The Ancient Supreme

C24 Tiantang City

C24 Tiantang City

The moment the Energetic Pill entered his throat, it transformed into a huge wave of spirit energy that struck all the meridians in his body. The powerful energy instantly broke Lin Yuan through to the middle stage of the fourth layer of Qi Condensation.    


When Jin Feng saw that Lin Yuan's realm had instantly risen by one rank, he was also shocked. However, he did not mind, because with his martial skills, even cultivators with fourth layer of Qi Condensation would die.    


"Scorching Sun Sky Slash."    


Jin Feng shouted loudly, and the top-grade long sword in his hand immediately ignited with raging flames. The blazing temperature spread out in an instant, and even his cultivation had risen to the late stage of the fourth layer of Qi Condensation.    


Shortly after, the metal wind jumped high into the air and slashed down with the top quality sword. A large amount of red fire sword qi shot out. It was so hot that it almost melted people and also had a very large attacking range.    


Lin Yuan clenched his teeth tightly, and the purple lightning in his body suddenly started to shake intensely. The ordinary spirit energy that was replenished by the Energetic Pill earlier immediately turned into purple spirit energy.    


With a swing of his sword, the purple colored Sword Qi charged forward with a valiant and fearless aura. The two Sword Qi intersected with each other, and a violent energy explosion caused the surrounding people to take a few steps back.    


"So strong!"    


These two had appeared in almost everyone's heart. Merely based on the strength of their fourth layer of Qi Condensation, they had actually produced an energy explosion in the midst of battle. They couldn't help but sigh at the strength of the two.    


Under the deterrence of the energy wave, Jin Feng's body immediately fell onto the ground ruthlessly, while Lin Yuan was also blasted flying.    


Unfortunately for him, Lin Yuan was already quite close to the battle. Now, he was actually shaken off from the Dual Winged Leviathan's back, and his body instantly started to rapidly descend from the skies.    


Blood dripped from the corner of Jin Feng's mouth as he walked to the edge of the Two-Winged Leviathan's back. He lowered his head and looked down. Other than the white clouds, there was nothing else he could see.    


"Hmph, dying just like that is too easy for you." Jin Feng spat on the ground angrily.    


When the surrounding people saw Lin Yuan falling down from the Dual Winged Leviathan, they couldn't help but sigh and shake their heads. He was just a talented youth, yet he died such a useless death, what a pity.    


As for Lin Yuan, after falling down from the Winged Leviathan, his body had freely landed on the ground. It took him more than a minute to reach a height of ten thousand meters before he could touch the ground.    


If it was anyone else, they would have been dead for sure, but Lin Yuan was different. He had the jade pendant that could teleport instantly, and when he was just a few hundred meters away from the ground, his body disappeared.    


When he appeared here, he was already five miles away on the road. Although he didn't fall to his death, the sudden change in scenery still caused him to fall flat on his face.    


Lin Yuan laid on the ground for a while before recovering. After inspecting his body, he found that he was already riddled with injuries, but they were only superficial and not very severe.    


But following that, the side effects of the Energetic Pill almost made Lin Yuan pee in his pants. After the duration of the medicine, he only felt his entire body becoming weak, his four limbs did not have any strength, and even his consciousness had become drowsy.    


Fortunately, Lin Yuan had teleported to a place where not many people had passed through, otherwise, it would be very dangerous.    


The side effects of the medicine continued for nearly an hour before they disappeared. Lin Yuan who had recovered, immediately started to recuperate, the spirit energy in his body was now completely gone.    


After recovering, Lin Yuan looked around to find his current location. Fortunately, the Dual Winged Leviathan had already brought him halfway to where he was now, but he was still very far from the Tiantang City.    


However, Lin Yuan had no other choice now, he could only buy a good horse to travel day and night, and finally arrive at Tiantang City a month later.    


The Tiantang City was a large city filled with cultivators. Anyone who lived here, even if it was a normal resident, would be at the first level of Qi Condensation.    


The Tiantang City was rich and vast, there were many pavilions and pavilions in the city, the level of prosperity was even higher than Luan City's by a few levels, there was no lack of sects amongst them.    


Lin Yuan was travel worn out from the journey, and even though he was a cultivator of Third Level of Qi Condensation, exhaustion still appeared on his face. Since he still did not know the location of the Thousand Lightning Sect Branch, he could only temporarily stay here to plan his next course of action.    


Unlike Lone Earth City and Linfeng, all the expenses here required a spirit stone. Even staying in a shop for a day required a low-grade spirit stone, and a standard lunch also required a low-grade spirit stone.    


During this past month, he had relied on meditating to recover his strength and mental strength. Now that he had reached his destination, he might as well slack off for a day and have a good sleep.    


The entire night passed without incident. After daybreak, Lin Yuan packed up simply and called the waiter over, planning to ask him about the Thousand Lightning Sect Branch.    


"Young master, if you want to go to Thousand Lightning Sect Branch, I'm afraid you will need to wait for a month." The waiter slowly said to Lin Yuan.    


"Why is that?" Lin Yuan asked.    


The waiter sized up Lin Yuan and then said indifferently: "Sir, you are not a local. You may not know the rules here.    


"What is joint exercise?" Lin Yuan asked with suspicion.    


Seeing that Lin Yuan was not knowledgeable about the Tiantang City, the waiter started to explain patiently: "Young master, you might not know, but the Tiantang City is a city of cultivators, and the powers in the city are all over the place."    


"But if it's one of the top sects, there's a total of six. Three of them are the Thousand Lightning Sect Branch, the Heaven Mountain Sect, and the Path Breaking Sect's Branch Sect."    


Other than that, there are three other families, the Jin family, Feng family, and Wan family. The so called joint training is for each of the six forces to select their own elite disciples to enter the Heaven's Will Forest to fight.    


Hearing that, Lin Yuan was still confused, so he continued to ask: "I'm going to the Thousand Lightning Sect Branch to look for people, and it doesn't affect my training, is that still not okay?"    


"Of course not, this joint training is a very important matter. The six great powers only hold it once every three years, and every time after the training, there would be a disciple buried in the Heaven's Will Forest. As for the disciples who come out alive, none of them are the focus of the six great powers' nurturing."    


The waiter continued slowly, "And before the joint exercise, the six powers will hold a selection. Only the selected people will be qualified to participate in the exercise. During this time, the six powers will reject visitors."    


"So that's how it is." Lin Yuan finally understood and it seemed that he did not come at the right time. "Since that's the case, then please tell me the Thousand Lightning Sect Branch's address.    


"Thousand Lightning Sect Branch is on the mountain peak northeast of Tiantang City, about a hundred kilometers away from Tiantang City." With that, the waiter turned and left.    


Although the Thousand Lightning Sect Branch refused to allow outsiders to enter, Lin Yuan still planned to give it a try. After all, Lei Qianhua had said that he could go find anytime.    


However, since he was already in Tiantang City, Lin Yuan was not so anxious. He planned to go out and take a walk, and also buy some gifts for the Su Family sisters.    


Walking on the main street of the Tiantang City, Lin Yuan was completely captivated by the flourishing of the city. Compared to that, Lin Feng City was like a countryside village, simply not enough to show off.    


While walking, Lin Yuan suddenly saw a weapon shop. Thinking about the metal wind's top quality longsword and Mu Yiyi's top quality weapon, Lin Yuan's heart wanted to buy one a long time ago.    


But after walking into the shop, Lin Yuan was disappointed, because it was filled with spirit grade weapons, and not one of them was of the highest quality.    


"Young master, do you look dissatisfied?" Tell me what kind of weapon you need, and I'll help you look into it.    


A burly middle-aged man slowly walked over. From the looks of it, he was the boss of the weapon store.    


"I want a top-grade sword. I don't know if you have any here." Lin Yuan went straight to the point.    


Hearing this, the shop owner laughed, "Young master, this weapon is not for sale. You must know how valuable it is. Without the help of the clan, I'm afraid even a level 6 Qi Condensation cultivator would not be able to afford it."    


Lin Yuan had never come into contact with weapons used by cultivators before, so he did not know how much they were, hence he asked: "I wonder what the price of a top-grade weapon is, maybe I can afford it."    


Lin Yuan was not boasting. He could currently own over a hundred High-grade Spirit Stone and he had always been unable to absorb any of the spirit energy inside them.    


The shop owner saw that Lin Yuan seemed to be extremely rich, so he stretched out his ten fingers and said: "No more no less, no less than a hundred thousand High-grade Spirit Stone, and also need to customize it. Normally, weapons shops would not have any goods on hand."    


A hundred thousand High-grade Spirit Stone! Lin Yuan was truly frightened. He thought that he would be rich enough to have a hundred High-grade Spirit Stone, but now he knew that he was still a poor man.    


Seeing the awkward look on Lin Yuan's face, the smile on the shop owner's face slowly faded, and his tone was no longer respectful: "Sir, I think you should take a look at the Spirit grade weapons here. As for the top grade weapons, I am afraid you do not have any use for them yet."    


Lin Yuan did not care about his attitude, after all, he really could not afford it, but he already had a lot of spirit weapons, so he did not plan to buy any more.    


Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly heard a very familiar voice coming from behind him.    


"Boss, did you sell Black Rock?"    


Lin Yuan turned around and looked, to see that Su Xiaoyu, the little girl, had shockingly appeared at the store's entrance. Compared to the time they parted, she seemed to have grown a little taller, wearing a green robe and a gloomy expression.    


Two young men followed behind Su Xiaoyu. The man was similarly dressed in green, and her figure was extremely tall and straight. A pair of haughty and indifferent eyes scrutinized Lin Yuan and the shop owner.    


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