The First Son-in-law

C77 The Two Girls Met

C77 The Two Girls Met

Everyone looked over and thought that Zhou Tianxiang had come, but they found that it was Zhou Ningmeng!    


"External..." Zhou Faang just wanted to call her "Grandfather," but his face darkened, "Zhou Ningmeng, what are you doing here?"    


Then he snorted, "Are you here to apply? Haha!"    


At first, everyone was still a little shocked, but with Zhou Faang's mockery, everyone relaxed.    


Zhou Ningmeng looked around at this group of mobs, then slowly walked towards the supreme seat and sat down.    


Seeing this, Zhou Faang slammed the table and stood up, "Nonsense! Zhou Ningmeng! Do you know what you are doing?!"    


That is the position of the chairman. Do you want to die?! "    


Zhou Ningmeng said lightly, "From today onwards, I am the chairman."    


Zhou Faang could not hide the sarcasm on his face. "Zhou Ningmeng, Did you not recover from the shock for a while and get agitated? "You are the chairman? "Did you just run out of the mental hospital?"    


"Hahahaha!" Everyone laughed even louder.    


At this moment, another elderly voice came from outside the door, "Who ran out of the mental hospital?"    


Zhou Anxin's head was throbbing. This time, it was really Zhou Tianxiang.    


Zhou Faang quickly went up to greet her, "Grandfather, this Zhou Ningmeng is too much. She actually openly sits in your position as the chairman! Too much! "    


"That's right. She doesn't respect her elders! There is no one in your eyes!"    


"I think Zhou Ningmeng has had such symptoms since a long time ago. It was then that the Zhou Group became worse day by day!"    




Everyone agreed with Zhou Faang and belittled Zhou Ningmeng.    


Zhou Tianxiang looked at the group of clowns and smiled. "Oh, I forgot to tell everyone something."    


"Yesterday afternoon, Ningmeng and I completed the handover process. Now, this old man is nothing. Ningmeng is the chairman of the Zhou Group!"    


What?! Everyone was shocked.    


This heavy bomb... was a bit heavy.    


The conference room was silent for a moment.    


Zhou Tianxiang did not care, "This board meeting was also held by Ningmeng. My old man just came out to walk around and left. Ningmeng, you guys continue."    


After saying that, he turned around and left without any hesitation.    


The meeting room was terrifyingly quiet.    


When Zhou Tianxiang left, Zhou Ningmeng did not hide it anymore and said straightforwardly, "The purpose of calling the board of directors today is to clean up the company's bugs."    


"Everyone is standing so early. I don't need to tell you who it is, right?"    


"Zhou Faang, as the chairman, I will fire you as the president. Is there a problem?"    


How could those board members dare to have a problem?    


Zhou Faang's face kept twitching. Zhou Ningmeng's counterattack was too sudden.    


However, he had not completely lost.    


"There's a problem. Even the chairman has no right to fire the shareholders directly!" Zhou Faang said coldly.    


Zhou Ningmeng laughed, "If you do not plan this conspiracy, I really cannot do anything to you."    


"But to carry out your plot, you also need to pay a price."    


"Secretary Lin, tell President Zhou Faang what a shareholder is."    


Lin Xue looked at Zhou Faang, feeling proud of herself. She said in a clear voice, "The law of the Zhou Group stipulates that one has more than 2% of the shares of the Zhou Group and is the shareholder of the Zhou Group."    


Zhou Faang's face turned pale when he heard her. Beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead.    


Zhou Ningmeng said lightly, "2%, Zhou Faang. Do you have it?"    


Of course Zhou Faang did not have it. All of his shares in Zhou Group were given to that bastard Cao Jie!    


The board members looked at each other, but they could tell from each other's eyes that Zhou Faang was finished.    


Zhou Ningmeng ignored Zhou Faang, who was meeting like a dead water. She continued, "And all these years, you have been corrupt of the company's public funds. I have the evidence. The police should be on their way here. You will be punished by the law."    


When Zhou Faang heard this, his body went limp and he fell from the chair onto the floor.    


At that moment, Lawyer Liu rushed in excitedly. "President Zhou, the contract is ready! I promise to make Zhou Group bankrupt within three days! Vanish from Jiangzhou City..."    


As he spoke, he discovered that... Why was everyone staring at him alone?    


That's not right. Why was Zhou Ningmeng sitting on the chairman's seat...    


Why was Zhou Faang on the floor?    


Zhou Ningmeng sneered, "Three days? You guys are really efficient. Come, let me see what contract it is."    


Lawyer Liu turned his head and wanted to run, but the police were already in place.    


This was Su Huanghun's first time taking on a business crime case, and it was very fresh.    


Of course, he could not avoid looking at Zhou Ningmeng a few more times...    


Zhou Faang looked at Zhou Ningmeng with murderous eyes. He basically did not have any room to fight back!    


Zhou Ningmeng faced Zhou Faang's eyes directly, but she seemed to be very relaxed.    


Before Zhou Faang left, he said fiercely, "Zhou Ningmeng, did you plan this long ago?"    


Zhou Ningmeng sneered, "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by I have already planned this long ago? The one who has been scheming all this time, isn't it you, Zhou Faang?"    


After saying that, his voice turned cold, "Zhou Faang, I really didn't think that you, a member of the Zhou family, could really do something that would harm the interests of the Zhou Group. Do you still have the blood of the Zhou family in your body?"    


"Bah!" Zhou Faang spat out a mouthful of saliva, "What blood of the Zhou family? If you say it out loud, it will make people laugh their teeth out. Why are you so arrogant? "You're just because your surname is Zhou. You're Zhou Tianxiang's granddaughter!"    


Zhou Faang's father's surname was Liang. For the wealth of the Zhou Family, he had no choice but to change his surname to Zhou to please Zhou Tianxiang, which was to follow his mother's surname.    


Similarly, Zhou Lintian's surname was the same. Razor's surname was Wu, but Zhou Lintian still chose the surname Zhou.    


Zhou Ningmeng pinched her forehead, "If you have anything to say, just tell the police."    


Zhou Faang laughed sinisterly. "Hahaha! Zhou Ningmeng, don't tell me you think you won just like that? Don't worry, I'm just an appetizer."    


Zhou Ningmeng shook her head and left.    


Su Huanghun pushed Zhou Fang, "Let's go!"    


Zhou Faang looked at Su Huanghun. "Officer Su, you are so pretty."    


Su Huanghun looked at him coldly and did not even bother to talk to him.    


"Why is Officer Su so cold?" Zhou Faang smiled sinisterly and said, "When you sat on Qin Feng's lap, you were very enthusiastic!"    


Su Huanghun's eyes narrowed. She put her knee on Zhou Faang's stomach. "What did you say?!"    


Zhou Faang bared his teeth, but he still said, "If you want someone to know, you have to do it yourself."    


"Take it back!" Su Huanghun snorted, thinking of going back and interrogating him properly.    


Just as Su Huanghun was about to leave, Lin Xue suddenly came over, "Officer Su, my boss wants to discuss the details of the case with you. Look, are you free?"    


Su Huanghun did not know why but she felt conflicted. Thinking of what Zhou Faang just said, she had an ominous feeling in her heart.    


Zhou Ningmeng most likely also knew.    


The details of the case were fake. Beating "Mo" was probably the real thing...    


Su Huanghun really did not want to go, but she had to go.    


"I won't waste too much of your time." Lin Xue saw Su Huanghun's hesitant expression and thought that this beautiful police officer had important matters to attend to.    


Su Huanghun revealed a smile, "It's fine. I will go with you."    


Then she turned her head to greet her colleagues and let them bring her back.    


She followed Lin Xue in.    


"Officer Su, you are the most beautiful police officer I have ever seen." It was not a compliment. It could be considered as telling the truth.    


Su Huanghun was indeed very beautiful.    


Su Huanghun smiled, "Thank you."    


"What kind of person is your CEO?" Su Huanghun asked.    


Lin Xue looked at her and said, "CEO, ah, no. She is the CEO now. How should I put it? In my eyes, she is a perfect woman..."    


Su Huanghun was stunned, "Perfect?"    


Yes, she is smart, cultured, capable. Her looks are also perfect and flawless. What do you think if such a woman is not perfect? " Lin Xue said proudly.    


"The president is my goal. I hope I can become someone like her one day!"    


Su Huanghun was silent. Such a smart woman... There was nothing to be surprised about when she found out.    


Originally, when Su Huanghun woke up that morning, she was very confident that paper could not cover fire. She knew that this matter would sooner or later be exposed to Zhou Ningmeng.    


But she was not afraid.    


Now that the problem was right in front of her eyes, she suddenly became a little afraid...    


She did not know how to face Zhou Ningmeng anymore.    


Thinking about it, it was already here.    


Su Huanghun took a deep breath and even forgot her identity as a police officer.    


She opened the door and went in.    


"President Zhou, Officer Su is here."    


Zhou Ningmeng saw Su Huanghun and walked towards the sofa. "Officer Su, sit."    


Zhou Ningmeng's enthusiasm made Su Huanghun a little at a loss.    


"Ah, okay, hehe..." Su Huanghun smiled unnaturally.    


"Lin Xue, get me two cups of coffee." Zhou Ningmeng said.    


"Okay." Lin Xue left.    


Su Huanghun did not even know where to put her hands. She was unusually nervous and even her breathing was not smooth.    


Zhou Ningmeng gave a barely noticeable laugh, "Officer Su, what's wrong? Why do you look a little absent-minded?"    


Su Huanghun, "Ah, ! No! Oh, I was thinking about some cases."    


Su Huanghun said so but she became alert in her heart. Was she going to start questioning?    


Should she give an explanation or not? What was the situation over at Qin Feng's side?    


She should have gone to the toilet just now and asked Qin Feng about it.    


"Oh." Zhou Ningmeng blinked. "How would someone like Zhou Faang measure the punishment?"    


Su Huanghun was a little confused when she heard that.    


At this time, Lin Xue came in with two cups of coffee. Su Huanghun wanted to say something but stopped.    


After Lin Xue left, she said in a somewhat flustered manner, "This is hard to say and it is not something that I can decide. But what we can know is that Zhou Faang definitely has more than three years!"    


"But the specifics will depend on your lawyer's performance in court."    


Zhou Ningmeng took a sip of coffee and nodded. "Okay, thank you."    


The two of them suddenly became silent. Zhou Ningmeng slowly drank the coffee but Su Huanghun did not move a mouthful. It was as if she was holding something in and made her feel very uncomfortable.    


She clearly knew that she was about to be exposed. But she didn't say anything, which made Su Huanghun very uncomfortable.    


At this time, Zhou Ningmeng put down her cup, "Officer Su, there are some things that I hope you can explain."    


Here it comes!    


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