The First Son-in-law

C143 I'm Going to be Famous This Time

C143 I'm Going to be Famous This Time

"Everyone, President Lin just went upstairs. She's on the fourth floor." The old man who was looking at the door quickly said in a low voice, as if this person was here to investigate him.    


"Humph." The guy with the briefcase glanced at the old man and walked towards the office building in a huff.    


"People are here. I hate these people." Perhaps due to his childish temper, Qin Feng actually picked up his phone and sent a text message to Lin Xuemei.    


After a while, Lin Xuemei replied with a text message. It was unknown whether she was talking about Qin Feng or those people.    


She adjusted her attitude and looked at the words on the screen. Qin Feng secretly reminded himself.    


At this moment, the two people who had just arrived came to Qin Feng's side.    


"The two of you, President Lin is on the fourth floor. I will lead you up." Qin Feng's arrogant expression changed. Instead, he put on a mini smile that could charm thousands of girls.    


Of course, Qin Feng's smile did not have much effect on the two comrades. It was because they were of the same sex!    


Although they did not look good, Qin Feng still led the two of them to Lin Xuemei's office and soaked them in water.    


"Qin Feng, are you back?" Just as he closed the door and was about to leave, a voice sounded from behind.    


"Director Liu!" Qin Feng hurriedly turned around and called out respectfully.    


"Is President Lin inside?" Director Liu pointed at Lin Xuemei's office with a smile.    


"Yes, but there are two comrades in the hospital." Qin Feng opened the door for Director Liu.    


"Wait." Director Liu's expression suddenly changed. "Did you just say that the comrades in the hospital are here?"    


"Yes." Qin Feng was stunned. He wondered why this person changed his expression when he heard about a certain hospital. It was as if a certain hospital was like a flood or a ferocious beast. They were both people. What were you afraid of?    


The reason why he thought this way was because Qin Feng was not deeply involved in the world. In this day and age, there was no officer who was not afraid of a certain courtyard.    


"Then I'll wait and go in!" Director Liu wiped the layer of sweat on his forehead.    


"Oh." Qin Feng did not say anything else. He turned around and went downstairs to the office.    


"Qin Feng, you're back." Wei Dapeng was the first to notice Qin Feng. He reached out his hand and patted Qin Feng's shoulder. "I'm tired."    


Wei Dapeng looked like he was the boss now.    


"Why are you tired? Isn't it normal to go out with the boss?" Qin Feng walked to Shen Jian's office in the inner room.    


"Director Shen, what are you busy with?" Qin Feng sat down in the chair opposite of Shen Jian and said to Shen Jian, who was working hard, with a smile on his face.    


"Yo, Qin Feng is back. Where's President Lin? She's coming too?" Shen Jian looked up and looked at Qin Feng through his thick glasses.    


"What do you think?" Qin Feng picked up a pen on the table and turned it around. He had played with it many times during school. "What are you doing? Why are you so focused?"    


"Sigh, don't mention it. Recently, the inspections of the bosses have been coming one after another. Most of them have asked us to go out and receive them. I can't even handle the reception alone." Shen Jian took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. Then, he stroked the few hairs on his head.    


"Hey, this thing can stay with you for a long time," Qin Feng said indifferently. "You have been working in the office for many years. You have mastered the way of reception. Why are you afraid of this?"    


"Sigh, it is different now." Qin Feng leaned back in his chair. Shen Jian rubbed his temples. "In the past, it was nothing more than eating and drinking. When I left, I brought some local specialties with me. But now... They all ask the reception to be of a higher level, to have an effect, Not only to satisfy the guests, but also to find a way to get his brand out. To let the guests remember you, this is a big deal. For this reason, I often went to the county reception office. I talked about a whole basket of good wine, and I drank a lot. But I didn't get any sutras. "It's hard to make!"    


"Now, everyone's reception work is almost the same. It is not easy to win by surprise." Qin Feng nodded in agreement, but he was muttering in his heart. Is there any good way to make the reception work of the branch company reach a new level?    


Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a beeping sound from his pocket. There was a text message.    


He took it out and read the content on it. Qin Feng's face immediately darkened.    


"Brother Qin Feng, Sister Ningmeng actually did that thing with the man in the same ward on the hospital bed. Furthermore, it was just after the surgery. Why doesn't she care about her own body at all?" A text message was sent to Qin Feng from Lau Xiao's phone.    


Qin Feng felt that his chest suddenly felt like it was about to explode. He was suppressed by a huge rock, and he couldn't breathe. He tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart. Qin Feng took a few deep breaths.    


"Qin Feng," he said. Are you all right? Shen Jian asked with concern when he saw Qin Feng's expression change.    


"I'm fine. I have something to do." Shen Jian hurried downstairs. Qin Feng got into the car and called Zhou Ningmeng. The moment the call connected, Qin Feng's anger suddenly disappeared. He remembered what Lin Xuemei had told him. Why should he believe Lau Xiao's side of the story? Who knew what Lau Xiao was trying to do? What if she was trying to sow discord between the two of them?    


"Qin Feng, is something the matter?" Zhou Ningmeng asked drowsily on the other end of the phone. That sleep just now was too beautiful.    


"Oh, it's nothing. I just want to see if you're awake or not. If you're awake, Don't move around. Take care to rest. I'll cook dinner when I get home." Qin Feng instantly changed his mind.    


"Ok." Qin Feng heard Zhou Ningmeng crying on the other end of the phone. "Qin Feng. I love you.    


"Ningmeng, I love you too." Qin Feng said emotionally, "Hurry up and rest."    


"Okay," Zhou Ningmeng agreed like a primary school student.    


After hanging up the phone, he thought about the text message and the look in the young man's eyes when he left the ward. His heart suddenly hurt again. If there was nothing between them, why would that young man look at me like that?    


No, I have to figure it out.    


Thinking of this, Qin Feng started the car and ran to the county hospital.    


This time, the security guards were all smart. When they saw Qin Feng's car, they knew it was coming. All of you hide far away. Can't they hide even if they can't afford to offend him?    


Qin Feng parked the car in front of the door and went upstairs to Zhou Ningmeng's room. He entered the room. But there was no sign of the young man.    


"Nurse, where is the man on the bed in the XX ward room?" Qin Feng came to the nurses' station in anger.    


"I don't know." The nurse who was making the decoction did not even raise her head.    


"I'm asking you a question," Qin Feng said. Qin Feng suddenly grabbed the nurse's arm and said sternly.    


"Ah, what are you doing?" The nurse raised her head while baring her teeth. When she saw Qin Feng's face clearly, she was filled with regret. If she had known it was this God of Plagues, she would have spoken better.    


"Big... Big brother, I really don't know where he went. We are looking for him too. He left before he could be discharged from the hospital. " Fortunately, there is still money in there. Otherwise, we would have suffered a great loss. " The nurse looked at Qin Feng's twisted face in horror.    


Then you must have a home address recorded by you. Show me the record of his hospitalization. " Although the nurse was pretty, she was quite pretty. Qin Feng did not have a home address at the moment. Ding Dian's hands, which were like pliers, were still tightly gripping the nurse's wrist.    


"Okay, okay, okay. I'll give it to you. Please let go first. It hurts so much." The nurse's tears were about to fall. She had never been treated like this in her entire life. No matter if she was at home or outside, she was always the one being held up by others. At home, it was because of the love of the family. Outside, think about it. Who would be cold to a beauty? Probably only someone like Qin Feng, who didn't know how precious a beauty was, would do such a thing.    


After memorizing the person's name and address, Qin Feng casually pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a string of numbers on it. "Sorry about today. Call me when you have time. I'll treat you to a meal to calm your nerves."    


Qin Feng left in a hurry. The nurse was fascinated by Qin Feng's tall and muscular back. She had forgotten the pain that this man had caused her. She watched Qin Feng disappear into the end of the corridor. The nurse murmured, "He's so handsome!    


Sigh, it really was like a toad looking at a turtle looking at a green bean. In the past, girls always enjoyed the feeling of being held in the palm of someone's hand. At that time, she didn't feel anything. She suddenly enjoyed being held in the palm of someone's hand. Why did it call instead?    


Back in the car, Qin Feng turned around and wanted to run back to the man's village. He had yet to leave the county hospital when he received a call from Shen Jian. "Qin Feng, where are you? President Lin wants to go out."    


"I was just refueling. I'm going to the company now." It was not a big deal. Qin Feng quickly turned the car around and stepped on the gas. He ran to the unit.    


"Take me to the branch office." Lin Xuemei got into the car with a serious face when the car had just stopped.    


"Did something happen?" Through the rearview mirror, Qin Feng saw Lin Xuemei's eyebrows were tightly knitted together.    


"Sigh, the branch company is going to become famous this time." Lin Xuemei sighed. "Why didn't I notice that Ge Qing was so bold back then?! This time, it has caused a huge mess."    


"What's wrong? Isn't she no longer a Section Chief now?" Qin Feng asked in surprise.    


"It's all in the past. Something has happened now. As they spoke, the car arrived at the county committee.    


When they stopped by the stairs, Lin Xuemei pedaled up the stairs and moved beautifully. Qin Feng parked the car to the side and waited, but in his heart he was thinking about how to get that kid back.    


F * ck, how dare you play with my woman. I will make you regret being a man for the rest of your life. Slap the steering wheel and Qin Feng said fiercely.    


What's the difference between us soldiers?    


The ringing of his phone rang. Without looking at it, Qin Feng grabbed it and answered it. "Who is it?"    


There was silence on the other side of the phone. Qin Feng took the phone and looked at it. What the hell? How could this be?    


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