Everlasting Conceited Supreme



Jiang Feng was already prepared to fight, if Ji Lanyin dared to stop him, he would definitely take action.    


But unexpectedly, Ji Lanyin took the initiative to move aside, and only looked at him with a complicated gaze.    


Jiang Feng turned a blind eye and rushed straight to Ji Family.    


What he did not listen to was not that Jiang Feng did not know what was good for him and was not blindly confident in himself, but that he could not use Bai Lige as a joke.    


The dignified patriarch of the Ji Family, would he release Bai Lige just because of Ji Lanyin's persuasion?    


This was impossible.    


If it was that easy, Ji Lanyin would have succeeded long ago, he would not have waited until today when he, Jiang Feng, personally came to visit.    


Ji Lanyin thought about everything too simply, and his thoughts were too arbitrary, so it was impossible for Jiang Feng to listen to her.    


In the Ji Family, on top of the huge plaza that was a thousand acres wide, there was a sculpture of a demon beast standing tall and tall, over a hundred meters tall. There were also boulders weighing a thousand kilograms floating in the air, and evergreens grew on them. There was also the spirit spring waterfall, which was immobilized by the formation. It floated down from the peak of a distant mountain and poured into the small stream surrounding the plaza.    


Just one plaza was enough to reflect the deep heritage of the Ji Family.    


At this time, the group of great figures from Ji Family had all moved, and stood in the plaza full of energy.    


The patriarch of Ji Family, Ji Yu, stood in the lead.    


Beside him were the dozen or so elders of the Ji Family.    


The postures of these dozens of elders would depend on their status in the Ji Family. A senior elder like Ji Chuan stood at the front, and the one standing at the back was the most ordinary elder.    


But even the most ordinary of elders would have a cultivation of at least the eighth stage of concealment. In the Jiuyou Ancient Prefecture, aside from great powers such as the Sacred City and the Vermillion Bird Sect, an elder with the eighth stage of concealment would be able to do whatever he wanted.    


However, in the Ji Family, there were at least twenty to thirty of such experts who were just the most ordinary of elders.    


Just like Ji Chuan, there were around three elders who had reached the The Realm of Ruins. This was only on the surface.    


In addition to these elders, there were also tens of middle-aged and elderly cultivators. At this moment, they were even standing in front of the elders.    


These people were the higher-ups of the Ji Family. A few of them were Ji Yu's brothers and sisters.    


Beside this group of people was a group of young men and women, ranging from seven or eight to twenty to thirty years old. There were at least a hundred of them.    


These hundred people, were all from the young generation that came from the direct line of descent of the Ji Family.    


Ji Chuan's grandson, Ji Tianyan, was also present at this moment. If Ji Lanyin was present, he would also be within this group of young monk.    


The ancestral worship ceremony was a special day for the Ji Family. It was not as simple as worshipping an ancestor. All of the people in the outside world of the Ji Family would gather together.    


This was a rare opportunity to meet, and when adults met, they would talk about their children the most.    


As a result, these hundred plus young monk were the focus of attention, and their faces also flickered with an endless radiance.    


There was always a higher level when comparing people to others. Children with high cultivation and good talent were always mentioned the most. Those children with low cultivation and average talent were a bit sad right now.    


There was a middle-aged man who was surrounded by many people who were all flattering him, causing him to smile from ear to ear.    


"Everyone, don't be too serious. My voice is not that strong, there is still a long way to go in the future, and it cannot compare with those geniuses in Holy State."    


The middle-aged man was precisely Ji Lanyin's father, Ji Zhen, and a member of the upper echelons of Ji Family. However, he was not his blood brother with Patriarch Ji Yu, therefore, his position in Ji Family was not high, and he could not obtain true power by himself.    


But because of Ji Lanyin's appearance, he was now extremely arrogant walking in Ji Family. At this moment, as they listened to their praises, although they said it on the surface, they secretly thought to themselves: Holy State geniuses are nothing, but with Lan Yin's talent and cultivation, she is even more formidable than the Holy State geniuses.    


Not far from Ji Zhen, there were a few other people surrounding him who were flattering him. For example, Ji Tianyan and Ji Yao, were the most outstanding people among the young generation of Ji Family.    


In this Sacrificial Ceremony, many people would catch a few outstanding juniors and give their praises without sparing any effort.    


Ji Zhen saw through them the most. This group of people's mouths were so sweet that it was as if they were praising Lan Yin. Those who didn't know this would think that they were concerned about someone, but in reality, it was just a superficial skill.    


When Ji Lanyin was still a child, this group of people had almost never interacted with him. Now that Lan Yin had risen up, this group of people immediately surrounded them, trying to get close to him on purpose. After all, if Lan Yin became an Ascendant in the future, he would not forget them.    


Although he had seen it clearly, Ji Zhen did not really enjoy this kind of fake flattery. At least his face was glowing, and that alone was enough.    


"I heard that Si Yue's son should be around 15 or 16 years old. His cultivation is very strong, and he also inherited Si Yue. He was born with such a strong physique. I don't know if that's true or not."    


After everyone was done with their pleasantries, they suddenly mentioned about Ji Siyue's son, which attracted a lot of people to join the discussion.    


Ji Siyue had only come back a few times since she joined the Luan Zhuan Sect 300 years ago. The most recent time she came back was dozens of years ago.    


After all, he was the son of the head of Luan Chuan's sect. He would absolutely inherit the terrifying talent from his parents. In addition to the terrifying resources provided by Luan Chuan's sect, his cultivation would absolutely be terrifying.    


There was a small rumor spreading around that Ji Siyue's son was now the number one genius of the chaotic battle clan.    


The Patriarch of the Luan Martial School had even boasted that his son would be able to rise from the top of the Heavenly Star Ranking all the way to the top of the Xiongba Ranking and shake the entire Star Continent.    


For him to say something like that, it showed that Ji Siyue's son was truly not simple.    


Ji Zhen was slightly unhappy. So what if it was Ji Siyue's son? Lan Yin was a child who was favored by the gods, and inherited an ancient profound art of breathing.    


According to his secret understanding, even the current Star Continent might not have one of this technique. Once he cultivates it to the maximum, he might even be able to become the next supreme female emperor that was comparable to the Rain Emperor of the Cyan Mysterious Region.    


Outside of Ji Family was a group of cultivators. Although they could not enter the Ji Family, they could stand on buildings and look at the Ji Family in the distance. They could see a little of the scene, but this fact had already made them extremely excited.    


The people there were not simple people. Many of them were powerful existences that shook the entire city three times by stomping their feet.    


When the sun was high in the sky, a shadow finally appeared in the distant sky.    


"Ji Siyue is here!"    


Everyone raised their heads and looked over excitedly.    


As the shadow got closer, a series of thunderous roars came from the sky.    


He only saw two snow-white tigers that were seven to eight Zhang long pulling an ancient carriage that emitted a majestic atmosphere, charging towards the Ji Family.    


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