The First Son-in-law

C129 Do as You See Fit

C129 Do as You See Fit

"Sister Lin, what do you mean? Do you think I am Qin Feng? 'Is it the kind of person who can have anyone?' Qin Feng's face showed slight anger.    


"I'm just afraid that you will make a mistake. It's okay. You should go quickly. Don't let Beauty Lu wait outside in a hurry." Lin Xuemei helped Qin Feng tidy up his clothes and pushed him out the door.    


Seeing Qin Feng's figure disappear, Lin Xuemei felt a sense of loss. She felt that she was pushing him into the arms of other women.    


Pooh, pooh, what are you thinking about?! Hanyu is your good sister. Can she do that kind of thing? Why is your brain thinking about these dirty things now?    


Calming down her mind, Lin Xuemei returned to the hall but her mood was much worse than before. She kept thinking about what Qin Feng and Hanyu were doing at the moment.    


Currently, Qin Feng and Hanyu were sitting together very orderly.    


Coming to the side of the car, Qin Feng walked straight to the driver's seat. This was a two-door car. It was most suitable for a man and a woman to drive around.    


"You sit over there." Hanyu, who was standing at the door of the driver's seat, pointed to the other side of the car with a smile.    


"Aren't you feeling unwell?" Qin Feng asked doubtfully. "Are you afraid that I will break your car?"    


"Of course not. With you by my side, my body is much more comfortable now." Hanyu smiled and shook the key in her hand. "I like the pleasure of racing."    


Uh, could it be that I am still a good medicine? Just sitting here can cure people?    


Qin Feng could only say these words in his heart. Since he had agreed to accompany her, he might as well do a good deed and obediently sit in the co-pilot's seat. "Hey, you were drinking just now. Can you drive?"    


Hanyu did not say anything. She used actions instead of words. She started, stopped, and accelerated. A series of actions were completed in an instant. The moment she rushed out of the yard, Qin Feng glanced at the instrument panel. He was so scared that he quickly put on his seatbelt. At the same time, his body shrank slightly.    


In a short period of time, the needle on the instrument panel had already been pointed at a hundred miles. If something happened to this thing, wouldn't it just cut off his head? It was better to put away its tall body. Don't let its head become the first victim.    


"Haha, coward. Look at how scared you are." Hanyu laughed and looked at Qin Feng. She pressed a button and the deafening music echoed in the narrow space of the car. At the same time, the strength of her feet was still increasing. The needle was pointing at 150 kilometers per hour.    


This was in the city. Fortunately, there were high-end villas nearby. It wasn't the main road outside. Even so, Qin Feng felt like the end of the world was coming. Especially when Hanyu turned the corner, he didn't know what to slow down at all. He just held the steering wheel tightly with both hands and guided the car forward.    


Qin Feng found it hard to imagine that such a dignified and beautiful woman would drive such a wild road. Looking at Hanyu's pretty face, Qin Feng seemed to feel a little ferocious.    


God, could it be that she had something she couldn't bear to do and wanted to drag him along with her?!    


With this thought in mind, the car walked onto the main road in the city. At this time, Hanyu could not get up even if she wanted to. The cars in front of her were like snails. Unless you have wings, otherwise, you would not be able to move an inch behind someone else's butt.    


"F * ck!" Slapping the steering wheel heavily, Hanyu cursed in frustration.    




Qin Feng was speechless again. No wonder people said they could not look at people's faces.    


"Did I scare you?" Hanyu turned her head to look at Qin Feng.    


"No." Qin Feng's actions betrayed him because he was holding the handle tightly with both hands. He was afraid that Hanyu would throw him away if she suddenly accelerated.    


After waiting for more than ten minutes, the car in front still did not move. Hanyu kept looking forward. Finally, she could not help it. The car fiercely turned to the right and stepped on the accelerator. The car directly rushed to the sidewalk.    


"Hello. Hey, what are you doing? Qin Feng quickly stopped him. This was no joke.    


"It's urgent business. Get out of the way in front. Get out of the way in front." What made Qin Feng even more speechless was that Hanyu's car had installed a shouting device.    


Urgent official business, do you think they are all fools? What kind of urgent official business could a fiery red sedan have?    


However, the outcome of the matter was usually so unexpected. Qin Feng clearly saw the traffic police trying to stop the car. However, when the man's arm was in the air, he scratched his head helplessly. Not bad, but he was helpless. Qin Feng could clearly see the anger in his eyes. It was anger that he didn't dare to say anything.    


Facing such a license plate, he could only choose to lose his dignity and dignity because it was much better than losing his rice bowl.    


The car sped along the sidewalk, turning and turning, finally getting back onto the road. There were clearly fewer cars on this road, and Qin Feng also saw the excitement in Hanyu's eyes.    


The destination of the car was the outskirts. As the number of cars on the road decreased, the number of cars on the road decreased. Hanyu's car's speed also kept increasing until it reached the end. Qin Feng could only close his eyes and wait for his fate. If Lin Wanjiang's driver, Little Sun, had given Qin Feng a shock, The only thing that Han Yu could do for Qin Feng was to drive the car like this. Qin Feng had only seen it on TV and movies. When the car stopped, Qin Feng's eyes were still closed.    


"Coward, the car stopped!" Hanyu giggled and patted Qin Feng's head.    


Damn, it was said that every inch of land in the capital was gold. Why were there so many different places? Seeing the scene in front of him, Qin Feng complained indignantly.    


"Miss Lu, you're back?" Qin Feng had just gotten out of the car when a middle-aged woman in her forties came out of the villa. She put on an apron and went to pick up Hanyu's bag.    


"Mom Zhang, go out for a walk. Get yourself some clothes to change seasons. When I call you, you can come back." Hanyu did not give the bag in her hands to her. Instead, she took out the wallet in her bag and gave her a few pieces of red old man's hair.    


"Thank you, Miss Lu. I still have money here!" Mom Zhang did not dare to take the money from Hanyu. This money was even higher than her monthly salary.    


"Take it if I let you take it." Hanyu stuffed the money into Mother Zhang's hands without any explanation.    


Qin Feng's heart felt like it was stung by a bee. He suddenly thought of a movie plot. Yes. There was such a plot in "The World Is Thief." However, the identity of the male and female lead seemed to have been reversed. The male lead gave the nanny money, but he was now the female lead giving the nanny money.    


From the beginning to the end, Mother Zhang did not even look at Qin Feng. When working in a rich family, it wasn't just about being diligent. More importantly, one must know what should be known. What should not be known, otherwise, Losing your job is a small matter, and you might even be killed. This kind of thing doesn't exist, so... Zhang Ma knows very well what she should do now. She didn't even go back to the house to change her clothes. She took the money Hanyu gave and left the courtyard in a hurry.    


"Come, let's go in." Hanyu walked forward.    


Qin Feng stood still. He seemed to have understood something. He saw Hanyu's movements were so skilled and Zhang Ma's expression was so indifferent. Clearly, this wasn't Hanyu's first time doing something like this. What was she then?    


Was it a duck or a dog that Hanyu brought back? Qin Feng suddenly realized that he should take a good look at this beautiful young woman in front of him.    


"I think it's better if I don't go in." Qin Feng looked at Hanyu indifferently. He did not like women who abused their feelings, especially a woman who had a noble body and abused her feelings.    


"Are you really going to stand here like this?" Hanyu pointed at the surroundings of the villa with a smile.    


Qin Feng followed Hanyu's finger and saw many cars coming and going. If he stood here all the time, he would definitely be recognized as a fool.    


"Then I'll go." After saying that, Qin Feng turned around and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.    


"This place is 10 kilometers from the nearest public transport station. It is 7: 8 kilometers from the nearest subway station. If you are not tired, you can leave. Of course, don't expect a car to kindly take you away. As for why, I believe you know it yourself." Hanyu's smile was still charming, but in Qin Feng's eyes, it was gloomy.    


In the past, Qin Feng did not care about the distance of 10 kilometers and 8 kilometers at all. But not now. Wearing such clothes. He would be laughed at if he didn't die of fatigue. As for getting a ride, that's even more impossible. Now that fishing law enforcement was so common, which kind person would dare to joke about their conscience? There was no justice in pulling those who claimed to be seriously ill. What's more, it was a well-built young man dressed in branded clothes like you?    


"Come in!" Hanyu grabbed Qin Feng's arm and dragged him into the villa. Qin Feng's mouth was wide open when he saw what was in front of him. In the hall on the first floor, apart from the stairs leading upstairs, there was only a big swimming pool.    


"Wow! Finally home. I can relax for a bit. " Hanyu hung her bag on the hanger behind the door and started to take off her clothes. Very quickly, there was not much clothes left on her body.    


Qin Feng quickly turned his head.    


Do not look at me when I am molesting you!    


"Haha, coward! What are you afraid of?" Hanyu giggled and jumped into the water. "If you don't want to stand there, then take off your clothes and swim over. Otherwise, stay there! Before Qin Feng could react, Hanyu giggled and swam to the opposite side. Very quickly, she climbed to the opposite shore and sat there, splashing water with her two feet.    


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