The First Son-in-law

C62 How dare You!

C62 How dare You!



Everyone's expression changed when they heard him. Look at me, look at you.    


Everyone knew that Zhou Ningmeng was married, but everyone also knew that Zhou Ningmeng's marriage was not good.    


A few days ago when they had dinner together, Zhou Ningmeng even complained about Qin Feng.    


Why does it look like this is quite lovey-dovey now?    


Zhou Ningmeng did not pay attention to everyone's reaction. She gave the key to Qin Feng, "Go and drive."    




When Qin Feng went to drive, the woman beside him could not help it. "Ningmeng," he said. Didn't you say your husband was a useless piece of shit? This..."    


Zhou Ningmeng's face was slightly red. It was unknown whether it was because she drank wine or because of other reasons.    


Zhou Ningmeng looked at Qin Feng who was far away and said, "At that time, we were just married and did not know each other well. Now that we have been married for a long time, we are used to it."    


"Moreover, he is not as bad as I imagined. He has very good qualities."    


As she spoke, Zhou Ningmeng's eyes revealed a trace of gentleness.    


The surrounding women did not take it to heart and exaggeratedly said, "Look, marriage is the grave of love. This is really not bad at all."    


"That's right. The previous Ningmeng had such high standards. Now, she has such high standards. Sigh."    


"I must carefully select the person I marry... otherwise, it will be too terrifying!"    


Zhou Ningmeng looked at them and did not say anything.    


Is marriage the tomb of love?    


She did not know if this was true because she and Qin Feng did not have any love in the beginning...    


While everyone was discussing, Qin Feng drove over. Zhou Ningmeng said something to them and got in the car and left.    


Zhang Yang Zhang Yang watched Zhou Ningmeng get into the car and leave through a French window.    


He spat out a mouthful of smoke and his expression flickered. No one knew what he was thinking.    


In the car, Zhou Ningmeng rolled down the window and leaned against the window. The wind blew her hair.    


Qin Feng slowed down the car. The car was too fast and the wind was too strong. Zhou Ningmeng's eyes could be blown out.    


It was so beautiful.    


Zhou Ningmeng looked at Qin Feng with one side of her eyes and the corner of her mouth held an inexplicable smile.    


It was like the scene in her dream.    


She went out to socialize or get off work. Her lover came to pick her up.    


In the past, she felt that this was simply out of reach, but now it seemed that it wasn't that difficult.    


Furthermore, it felt pretty good...    


Qin Feng had only spent 20 minutes on his bicycle, but it had taken him half an hour to drive back.    


At night, when he was sleeping.    


"Qin Feng," he said. Be careful lately." Zhou Ningmeng said with her back to Qin Feng.    


"Take care?" Qin Feng was stunned. He was not surprised that Zhou Ningmeng was concerned about him.    


Zhou Ningmeng did not think that much. She just nodded and frowned, "Yes, I feel that recently... it has been very troublesome."    


"Okay, go to sleep." Zhou Ningmeng did not think too much about it.    


Qin Feng's face was cold.    


There were many people who wanted to assassinate Zhou Ningmeng, and there were often news from the GTR.    


However, this did not matter. What made Qin Feng unhappy was that Zhou Ningmeng had noticed it?    


This was not supposed to happen!    


What Qin Feng wanted was for Zhou Ningmeng to live a carefree life. Her work was already busy enough. If she was distracted by these things again, it would be Qin Feng's dereliction of duty.    


The next day.    


After Zhou Ningmeng went out, Qin Feng called the GTR and scolded him. He also ordered him to increase security.    


"Boss, you blame us just because your wife felt something. That's too far-fetched. You know the business of assassins. We are still the passive defense. Most of the time, we don't have the energy to play small tricks." GTR complained.    


Qin Feng knew he was being a little difficult. He said, "Alright. I see. Pay more attention."    


Qin Feng sighed. "He hid it very well."    


"But I won't let any of you go."    


Qin Feng went to the orphanage and felt like he hadn't been there for a long time.    


Leh Ya was not here today.    


After playing with the children for a while, Qin Feng's phone suddenly rang.    


Seeing the caller ID, Qin Feng pinched his forehead. He had thought about it before. He had forgotten about it recently. This spicy policewoman had found a reason to get rid of her.    


Otherwise, it would be very annoying.    


"Hello? Officer Su, what is it?" Qin Feng said casually.    


Where are you? " Su Huanghun asked directly.    


"The orphanage." Qin Feng did not hide it.    


"What are you doing in the orphanage?" Su Huanghun asked doubtfully.    


"I'm here to do something good. Why? Can't I?" Qin Feng asked.    


"Sure. You have a conscience. You can do good things another day. Come to the police station first. I have something to tell you." Su Huanghun's voice was not loud, but there was an unquestionable tone to it.    


Qin Feng hugged Mengmeng and sighed, "Officer, can you give me a day off and let me play with the children for a while?"    


"You asked me to go to the police station every three days or two. People who don't know think I'm working at the police station!"    


Su Huanghun heard this and sneered, "Just you? Still working at the police station? Don't lose face, hurry up and come! "If you don't come, I'll go to your house for dinner with your wife."    


Qin Feng frowned slightly. "Alright, I will come now."    


He did not like others to use Zhou Ningmeng as a bargaining chip, even if Su Huanghun was half-joking.    


"Where is big brother going?! Big brother is playing with me!" Meng Meng said in a childish voice.    


Qin Feng smiled bitterly. "I also want to play with you, but I'm going to fight the female devil!"    


Meng Meng blinked her big eyes and waved her small fists. "Good luck, brother! Defeat the female devil!"    


"Hahaha! Good!"    


Qin Feng headed towards the police station. Su Huanghun was not that easy to deal with...    


The main thing was that Qin Feng could not expose his identity. Otherwise, Su Huanghun would have called him "daddy" already.    


Qin Feng also knew that Su Huanghun must have a background. Otherwise, the director would not dare to offend Su Huanghun.    


But so what?    


Qin Feng swaggered into the police station and even greeted the policemen.    


"Yo, Brother Qin is here again."    


"Good afternoon, Brother Qin."    


Qin Feng smiled and waved. "Good afternoon, everyone."    


These people were like Su Huanghun. They thought Qin Feng was a young master from a big family. There was no harm in fawning over him.    


Qin Feng was naturally easy-going. He chatted and asked, "Where is Captain Su?"    


A few police officers showed a smile that all men knew. "Brother Qin is really charming. He is the dream of our beautiful policewomen."    


Qin Feng also shamelessly cooperated with them and smiled. "Haha, no, no. After all, I can't control myself when it comes to charm."    


"Captain Su is in her office."    


"Okay, let's go."    


Qin Feng knocked on Su Huanghun's office door.    


Su Huanghun rested her hands on the table and looked at the documents with a serious expression.    


When she saw Qin Feng enter, she only glanced at him, "Sit down."    


Qin Feng kicked his slippers over and sat down. He stretched lazily and yawned, "Officer Su, What can I do for you?    


Su Huanghun threw a document bag in front of him, "Take a closer look. How many people have you seen in here?"    


Qin Feng opened it shamelessly and looked at it for two seconds. He glanced at it. "I don't know. What's wrong?"    


Su Huanghun said coldly, "I told you to take it seriously."    


"I took it seriously!" Qin Feng was speechless. He did take it seriously. Two seconds was long enough.    


He did not know that Su Huanghun would not get angry when she saw this guy. She snorted coldly and said, "These guys are either vicious criminals or people from the assassin organization."    


"They all carry more than one vicious character on their backs!"    


Qin Feng nodded and said lazily, "En, then what's wrong? What does it have to do with me?"    


"What's the matter? You are still playing dumb. We have interrogated them and they all have the same target. Killing Zhou Ningmeng, do you think it has anything to do with you? " Su Huanghun said coldly.    


Qin Feng's expression changed slightly, but he did not care too much. He had already guessed 80%.    


Among these people, a portion should be his own people who let the police clean up the mess after pressing down.    


Not only that, GTR probably killed more people than this list.    


As for why he didn't know? It was because there was no need to know. So what if some ants knew?    


If there really was reliable information, GTR would definitely tell him. There was no need to worry too much.    


"Officer, even if you say so, I really have never seen these people before. I don't know anything either." Qin Feng said helplessly.    


He had not found anything yet.    


When Su Huanghun heard this, she slammed the table. With a dong sound, Qin Feng was shocked.    


"At this point, you are still playing dumb! You are not responsible for your wife's life! I know that your Zhou Family has a very high position in Jiangzhou City and is very capable, but not everything can be solved by yourself!" Su Huanghun shouted angrily.    


"Fine, you won't say it, right? If you don't say it, I'll just tell your wife!" Su Huanghun was really angered to the point that she had no choice but to act and say.    


Qin Feng suddenly looked at her. "You dare?"    


When Su Huanghun heard this voice, her hair instantly stood up. In front of her, it was not a person but a ferocious beast. It made people tremble involuntarily.    


Su Huanghun gritted her teeth, "I am doing this for your and your wife's good! You still dare to threaten me?!"    


Qin Feng looked away, "I'm not threatening you. I wouldn't dare. "    


These were the words he said, but his tone was very indifferent. "I'm serious. Officer Su, I really don't know anything. What do you want me to say?"    


Su Huanghun had a look of disappointment, "Then tell me, you don't know anything. Why are you related to the Black Tiger Gang? For no reason? "    


"How would I know? You can just ask them. Besides, aren't they just looking for trouble every day? " Qin Feng shrugged.    


Su Huanghun wanted to say something, but a policeman suddenly came in from outside the door.    


"Captain Su! Not good! Something big has happened!"    


Su Huanghun, who was interrupted, was a little unhappy. She glared at him," Speak slowly. "    


"South River Road. That murderer committed a crime again!"    


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