Everlasting Conceited Supreme



Before the formation ended, Jiang Feng was in the teleportation passage, and he did not know how much time had passed, nor did he know when he had arrived at Nine Heavens Immortal World.    


However, based on his knowledge, this formation that was even more powerful than the Eternal Universe level should be able to reach the Nine Heavens Immortal World very quickly. As long as he waited patiently and waited to be teleported to his destination, that would be enough.    


Finally, one day, the array stopped and Jiang Feng walked out from the array, completely dumbfounded. He was not in the Nine Heavens Immortal World, but rather in a void among the stars.    


After checking the coordinates and confirming the position, Jiang Feng almost fainted from anger.    


The place he had landed on had already surpassed the Nine Heavens Immortal World, and it was already fifteen years later. In other words, the Nine Heavens Immortal World had already encountered the campaign of a cultivator from the Primal Chaos Heaven Realm five years ago.    


This was too unreliable. This formation was indeed much faster than flying, but it had directly teleported him to a place beyond Nine Heavens Immortal World, which was even five years late. It made people almost go crazy.    


Jiang Feng did not stop for a moment, he immediately turned and flew towards the Nine Heavens Immortal World, luckily he was not that far from the Nine Heavens Immortal World.    


A year later, Jiang Feng returned to the Nine Heavens Immortal World and descended into the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain.    


Jiang Feng was not surprised. After all, many years ago, the Nine Heavens Immortal World had already been cleaned up and all the remaining cultivators were gathered together, living on the Nirvana Star.    


Therefore, Jiang Feng did not stop and went straight to the Nirvana Realm.    


As he got closer and closer to the Nirvana Realm, Jiang Feng's heart started to thump loudly, and a bad feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.    


Something seemed to have happened on the Nirvana Star.    


Jiang Feng suppressed this bad premonition with all his might.    


When he neared the Nirvana Realm, his heart began to beat even faster ?    


Before even reaching the Nirvana Realm, Jiang Feng's expression had already changed, "Oh no, something has really happened."    


The result that he didn't want to accept was now presented right in front of him.    


The several layers of array formations around the Nirvanic Rebirth Star no longer existed. The space storm wantonly swept around the Nirvanic Rebirth Star.    


"Little Ling!" Jiang Feng's heart tensed up, and he used his fastest speed to fly to the Nirvana Realm.    


However, when he looked at the ground, he suddenly realized that there wasn't a single person.    


Jiang Feng's heart sank. The Nirvanic Star was actually lifeless, even a living cultivator could not see it.    


Even if they were attacked, they should still be able to see the corpses and even the bloodstains.    


However, at a glance, he didn't find anything.    


"It shouldn't be like this." Jiang Feng's mind was filled with suspicions.    


He continued to search, and finally, in the center of the city, he found a sky ditch full of corpses, layer after layer.    


Due to the Nirvanic Rebirth's environment and the dense immortal qi, these corpses had not rotted and were stained with blood. It was as if they had just been killed.    


Jiang Feng's eyes were blazing with fire, no wonder why he was flying all the way, and did not find any corpses, all of them had been thrown together.    


Jiang Feng used both hands to dig out the corpses, opening them one by one, his hands were trembling, afraid that the next corpse would have a familiar face.    


The cold wind was colder, and so was the cold wind.    


Jiang Feng used both hands to dig for three days and three nights, and counted out an entire eight thousand corpses. He did not find a single familiar person, which made him feel a little bit relaxed at the same time, but also incomparably sad.    


8,000 cultivators piled up here like a pile of trash after death. No one buried them and no one paid their respects.    


Jiang Feng had reason to believe that these cultivators were killed in order to fight against the cultivators of the Primal Chaos Realm.    


In the end, Jiang Feng used his powerful strength to dig eight thousand graves, burying the eight thousand corpses. Then, he took out a bottle of strong alcohol and paid his respects to the eight thousand graves.    


After Jiang Feng spent a few days searching through the Nirvana Realm, he only found the eight thousand corpses from before. Other than that, he did not find any other corpses, nor did he find anyone alive.    


Whether those people were dead or had their corpses destroyed, or were still alive, Jiang Feng did not know.    


Jiang Feng left the Nirvana Realm and roamed the Nine Heavens Immortal World alone, like a lonely ghost.    


He searched through every nook and cranny but didn't find anything, but the traces left behind by the Celestial Realm of Primal Chaos's expedition were extremely obvious.    


Many famous buildings, or even the ancient city many years ago, were destroyed by people. There were even some Blessed Paradises and famous rivers. They were flattened and thoroughly destroyed, as if they were trampled by wild horses' Monstrous Beasts.    


A year later, Jiang Feng arrived at a complete mountain peak. This mountain peak was extremely famous, and was known as the First Peak of Nine Heavens Immortal World.    


Logically, this mountain should be a famous mountain. It should have been destroyed as well. However, it stood there unharmed.    


Jiang Feng came to the front of the mountain and raised his head. Looking at the mountain, he saw a row of words.    


"Jiang Feng, your beloved one and your group of brothers are all in my hands. If you want them to be alright, then come as soon as possible to the other side of the river to see me."    


At the end of this line, there was a name.    


Gu Sen!    


The blood-red character was filled with killing intent, which was exceptionally eye-catching.    


"Gu Sen!" Jiang Feng's eyes became serious as killing intent filled his eyes. Gu Sen had taken Little'er, Wang Lie and the rest away, but there were still a few others who had yet to leave.    


"The other side of the river." Gu Sen had chosen the location of the ransom, and it was clear that he had his own reasons. That year, it was from the other side of the sky that Jiang Feng had gone to the Primal Chaos Heaven Realm.    


Jiang Feng had the urge to kill him right now.    


However, he controlled himself. With his current cultivation, he was unable to contend against Gu Sen.    


Since Gu Sen dared to leave a message, it meant that he was fully prepared when they met on the other side of the river.    


He could not let his guard down. If he were to go like this, not only would he not be able to save others, he would also lose his life.    


In the end, Jiang Feng made a move and completely uprooted the mountain, moving it to the little six paths. If he could get to the other side of the mountain in the future, he would definitely send the mountain over.    


Then, Jiang Feng left the Nine Heavens Immortal World, passed through the spatial barrier, and went to the lower continent.    


Not only was the space barrier that Nine Heavens Immortal World had set up back then unable to defend against the people from the Primal Chaos Heaven Realm, it had also been completely torn to shreds.    


Currently, the Nine Heavens Immortal World and the lower continents had already been linked.    


After Jiang Feng appeared in the lower continents, he made a trip to the Arterial world of the five elements, where in the Avalon of Five Elements, everyone trained in the power of the heavens and earth with five different attributes.    


But when Jiang Feng appeared in Arterial world of the five elements, his heart sank.    


The Arterial world of the five elements was no longer there. The originally paradise had been destroyed long ago, and only a lot of ancient meteorites were floating above the forest.    


This place had been abandoned for many years.    


Was the Arterial world of the five elements also unable to escape from being swept clean of fate? Little Qing, Patriarch, could it be that ? they are all dead? " Jiang Feng thought, his heart was filled with sorrow.    


Back then, I, Jiang, was chased down by people, fell into a spatial crack, and landed in a Arterial world of the five elements. I was the one who saved my life, and now, I, Jiang, have already reached the Saint level, but I have not saved you yet.    


Jiang Feng said loudly with a voice that resounded through the heavens and earth. Every word was like a clap of thunder, shaking the skies and every speck of dust in the space.    


"Xiaoqing, Clan Head Mu, this goblet of wine is mine, I, Jiang, offer it to you!" Jiang Feng took out the wine jug and ruthlessly gulped it down, then sprinkled the remaining wine into the air.    


The wind was wild, carrying away the wine and lifting it up in the air like a man's life, drifting for a lifetime. It was unknown when he would leave.    


Jiang Feng left the Arterial world of the five elements, leaving this sorrowful place. He felt extremely depressed and aggrieved in his heart.    


Initially, he was full of strong feelings and he had even consoled everyone in the Nine Heavens Immortal World that he was sure to be able to deal with the Primal Chaos Realm.    


He did his best to cultivate. He advanced bravely, risking his life to enter the Primal Chaos Realm and join the Heavenly Palace just so he could blend into the Heavenly Dao and use the source of destruction to destroy the Primal Chaos Realm.    


In the end, with the help of Gu Zhaoyu, he went to the Heavenly Dao. He carried the hope of his predecessors and shouldered the lives of countless planes. He originally thought that this would be the end of it, and that the Primal Chaos Realm would also be destroyed.    


But he didn't expect that all his efforts would be wasted in the end!    


In order to get him to leave, it was unknown whether senior Gu Ruoyun was dead or alive.    


Perhaps, if he didn't leave now, senior Gu Ruoyun would be able to leave.    


He came back alone, missed out on seeing Little Fairy and the others, causing the entire Nine Heavens Immortal World to be swept clean in the end.    


The eight thousand corpses stung Jiang Feng's heart.    


Even his beloved woman and the Blood Iron Brothers could not protect him and let them be taken away by Gu Sen. Jiang Feng, on the other hand, did not have the ability to save them.    


Looking back in the past, in Navy Tide Continent, he, Jiang Feng, had been schemed against by his entire life. After his soul had been pierced for eight thousand years, he then turned around and charged straight to the ninth heaven filled with passion and hatred just for the sake of killing Mu Lingxue.    


In the end, Mu Lingxue died, but so what? He, Jiang Feng, was still unable to contend against the true experts of this world, and in the end, became a complete failure.    


On this day, Jiang Feng was floating in the starry sky when he saw an ancient figure seated on a reef in the distance.    


"Senior Wu Yan." Seeing him, Jiang Feng was startled, who would have thought that, in this place, he would actually see such an old friend.    


It had been thousands of years since they had parted.    


"Jiang Feng." As Wu Yan was training, he suddenly heard a familiar voice, and immediately opened his eyes. The current him was very old, compared to his previous high spirits, he looked as if he had experienced a few reincarnations, his face filled with vicissitudes.    


"Senior Wu Yan, why are you here?" Jiang Feng said respectfully, the current Wu Yan's cultivation was definitely not as high as his, but in the low continent, the other party had helped him too many times, the respect, had never changed.    


"All the realms have been swept away by a group of cultivators known as the Order Ones. As I cultivate, I look for the Hall Master and Xin'er."    


"Is it Hall Master Yu Qiuhe, or Temporal and Spatial Shrine's Hall Master?" Jiang Feng asked.    


"It's Yu Qiuhe. Temporal and Spatial Shrine Lord had long since died in the hands of the Great Desolate Immortal. " Wu Yan said with an indifferent tone.    


The Temporal and Spatial Shrine was originally one of the ruling forces of the Star Continent, and had four major dimensions under its tutelage. Yu Qiuhe was the hall master of the spatiotemporal pathway, and Wu Yan was the strongest Ranker in the spatiotemporal pathway, second only to Yu Qiuhe.    


"Great Desolate Immortal Elder?" Jiang Feng asked, his eyes revealing his suspicions.    


"It was the head of the Great Desolate Immortal Domain. In the ancient era, the Nine Heavens Immortal World, the tenth realm of the Immortals, was exterminated by someone. As for the Great Desolate Immortal Sovereign, he was still alive, hiding in the shadows and slaughtering everyone in his surroundings to plunder their cultivations." Wu Yan explained.    


It was also related to the Great Wastelands Immortal Domain. Upon hearing this, a cold glint flashed across Jiang Feng's eyes.    


"Speaking of which, the Great Desolate Immortals have long been in contact with us." Wu Yan said again.    


"What do you mean?" Jiang Feng asked.    


"Do you still remember when I invited you to the spatiotemporal pathway to borrow your Star Scar Technique and used the Gold Battle Clan's Radius to help the Lord of Space and Time escape from the dream?" Wu Yan reminded.    


"I remember." Jiang Feng nodded. Even though this matter had already happened a long time ago, he still had a rather deep impression of her.    


"If that's the case, do you remember someone who spied on the spatiotemporal pathway and was forced to retreat by the Master of Space and Time?" Wu Yan asked again.    


At this point, Jiang Feng suddenly came to a realization as he looked at Wu Yan in shock: "The one who's hiding outside the boundless space and spying on the spatiotemporal pathway is the Great Desolate Immortal Elder?"    


"Yes, this person wishes to obtain our spatiotemporal pathway's Dream Dao Arts. After coveting it for a long time, Master of Space and Time and Xin'er split up with me because of this person. Most of the people in the Temporal and Spatial Shrine also died under his hands." Wu Yan nodded and said.    


Jiang Feng was especially shocked, he did not expect that the person would be the Great Desolate Immortal Elder.    


This person was once the controller of the Nine Heavens Immortal World's Tenth Immortal Domain, what exactly was he plotting? Not only did they sow discord and allow the ancient races to start a war with the Immortal World, they even wanted to devour the bloodlines of the thousands of races.    


Jiang Feng told Wu Yan of his suspicions.    


However, Wu Yan only knew that the reason the Great Desolate Immortal Elder killed people so viciously was because he wanted to grasp the power of the bloodline of others and some special methods.    


"I know what you've been through all these years, and I know about what happened to you in the Immortal World. However, I haven't heard any news about you in all these years." Wu Yan asked.    


"It's a long story." Jiang Feng sighed.    


"Slow down, we are all space vagabonds. Gather." Wu Yan invited.    


Jiang Feng had the same intention.    


On the reef that was a thousand feet square, there was a building that Wu Yan had built himself. It looked like a moving manor.    


Wu Yan took out a few jars of good wine, determined to drink with Jiang Feng until he was drunk.    


However, when these words came out, both of them fell silent.    


If one didn't go back drunk, then where would one go back to? The universe was vast, and there seemed to be no place for the two of them.    


After drinking a few cups of strong alcohol, Wu Yan talked about his experiences over the years.    


From the time the Star Continent was destroyed by the Emperor until now.    


Jiang Feng earnestly heard, and discovered that Wu Yan and the others had experienced a lot.    


The people of Star Continent who were alive back then had all moved to the Emptiness Realm. The people of the Temporal and Spatial Shrine, the people of the Lava Martial School, and some other cultivators all chose to explore the Emptiness Realm. After all, the Emptiness Realm was not a place to live forever.    


During their exploration, they encountered a space thief. Everyone was in a state of confusion, and in the end, they accidentally entered a mysterious secret realm. Within that secret realm, there were some astonishing inheritances and various magic treasures.    


Everyone cultivated there for a long time. When they reappeared, they would return to the void. That place no longer existed.    


After that, everyone searched the sky and found nothing. Then, everyone returned to the secret realm to cultivate.    


After a few more years, people from the god race appeared. They said that the secret realm was an ancient land of the god race, and in order to take over their inheritance, they tried to kill them.    


After a fierce battle, many people died, and the remaining cultivators hid themselves. When they finally entered the Nine Heavens Immortal World, it was already a matter of the time after the Nirvana Star was established and the Nine Heavens Immortal World was swept clean.    


However, they did not stay in the Nine Heavens Immortal World for long, because they had obtained the inheritance of the Ancient Earth and understood some things, they searched through the other planes in the universe.    


After hearing what Wu Yan had to say, Jiang Feng couldn't help but to sigh. Everyone's experiences were very strange.    


After that, Jiang Feng narrated his experiences over the years. However, even though he had omitted a lot of it, it was still exceptionally rich, which made Wu Yan quite surprised upon hearing it.    


Especially Jiang Feng's journey to the Primal Chaos Heaven Realm, Wu Yan had never closed his mouth throughout. Only after he finished listening did he let out a heavy sigh.    


Jiang Feng did not tell Wu Yan that Lin Xianer and the others had been captured, because they could not help him in any way.    


Moreover, this was his personal matter.    


Gu Sen's words were very clear. If he wanted to save these people, he had to ask Jiang Feng, and head to the other side of the sky, and ask Jiang Feng to name himself. If he brought people along, it would only show that he was weak.    


"It looks like no one can stop the plan to clean up the Primal Chaos Realm." Wu Yan sighed, he initially wanted to get drunk, but how could he get drunk under such a situation?    


"Perhaps, I should change my mind and find a place where I can live a peaceful life without being disturbed after I find the Master of Space and Time and Xin'er." Wu Yan said with a wry smile.    


"I hope that I can pay a visit to you guys another day." Jiang Feng laughed, the more he suffered, the happier he would be.    


Meeting an old friend meant parting. Jiang Feng left the island and watched Wu Yan leave.    


An old man with a heavy aura, a white-clothed youth, a complete failure.    


The two of them headed in the direction they should have gone.    


Jiang Feng was aimless, he was worried about Little'er and the others, but he was also clear that Gu Sen did not give him a time limit. As long as he did not appear, Little'er and the rest would be fine for now.    


But this was definitely not a long-term solution. As Jiang Feng drifted about, he was also pondering over various methods.    


On this day, Jiang Feng found an opportunity and came to the star field where the Star Continent was previously located.    


Compared to the Navy Tide Continent, this place was his homeland, because his second body came from here.    


It was a pity that such a beautiful place had been destroyed.    


When Jiang Feng followed his memory and arrived at the coordinates of the Star Continent, he suddenly realized that something was not right.    


Up ahead in the starry sky, it seemed as if a continent had appeared.    


At that time, the place where the Star Continent was located, was only on this continent. There were no other continents around, how could there be another continent?    


Jiang Feng was surprised.    


When he got closer to the continent, his expression became even more surprised, because this new continent looked like the Star Continent.    


He could even feel the aura of the Star Continent.    


"This, what is going on?" Jiang Feng was dumbstruck.    


He looked down at the entire continent with excitement. He couldn't be wrong, this was the Star Continent, he could even differentiate between the places where the Four Great Profound Realms used to be in the air.    


However, on the entire continent, he could not see anyone.    


As Jiang Feng flew across this continent, using the berserk sweeping astrology, he indeed did not find a single living person, but this continent was also the real one.    


It can't be made out of thin air, can it?    


Eh? Just then, Jiang Feng suddenly realised something, and his body suddenly disappeared.    


When he appeared, Jiang Feng had come to a place that used to belong to the Freezing Sky Profound Region.    


In front of a huge lake of ice, Jiang Feng descended.    


Just as he arrived, a crack suddenly appeared on the frozen lake in the north. In front of Jiang Feng, the crack spread out to both sides, in the blink of an eye forming an abyss.    


From the crack in the ice, a figure flew out and charged straight into the nine heavens, carrying a boundless aura.    


The moment he saw this figure, Jiang Feng immediately dispelled the force that was prepared to attack, and his eyes were filled with unparalleled shock.    


Even though they had not seen each other for thousands of years, the owner of this figure still jumped out from the depths of his mind, causing him to suck in a cold breath.    


A name also came out of his mouth.    


"Nangong Fan!"    


This name had been called for far too long, so long that Jiang Feng had almost forgotten about it. However, once something related to this person appeared, he would still remember this person clearly.    


Back then in Jiuyou Ancient Prefecture, Rain Country, Yu Di City, Nangong Fan was the first friend that he had met. He was the young master of the Nan Gong Family, an outstanding and elegant man, and was one of Jiang Feng's best brothers at the time.    


In the end, Nangong Fan was completely enchanted by a little girl from the ancient family of the Profound Sky Continent. In the end, she insisted on marrying Ji Yao, ignoring all the obstacles and insults that the Ji Family had to offer, and she offended the Ji Family and her family.    


Because at that time, the person who should have been married to Ji Yao was the son of one of the Eight Division Warlords of the Chaotic Battle School. The wedding was Jiang Feng's appearance, and he did not hesitate to confront the two great forces of the Ji Family publicly and let Nangong Fan take him away.    


It was also because of this girl that Jiang Feng and Nangong Fan had gotten in contact with each other. After all, the situation had been so dangerous back then, and for Ji Yao, Nangong Fan had walked out of the Desolate Lands while disregarding the safety of his friends.    


It was said that Nangong Fan and Ji Yao lived in seclusion overseas. However, when the Star Continent was about to be destroyed, the Ji Family tricked Nangong Fan and Ji Yao, telling them that they would not be in any danger.    


And Ji Yao believed in it. As a man who deeply loved Ji Yao, Nangong Fan naturally believed in his own lover as well.    


In the end, the Star Continent broke into pieces, and there was no more news of Nangong Fan and Ji Yao.    


If there were no surprises, they would follow the Star Continent and perish together with it.    


However, who would have thought that after a few thousand years, Jiang Feng would suddenly find out when he passed by the star region where the Star Continent was located.    


He rose from the frozen lake and soared into the sky like an eagle soaring through the nine heavens. An icy aura radiated from his body, as if he was about to freeze the heavens.    


Even Jiang Feng felt a great pressure, this was the aura of a saint.    


Swish ~ ~    


Nangong Fan descended and landed in front of Jiang Feng, looking him in the eye.    


Their four eyes met, and Jiang Feng sized them up, not missing out on a single spot.    


This man was Nangong Fan!    


Except, his demeanor was completely different from all those years ago.    


Elegant and elegant, already gone, replaced by a steady, cold.    


"Jiang Feng."    


"Nangong Fan."    


The two of them spoke at almost the exact same time.    


"Tell me about it. I find it hard to believe what you've experienced and why you're here."    


Jiang Feng immediately said.    


"Let's go. I have a land that is extremely quiet." Nangong Fan said indifferently, flying in front, Jiang Feng following closely behind.    


Finally, the two of them arrived at an icy valley. Within the valley, there were a few thatched cottages and a grave.    


Jiang Feng looked towards the grave, only to see six words engraved on the tombstone.    


The tomb of his beloved wife, Ji Yao.    


Jiang Feng stopped in his tracks, turned and walked towards the tombstone, with one hand, a flower appeared, and he placed it on the ground as a form of worship.    


Nangong Fan stood at the side without saying a word. After Jiang Feng finished paying his respects, he led the way and invited him into the room.    


"Yaoyao loved the snow, and she loved the ice and snow. That was why I set her down here, and why I have waited here until now." Nangong Fan said indifferently.    


"What happened that year?" Jiang Feng asked. He realized that Nangong Fan had really become different, extremely calm and steady, as if he had experienced several lifetimes of reincarnation. He gave off an indescribable feeling of indifference.    


"The Star Continent was destroyed by the Emperor, other than a few people who escaped, the rest of the cultivators were annihilated by the Star Continent, including me and my wife. But I was lucky enough to survive after being chosen by the Star Continent's secrets. Nangong Fan said calmly, his face not showing any signs of emotion, and only when he mentioned his wife, his eyes revealing a little grief.    


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