The First Son-in-law

C103 Break the Record

C103 Break the Record

Zhou Ningmeng was very conflicted. She was wondering if she should go down and save Qin Feng, this bastard, to make such a big deal out of this!    


This was originally not a big deal. At most, it would spread inside the Sales Department.    


However, Qin Feng had been in the limelight recently. He was a hot topic in the entire company.    


In addition to his opponent, Yao Hao, he was also an old veteran who had been famous for many years.    


When the two of them collided, the effect was 1 + 1 30.    


His colleagues' participation was extremely high.    


Seeing that it was almost 5: 30, Zhou Ningmeng really wanted to go down and take a look, but it was as if her butt was glued to glue and it was hard to break free.    


She went down to protect Qin Feng. If Qin Feng lost, Yao Hao might not be able to deal with Qin Feng.    


At that time, she would be able to fish Qin Feng out.    


However, she only lacked a reason, a reason enough for her to leave the damn chair.    


If she were to show up rashly, her reputation would be unjustified. Instead, it would arouse suspicion and disgust.    


Suddenly, at this instant, Zhou Ningmeng was stunned for a moment...    


What was this?    


Since when did she care about Qin Feng so much?!    


Zhou Ningmeng suddenly felt that it was a little unbelievable...    


Just at this time, Lin Xue suddenly barged in.    


"Chairman, something big has happened again!" Lin Xue said anxiously.    


Zhou Ningmeng could not help but laugh, "Lin Xue, you are in big trouble all day long. Can't I open my company?"    


Lin Xue was embarrassed but did not hesitate, "Chairman, your brother is in trouble!"    


"My brother?" Zhou Ningmeng's head was full of question marks.    


"Ah, isn't Qin Feng your brother?" Lin Xue looked as if she had seen through it a long time ago.    


Zhou Ningmeng was speechless.    


Lin Xue did not bother about this anymore, "Aiya, I can't explain clearly. Anyway, hurry up and go down!"    


This was the reason Zhou Ningmeng was waiting for.    


So Zhou Ningmeng followed Lin Xue downstairs to witness this "battle of the century."    


Five twenty-five.    


The Sales Department was overcrowded. The Sales Department had a lot of people in the first place. Now, they had gathered almost all the people in the company...    


Three floors inside and three floors outside, the whole place was packed with people.    


Someone in the crowd said, "The chairman is here!"    


The crowd made a path and Zhou Ningmeng walked in.    


Yao Hao squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "The chairman is not here to stop us, is he? That would be boring."    


Zhou Ningmeng looked at him indifferently, "No, I'm here to watch the show. Can't I?"    


Yao Hao laughed," Haha, yes, of course you can. Then I am very honored."    


Knowing that Zhou Ningmeng wasn't here to stop them, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Then..." An unshaven employee asked.    


Zhou Ningmeng looked at him and raised her eyebrows. This person was a famous gambler in the company. He contributed his monthly salary to the casino.    


But his ability was outstanding. At least he would not starve to death.    


Zhou Ningmeng guessed what he wanted to do and said, "What should you do?"    


When the man heard that, his eyes lit up and he dealt with her, "I will definitely leave my hands, I will definitely leave my hands! The pressure was huge, and the pressure was small! The friends who haven't placed their bets, hurry up! "    


With that, another bunch of people placed their bets on him.    


However, most of them were betting on Yao Hao to win. There was basically no suspense about this, and it was a matter of course.    


However, a small part of the bet was on Qin Feng.    


The bets were reversed. The villa was near the sea...    


Miracles could appear in this world at any time!    


They were the ultimate adventurers.    


Even the man himself asked someone to give Qin Feng a thousand yuan.    


It was also the highest bet on Qin Feng's side so far.    


Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhang Fei suddenly jumped out.    


"I'll bet ten thousand on Qin Feng!"    


The man's face lit up, "Haha, Manager Zhang is generous! Manager Zhang is awesome!"    


How could he not be awesome? This was simply a gift.    


The man almost blurted out, "Thank you Manager Zhang for the ten thousand yuan."    


Yao Hao's face was full of displeasure. Zhang Fei wouldn't bet on him like this? Injuring people!    


Looking at Zhang Fei's firm gaze, Qin Feng bitterly smiled. This group of people... really knew how to play...    


"Are there any more?! Do you still have any?" The man saw that the time was almost up and asked again.    


At this time, Zhou Ningmeng's red lips parted slightly. "I'll bet Qin Feng one hundred thousand yuan."    


But she did not take out the money, but Zhou Ningmeng's words could be counted as money.    


Everyone was shocked. The chairman was crazy?    


Accompanying the people? Distribution of benefits?    


Seeing that there was no one on Qin Feng's side betting at all, betting a little to balance the odds?    


The man was about to burst into laughter. "Hahaha, good, good! The chairman is very generous! The chairman is awesome!"    


As he spoke, he took a pen and placed it in Qin Feng's betting ring, treating it as one hundred thousand yuan.    


Yao Hao gave Zhou Ningmeng a meaningful look. Could it be that Zhou Ningmeng really took action?    


Or was it purely to encourage her husband?    


The result was immediately known.    


"Alright! Stop betting!" The man said decisively, "Now, please hold your breath and watch Qin Feng."    


"Qin Feng, you have half an hour. Before you get off work at half past five to six, you will have to inject your funds into the contract. If the contract is successful, you will win if you surpass Yao Hao."    


Qin Feng nodded and shook his head. He looked so good that he wanted to bet on himself.    


Wasn't this a sure win?    


Some of his colleagues even said, "Thank you for the breakfast money Qin Feng gave this week."    


Because the odds were not high, there was not much money to earn. It would be a bit difficult to buy breakfast.    


At half past five, Qin Feng sent the message on time.    


Zhou Ningmeng looked at him and her heart could not help but beat faster. She hoped that what Qin Feng said was true.    


Otherwise, everyone would know that Qin Feng was her husband. Then she, Zhou Ningmeng, would never be able to raise her head in Jiangzhou for the rest of her life!    


Yao Hao sighed softly. Just like what he said yesterday, it was not challenging at all. There was no pressure at all. It was too easy to win.    


Yao Hao said softly, " Yao Hao said softly, "Qin Feng, you should admit defeat. Even if I give you another day, I will give you one more day. Ten days, a month, even a year? You won't be able to reach my level.    


"Why don't you stop wasting time and admit defeat?"    


Then she looked at Zhou Ningmeng and smiled, "Let the chairman reward us brothers."    


Yao Hao's lackeys shouted, "Thank you for the chairman's hundred thousand yuan in cash!"    


Regarding this, before Qin Feng could say anything, the man spoke.    


"No, the rules must be followed. Wait until the time is up! "    


Not only did the man abide by the rules, he also pressed money!    


He was counting on Qin Feng to fight back. Now, it seemed like it was a bit of a stretch...    


Five minutes had passed, and his colleagues were more and more certain that this was the result.    


Although Qin Feng had tried to play tricks on them, it did not help.    


Someone had already started to take the melon seeds...    


At this moment, another newcomer came from the Sales Department.    


It was an employee from the Finance Department.    


"Why are there so many people? No matter, Qin Feng! Qin Feng! Who is Qin Feng?" The little girl shouted in the outer circle.    


Yao Hao frowned. "You are making a lot of noise. Don't talk big or small. Get lost."    


"Let her in." Zhou Ningmeng said.    


Everyone was stunned and let the finance department staff in.    


"Chairman, you are here too..." The staff felt sorry for her loss of composure just now...    


It was too exciting!    


"What is it, say it." Zhou Ningmeng's heart tightened for no reason.    


Qin Feng also said. I am Qin Feng. Tell me."    


Little Finance swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice, "International brand Asman... just came to an agreement with our company!"    


Zhou Ningmeng heard it and stood up immediately. This was really a big matter...    


"Are you sure? You didn't hear wrong? Yasman?" Zhou Ningmeng was shocked.    


The staff were also shocked. It was as if they saw something impossible happen.    


Yao Hao's expression was the ugliest. This was not good news. It wasn't the pair of Qin Feng, but the Zhou Group.    


Although he did not know what method Zhou Ningmeng used to trick this big client, the client was a real client.    


I'm afraid the annihilation of the Zhou Group won't be as smooth as this.    


But now was not the time to care about this matter. Now was the time to punish Qin Feng!    


"It's absolutely true. The other party even specially called to say that their cooperation with Mr. Qin Feng is very pleasant." The finance girl looked at Qin Feng with admiration.    


Everyone was silent.    


Under normal circumstances, even if the other party invested or something else, the finance girl would not make such a big fuss.    


Unless the other party had a great background and a great amount of money.    


Yao Hao was the first to ask a question because he did not believe it!    


"You said... that you had a happy cooperation with Mr. Qin Feng? Are you sure?" Yao Hao gritted his teeth and asked, emphasizing the word Qin Feng.    


The finance girl rolled her eyes at him. "I'm not deaf. Can I hear you wrong?"    


"Congratulations," Qin Feng said.    


Everyone was stunned for a moment.    


It was still Yao Hao. He calmed down for a moment and found the problem.    


"Wait!" Yao Hao saw that everyone was about to cheer for Qin Feng and stopped them.    


"How much did Asman invest? Is it more than 13 million?" Yao Hao sneered and asked.    


Everyone suddenly came to a realization. That's right. As long as it doesn't exceed 13 million, it would be useless to come to any company!    


If it doesn't reach that standard of money, the commission still can't exceed Yao Hao's.    


Everyone looked at the finance girl again.    


The finance girl instantly became the focus of everyone.    


She snorted lightly. If it's not enough money, will I come?"    


"Besides, Asman is an international brand. How few can there be? But it's not much. It's only a hundred million." The finance girl said.    


Everyone was stunned as if they had been struck by lightning.    


One hundred million!    


Qin Feng rubbed his nose. He had clearly said that he only needed fifty million...    


He was really disobedient.    


100 million, then Qin Feng's commission would be close to 1 million.    


The salary of a low-ranked employee was close to one million. This was simply the talk of the Heavenly Book!    


"One hundred million... then the commission would be nine to nine hundred thousand, right? Did he break the record?!" In the crowd, an employee of the Sales Department muttered.    


"He must have broken the record! Earning a million a month, many people can't even earn this number in a year..."    


"Is that the time for Qin Feng to win?"    


When these words came out, everyone became quiet again.    


From the looks of it, Qin Feng had indeed won...    


Yao Hao also heard it, but his face was gloomy. From time to time, he would glance at Zhou Ningmeng.    


Zhou Ningmeng's surprised look did not seem to be faked.    


However, how could Qin Feng climb up the international brand Asman? He did not believe it!    


"I'll make a phone call!" Yao Hao suddenly said.    


Qin Feng shouted, "I'll wait for you here, Manager Yao!"    


Yao Hao's body froze and he almost fell down.    


Wait, wait, wait for your sister!    


Yao Hao found a place where no one was around and quickly dialed Gu Junsheng's number.    


"Hello? Young Master Gu! Qin Feng has gotten Asman's sponsorship! What's going on?" Yao Hao asked angrily.    


Gu Junsheng, who was on the other end of the phone, heard Yao Hao's tone and was unhappy. "I don't know, but it has nothing to do with Zhou Ningmeng."    


"How can it have nothing to do with Zhou Ningmeng?! How can he get sponsorship from this brand if it has nothing to do with her?!"    


Gu Junsheng shouted angrily, "How would I know? I said, this kid is very strange! Did I tell you to be careful!"    


"I..." Yao Hao's tone froze. His expression did not look good. Gu Junsheng was not someone he could afford to offend.    


Gu Junsheng did not say anything else. After telling him not to talk nonsense, he hung up the phone.    


Yao Hao's anger rose to the top of his head.    


He thought he should leave first. There were too many people today, so he could not go back on his word. He asked for a week's leave, but the people who came had forgotten about it.    


Could Qin Feng force him?    


However, when he turned around, he saw the man with a few people looking at him with smiles.    


The man had made a lot of money this time, even though Zhou Ningmeng and Zhang Fei had put down one hundred and one thousand yuan.    


But there were many people who could not bear to bet on Yao Hao!    


Now, he still wanted Zhou Ningmeng to not bet on him... and he still wanted to compensate her quite a bit.    


This time and again, he could not earn much either.    


But if he could not earn much, he could still earn a lot! He could not let Yao Hao run away!    


"Haha, Manager Yao, everyone is waiting for you!" The man said with a smile.    


The man had spent most of his time in the casino, but he still had some influence in the future. Yao Hao did not dare to suddenly attack and run away!    


Yao Hao had no choice. He braced himself and went back.    


When he came back, he happened to see Qin Feng sign his name. A million yuan commission was in his hands!    


"Oh, Manager Yao is back! This is my contract with Asman. Do you want to take a look?" Qin Feng said with a smile.    


Look! Of course he wanted to see it! At this point, he still felt that it was not real! Could he not see it?    


In the end, after scanning it up and down several times, there were only three words. There was no problem!    


"Alright, you've finished questioning and looking at it. Now, it's time to fulfill the bet, right?" Qin Feng said with a smile.    


Yao Hao gritted his teeth. "Qin Feng, I won't deny it. I'll pay you this month!"    




However, kowtowing is too much! There's no need for that!" Yao Hao said.    


He wanted to use his salary to gain Qin Feng's sympathy.    


To be honest, Yao Hao had indeed spent a lot of money on his salary. He was going to betray Gu Junsheng's company, so he could earn tens of thousands more.    


In order to save face and to suppress Qin Feng, he became the Zhou Group's business.    


In the end... he even cupped his hands and gave it away!    


This was already his bottom line. Asking him to kowtow and apologize was impossible!    


Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "How about this, I'm not an aggressive person."    


"I don't want the salary. "I have money. Just kneel and kowtow!"    




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