Heaven Slautering War God



When Sun Yu saw the ruins in front of him, he was a little dumbfounded. At the same time, his tears also flashed ?    


"That's the direction of the Scripture Tower ?" But after walking for a while, Sun Yu said to Li Chen.    


"Mm, good ?" Li Chen nodded, then flew in the direction of the sound. Not long after, Li Chen had arrived at the location of the sound, which was the Scripture Tower that Sun Yu spoke of.    


The Hundred Prints's Scripture Tower was exceptionally grand and imposing, reaching a total of nine stories high and constructed in jade. A faint and auspicious aura was being released from within, and on the top of the building, there was a suspended Divine Seal, from which occasionally a ray of light would emerge.    


When Li Chen had gotten here, there was a group of people surrounding and attacking the Golden Mansion's protective array outside the Scripture Tower. Inside the array, outside the Scripture Tower, there were more than ten people maintaining the crumbling array.    


"Sect Leader, Second Elder, Third Elder ?" "Sob, sob, sob ?" When Sun Yu, who was behind Li Chen, saw the person inside the formation, he cried a little.    


"Who is it? This has nothing to do with anyone else." Please leave quickly ? " When the leader of the cultivators surrounding and attacking the Scripture Tower saw Li Chen and the other two coming here, he said that.    


"Senior, these people are dressed the same as the previous person ?" In the blink of an eye, Sun Yu saw this group of people, and then, he realized that these people's clothes were actually the same as the cultivator that was chasing him down just now.    


"Yeah, I've also discovered it ?" Li Chen replied.    


"Head, look, is that cultivator wearing Hundred Prints's clothes ?" Seeing that Li Chen and the other two had arrived, the group of cultivators all stopped their attacks. At this moment, when a cultivator saw Sun Yu behind Li Chen, he told the cultivator that Li Chen had to leave.    


"Eh, indeed. Could it be a remnant of the Hundred Prints? " The leader of the cultivators said.    


"Head, I think that's it. Look at the way that person looks at the person inside the array. It must be the remnants of Hundred Prints ? " The cultivator who spoke earlier said it again.    


After the leader of the cultivators heard his subordinate's words, he nodded and then looked at Sun Yu. He then turned to look at Li Chen, and realised that he could not sense Li Chen's cultivation level. The cultivator was slightly shocked, and after thinking for a while, he said to Li Chen.    


"Fellow daoist, I do not know why you have come. If there is nothing else, please leave." "This thief from the Hundred Prints stole one of our secret scriptures. I am here to retrieve it now ?" The leader of the cultivators cupped his hands towards Li Chen.    


Just as Li Chen was preparing to speak, the Hundred Prints people inside the array saw that the attack had stopped, so they stopped and maintained their formations, raised their heads and looked outside, only to realise that Li Chen and the other two had also arrived. One of the middle aged cultivators looked at Sun Yu who was behind Li Chen and was slightly shocked, then anxiously said, "Sun Yu, quickly leave, this group of thieves are the ones who killed the Great Clan Elder. I don't know where they found out that the Hundred Prints has a secret treasure to enlighten people, but they have come to destroy our Hundred Prints in order to snatch it away. "Hurry up and run ?" The cultivator clearly heard the leader of the bandits speak, but he was also unusually clever. Even though he looked like he was talking to tell Sun Yu to run, he was in fact quickly recounting the whole situation to Li Chen.    


However, in the blink of an eye, it returned to normal. Then, he looked at Li Chen and said, "Fellow cultivator, don't speak nonsense, this Hundred Prints has always used the name of treachery, I hope that Fellow will give me the Hundred Prints thief behind you. I actually have a huge gift to thank you for that ?" As he said that, the cultivator directly took out an storage bag from his waist and threw it towards Li Chen. Then, he continued, "Here, fellow cultivator, this is half a thank you gift. If you hand that cultivator over to me, and then leave, I still have half to give to fellow cultivator ?"    


Li Chen received the storage bag, and after sensing it for a bit, he discovered that there was actually a hundred thousand high rank spirit stone inside, which surprised him a little. However, Li Chen was not the kind of cultivator who would use spirit stone like that, since he had already opened the Pill Artifact Pavilion in Tianxing City for nine years, he probably had over a hundred million high grade spirit stone on him. But even if Li Chen was the type of cultivator, he would not hand it over to her this time, because it was rare for him to meet a sect who practiced the same technique as him ?     


Thus, Li Chen weighed the storage bag in his hand, and looked at the leader of the cultivators with a strange expression, before smiling.    


"Mm. Fellow Daoist." I don't know how you're doing. "If you find it too little, I can double it again ?" As the cultivator said this, he thought in his heart. Once the legendary things from the Hundred Prints were obtained, everything would return to him. Even without those things, a single sect like him would have more than enough money to make up for it.    


"Senior, please don't hand me over ?" , who was behind Li Chen, nervously spoke after hearing what the cultivator had said and seeing him bribe Li Chen.    


After Li Chen heard Sun Yu's words, he turned his head to glance at Sun Yu. Then, he tossed the storage bag in his hands to Sun Yu and said, "Mn, take a look. Are these things worth your life? "    


Sun Yu took the storage bag that Li Chen gave him, and after opening it to sense for a while, he exclaimed, "Ah ?" That storage bag also fell from Sun Yu's hands.    


"Hahaha ?" Fellow Daoist, what do you think? Give me a good answer... " When the lead cultivator saw Sun Yu's expression, he laughed and said to Li Chen.    


"Pah ?" You still have the face to smile, you thief. We will trade with the spirit stone s that looted from our sect. Truly shameless... Fellow Daoist, please bring Sun Yu along and quickly leave ? " It was another tall and sturdy cultivator inside the formation that spat upon seeing the actions of the cultivator outside.    


"Shut up ?" The cultivator turned his head and said, then turned his head and prepared to ask Li Chen, "Fellow Taoist ?"    


However, the moment the first two words left his mouth, he was unable to say another word, because just as he turned his head, Li Chen's body flashed and appeared right in front of him. The Bloodthirsty Sword instantly appeared in his hands, and immediately after, gave the cultivator a chill down his spine, and his heart flew high.    


"Ah, you ?" You... Everyone be careful... "The ones who have come are not friendly ?" When the other cultivators next to the leader saw Li Chen, they immediately rushed to the side of the leader and killed him in an instant. After being stunned for a moment, he shouted out loudly and then prepared to scatter in all directions.    


"Little Flame, didn't you always want to practice?" "Hurry up and attack ?" Seeing the surrounding cultivators dispersing, Li Chen looked at the surrounding cultivators in a mocking manner, and then said to Fen Xiangxiang.    


"Ah, good. "Watch me ?" After Fen Xiangxiang heard what Li Chen had said, he was overjoyed. Actually, she had been holding herself back, as if she had been cultivating since Li Chen came to this sect grounds. She had not fought with other cultivators yet, even though it felt like fighting with these cultivators was bullying the weak. But, who told this group of cultivators to be unlucky? They bumped into Li Chen and her.    


After Fen Xiangxiang thought it through in a moment, he made his move, with a wave of his hand, his silk-like divine treasure was sent flying by Fen Xiangxiang. The group of cultivators on the opposite side also discovered that they were unable to sense Fen Xiangxiang's cultivation level after he made his move.    


He secretly thought that this time, he might have met a tough opponent. As a result, he didn't prepare to fight back and immediately scattered in all directions to escape. Although their cultivation was also in the Martial King Realm, they were all cultivators in the early stages of the Martial King, how could they compare to Fen Xiangxiang?    


Seeing that the cultivators were not retaliating, but were all preparing to escape, Fen Xiangxiang got angry, stepped on the wind fire wheel and chased after them. Because their cultivation was much higher, even if they were to escape, this group of people with four long legs were not a match for Fen Xiangxiang, who was at the peak of the Martial King.    


The battle ended as quickly as it came. After a few minutes, with the combined efforts of Li Chen and Fen Xiangxiang, all of the twenty plus people were killed by Li Chen and Fen Xiangxiang.    


Sun Yu who was left behind by Li Chen and the rest of the cultivators from the other Hundred Prints saw the twenty odd Martial King Realm experts, who had slaughtered their own sect to the last ten or so people, being killed by Li Chen and Yue Yang within a few minutes. Not a single one of these cultivators was able to escape from the vicinity of Hundred Prints.    


Seeing that the thieves had been killed by Li Chen and the other two, the Hundred Prints cultivators all sat down on the ground helplessly as if they had survived a calamity, and looked at the ruined Hundred Prints outside the Scripture Tower behind them, revealing their sadness and helplessness.    


Seeing that Li Chen and his two seniors had already killed all of those people, and yet, they did not have time to cheer, Sun Yu directly rushed towards his fellow sect members outside of the Scripture Tower.    


"Sect Leader, Master, Third Elder, Junior Brothers ?" I... "Sob, sob, sob ?" Sun Yu stepped forward and called out, but before he could say anything, a wave of grief spread to Sun Yu's heart, and he instantly fell down in front of the person whom Sun Yu called master and cried.    


It was fine that Sun Yu did not cry, but this cry seemed to ignite the flame. Other than the Sect Leader and the Second Clan Elder, the other disciples besides the Third Clan Elder all had tears in their eyes. Some of the cultivators were even like Sun Yu, crying.    


"Well, don't cry. Although we have suffered a great calamity, as long as our Hundred Prints has not become extinct, we still have hope ? " It was the Sect Leader who said this when he saw the sad tears of all the disciples.    


"Yes, yes ?" However ? Woo woo ? * I am really sad, Sect Leader Senior Uncle, is it really just us remaining in sect? " After Sun Yu heard what the Sect Leader said, he stopped crying and asked the Sect Leader with a choked of emotions.    


"Ah, yes. Aside from us, the rest of the disciples in the sect have all met with calamity. The Great Clan Elder, Fourth Clan Elder, the Fifth Clan Elder, in order to protect us from entering this Scripture Tower, were also killed by that bandit leader ? " The Sect Leader spoke with a trembling voice.    


"But Sun Yu, didn't you go out to buy some ingredients? You returned so late ?" The Sect Leader remembered and asked.    


"Replying to Sect Senior Martial Uncle, just as I finished selling the materials and was preparing to return to the sect, I met with an ambush by a person wearing the same clothes as these cultivators. After the great battle, I realized that I was no match, so I ran away." Fortunately, they met those two seniors, otherwise ? disciple will probably not be able to return ? " Sun Yu explained.    


After the Sect Master heard Sun Yu say this, his expression became sorrowful, and then, he muttered to himself, "Sigh, if that's the case, then those disciples who were outside would likely be in trouble as well ? "Ai ?"    


"Oh, thank you fellow daoist for helping us out ? I kneel here to thank you ?. " When the Sect Leader saw that Li Chen and the other two had arrived in front of them after killing the group of cultivators, he immediately knelt down and said.    


When the other cultivators of the Hundred Prints heard their Sect Leader's words, they also knelt down towards Li Chen and expressed their gratitude.    


"Alright, it's easy. "I am also very happy to see fellow daoist cultivator practice the seal technique, but I should be the one helping ?" Li Chen saw that all the people from Hundred Prints had knelt down towards him, and said helplessly.    


"Alright, stop kneeling. "Hurry and get up ?" After Li Chen finished speaking, these people were still kneeling down to thank him, thus he raised his hand, allowing the cultivators to stand up.    


When the cultivators of Hundred Prints saw Li Chen waving his hand to cause them to be unable to stand up, they were all shocked.    


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