The First Son-in-law

C89 At the Liquor Store

C89 At the Liquor Store

"I don't know what's wrong with this Sun Dong. How dare he kick my door so violently? Damn it!" Zhang Fei was still a little indignant.    


The main reason was that she felt that this was not a coincidence. It was as if she was prepared to come in and see the two of them make a fool of themselves.    


Qin Feng said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Manager Zhang. It's my fault. I think he came to cause trouble for me."    


Zhang Fei looked at him. "It's okay. He's going too far. I won't allow him to do anything."    


Qin Feng sat on Zhang Fei's BMW Mini and sighed in his heart. Zhang Fei seemed to be quite rich.    


Thinking about it, it made sense. In a place like the sales department, the employees were all so rough. It was impossible for the manager to be an ordinary person.    


Therefore, judging from Zhang Fei's appearance alone, it was wrong to determine what kind of person she was.    


Qin Feng still remembered the name "old lady.    


After the car drove away, Qin Feng suddenly remembered that he had not reported it to Zhou Ningmeng yet.    


Qin Feng took out his phone and edited a text message.    


"I'm going out to discuss business with the manager of the sales department, Zhang Fei. I'm not going to cook tonight."    


Half a minute later, Zhou Ningmeng replied with a text message.    




Qin Feng smiled bitterly. He was still a little embarrassed.    


Qin Feng had just received a text message. Less than five seconds later, Zhang Fei's phone rang.    


Zhang Fei looked at it. The display, he muttered, and pressed the answer button.    


"Hello? Chairman."    


"Ah, yes, and Far East Group." She then looked at Qin Feng and said, "Yes, we have someone with us. Don't worry, we will complete the mission."    


"Okay, let's do this first." Zhang Fei hung up the phone.    


She then said, "Director Zhou called. He specifically confirmed the contract with me."    


Qin Feng raised his eyebrows. "Really?"    


"Can I lie to you? I know the boss thinks too highly of me. I can't afford to lose anything!" Zhang Fei said and suddenly felt the pressure increase.    


Qin Feng looked out the window and asked weakly, "What does it mean to bring people?"    


Zhang Fei looked at him, "Maybe the boss is worried that I will get drunk. You know, I am a girl. He told me to bring someone to stop the alcohol."    


"I said he brought..."    


So that's how it is. " Qin Feng nodded but smiled bitterly.    


He thought to himself, "Are you sure you are worried about Zhang Fei? It's more like investigating...    


However, Qin Feng did not feel any discomfort. Didn't this indirectly prove that Zhou Ningmeng still had him in her heart?    


Zhang Fei blinked her eyes and said, "But Director Zhou never asked me if I brought anyone before..."    


Qin Feng did not answer.    


After driving for about half an hour, the two of them arrived at the Lushan Hotel.    


When Qin Feng saw the name of the hotel, he subconsciously felt it. Zhang Fei was afraid that the person she was negotiating with was not a good person.    


Didn't Bai Qingyi's boss want to kill her in this hotel the last time?    


Looking at the renovation of this hotel now, it was not too much to say that it was specially designed for the nouveau riche.    


A bunch of pompous things.    


The waiter asked Zhang Fei about it and Zhang Fei said that she had a room.    


Qin Feng followed Zhang Fei up to the second floor.    


They arrived at the door of room 266.    


"It's here. Qin Feng, remember what I said. Don't be nervous. I will take care of everything." Zhang Fei said.    


Seeing Zhang Fei's serious expression, Qin Feng could not help but laugh, but he still nodded. Okay, no problem, I'll remember. "    


"I will say it again. The Far East Group seems to have a mafia background. It doesn't matter if they suffer a bit of loss. There can't be any conflict! "    


Qin Feng raised his eyebrows. There was also a mafia background. Interesting.    


Zhang Fei tidied up and pushed the door open.    


"Director Zhao, Director Wang, I've been waiting for a long time!" Zhang Fei walked over with a smile.    


Qin Feng followed behind. There were four men sitting inside. Two of them were dressed in suits and shoes. They had already stood up to welcome Zhang Fei.    


The other two were well-built and wore tight clothes. They were around 30 years old. They did not look like big bosses.    


The two who wore suits were the two bosses of Far East International, Zhao Yuan and Wang Dong.    


Wang Dong held Zhang Fei's hand tightly as soon as he came up, "Not long ago, we also just arrived. Haha, Manager Zhang is really becoming more and more beautiful!"    


Zhao Yuan said half-jokingly, "Manager Zhang is five minutes late. Later he will punish himself with three cups of wine! Hahaha!"    


Qin Feng looked at Zhao Yuan. This guy really knew how to seize the opportunity. It seemed like he would not drink too much tonight.    


However, Zhang Fei was also smart. She did not answer Zhao Yuan's question. Instead, she gave up her seat and introduced Qin Feng. This is my colleague, Qin Feng."    


The two bosses replied indifferently. They did not even look at Qin Feng, let alone shake hands. They directly invited Zhang Fei to take a seat, "Haha, take a seat first. The dishes are cold."    


Zhang Fei greeted the other two before sitting down.    


"Director Zhao, Director Wang, let's talk about the contract first." Zhang Fei said.    


Wang Dong sighed. "Manager Zhang, we are all hungry. Is it appropriate for you to discuss business as soon as you come up? "It is not suitable! Let's eat first! " Alright. "    


Zhao Yuan said, "That's right, Manager Zhang. How come you don't know anything about the world when you're a manager?"    


Zhang Fei laughed self-deprecatingly, "It's my fault. Let's eat first."    


After saying that, a trace of worry appeared on Zhang Fei's face.    


She knew that it was impossible to sign the contract first, but she still wanted to give it a try.    


Now, she could only accompany these two bosses to have a good drink before doing anything.    


"Manager Zhang, you shouldn't do this. How about this, punish yourself first. It's not too much, right?" Zhao Yuan seized the opportunity again.    


Wang Dong also said, "Manager Zhang, our Zhao is a straightforward person. We don't have a good temper. You see..."    


Zhang Fei originally wanted to say that she should eat something first and not drink without food. When she heard this, she knew that she could not avoid it.    


"Okay, I will punish myself with a cup!" Zhang Fei said.    


She picked up the small cup that contained the white wine and took a deep breath.    


Qin Feng was also a little surprised. Zhang Fei was really fierce.    


"Good, good alcohol tolerance!" Zhao Yuan laughed and looked at Zhang Fei raising her head, looking at her snow-white neck and towering breasts. He licked his lips, looking extremely wretched.    


Everyone started to eat.    


The four people opposite each took turns toasting Zhang Fei. Qin Feng occasionally blocked one or two cups.    


It was not that he did not want to drink, but the other party did not drink with him. I drank a few cups, and it was Zhang Fei who strongly recommended Qin Feng to come out...    


In less than an hour, Zhang Fei had already drunk half a pound of white wine. This had already reached her limit.    


Now she was already somewhat stupefied. When the white wine's aftereffects came up later, the only thing she could do was to sleep.    


"Come, Manager Zhang is really a hero among women! I, Wang Dong, really admire him. Let's have another drink!" Wang Dong said with a smile. Looking at Zhang Fei's red cheeks, he was already tempted.    


Zhang Fei shook her head, "I can't. Chief Wang, drinking is too rushed. Why don't we take a break and talk about the contract first?    


Wang Dong put down his wine glass and snorted, "Manager Zhang is not giving me any face?"    


"No! Director Wang, where are you going?" Zhang Fei was so anxious that she kicked Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng quickly said, "Director Wang, this cup is my toast to you! I'll drink it for Manager Zhang!"    


Wang Dong looked at him with a displeased expression, "This is for Manager Zhang. Do you want to drink it? What right do you have to drink it? "    


Zhang Fei tried to please him, "Chief Wang, it's the same. We are all from the Zhou Group. Who can drink it differently? Is that so? "    


Zhao Yuan turned the bead around and said, "He can drink, but it's not just one cup. He needs three cups to drink!"    


Wang Dong smiled, "Right! Three cups! Otherwise, just Manager Zhang drinking one cup is enough!"    


"Three cups?! Chief Wang, Chief Zhao! This is not appropriate..." Zhang Fei clenched her teeth and secretly scolded these two shameless fellows in her heart.    


"You don't want to drink, right? You don't want to give me face, right? Alright, then I think we should talk about it another day!" Wang Dong said with a sneer, pretending to leave.    


At this time, Qin Feng suddenly finished three glasses of wine in a row.    


He didn't even catch his breath, "How about this, is it okay?"    


The two of them looked at each other and did not speak. They sat down.    


At this time, the man in tight clothes looked at Qin Feng coldly and drank a cup with Qin Feng.    


Then, he turned the plate and pretended to grab some food. When he stopped, there was a knife in front of Qin Feng. It was pointed at him.    


Qin Feng smiled without leaving a trace. Then, he pretended not to see it.    


Then, Zhao Yuan toasted Zhang Fei again. Qin Feng originally wanted to block it. Zhang Fei was afraid that he would not be able to take it, so she drank the cup.    


Finishing this cup, Zhang Fei was already shaking a little and her stomach was also rolling.    


"Sorry, I'm going to the toilet."    


After saying that, Zhang Fei hurriedly went out.    


As soon as Zhang Fei left, Wang Dong said loudly, "F * ck, f * ck, did you see that black silk thread? Did it have a leg?! I really can't take it!"    


Zhao Yuan also said, "Humph, I'm looking at the chest and butt. If only I could be my secretary. Hahaha."    


The two of them talked about dirty topics without restraint, as if Qin Feng was not here at all.    


Qin Feng ate a mouthful of food and said indifferently, "Two bosses, I am also a member of the Zhou Group. Isn't it inappropriate for you to say this in front of me?"    


Wang Dong sneered, "We are not looking for you, but you have said it yourself. Since we have already said this, let's make it clear. Later, why don't you get lost yourself? Otherwise, my brother will send you off. "    


"Haha, if it wasn't for you blocking a few cups of wine, Manager Zhang would have been in the room upstairs!" Zhao Yuan narrowed his eyes.    


"Tonight, Zhang Fei, we are definitely going to eat. You better be sensible, understand?" Wang Dong threatened.    


"Our two brothers are not good people." Zhao Yuan said.    


The two of them were singing the same tune. They did not take Qin Feng seriously at all.    


Qin Feng was not in a hurry. He slowly said, "You are not a kind person? How unkind is that?"    


"How bad are you? Kid, have you heard of the Black Tiger Gang?" Wang Dong was also incomparably confident.    


Qin Feng's expression changed slightly and revealed a fearful expression, "It's the biggest club in Jiangzhou City... Black Tiger Gang?"    


"Haha, it seems like you're not stupid! It's good that you know, otherwise you won't know what's going on when you're hospitalized later." Zhao Yuan's expression was arrogant. He did not put Qin Feng in his eyes at all.    


The man in tights held a glass of wine in his hand. He said lightly, "Kid, the second in command of the Black Tiger Gang is eating next door. If you want to live, get the hell out of here."    


"Niu Zhuang, my Brother Niu, do you know that? One punch can break your head!"    


Qin Feng was about to say something when Zhang Fei came back.    


Her face was a little pale. Qin Feng must have vomited.    


"Chief Wang, Chief Zhao, I'm sorry." Zhang Fei still smiled and said, "You guys see, the wine is almost finished. Let's finish the contract first. Otherwise, if we drink too much later, it won't be good."    


Wang Dong was just about to say no when Qin Feng spoke first, "Manager Zhang, don't be anxious. Chief Wang and Chief Zhao have not had their fill yet. Let's not talk about work first."    


Zhang Fei was stunned. The person holding the contract in her hand was dumbfounded.    


Wang Dong and Zhao Yuan were stunned. They both revealed smiles and looked at Qin Feng with a kind of appreciation. They thought that this kid was quite good. He learned so fast and terrified so fast!    


"Hahahaha! Manager Zhang, look, even your subordinates are more capable than you! Don't worry, the contract will be yours! Come, drink! " Wang Dong said with a big smile.    


Zhang Fei did not know what to say. She looked at Qin Feng with hatred, but Qin Feng pretended not to see it.    


However, Zhang Fei did not expect that there would be something even more outrageous.    


She had already reached her limit, but no matter how she moved Qin Feng and asked him to stop the wine, Qin Feng did not move at all.    


He just sat there like a log.    


Zhang Fei was going to suspect whether Qin Feng was with the group opposite her.    


However, before she could think about it, she was finally drunk.    


She drank nearly a catty of white wine and finally laid down on the table, unable to speak clearly.    


Wang Dong and Zhao Yuan's faces were also flushed red, partly because of the alcohol. The other part was because they were happy.    


"Haha, I'm finally drunk. This little girl is quite good at drinking!" Wang Dong laughed vulgarly.    


Zhao Yuan said to Qin Feng, "Boy, you're good at drinking. You're good at drinking too. Why don't you come to our company? We'll bring you to earn big money!"    


Qin Feng sipped his wine and did not say anything.    


Zhao Yuan was ignored. He wanted to get angry, but Wang Dong said, "Don't bother about him. Hurry up. I can't take it! Tonight, I want to come three times! Haha!"    


As he spoke, he wanted to reach out and pick Zhang Fei up.    


His hand was grabbed by Qin Feng.    


Wang Dong was furious. The cooked duck was right in front of his eyes!    


"What are you doing?! Get lost! Don't tell me you still want money?! "No!" Wang Dong roared at Qin Feng.    


A cold smile appeared on Qin Feng's face. With a slight force of his hand, Wang Dong cried out in pain.    


"It hurts! Let go!"    


Qin Feng stood up and kicked her away. He took out a cigarette and lit it. "She's drunk. It's easy to do things."    


Zhao Yuan was furious. He shouted at the two fighters in tight clothes, "What are you waiting for?! Damn it, throw her into the sea to feed the fish!"    


The two fighters looked at each other and threw their glasses. Attack!    


Qin Feng grabbed one of the men's hands and twisted it. He broke the man's hand!    


The other man was slapped by Qin Feng and fainted.    


The two men were killed by Qin Feng in one move.    


Zhao Yuan was slightly surprised but did not panic. "F * ck, so he brought a fighter over! No wonder he is so arrogant!"    


Qin Feng took a puff of smoke and took out the contract from Zhang Fei's bag. He threw it in front of the two of them and said, "Sign it."    


Zhao Yuan was stunned and laughed, "Boy! I think you're not awake yet, right? Do you really think that you're invincible under the heavens? Have you forgotten what you said just now? "The Second Master of the Black Tiger Gang is eating next door!"    


Qin Feng said coolly, "En, go ahead and shout."    


Zhao Yuan's expression turned serious. "Humph, let me see if you can still be so arrogant later!"    


With that said, he dialed the number.    


"Hello? Brother Niu! It's me. I ran into some trouble. It's right next door to you. Hey, okay!"    


Zhao Yuan hung up the phone and looked at Qin Feng like he was looking at a dead man. "Why don't you make a phone call now and get someone to collect your body?"    


Qin Feng had a faint smile on his face. "No need. You should think about yourself first."    


Zhao Yuan smiled sinisterly and did not speak anymore. He was a person who did not know the immensity of heaven and earth.    


It seemed like he didn't know how ruthless the Black Tiger Gang was.    


Two minutes later, the door was suddenly kicked open.    


Niu Zhuang said casually, "Who is it? Bullying the people of Black Tiger Gang?"    


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