Everlasting Conceited Supreme



After the Yin King finished introducing them to Jiang Feng, he hesitated. He was not willing to travel back and forth across the Soul Plains, he would rather take a detour and travel hundreds of thousands of miles.    


"Have you forgotten what I told you before?" Jiang Feng stared at the Yin King and asked.    


"Alright, let's go!" The Yin King's tone was as if he was ready to throw caution to the wind. His heart was filled with ten thousand grievances. At this rate, he would die before he could reach the depths of Yin and Yang.    


Both of them stepped into the Plains of the Dead. The seemingly endless black land was shrouded in a thick gray mist filled with an aura of death.    


Ever since Jiang Feng had stepped into the Shattered Soul Plains, the Yin Yang Emperor's shroud had never quieted down.    


The Yin King was on guard, from time to time he would look around, not knowing if he wanted to run away at any time or if he was truly afraid.    


As Jiang Feng walked a few dozen kilometers, he felt that his surroundings were extremely strange. He opened his Eye of Samsara and saw countless spirit souls floating on the ground, tightly trapping him like a tide, but not a single one dared to step forward.    


The corpse cloth of the Yin Yang Emperor was extremely intimidating, causing these spirits to not dare to take even half a step over.    


Jiang Feng felt that the Yin King's speed was too fast, he grabbed him and started to fly through the air.    


After flying for three consecutive days, the million Li Soul Plains were about to be cleared by Jiang Feng.    


But on the night of the third day, a melodious sound of an ancient zither suddenly came out from the gigantic Plains of the Dead. It was a sorrowful and ethereal sound, causing Jiang Feng to be able to hear it very clearly.    


"A departed soul can play a zither?" Jiang Feng was shocked.    


"Never heard of it." The Yin King shook his head.    


"If it's not a soul, then it's a person!" Jiang Feng said, he quickly moved and headed towards the direction of the zither.    


The Yin King really wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare. This was a flat land of souls, filled with countless dead souls. It was extremely dangerous. Even the supreme elders in the depths of Yin and Yang didn't dare to easily pass through.    


It was one thing when he crossed over to this place with this young man. However, after hearing the strange zither music, the young man did not seem to be afraid. Instead, he went over to inspect the music. His courage was truly great.    


However, he did not dare to stay alone, and could only quickly follow Jiang Feng.    


This zither music was rich in rhythms and sad melody. It was a rare first-class ancient song, even if it was a ghost, Jiang Feng wanted to see, just what kind of ghost could play this song.    


The sound became clearer and clearer, and after half an incense stick of time, Jiang Feng stopped in his tracks.    


On the Ghost Plains, about a hundred zhang away, a man in white was playing a zither.    


This was a living person, not an intelligent body, nor a soul cultivator like the Yin King. He had a real body, and although his long hair draped over his shoulders, one could still see his handsome features. This was a young man with an extraordinary spirit, an ethereal temperament, completely out of place with this place.    


"This song is pleasant to listen to, and it contains endless sorrow. It makes me think of my hometown." Jiang Feng sighed with emotion, he did not directly ask the other party about their origins, but his face revealed a look of infatuation, and was immersed in playing the zither.    


The Yin King was shocked. This person had already formed his body, it was possible that he was a top-notch expert in the depths of Yin and Yang. Perhaps he had drunk the Spring of Life and was just a few steps away from leaving this place.    


The white clothed man didn't respond to Jiang Feng, and continued to quietly play his zither, calm and graceful.    


Jiang Feng listened quietly, as if he was enjoying a performance.    


The Yin King was anxious, he was definitely a big shot, he could not be provoked, he should leave as soon as possible, but he did not dare to urge Jiang Feng to leave.    


The white-clothed man finished playing the zither after the time it took to make a cup of tea. Only then did he raise his head and look at Jiang Feng. "It's rare for anyone to admire me playing the zither.    


"It's rare to see someone playing the zither here." Jiang Feng smiled slightly, he could clearly feel a hint of life aura from the other party's body, this was definitely not an ordinary cultivator, it was definitely someone with a powerful background.    


"I am the Yin Yang Emperor. I have been waiting for you for a long time." The man in white spoke, causing Jiang Feng's expression to change. The other party was actually the Yin-Yang Emperor who had sat down to protect him.    


And hearing that they were waiting for him here, Jiang Feng's expression changed even more.    


The Yin Yang Emperor sat down to protect him! The Yin King was astonished. This background was too terrifying. A person who was related to the Yin Yang Great Land was not a simple person.    


"Why did you wait for me?" Jiang Feng asked, puzzled.    


"Only you can restore the Yin Yang energy and bring the Yin Yang Emperor back." The words spoken by the man in white were extremely shocking. They were always related to the Yinyang Great Emperor, and there was no way he could restore the space between Yin and Yang, allowing the Yinyang Great Emperor to return.    


To be honest, even if Jiang Feng was used to seeing big waves, he would still not be able to understand it at the moment.    


"What exactly do you mean?" Jiang Feng frowned and asked.    


"Millions of years ago, the Celestial domain collapsed, and Yin and Yang were split into pieces. The Yinyang Emperor, after leaving to kill the enemy, never returned, only left behind a single sentence, telling me to wait here for a white-clothed youth with a Soul Cultivator at his side. He said that only you can restore order between Yin and Yang, and bring back the Great Di Wuque of Yin and Yang." The white clothed man spoke in more detail, but this also caused Jiang Feng to be even more surprised. He came to the Plains of the Dead today with the Yin King by his side, and the things that happened right now were seen by the Yin Yang Emperor tens of millions of years ago?    


This was too shocking.    


Although Jiang Feng knew that the cultivators of the Realm of the Gods, in particular the Emperor-level experts, were extremely talented, seeing what was going to happen millions of years later, Jiang Feng felt a chill in his heart.    


Could it be that the trajectory of his life was seen clearly by a powerhouse like the YinYang Emperor tens of millions of years ago?    


"You don't have to be surprised. The Yinyang Emperor controls Yin and Yang, is in charge of the origin of life and the return of billions of lives, he has long known the trajectory of all life in this world. Not to mention tens of millions of years later, he can even see the time from the place where the universe was born to the time billions of years later." Only he knew how powerful the Yinyang Emperor was. He had witnessed the glory of the Realm of the Gods and knew just how terrifying the powerhouses of that era were.    


was completely dumbstruck. Once he entered the Nine Heavens Immortal World, the cognitive concept that he formed was once again shattered. The events that occurred in the God Realm millions of years ago, the Yin Yang Emperor that was able to understand billions of years of history, these were all secrets that made his scalp tingle.    


The Yin King trembled even more. Just the name of the Yin Yang Great Emperor caused him to be filled with fear, and he could not help but prostrate himself on the ground.    


"I am only a Soul Realm cultivator. Where would I get the power to help the Yin Yang reconstruct the order? How would I be able to help the Yin Yang Emperor return?" Jiang Feng asked with a surprised tone.    


"Since it's the Yinyang Emperor who left behind this information, it can't be wrong. Furthermore, you have the corpse cloth of the Yin Yang Emperor on you. This proves even more that you are the person I am looking for. " As the man in white spoke, excitement gradually surfaced on his face.    


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