Everlasting Conceited Supreme



"So powerful!" Jiang Feng clicked his tongue. In the Azure Frost Immortal Domain, even the top sects would not be able to compare to the Green Frost Immortal Palace, and he would not let Lin Qing take the initiative to visit them.    


"Who's going?" Jiang Feng asked.    


As far as I know, Xia Xiaoji, the Little Wolf King, as well as Ning Ruli from the Green Frost Immortal Palace, as well as some of the geniuses that I'm not familiar with even though we made it to the last 100 ranks. Right, there are also those that performed exceptionally well in the previous Immortal Dao Theory, so there should be quite a few of them. Yang Jiutian explained in detail.    


"Ning Ruli is the one who held the party back then?" asked. Yang Jiutian had also been invited, so Jiang Feng had an impression of him, but at that time, he would not know of his origins.    


"Yes." Yang Jiutian nodded.    


"Then I'll have to go and join in on the fun." Jiang Feng decided, like what he said before, as a martial artist, if he wanted to raise his cultivation, it was not just relying on closed door cultivation. He also needed to travel around to train himself.    


"Then I wish you a pleasant journey." Yang Jiutian said with blessing.    


"Thank you very much." Jiang Feng smiled lightly.    


"Right, in the 150 years that I was gone, did anyone come to look for me?" Jiang Feng suddenly thought of something.    


Yang Jiutian seriously thought for a moment, then gently shook his head. "No."    


"Alright, I understand." Jiang Feng nodded, as a pensive look appeared in his eyes. Gu Langtian, Mu Lingxue, had indeed not come to the Azure Frost Immortal Domain to look for him, just what kind of scheme was he plotting?    


After discussing some other matters with Yang Jiutian, Jiang Feng bid farewell to him.    


"I'll send you off on your way, Jun Qianli. We'll meet again in the future, so I won't send you off." Yang Jiutian got up, forcefully cupped his hands, and saw Jiang Feng off.    


"Let's go." Jiang Feng waved his hand, and then left, heading towards the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain.    


Jiang Feng did not need to rush, since he did not have the qualifications to participate in the gathering nor did he have the interest to participate, if not, he would have agreed to it the moment Su Yang came looking for him.    


Jiang Feng bought a rough map, and according to the map, he set out on his journey.    


In the nine great immortal realms, just traversing through one immortal realms would already take several years. Not to mention going to different immortal realms, it would take at most several decades.    


It would have been good if they had been together, but it would have taken up too much time in the Immortal Region.    


Fortunately, Jiang Feng took a look. He had gone from the Azure Frost Immortal Domain to the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain. There was only a corner of the Lightning Immortal Domain in the middle which did not stop him at all.    


But even so, this journey was not easy.    


Each Immortal Domain covered hundreds, if not thousands of different regions. The situation in these regions was very complicated. The space between them was filled with all kinds of unexpected sights.    


It could be chaotic spacetime, or it could be a meteor shower, or it could be a strange ocean. All sorts of wonders of the universe could appear.    


The Nine Heavens Immortal World s were not inferior to the lower continents. This was something that Jiang Feng had discovered a long time ago, where the lower continents dominated by sitting on a particular star, then multiplied with various civilizations. The Nine Heavens Immortal World s, on the other hand, were like an incomplete world, filled with many unimaginable regions.    


For example, the foreign battleground isn't suitable for people to live in. It is a land of death, and only a very small amount of cultivators or forces can survive in it.    


There was no lack of time in this world. The reason why all living things felt that time was important was because their lives were controlled by the laws of time. The passage of time meant that their lives would be reduced.    


Even for cultivators that were at the Dao Saint Realm, their lifespan was limited and their lifespan was limited. Time was limitless as well. Countless cultivators were diligently pursuing the pinnacle of martial arts in order to find a way to live forever.    


Only by escaping from the shackles of the rules can it be compatible with the existence of the world through the passage of time.    


Jiang Feng spent a year's time on this journey towards the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain. He did not seek for speed nor time to cultivate.    


He passed by many lands, countless cities, mountains, rivers, and seas. He chased after the setting sun and also watched the sunset.    


While Jiang Feng traveled alone with no one disturbing him, his mental state had instead received an enormous improvement, and he would often have a mysterious comprehension. This sort of indistinct inspiration made him feel like he had touched the truth of the universe.    


But before he saw the truth, there was a blurry door, and this door, even Jiang Feng was unable to open it no matter how hard he tried. He tried many times but to no avail.    


In the second year, Jiang Feng finally stepped into the territory of the Absolute Beginning Immortal Domain. The first thing he did was to visit a small piece of land.    


The land that was being developed was being used for cultivation.    


This greatly surprised Jiang Feng. After all, this was the Nine Heavens Immortal World, and no matter how ignorant they were, they would at least have Astral Reaching Realm.    


But very quickly, Jiang Feng realised that he was wrong. The land here was indeed used for farming, and as for what it was used for, it was definitely not ordinary food, but rather immortal herbs and spirit fruits.    


Red fruits that were about the size of a fist hung on a purple sapling on a piece of ground that had already grown some mature plants. They were bright, red, and rotten.    


"Who is it?" "How dare he trespass into the spirit fruit growing grounds of the Green Lantern Sect!" An old man shouted.    


Only then did Jiang Feng turn his head and saw a thatched cottage on the ground. At the entrance of the thatched cottage, there was a hunchbacked old man who was sternly staring at him.    


"I am only a passerby and not a trespasser. If you offend me, please forgive me." How would he know what kind of place this was? Within a radius of several tens of kilometers, he did not discover anything. Just by discovering this plains, there were developed lands, and thinking that there were people who were still living like mortals ?    


"You barged in and got caught by me. You think you can just leave like this? You're thinking too simply. If you take the initiative to leave behind the stolen items, I can still let you leave. Otherwise, I'll have to inform the sect!" The old man shouted.    


Jiang Feng focused his gaze a little. This old man actually suspected him of stealing, which made the corner of his mouth curl into a cold smile: "I don't even like the things planted here, what's there to steal? I don't have the time to chat with you about it."    


Jiang Feng was not in the mood to bother with this kind of stubborn old fogey, so he just left straight away.    


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