Everlasting Conceited Supreme



Jiang Feng did not stay for long, and quickly left!    


Jiang Feng only felt a lingering fear after he had walked very far away. "What a terrifying scheme! Who knows what was that thing inside that stone that it could actually control the silver-gowned elder!"    


If the silver-gowned elder was normal, then there was nothing to doubt about him setting up a stall there. However, the truth was that the silver-gowned elder was controlled and set up a stall there, as if he was waiting for someone intentionally. And the one waiting for him was Jiang Feng.    


However, the pestering later on and thinking of selling the stone to Jiang Feng was obviously a conspiracy, a conspiracy that would make people think of him and send chills down their spines.    


That stone seemed to know that Jiang Feng was going to the Eternal Demon Area in the future, which was why it was controlling the silver-gowned elder. Once Jiang Feng chose to exchange items, the magic stone would succeed in doing so, and in the end, borrow his power to return to the Eternal Demon Area.    


"If I hadn't used the Heaven's Eye Technique to check, I would have already been tricked." Jiang Feng's heart still had lingering fear. If that was the case, then it seemed that the necessary life inside the magic stone, could only be found after being cut open.    


But when Jiang Feng thought of this, he felt that something was wrong.    


The silver-robed old man said that the original owner of the magic crystal had passed it on to him. He didn't know if this was true or if it was just a lie.    


"No matter what the reason is, once I cut it open, everything will be known." Jiang Feng muttered.    


There were many maids standing at a fixed spot in the Linglong Fantasy World. For the customers' answers, Jiang Feng found one of the girls and asked them where to buy the materials needed to refine.    


This was because in the Linglong Fantasy World, there were many large castles, and the things that each castle bought were different. The fine separation was to let the guests have a purpose in buying the things they needed.    


"Senior, you can go a hundred meters forward and turn left and you will see the fifth ancient castle. Inside is the location for trading refining materials. Other than the major shops, there are also special auctions." The maid said with a gentle voice and a smile.    


"Thank you!" Jiang Feng nodded and went along the route. Not long later, he arrived at the fifth fortress.    


The massive ancient castle was several dozen zhang tall, and it was like a pagoda with a narrow bottom.    


Entering the shop, one could hear the hubbub of voices as the shops lined up in an orderly manner. One could not see the end of the hall at a glance.    


These stores were all opened by people from the Linglong Fantasy World. Each store sold different types of materials, which were extremely complicated, up to hundreds of thousands of different materials.    


There were many materials that Jiang Feng had never seen before.    


Although he did not recognize some of the materials, he could tell at a glance whether it was good or bad. Although the pretty girl in charge of the shop continued to introduce them, even Jiang Feng was not moved, the price was reasonable, and there was nothing he wanted.    


Even after browsing through over a hundred stores, Jiang Feng still found nothing. Some of these ingredients were indeed rare, and the effects were varied and varied, but they still made Jiang Feng feel that he was not the one who wanted to look for them the most.    


If Senior feels that there is nothing you want here, you can also go to the auction hall of our fifth castle. There will be a grand auction being held there today, which will be filled with materials that are not available in the shops outside. A guard of the shop noticed that Jiang Feng had been browsing the entire time and didn't buy anything, so she warned him.    


"Can't you see that? This Taoist looks poor, he clearly can't afford it. If you let him go to the auction hall, wouldn't that embarrass him?!"    


An ear-piercing voice came from the side, causing Jiang Feng to frown. This person was so rude, there was nothing worth buying, just poverty?    


Turning his head to look, he saw a middle-aged man with a big stomach and a woman wearing makeup. He was probably not young, but his posture was extremely flirtatious, and looking at Jiang Feng in the arms of the fat middle-aged man, he was laughing.    


"I wonder where this nouveau riche came from!" Jiang Feng found it funny, he was too lazy to care about it, he turned and left.    


"Did you see that? This Daoist Priest is angry. If he's poor, then so be it. What's there to be angry about?" The middle-aged man laughed loudly.    


That woman collapsed in his arms and coquettishly said, "You're really annoying. What's the point of bullying a Taoist? Let's hurry to the auction hall. I still have to hurry back to the clan. Otherwise, if that trash finds out that I've stolen it, it'll be bad."    


Jiang Feng shook his head at the obscene voices of the two people behind him, the two people were too shameless, but it had nothing to do with him, before long, he was inside the auction hall.    


In the great hall, the rows of seats stretched towards the center of the stage. At this moment, these seats were all filled to the brim with people.    


A capable old man shouted from the stage, "Friends, please come in quickly and take a seat. The auction is about to begin in an incense stick's time. Hurry up!"    


Jiang Feng found an empty seat and sat down. Sweeping across the entire hall, he realized that other than the seats here, there was a second floor in the hall and on top of it, there were many exquisite rooms.    


The fatty who had mocked them earlier had also stepped onto the second floor. His walking posture was incomparably exaggerated, as if he was afraid that others would not notice him.    


Jiang Feng glanced at it coldly, then retracted his gaze and waited quietly.    


After an incense stick of time, the auction officially began!    


"Three days later is Linglong Fantasy World's celebration of the establishment of ten thousand years, so in these past few days, Linglong Fantasy World has organized a lot of events, and this auction is also one of them."    


"Everyone must have also heard the news that the items displayed at this auction are the best items from the Linglong Fantasy World for the past thousand years, and are also items that the Linglong Fantasy World has spent dozens of years searching for. Therefore, the items at this auction are extremely valuable, and are definitely ranked in the Star Continent."    


"Apart from welcoming all of you here, I must also remind all of you to act in time. If you have such a chance in the future, who knows how long you'll have to wait!"    


The aged voice on the stage boomed, causing a commotion in the hall.    


They had indeed come for this grand auction, and had long since heard that some extraordinary items would appear. That was why they had been looking forward to it since a few years ago.    


"I didn't expect that the Linglong Fantasy World had already been created ten thousand years ago." Jiang Feng was slightly surprised for a moment. For a force that had existed for ten thousand years, none of them were simple.    


Ten thousand years ago, the Jiuyou Ancient Prefecture was just created, which meant that when the Jiuyou Ancient Prefecture existed, the Linglong Fantasy World also existed.    


He just did not know if the founder of the Linglong Fantasy World was still alive. If he was, his cultivation would definitely be shocking.    


It seems like today was the right time to come, as the Linglong Fantasy World had organized many important events in order to celebrate the establishment of the Linglong Fantasy World for ten thousand years, maybe there will be something that I want in this auction.    


Jiang Feng thought to himself.    


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