Heaven Slautering War God



Li Chen simply did not know that someone had already sensed the information on the Polar Ares-class on his body. The trees here were extremely tall, and every single one of them covered the sky, going deeper in, Li Chen actually faintly discovered some traces of devil beast, which were actually not much weaker than the devil beast in the devil beast mountain range.    


This was definitely a natural place to train!    




The gigantic tree fell, smashing the ground with a large amount of dust, and a sixth stage devil beast also fell, this devil beast's entire body was covered with dense fur, its four limbs were sturdy and powerful, with a body that was five meters long, taller than Li Chen by who knows how many times, but at this time, the gigantic devil beast was just lying on the ground, with its huge pupils slowly losing its luster.    


Li Chen casually dug out the magic crystal from the devil beast's body. This kind of Stage Six devil beast was no longer in his eyes, he did not know how many of them he had destroyed over the course of so many days.    


Further ahead should be the territory of some devil beast of the seventh step!    


Li Chen's gaze landed far away. Now that his spiritual strength had grown, every time he fought with those powerful devil beast, his strength would increase by another level.    


Just as Li Chen wanted to leave, he suddenly felt that something was spying on him from his surroundings.    


Although the devil beast here were strong, they had their own sense of territory. The moment he killed one of the devil beast, another one rushed over, isn't that a bit too much of a coincidence?    


Thinking about that, Li Chen immediately focused his attention.    


Li Chen suddenly frowned. He leaped into the air, and the moment he flipped around, he sent a fist flying behind him.    


At the place where he was originally at, a pool of pus was spat out, and at the place where his fist landed, a strange devil beast's mouth was wide open!    


The spiritual strength gushed into the mouth in an instant. The devil beast shook its head continuously and its mouth nearly exploded due to the strong force.    


Li Chen laughed coldly, it turned out to be a flower beast, this kind of devil beast was usually good at hiding, when it was not moving it was like a normal flower, thus it became known as the flower beast, although it looked harmless, it was the most cunning! Just a moment ago, he had actually been delusional enough to sneak attack Li Chen.    


With this punch, Li Chen did not kill the flower beast, but the flower beast clearly knew that he had offended someone he should not have provoked, but he was helpless about it. But at this very moment, its heart was in a mess, because it was clear that Li Chen did not have any intentions of letting it go.    


"Trying to run?" Li Chen sneered, his fist releasing a golden light aura, the spiritual strength on top of it surging violently. In a blink of an eye, it had caught up to the flower shaped beast and punched it.    


"Ten Directions Prison Suppression Fist!"    


Li Chen roared, the flower bud of the flower beast was almost broken, it anxiously tried to slip away, but at the same time, it was a tragedy in its heart, why was it so unlucky recently that there were so many strong human warriors here! Was this still a human's territory?    


Li Chen also did not expect that other than him, there would actually be others who would choose to train here as well, so he acted without hesitation. With a punch, he almost knocked the flower beast unconscious.    


In truth, Li Chen did not use too many spiritual strength s. For these kind of devil beast s, using spiritual strength s was as easy as killing chickens with a blade. Li Chen only practiced the power of his fist honestly for a bit.    




The flower shaped beast's body was sent flying a few meters away by Li Chen's attack. Li Chen originally wanted to chase after it, but was attracted by an anomaly not far away.    


About a dozen or so kilometers away, Li Chen saw a strange scene. It seemed as if someone was fighting in a peculiar manner. A thick smoke came out of it, and occasionally, there would be a series of explosions.    


Li Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he flew towards that direction. There was thick smoke rolling, which meant that this devil beast was definitely capable of using the energy of the elements. Furthermore, that place was deep in the forest, and the other party was definitely a very powerful devil beast.    


Li Chen's guess was right, the devil beast was indeed strong, its eyes were as big as a human fist, a gigantic horn on its forehead, a layer of pure white light appeared, and on its head, grew a long red mane. It was very tall and strong, almost ten meters tall, Li Chen could see the huge head of the devil beast, he only used his feet to land on the ground, and continuously waved his fists in front of his eyes.    




The devil beast suddenly spat out a flame, as though it had suffered a loss to the person it was fighting, its face had a green grey color, but immediately after, an unbelievable scene occurred, the devil beast's horn unexpectedly flashed with a purple light, Li Chen was shocked, this devil beast had two different attributes! Furthermore, the two attributes were both powerful attacks!    


Li Chen was a little curious as to how the person opposite him would deal with this.    


It was a very young man with a red upper body. Because he was blocked by the devil beast, Li Chen did not see the other party's face. However, just by looking at the other party's body, Li Chen could guess that the other party was a very strong man.    




The light purple light still hit the man. What made Li Chen surprised was that the man's body was only slightly charred, but he wasn't injured too badly.    


"You are quite capable, you beast!" The man scolded angrily.    


When the voice came out, Li Chen suddenly felt that it was a little familiar. He took a closer look, saw that the man's head was tied with several braids, had a robust bone, and also had a small ring on the tip of his nose. He was indeed the genius Long Youren from the Northern Region, Long Youren!    


Li Chen had been thinking about why he did not see Long Youren at the tournament. He was cultivating his own body!    


After a year of not seeing him, Long Youren had become even stronger. Although there were a few more scars on his body, it was still unable to cover up the wild beast's aura that was emanating from his body.    


Anyone who saw Long Youren would not be able to resist but let out a sigh. This was what a man should look like! Wild enough, strong enough.    


Long Youren's body seemed to have grown stronger. There were several times when he was struck by the devil beast, causing him to be completely unharmed. It was as if he did not put the other party's attack in his eyes at all.    


On the contrary, the devil beast was getting more and more irritable, it kept rubbing its legs, as if it was charging forward and ripping Long Youren into pieces.    


"Bring it on!"    


Long Youren screamed, the devil beast opened its mouth wide and bit towards Long Youren, but Long Youren was not afraid. Instead, he moved forward, both of his arms were like two strong pincers that clamped onto the upper and lower lip of the devil beast.    


A bloody stench assaulted his nose, Long Youren frowned: "Hey big guy, your mouth stinks!"    


Even from not too far away, Li Chen could feel the uneasy aura that the devil beast was emitting.    


In the past, there were many people entering this mountain range, but this devil beast only ate the weak ones as food, and the human today was clearly much stronger than the ones he ate in the past!    


The beast continued to struggle, but its mouth was tightly held by Long Youren, making it unable to move at all.    


Long Youren bellowed, the veins on his hands bulged, and was about to forcibly tear the devil beast's mouth into two.    


The devil beast roared in pain and used both its hands to pluck at its face. Long Youren was unable to control it and was smashed down.    


"Damn it!" Maybe because the fear just now was too strong, the devil beast used too much strength to cut a wound on Long Youren's body!    


"What a savage beast!"    


Long Youren's body started to emit an intense light, and it was as if he was wearing an armor in an instant. His body was dazzling in a fiery red color, instantly causing Li Chen, who was watching at the side, to become stupefied.    


It seems that Long Youren is going to use his true strength!    


Li Chen had always been thinking about what kind of clan technique this Long Youren, who had a strong body, actually used. Relying on his coarse skin and thick flesh, he dared claim to be the best in the world.    


At this moment, Li Chen was also slightly shocked when he saw Long Youren's other side. The aura on Long Youren's face underwent a slight change, and if one looked carefully, they could even see that he had become a little taller.    


The threat that came from Long Youren's body made this devil beast a little scared instinctively. However, Long Youren said with a sneer, "The family bathed my body in the blood of a Flood Dragon every day for ten years straight. How could I lose to a devil beast of the seventh step?!"    


The devil beast could not understand Long Youren's words, but it could clearly understand that Long Youren's strength was not something that he could defeat, and immediately had thoughts of retreating.    


These high order devil beast already had their own consciousness long ago, and could even think of a few things. If they wanted to retreat now, they would have to prepare their feet.    


The place where the devil beast had escaped to, was exactly where Li Chen was.    


The devil beast kicked up a cloud of dust as it ran, and because of its height, many of the surrounding trees were immediately knocked down.    


He did not believe that every human had such high strength. Moreover, the young man not far from them did not have the terrifying aura of the man behind them, so for a moment, the devil beast only wanted to smash Li Chen away, and did not even put Li Chen in its eyes.    


Li Chen sighed: "You asked for it, then don't blame me for killing!"    


As he said that, Li Chen's body suddenly erupted with a burst of powerful energy, and his body moved like lightning, meeting the devil beast head on.    


The devil beast roared, he extended a powerful claw, relying on his thick skin, he wanted to slap Li Chen away, but it was unexpected, that the figure in front of him was truly too fast! In the instant that the devil beast waved its hand, Li Chen struck its arm.    


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