The Ancient Supreme

C274 Borrowing a knife to kill someone

C274 Borrowing a knife to kill someone

"Well, did they fall for it?" After seeing the subordinates that were going to investigate, Jiang Lang immediately grabbed onto their sleeves and asked anxiously.    


When the soldier of the Modu Legion heard Jiang Lang's question, she could not help but take a deep breath and then slowly walked towards him.    


"Jiangdu Du, there are still no movements in Cultivation Clan."    


No movement? Jiang Lang muttered in his heart.    


It seemed that he had underestimated those sects.    


"Continue to guard the city gates. If you discover any movement, report back to me immediately!" Jiang Lang said to the subordinate.    


The men obeyed and withdrew.    


Jiang Lang's expression was indecisive, but in his sharp eyes, there was a trace of a demonic smile.    


"Cousin brother, the sky of Golden Snow City is going to change!" In Yue Junqian's room, Yue Fenglin let out a long sigh.    


Yue Junqian sat in his teacher's chair, his expression solemn.    


"Feng Lin, now we cannot form an alliance with the yadu!" Yue Junqian muttered to himself for a moment, and then said.    


"That's right. Cousin brother, if we ally with the yadu, wouldn't we be despised by all the sects in the world?" Yue Fenglin immediately agreed.    


"But now, we can only act if we form an alliance!" Yue Junqian sighed and said.    


Hearing Yue Junqian's words, Yue Fenglin did not understand.    


"Cousin, what do you mean? What do you mean by 'alliance' and 'non-aligned'? "    


"Right now, we can only pretend to be allied with the Devil Spirit King and take advantage of his unforeseen circumstances to secretly communicate with the sects outside the city."    


"This ?" Hearing Yue Junqian's words, Yue Fenglin could not help but frown.    


"Cousin, this... "If the matter were to be exposed ?"    


"Feng Lin, as a member of the Yue Family, naturally, we have to go against the odds. And also, we can only break out of the encirclement if we are caught off guard!"    


Hearing Yue Junqian's impassioned words, Yue Fenglin hesitated for a moment before saying: "Cousin, then the Bai Family ? Are we going to fight now? "    


"This time, I'm going to take action myself. I'm going to make sure that they can't escape!" As Yue Junqian said that, a ruthless expression surfaced on his face.    


"Feng Lin, you can go now. I'll go and find out more about the Devil Spirit King." Yue Junqian said in a clear voice.    


After Yue Fenglin heard what he said, a trace of displeasure surfaced on her face. "Cousin brother, isn't this betraying the righteous path?"    


Seeing his difficult expression, Yue Junqian walked forward, patted his shoulder and said: "The person who has accomplished great things does not bother about small matters. Feng Lin, you will naturally understand this logic in the future."    


"Go!" Yue Junqian saw that he did not say a word, and then said to him.    


Yue Junqian then went to the room of the Devil Spirit King.    


What surprised Yue Junqian was that the Devil Spirit King was still the same as the last time he left.    


He sat at the table with a calm expression, his eyes unreadable, as if he was waiting for something.    


"Young Master, you've finally come. This King has been waiting for you for a long time!" Devil Spirit King said to Yue Junqian with a faint smile on his face as he watched him enter in large strides.    


When Yue Junqian saw his smiling face, his heart was filled with mixed emotions.    


"Could it be that Your Majesty has been waiting for you?"    


The Devil Spirit King answered without hesitation, "That's right, this king is waiting for the Young Master. This King is deeply honoured to meet a junior who is as intelligent and witty as the Young Lord. "    


Hearing Devil Spirit King's polite words, Yue Junqian could only chuckle.    


"I have always heard that the Your Majesty has a great reputation. He is brave and dauntless, it is Jun Gan's fortune to be able to meet the Your Majesty. I hope that Your Majesty can give me some pointers in the future. " Yue Junqian said to the Devil Spirit King with a smile.    


Hearing Yue Junqian's reserved words, Devil Spirit King seemed to have understood something, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl into a smile.    


"Young Lord is indeed a wise man. This King was not wrong about you!" Devil Spirit King said clearly.    


Although the two of them appeared amiable on the surface, they were secretly calculating their own benefits.    


Outside the Golden Snow City, in the sect's joint tent.    


Yang Hao continued to look at the deployment map of the Golden Snow City.    


Just then, a sect disciple walked into the tent and handed over a secret letter to Yang Hao.    


After instructing the sect disciple to leave, Yang Hao quickly opened the letter.    


After reading the contents of the letter, Yang Hao sank into deep thought.    


This letter was a secret book of the Yue Family. It said that once you read it, you must burn it.    


After Yang Hao finished reading the letter, he placed it in front of the candle.    


Watching the candle flame engulf the letter bit by bit, Yang Hao on the other hand seemed to be very preoccupied with something.    


The letter said that the yadu was not a match for the army that was attacking the Golden Snow City. They could only pretend to surrender, but their thoughts were still on the life and death of the Cultivation Clan.    


As a result, along with a letter, came the deployment of the Modu Legion army.    


Looking at the deployment map in his hands, Yang Hao suddenly had a face full of worry.    


"Senior brother Yang, the Ling-Xian Gate sect master is here!"    


Just as Yang Hao was feeling secretly injured, a sect disciple reported from outside the camp.    


After hearing the news, Yang Hao immediately revealed a surprised expression.    


He was about to stand up and go greet her. The curtains of the tent had already been lifted.    


Chen Mei walked in from outside the camp wearing a brocade robe.    


Seeing Chen Mei's change, Yang Hao could not help but praise him: "After brother Chen became sect master, his bearing was indeed extraordinary!"    


Hearing Yang Hao's praise, Chen Mei could not help but raise his head and laugh.    


"Brother Yang, you're too kind, you don't have to say that!" However, he still spoke in a humble tone.    


"Brother Chen just happened to be here. There's a secret letter here that Golden Snow City sent out hurriedly."    


Yang Hao then told Chen Mei about Yue Junqian's false intention to recruit and when Chen Mei heard it, he could not help but fall into deep thought.    


"Does he want us to save him now?" Chen Mei muttered to himself for a moment, and then said slowly.    


"Brother Chen, now that the yadu has broken the contract, even if we have to fight, it is for the peace of the Cultivation Clan."    


Hearing Yang Hao's words, Chen Mei nodded.    


"That's right, since that's the case, let us set off immediately and attack the Golden Snow City!"    


Seeing Chen Mei's imposing manner, Yang Hao also nodded.    


Three thousand years of decorations in peace, now finally about to reveal the original face of life! Yang Hao secretly thought in his heart.    


After the two of them left their tents, they quickly gathered the elite disciples of each sect.    


"Now, it is the time of life and death for the Cultivation Clan. As the vanguard, we must actively engage in battle, and become braver the more we fall!"    


At the swearing-master meeting, Yang Hao and Chen Mei passionately tried to boost their morale.    


Although the sect had only sent a portion of its disciples, with the strength of these people, they were more than enough to deal with an ordinary demon spirit.    


After the speech, the morale of the crowd rose in an instant.    


The sect disciples, on the other hand, had heroic expressions on their faces.    


"Governor, there is a group of sects outside the city approaching the Golden Snow City."    


The guard above the city gate immediately returned to report to Jiang Lang after seeing this scene.    


After Jiang Lang heard this news, he immediately stood up from his seat.    


"They're finally willing to take action!" A trace of excitement instantly emerged from the corner of Jiang Lang's mouth.    


So the reason the Devil Spirit King made him wait was to wait for this moment.    


"Lieutenant, are we going to fight?" The guard looked at Jiang Lang's joyous expression and asked.    


"Wait a little longer!" Jiang Lang's eyes flowed with a trace of a sinister smile.    


"Now, defend the city gate to the death and reduce the casualties. You are not allowed to act without permission!" Jiang Lang said coldly.    


"Yes, Governor!" The guard quickly retreated after receiving his orders.    


"The good show is finally about to begin!" Jiang Lang laughed, and then muttered.    


As for Yue Junqian, he borrowed the strength of the Devil Spirit King and surrounded the entire place.    


"Cousin, this... "Could it be that you want to silence me ?"    


Seeing Yue Junqian's situation, Yue Fenglin could not help but feel apprehensive.    


"This time, we are borrowing yadu's power to kill, so we naturally have to do it cleanly!" Yue Junqian said with a cold smile.    


Seeing Yue Junqian's cold smile, Yue Fenglin could not help but feel a chill down her spine.    


Although he wanted to snatch the jade pendant, to complete his mission as a Yue Family citizen.    


However, he and Bai Chenxuan could be considered to have some relationship back then, and now that their clan was about to be exterminated, he could not bear to do so.    


"Feng Lin, remember, as a man, if you do something, no matter how, there will be people who will sympathize with your weakness. People will only humiliate you, our Yue Family will become a strong warrior!" Yue Junqian clenched his fists tightly and said while gnashing his teeth.    


While the two of them were speaking, they had already reached the entrance of the Bai?s Mansion.    


"Let's not show our faces and just enjoy the show!"    


As Yue Junqian said that, he walked into a luxurious carriage that was right outside of Bai?s Mansion.    


As soon as he entered, he heard the sound of a cawing coming from inside.    


Seeing Yue Junqian like this, Yue Fenglin could not help but shake his head.    


It was now difficult for him to connect that previously gentle, jade-like young master with the current Yue Junqian.    


"Things are when people don't want to do anything, but tears will flow first when you try to speak ?" Yue Fenglin looked at the black mass of soldiers outside the Bai?s Mansion, and sighed in her heart.    


Suddenly, Yue Junqian raised the carriage's curtain and shouted coldly: "Release the arrows!"    


Following his orders, the soldiers of the Modu Legion all raised their bows and arrows, aiming straight at the inside of the Bai?s Mansion.    


Seeing that, Yue Fenglin could only sigh, and then turned and walked back to the carriage.    


Following Yue Junqian's order, the bows in the hands of the Modu Legion soldiers rained down towards the Bai?s Mansion.    


Within the Bai?s Mansion, all the servants in the residence looked at the arrows that rained down from the sky, flying towards them.    


"Oh no, we've been attacked!"    


The sound of people fleeing could be heard everywhere.    


Lin Yuan and the others who were in the backyard heard the commotion outside and came out one after another.    


When they saw the arrows in the sky, their faces were filled with astonishment.    


"What is going on? Could it be the people from the Yue Family?"    


Looking at the wave after wave of arrows in the sky, Bai Chenxuan couldn't help but frown.    


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