Heaven Slautering War God



"Oh ?" Li Chen asked.    


When Master Dong heard Li Chen's question, he laughed dryly and said, "Actually, our Fuxianglou is not only a restaurant chain that you see on the surface. We have another identity underground ?"    


When Lord Dong spoke to this point, he mused for a moment before continuing, "That is, we are at the same time the biggest underground trading area in the sect's territory, and also the biggest assassination organization in the sect's territory ?" Master Dong said slowly, and then looked straight into Li Chen's eyes. She hoped to see the surprise revealed in Li Chen's eyes.    


However, it was very obvious. Li Chen had disappointed him. After Master Dong finished speaking, Li Chen gave a simple "oh". And then he said, "Well, what then..."    


That Master Dong was made a little awkward by Li Chen's words. "But she quickly recovered and continued to speak to Li Chen." Then, if you want the method to create this Myriad Miles Incense, you can only join our Fuxianglou. Only then can we be at ease to hand you this hard-won 10,000 Li fragrance brewing method. Otherwise, you would be an outsider, no matter how valuable the item was. "We won't trade either ?" Master Dong explained to Li Chen, but there was one thing Master Dong did not say, he said it quietly. If the value of the items you exchanged is too high and you're not willing to join our Fuxianglou, we could only send out killers to bring it back for free.    


"So, this young master." Think about it. If you truly have a difficult reason, then you can also choose to become our Fuxianglou's guest. " That Master Dong had revealed an expression as if he had made a huge decision as he told Li Chen.    


"Oh, Guest Warrior. I wonder, after becoming a guest of your Fuxianglou, what kind of obligations do I have, and what benefits do I get? " Li Chen saw that Master Dong had mentioned the term "guest official", and immediately asked.    


"Foreign Dignitary, there aren't many positions in our Fuxianglou. Because only the Protector, the Head Shopkeeper and the OP have the qualification to let outsiders become our Fuxianglou's guest. Furthermore, the Protector could only allow one person to become a Guest Warrior in his lifetime. Although there were more head storekeepers, there weren't that many. There were two spots for each of the four big storekeepers. As one of the Twelve Protectors of the Fuxianglou, I have a position as well. But if it's used, it's gone! " That Master Dong first told Li Chen who in Fuxianglou had the right to make people a guest official.    


After Master Dong said this, Li Chen also understood the reason behind Master Dong's pained expression twice.    


"After you become a guest, you will be able to trade some of the items within our Fuxianglou. The 10,000 Li Aromatic Incense brewing method is one of them. Also, after becoming a foreign delegate, you can also issue missions to our underground organization. This mission can either be a killing mission or a search mission. However, you don't have to pay for any of this. As foreign delegates, they have no obligation to help the organization. All they need to do is to help the organization when it is in great danger. " Lord Dong then continued on to talk about the benefits and obligations of becoming a Foreign Dignitary to Li Chen.    


After Li Chen heard it, he realized that being a guest of Fuxianglou was not bad. There was nothing to do. You can even trade things. So after thinking about it, Li Chen said to Master Dong. "Alright, since that's the case. Then I am willing to become a guest of your Fuxianglou. "    


"Mm, you've agreed!" Seeing that Li Chen agreed, Master Dong said. In fact, he also felt that Li Chen should be the disciple of some hidden expert, which was why he could make Li Chen his guest. Otherwise, he would only have this one chance to let others become Guest Warriors. He would not have wasted it.    


Then, Master Dong took out a yellow order badge from his storage bag and said to Li Chen, "Mn, let me formally introduce myself. I am Dongqing. is one of the Twelve Protectors of the Fuxianglou. "    


Seeing that the Eastern Goblin King had made an official introduction, Li Chen continued to say "En, my name is Lin Tu". When he said that, he saw that the other two people had strange expressions, and explained, "Em, Master said that I was lucky enough to find soil, but gave me such a name." Seeing that the two of them had a strange expression on their faces, Li Chen casually gave a reason.    


The one who said it didn't mean it. After his words were heard by Dong Qing, Dong Qing secretly thought, it seems that this Lin Tu is most likely the disciple of some hidden supreme elder. It looks like this Guest Warrior had picked the right one.    


"Mm, it's Fellow Daoist Lin." "Alright ?" When Master Dong heard Li Chen say that his surname was Lin, he immediately used the spiritual strength to create a "Forest" symbol on the yellow order badge. Then, he gave the order badge to Li Chen.    


Then he said, "Fellow Taoist Lin, this badge is the symbol of my Fuxianglou's guest official identity. At the same time, this order badge is also a sound transmission order, so he can use it to communicate with the people within our Fuxianglou. As long as both sides exchange imprints, that would be enough. "There is no longer any insignia on the tokens. If you have any problems in the future, you can just use the tokens to find me."    


"Oh, okay. "I wonder if we can trade for that 10,000 Li incense method of brewing now." Li Chen said.    


"Oh, yes. Look at my brain, I forgot. Alright, for Fellow Daoist Lin. This was the method of brewing 10,000 Li incense. "Also, this is a gourd of 10,000 Li fragrance that has yet to be mixed with Spirit Water ?" After hearing what Li Chen had said, the gyrfalcon patted his head and took out a scroll from his storage bag and a bottle gourd on top of the stone table, as he said this to Li Chen.    


When Li Chen heard the two words "Unfilled Water", he turned and looked at Elder Chen. He signaled the Elder Chen to pass the cooking formula and the incantation to Dongqing. At the same time, he thought to himself that the 10,000 Li fragrance he drank previously had indeed been diluted.    


After Elder Chen saw Li Chen's meaningful glance, he took out two scrolls from his rental bracelet and placed it on the stone table.    


Li Chen saw that after Elder Chen took out the things, he pushed the two scrolls forward. And then he said, "Here, fellow Daoist. "This is the formula for the seasoning and the cultivation method for the special technique required to create the seasoning!"    


After hearing Li Chen's words, the Dong Qing took the two scrolls, opened them to take a look, and directly kept them in his storage bag. He did not know much about it, and was unable to differentiate between the authenticity of the formula, but he believed that Li Chen did not have any reason to lie to him.    


After Li Chen saw that Dong Qing kept his things, he also picked up the things Dong Qing left on the table and directly gave the scroll to Elder Chen. This kind of thing should be left to Elder Chen to research and brew.    


Li Chen himself also opened the bottle gourd and smelled the aroma of the wine. After that, he quickly covered the gourd. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself and started drinking. After covering it, Li Chen directly put the bottle gourd into the mustard space.    


"Hahaha, that's enough. Since Fellow Lin has also become our Fuxianglou's guest, and this transaction has been completed, I wonder if I can spar with Fellow Lin's guard. Hahaha ? that Dong Qing saw that after finishing his business, he did not forget his previous thought of fighting with the Elder Chen.    


Elder Chen did not say anything after hearing what Dong Qing said. He did not move!    


After Li Chen heard Dong Qing's words, he was stunned for a moment. Then, he turned to look at Elder Chen, only to discover that he did not have any intentions of fighting against Dongqing.    


Therefore, Li Chen said, "Haha, fellow Daoist Dong, I am afraid that what you are doing is not appropriate. Make such a request on your turf. I've just become your Guest Warrior. It's hard for me to do this, furthermore, Elder Chen isn't the type of person who would fight every time he sees someone. "It's better if you don't ?"    


"Uh, no." It was a bit of a disappointment. Alright, forget it. He wasn't going to fight anymore! But what plans does Fellow Lin have for the future? " After hearing Li Chen's words, the gyrfalcon knew that it was impossible to compare notes with Li Chen, so he asked him.    


"Eh, plan?!" I'll stay here for a few days, and then maybe I'll take a walk, and then I'll go to Dongxing City. We'll talk about it when we get to Dongxing City. " Li Chen heard Dong Qing asking him about his plans. Thus, he said after thinking for a while.    


"Oh, so it's like that! It's pretty good, then if Fellow Lin has nothing else, then I'll leave first. There was still a mission to be completed. When you get to Dongxing City, you must contact me! " The clown told Li Chen, and without waiting for Li Chen to speak, he brought Shopkeeper Lin out.    


Seeing the anxious look on Dong Qing's face, Li Chen immediately opened the door with the forbidden token. and said, "Well, okay. "No problem, take care!"    


The Eastern Qing did not say anything as well. He only cupped a fist at Li Chen's side and then led Shopkeeper Lin out of the small door of the Cyan Profound Palace.    


After seeing that Dong Qing and Shopkeeper Lin had left, Li Chen used the order badge to close the door. He sat down again, then took out the yellow command medallion that Dong Qing had given him earlier, carefully inspecting it.    


Li Chen held the order badge in his hand, then used the spiritual strength to seep inside it. He realized that the order badge actually formed a small space on its own, and there were two bright dots floating in the middle of the space, giving off the Qi of Dong Qing and Shopkeeper Lin.    


After Li Chen saw this, he guessed that this should be the communication imprint that Dong Qing mentioned.    


After observing the order badge, Li Chen hung it around his waist. He would just treat it as a pendant.    


Then, after thinking about it, Li Chen turned his head and said to the Elder Chen, "Elder Chen, sit. In the next few days, you will study the brewing method of the Myriad Miles Aroma. After you finish studying it, we can directly brew it in my mustard space. "    


"Yes, young master." I'll go study the formula for that ten thousand kilometer incense now. " As Elder Chen spoke, he took out the scroll from his bracelet of holding that 10,000 Li Aromatic Wine. He just sat there and began to study it ?    


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