all the staff at home. In this way, the higher-ups no longer insisted. They only negotiated that the few personal staff members who had followed the old man for most of their lives should be taken care of. They also transferred a person to the old man's house to help clean up the vegetable field. Clean up the place, this... The old man did not refuse. After all, He really couldn't do physical work. His daughter was already married. Furthermore, she was working outside of the country, so she really needed someone at her side.    


Lin Wanjiang knew that if he had followed the old man's instructions, he would have pulled down his old face and gone to work for him. However, Lin Wanjiang really didn't want the old man to look at other people's faces because of him. However, he also knew that very few people could change Old Master Yun's decision.    


Since he couldn't change it, he could only bury this kindness deep in his heart and use his own actions to express it. Immediately, he said emotionally, "Uncle Yun, if you don't mind, I am willing to be your son and see you through your retirement."    


"Be my son?" Old Master Yun was first shocked and then overjoyed. Of course, he was not overjoyed because he was old, but because he had finally found a breakthrough.    


It was only right and proper for me to stand up for my son. No one could say anything. This way, he could be considered to have made a name for himself.    


"Child, it doesn't matter if you are my son or not. I only hope that you will be the son of all the people of Pingyuan Province when the time comes." The revolutionary family of the older generation had always disregarded their own interests.    


"I will remember your teachings." Lin Wanjiang promised his loyalty like he had sworn in the past.    


"I will do my best to help Pingyuan Province." Old Master Yun patted Lin Wanjiang's shoulder. "There is no time to lose. I will deal with it now. By the way," Lin Wanjiang said. That kid from your family is pretty good, huh? Nowadays, there aren't many people who have such a caring young man. We should focus on grooming him."    


"Yes." Lin Wanjiang did not know why Old Master Yun liked Qin Feng so much. However, he had to obey Old Master Yun unconditionally.    


After sending Old Master Yun out of the yard and turning around, Lin Wanjiang found that his yard had changed completely. The weedy scene was gone, replaced by flat pieces of land.    


"What a diligent child. No wonder Old Master Yun praised him so much." Lin Wanjiang nodded with satisfaction.    


"Qin!" Lin Wanjiang shouted in the yard. He was no longer as dispirited as before. As long as Old Master Yun showed up, he believed that this matter would have a good ending. It was all for Old Master Yun's family. It was all for Old Master Yun's extraordinary credibility among the elders. This was a necessary condition for success.    


"Uncle Lin, are you looking for me?" Qin Feng ran to Lin Wanjiang in the backyard with sweat all over his face.    


"Put down your work and have a good drink with me." Lin Wanjiang laughed and patted Qin Feng on the shoulder.    


"Ah?!" Qin Feng did not come back to his senses. Was the leader's train of thought so jumpy? His face was still full of worry just now. He asked Qin Feng to drink with him a few more times.    


Drink a few cups?    


Right, I can't even remember if I don't drink a few cups!    


"Uncle Lin, did you bury something in the backyard?" Qin Feng thought about the jar he found in the backyard. He didn't know what it was, so he didn't dare to touch it. He wanted to ask Lin Wanjiang about it.    


"Bury something?" Lin Wanjiang was shocked. "I didn't bury anything underground. What did you find?"    


"I accidentally dug a jar when I was shoveling. I don't know what was inside. I didn't dare to move." Qin Feng returned obediently.    


"Let's go and take a look." Lin Wanjiang was also interested. He had never buried anything inside. Mo Xie had never heard her father say anything about burying anything. Could it be that there really was a treasure in her house?    


She followed Qin Feng to the backyard and looked along Qin Feng's finger. Indeed, she found a jar buried underground. However, Qin Feng didn't dig it out, so he could see the tip of the iceberg.    


"Go get some tools. Let's dig it out." Lin Wanjiang waved at Qin Feng.    


With the permission of his master, Qin Feng picked up the shovel under his feet and started digging. The soil was soft, and he had already seen the jar. Therefore, it didn't take much effort for the jar to reveal more than half of its body.    


After seeing his upper body clearly, Qin Feng's interest was piqued. He looked at the seal. It was most likely a wine jar. It wasn't a treasure that he had seen. He glanced at Lin Wanjiang, who was quite interested in it. He simply used his strength to dig up the soil. Not long later, the entire jar appeared in front of the two of them.    


The jar was not very big, only about a meter tall. Its round body was about forty to fifty centimeters in diameter, and its mouth was sealed. Qin Feng didn't know what the seal was.    


"Come, let's do it. Let's see if we can move it." Lin Wanjiang was the first to reach for the jar.    


"Okay." Qin Feng dropped the shovel and bent down to reach for the lower half of the jar.    


The two of them exerted their strength together. The jar moved, but they could not move it.    


"I think it might be wine inside." Qin Feng straightened his back and let out a breath.    


"How heavy can it be if it is wine? Will the two of us not be able to move it?" Lin Wanjiang wiped the sweat off his forehead. He had been sitting in the office all year long. Lin Wanjiang had never done any physical work before. He was so tired that he was sweating.    


"Why don't we just turn it upside down and roll it over? That would save us a lot of energy." Qin Feng looked at Lin Wanjiang. If Lin Wanjiang could have his own strength, he would not need to worry about it.    


"That's right!" Lin Wanjiang patted his head lightly. When nothing happened, he would be able to endure until his mind was clear. If anything happened, his brain would become a mush. The simple problem would be complicated as well.    


The two of them carefully put down the jars and slowly rolled into the house.    


"What are you guys doing?" When they were almost at the door, Lin Xuemei came out with an apron on.    


"Haha, I found the treasure." Lin Wanjiang joked. "Qin found this jar behind us. There might be something good inside. Close the gate and prevent others from coming in."    


"What treasure? It's just a jar of wine. Grandpa said it back then." Lin Xuemei said disapprovingly, "Could it be that you have forgotten?"    


"It's just a jar of wine?" Lin Wanjiang also lost interest. After all, he was also a mortal. He would have fantasies about certain things. "I thought it was something good, but it just so happens that I want Little Zhang to drink with me tonight."    


Knowing that it was wine, the two of them moved even more lightly. They were afraid that they might accidentally hit the jar.    


After entering the house, they used the fire to roast the mud outside. When the lid was lifted, a sweet fragrance filled the room.    


"Yes, it's really good wine." Lin Wanjiang sniffed his nose exaggeratedly. "Na, quickly bring something. Pour a cup and have a taste first."    


"Coming." Lin Xuemei came out of the kitchen. She had just walked to the wine jar when she suddenly stood there. It was as if she suddenly thought of something. "By the way, you only found the wine jar and did not find anything else?"    


"Something else? What else?" Lin Wanjiang was surprised. He didn't even know what else was in the jar. "Qin, did you find anything?" he asked.    


"No!" Qin Feng was also at a loss.    


"The bottom of the wine jar is about half a meter. There will be a stone tablet after the soil is dug out. There are still things under the stone tablet." Lin Xuemei's voice seemed to change when she finished speaking. "Quick, go and dig."    


After she finished speaking, she hurriedly threw away the things in her hands and ran towards the backyard.    


Lin Wanjiang and Qin Feng followed closely behind.    


According to what Lin Xuemei said, after digging out those few jars of things, Lin Wanjiang and Qin Feng had the same look of excitement on their faces. After all, they had a kind of expectation in their hearts. Although they weren't greedy people, if they could really dig out the treasures, they would be very happy.    


Qin Feng impatiently opened a jar and saw what was inside. His face was full of disappointment. This was not like the gold and silver jewelry on TV or movies. Instead, it was some pieces that were relatively regular and not very good-looking.    


"So it's these things?!" Qin Feng was interested. "I thought there was something good inside."    


"Isn't that something good?" Qin Feng asked. Lin Xuemei's thoughts were different from Qin Feng's. She knew that something that could make the older generation put in so much effort to hide was definitely not something simple.    


"This should be silver pieces." Lin Wanjiang picked one up and looked at it. Although it was already late, Lin Wanjiang still recognized these things with his knowledge and knowledge. "Look at the other few jars. What is inside?"    


There were five stalls in total. Compared to the wine jar, they were much smaller. Even so, a jar was worth more than ten pounds of silver pieces.    


Dozens of pounds of silver was not a small amount of money if it was exchanged for RMB. The key was that when Lin Xuemei opened the last jar, Qin Feng's eyes widened. Although it was already evening, Qin Feng could still clearly see the more bewitching thing inside.    


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