The First Son-in-law

C130 Something Is Going to Happen

C130 Something Is Going to Happen

He couldn't get over it, but the urge to pee was very uncomfortable for Qin Feng. If he wanted to go, he would have to take off his clothes. It didn't matter if he took off his clothes or not. The key was that he was in someone else's house. Besides, he was wearing a pair of shorts today. If he wasn't careful, there might be a problem.    


However, the feeling of wanting to go to the restroom was even stronger now. The pain tortured Qin Feng.    


That's not right. That nanny just now seemed to have gone out of here as well. It couldn't be that she had to walk the water road when she went in and out, could it? There must be a mechanism in here.    


Thinking of this, Qin Feng started to look around. He fumbled behind the door. Damn, there was no switch. Could it be that Zhang Ma could float on the water just now? This was just a fictional martial art on TV! After searching for a while, Qin Feng was disappointed. He could not find the switch he wanted at all.    


"I know what you are looking for. Don't waste your time." Hanyu sat across from Qin Feng and looked at him with a smile. "There is a mechanism inside, but you can't open it. Come here, you have to listen to me."    


"No, I can't hold it anymore. She really could not hold it in anymore.    


Qin Feng clamped his legs. How could a living person die from urination?    


Qin Feng started to take off his clothes while cursing. "Damn it. At worst, I'll get wet. He was not afraid of a woman. What's there to be afraid of as a man? Since you want to use a honey trap, if it doesn't work out, I'll play it by myself.    


At this moment, Qin Feng had already forgotten Lin Xuemei's entrustment. He had no choice but to piss his pants. If a grown man peed his pants again, even a three-year-old child would be thrown away.    


With his back facing Hanyu, he took off his clothes and hung them one by one on the hanger. He turned around and instantly dove into the water. He hoped that he could use the cold water to extinguish the rising flame in the depths of his heart.    


Although the pool was not small, it could not stop Qin Feng's vigorous figure. The few movements just now made Qin Feng feel that he could almost catch up to the swimming team of Flying Fish from a certain country.    


Qin Feng stood up not far away from Hanyu. It was not that he did not want to go ashore. It was because he did not dare to. He thought that the cold water would give him a chance to extinguish his anger. Unexpectedly, after seeing Hanyu up close, he felt even more uncomfortable.    


"Why don't you come up? Could it be that you want me to pull you up?" Hanyu looked at Qin Feng in the water with a smile.    


As a woman who had experienced many battles, how could Hanyu not know about Qin Feng's current embarrassment? The more he acted like this, the more excited Hanyu was in her heart.    


"You go up first. This water is not bad. I want to soak in it for a while and take a bath at the same time." Qin Feng used a very bad excuse to cover up his embarrassment. Fortunately, Hanyu did not continue to pester him and readily agreed to Qin Feng's request. It was not that she did not want to pester him anymore.    


"Then hurry up! I will go up first." Leaving behind a sentence that made people fantasize, Hanyu twisted her body and went up the stairs.    




Qin Feng let out a long breath.    


Damn, it didn't work. He could only make himself feel worse. We have to get upstairs, or we're going to kill the living. I wanted to release myself in this water and then go to the other side to put on clothes and leave. However, Qin Feng didn't want to do that uncivilized thing. Since he wanted to pretend to be a civilized person, then he should just insist on doing civilized things.    


On the second floor, there were many doors, but most of them seemed to be closed. Qin Feng casually twisted the one closest to him. It was locked and could not be twisted.    


Then there was the second one. F * ck, it still could not be twisted.    


Qin Feng was getting more and more anxious, because he was about to reach the edge. If he couldn't find it again, he was afraid that he would really...    


Right at this moment, the door of a room opened. Hanyu came out with a towel and her hair was wet. It seemed that she had just taken a bath.    


This action was too fast, wasn't it? Qin Feng remembered reading a book. The average time for women to take a bath seemed to be around 45 minutes. How many minutes had it been?    


Hanyu wanted to take a good bath as well. However, that expectation tortured her and made her lose her mind. She wanted to wash herself and then throw herself on the brick bed to wait for Qin Feng's strong body to come up.    


She impatiently opened the door and saw Qin Feng coming up. Just as she was about to speak, Qin Feng impatiently opened his mouth and said, "Where is the bathroom? Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore."    


Hanyu covered her mouth and laughed. She pointed to the room she just came out of. "There is a bathroom in there. Take a shower. The towel inside is new and no one has used it yet. I will go get something. Come over later. Don't run around. "    


"I know." Before Hanyu could finish speaking, Qin Feng rushed into the room and found the door to the bathroom. He could not take it anymore.    


Shh! Shh!    


It was comfortable. It was so damn comfortable. Qin Feng felt so good.    


With a shiver, Qin Feng took off his underwear and started washing his hair. Hanyu's speed was not slow, and Qin Feng's speed was even faster. He quickly finished washing his body and took the towel to wrap around his body.    


At this time, Qin Feng was in the mood to take a good look at the room outside. This was a big bedroom with a big bed in the middle. There was a wooden closet against the wall. There was a big wedding photo on the head of the bed. The man was handsome and elegant, the woman was charming and cute. They looked like a pair made of heaven and earth. Looking around, there was nothing to sit on. Qin Feng simply threw himself onto the big bed. Now that he had reached this stage, he could do whatever he wanted!    


He placed himself in a big position on the bed. Qin Feng seemed to feel something on his arm. He leaned up and lifted the bed sheet under his arm. Something appeared in front of Qin Feng.    


At this time, Qin Feng heard footsteps. He quickly pressed the switch a few times and put the thing back under the sheet. He had a new understanding of Hanyu. This woman was too open!    


"Are you done washing?" Hanyu came in with a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. Seeing Qin Feng lying on her bed, she was secretly delighted. It seemed that she did not need to waste any effort.    


"En." Seeing Hanyu come back, Qin Feng quickly sat up straight.    


"Have a drink." Hanyu passed one of the cups to Qin Feng.    


"I prefer to drink white wine." Qin Feng frowned and looked at the red bottle in Hanyu's hand.    


"This is pure imported. Try it. The taste is definitely good." Without giving any explanation, Hanyu poured half a cup for Qin Feng.    


It just so happened that he was a little thirsty. Qin Feng felt that this thing could be drunk as water. He picked it up and tilted his neck to pour it into his mouth. There was no special feeling. It was just a little astringent.    


"Hey, this is not how you drink red wine." Hanyu wanted to stop him, but Qin Feng's cup was already empty.    


"Drinking red wine is like drinking a goblet. This can prevent the temperature of your hand from affecting the beauty of the wine. " Next, it is best to pour one-third of the wine. This is an international custom. After pouring the wine, you have to shake the goblet lightly. As she spoke, Hanyu gently lifted the cup and rotated it clockwise. "When the wine and air have completely merged," she said. You lower your head and sniff it with your nose. At this time, You can smell the strong fragrance and then take a light sip. Using your tongue to feel the fragrance of the wine, that's it. "    


With her eyes closed, Hanyu slowly demonstrated to Qin Feng. Seeing the red wine sliding on the tip of Hanyu's tongue, the flame that Qin Feng had just suppressed suddenly lit up again.    


Seeing Qin Feng's dazed look, Hanyu smiled and poured Qin Feng another cup of wine. "Follow the method that I told you to, and you will have a different feeling."    


Learning from Hanyu, Qin Feng shook the wine glass lightly and poured the wine into his mouth. He did not feel anything special. He just felt that the anger in his heart had become even more intense.    


The two of them exchanged blows and the bottle of wine quickly ran out. Hanyu's face turned red and she looked at Qin Feng who was lying on the bed with sleepy eyes. Hanyu's breathing became rapid.    


Qin Feng saw all of this and the anger in his heart became even more intense. However, he was still lying on the bed without moving. It was not that he did not want to move. It was that he was afraid he would not be able to hold himself back if he moved.    


Seeing Qin Feng sit still, Hanyu felt hatred in her heart. He was really a man who did not know his place. If it was anyone else, they would have already rushed over and removed the towel from their bodies.    


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