Heaven Slautering War God



After Li Chen and Luo Hua City Mistress jumped in (Fen Xiangxiang did not want to see such a beautiful scene, so he proposed to keep watch outside), he discovered a feminine looking man with a full beard lying on top of his body. A rough looking man fell onto the ground, and in his right hand was a leather whip ?    


After Li Chen glanced at it, he did not want to continue watching. Therefore, he directly used the spiritual strength to float the two of them, then agglomerated a fire seal and attacked the two of them.    


After the fire seal struck the two, in a short while, the two were both turned to ashes.    


After that, Li Chen shot out another wind seal and blew away all the dust.    


After Li Chen took care of the two, he observed the house for a while and then found the two storage bag s. and then threw it into the mustard space. He then looked around and found nothing good. Then, Elder Chen and the both of them jumped out of the window.    


After coming out, Li Chen shook his hand at Fen Xiangxiang.    


When Fen Xiangxiang saw Li Chen and Elder Chen coming out, he went up to them and asked, "Is it over? "Where is he?"    


"People? Burn it directly... Let's go and create a large lightning array. Let's end this ? Go... "Let's go out and discuss ?" Li Chen replied Fen Xiangxiang, and then thought for a while and said it.    


After Li Chen finished speaking, he took the lead to sneak out of the barrier. Because they had already entered once and were already familiar with the road, there was no need for Elder Chen to lead the way.    


Because Li Chen had already annihilated a large group of people, the people inside the sect seemed to be extremely sparse. After another two to three minutes, the three of them safely returned to the outside of the barrier.    


This return to the sect is not very big, so I did not know about Lightning Strike from here. Elder Chen and Xiang Xiang did not know about Lightning Strike from that side, we will exchange blows on the other side, be careful not to let the return to the sect cultivators find out. "This time, we're secretly destroying them ?" Li Chen said to Fen Xiangxiang and Elder Chen after thinking for a while.    


Then, he took out the Lightning Seals that he had previously prepared in his spare time and had no idea about the Lightning Swamp. He counted over thirty Lightning Seals and gave them to the Elder Chen, then took out the remaining Lightning Seals from the mustard space s and gave half of them to Fen Xiangxiang. Then, he said, "Place a Lightning Seal on each side of the wall and place a Lightning Ball every once in a while."    


After Li Chen gave the orders, he cast a Lightning Strike and a Lightning Ball at his feet. Then, he flew to the side, while the Elder Chen and Fen Xiangxiang flew to the other side.    


After around ten minutes, Li Chen and the other two met up at another location. Li Chen set up the Lightning Strike and Lightning Ball at the last area. He clapped his hands. Then he thought for a while and said.    


"Hm, why don't we make it look like a divine punishment ?" Li Chen said with a smile.    


The Elder Chen thought for a while and asked, "Young Master, what do you want?" With that, the Elder Chen pointed to the sky.    


"That's right ?" "Wait for me two kilometers to the south, I'll go there later ?" With that, Li Chen leaped into the air.    


After Fen Xiangxiang and Fen Xiangxiang heard Li Chen's words, they both flew towards the south.    


On the other hand, Li Chen continued to fly upwards and soon enough, he arrived at the clouds at a high altitude.    


After arriving at the layer of clouds, Li Chen chanted the Method of travelling in his heart and then, with a wave of his hand, a lightning lake appeared within the clouds. Li Chen then looked down at the return to the sect below him and thought for a moment. He then condensed the four lightning lake spaces before him. Then, Li Chen performed a Method of travelling. Soon after, he saw the lightning seals on the ground establish a faint connection with the lightning lake in the sky, and streaks of lightning were transmitted downwards.    


Li Chen saw that everything was not going well, and flew towards Fen Xiangxiang and Elder Chen.    


Not long later, Li Chen arrived at the place Fen Xiangxiang and Yue Shan were staying.    


After arriving here, Li Chen turned around and faced the return to the sect's direction. Then, he congealed the Method of travelling in his hand and pointed it towards the return to the sect's direction.    


A flash of lightning followed Li Chen's finger and flew towards the return to the sect.    


After a while, Li Chen and the other two could see that the sky above return to the sect, which was initially relatively clear, was now filled with dark clouds. Then, streaks of lightning filled the clouds and after a short while, a large lightning bolt of two to three meters thick struck towards the return to the sect below.    


In less than a second, the lightning had arrived at the top of the return to the sect's barrier. After a slight pause, it passed through the barrier and struck onto the ground of the return to the sect, causing a chain reaction. At the same time, the area outside the barrier of the return to the sect, where Li Chen and the other two were standing, was illuminated by the lightning.    


After which, there was the sound of "Peng ?" A loud noise echoed in return to the sect. The sound was so loud that it could be heard from twenty to thirty miles away. A mushroom cloud rose from the return to the sect.    


"Mm, not bad ?" "What a heavenly punishment ?" Li Chen gasped in admiration when he saw the mushroom cloud.    


"Alright, let's go ?" With that, Li Chen ignored Fen Xiangxiang's shocked expression and continued to fly south.    


After what happened in the return to the sect, Li Chen and the other two had traveled either sightseeing, occasionally cultivating, or occasionally eating delicacies made by the Elder Chen.    


Finally, after another half a month, Li Chen and the other two arrived in front of Tianxing City.    


Looking at the city in front of him, Li Chen felt speechless, because from what Li Chen could sense, the city in front of him seemed to be several times larger than any other city, yet the city gate that appeared in front of him did not change at all, it was still as simple and crude as before.    


Actually, this was also the custom of this sect that Li Chen did not know about. In this sect's land, no one would come to attack a city for no reason. Hence, it was useless to build tall city walls and city gates. Moreover, these cities all had a small trading ground that slowly developed over time. Therefore, the cities in the sects' lands looked so simple and crude from the outside.    


Just like the Thousand Desolate City, the outside was simple and crude. After entering the city, it was as if they were two different worlds, flourishing even more than the Thousand Desolate City, and even the streets of the Tianxing City were not like the stone floors of the Thousand Desolate City, but instead, they were congealed by divine techniques into a piece of stone road without cracks.    


Moreover, the shops on both sides of the streets of Tianxing City were even more numerous than the cultivators that entered and left the city. Furthermore, the shops were also much larger in size.    


Li Chen watched as he brought the two of them to walk around the city.    


"Wow. Forest soil. Look... Fuxianglou, you're so big ? " Fen Xiangxiang suddenly shouted from behind Li Chen, at the same time pointing towards a certain direction.    


looked over to where Fen Xiangxiang was pointing. As expected, the Fuxianglou's signboard had appeared in front of Li Chen. Looking at the signboard, Li Chen realized that it was more than twice as big as the signboard of the Myriad Desolate City's Fuxianglou. Moreover, the quality of this signboard was made entirely from high quality spirit jade. Furthermore, the interior of the shop was nearly thirty meters long.    


After Li Chen saw it, just as he was about to go to the Fuxianglou s of Tianxing City to take a look, a person coincidentally came out of the Fuxianglou s.    


When Li Chen saw this person, he shouted towards him with a joyous expression, "Dao Friend Dong ?" This cultivator was none other than the Dongqing.    


Dong Qing was planning to go out and buy some Pills, but when she heard someone calling her, and the voice sounded so familiar, she raised her head and looked around. He then saw Li Chen, who was about ten meters away from him.    


"Ah, it's Fellow Lin. Why didn't you inform me of your arrival at Tianxing City ?" Seeing that it was Li Chen and the other two, the gyrfalcon exclaimed happily. With that, he walked in front of Li Chen.    


"Come, let's go in and take a seat ?" With that, the gyrfalcon pulled Li Chen's hand and looked at the Fuxianglou. Elder Chen and Fen Xiangxiang really followed behind.    


"Little Wang, let the kitchen... Eh, forget it. "Bring a pot of top-grade incense to Jiang-Nan pagoda ?" After entering the Fuxianglou's door, Dongqing instructed a servant that was not far away.    


After saying that, without waiting for the servant's reply, he brought Li Chen to the second floor of Fuxianglou and entered a private room.    


"Fellow Daoist Lin, please sit." "This is ?" When Dong Qing pulled Li Chen to the Jiangnan Pavilion, he finally realized that Li Chen did not look like the two people he saw last time at the Cyan Profound Palace, but there was now an additional female cultivator. Thus, he asked with some doubt.    


"Oh, this is my fault ?" Li Chen said as he heard Qing Qing asking about Fen Xiangxiang.    


"Oh. It was Lady Lin. Nice to meet you. "Come, take a seat." After hearing what Li Chen said, the gyrfalcon immediately said.    


"I wonder how long Fellow Lin will be staying in Tianxing City?" When Dong Qing saw Fen Xiangxiang sit down, he asked.    


"Yes." This. We're going to stay for a while. "Prepare to open a shop in Tianxing City..."    


"Oh, opening a shop. I wonder what kind of shop Fellow Daoist Lin wants to open? I happen to have a shop that's idle under my name, isn't that too big? If Fellow Daoist Lin uses it, you can use it first. "In any case, there's nothing to do here..." Hearing that Li Chen wanted to open a shop, the gyrfalcon spoke passionately.    


"Oh, really. Fellow Daoist, that's great. "I want to open a shop that buys ammunition from a divine treasure. I don't need that much space ?" Seeing that Dong Qing had finished speaking, Li Chen said those words happily. He thought to himself, it would be a waste if I didn't use it.    


"You want to buy a Pills box treasure? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Lin is an alchemist and also a refiner?" Dong Qing seemed a bit excited as he asked.    


"No, no, no ?" Li Chen heard her emotional words but still shook her head.    


"Sigh. "If Fellow Lin does not know of this, Alchemist Master Lin would have to go through a lot of trouble." Seeing Li Chen shaking his head, the Eastern Qing said with a sigh.    


"Not really. Fellow Daoist, please let me finish." "I am just an alchemist. As for refining, my Elder Chen is a master refiner." Li Chen said leisurely.    


"Ah, Fellow Lin, you really are an alchemist. That's great." In the future, I will have to visit your shop more often. You don't know how scary the prices of the Pills in Tianxing City are. " Dong Qing happily began to talk.    


"Really, haha. No problem, this shop belongs to you, fellow daoist. You must come often. "If you have the materials, I can make them for you for free ?" Li Chen said without a trace of politeness.    


"Really? Then, I must really thank brother Lin ?" The gyrfalcon had changed his way of addressing Li Chen right now ?    


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