Everlasting Conceited Supreme



"No." Jiang Feng looked at Huo Ting and the other two, and said coldly.    


The faces of Huo Ting and the other two darkened. Although they knew that Jiang Feng was not here to save them, they still felt despair after hearing the result.    


Hm? When many people heard Jiang Feng's reply, their faces revealed looks of astonishment. Since they were from an empire, Jiang Feng should have acted first.    


"Since you are not here to save them, please do not interfere in this matter. Today, we must kill these three people!" The Emperor of the Ferocious Lion Empire spoke forcefully, and the members of the Divine Saber Empire all nodded coldly.    


"That's a bit of a pity. Although I'm not saving them, I will take these three with me today." Jiang Feng suddenly said to the cultivators of the two great empires.    


These words caused everyone to be stunned. Their gazes at Jiang Feng immediately revealed ice-cold expressions, saying that they wouldn't save Huo Ting and the other two, yet they were going to bring them away.    


"Jiang Feng, what do you mean? Didn't you say that you can't save them? Why did you bring them away?" The king of the Wild Lion Empire roared with a fiery temper.    


"Not saving them doesn't mean that I don't want to kill the three of them, so I'm sorry. I must take these three with me!" Jiang Feng explained in a cold and detached voice. He had to bring away the three of them as soon as possible, so he could not waste time here. If any one of the Jiang family members died, it would be an irreparable result.    


"Nonsense, in my opinion, you clearly want to save them, and you even made up a lie about wanting to kill them, how laughable!" The Heavenly Saber Empire's Sovereign King obviously did not believe Jiang Feng's explanation, his face was filled with a sneer, a cultivator that came from an empire, but he did not save him, no matter what he said, there would always be enmity, so who would he lie to?    


"I don't have that much time to explain. Regardless of whether you believe me or not, I'm going to take these three with me!" Jiang Feng was too lazy to explain any further, after expressing his attitude, he started walking, towards Huo Ting and the other two.    


At this time, Huo Ting and the other two had extremely complicated feelings in their hearts. Originally, they had wanted to part ways with Yu Chunqiu and the others as soon as they caught up with the Jiang family members, but Jiang Feng had caught up to them in the end. He had said that he wanted to take them away with him.    


If they really fell into Jiang Feng's hands, there were only two options left. They could either be brought back to the Rain Country in exchange for the Jiang Clan members or die!    


If they fell into the hands of the cultivators of the two empires, there would only be one result. Death!    


These two results were not a good result for the three of them. Of course, they also hoped that there would be another result, which was when Jiang Feng fought with the two great Empire's cultivators.    


And now, they were indeed looking forward to it.    


"Jiang Feng, you really do not put us in your eyes, we are the ones who chased these three, the moment you appeared you immediately brought them away, where are you making us go?" But Jiang Feng did not care about it at all, and continued to walk towards Huo Ting and the other two.    


"Jiang Feng, I advise you to immediately retreat, if not, if you take another step forward, don't blame us for not being courteous!" The Emperor of the Divine Saber Empire roared as well, his eyes filled with killing intent.    


"I also advise all of you. If you don't want to die, it's best not to act recklessly. Otherwise, don't blame me for starting a massacre!" Jiang Feng finally replied, but it was not a compromise, but an imposing warning. If the cultivators of the two empires dared to act recklessly, don't blame him for starting a massacre.    


It was only now that they remembered how terrifying Jiang Feng was. He was the first in the Imperial Assembly, and was also at the third level of the concealment. His strength was already comparable to that of many of the emperors in the other empires, and it was more than enough to squeeze into the ranks of the experts in the other empires. Wanting to stop Jiang Feng was easier said than done.    


Jiang Feng's current identity was that of the prince of Tartarus, and he had the task of leading the rest of the geniuses into the Eternal Demon Area. If they were to make a move against him, the Holy City would definitely become angry, and relying on his Wild Lion Empire and Divine Blade Empire, they would not be able to withstand the wrath of the thunder and lightning from the Holy City.    


But he wanted to make the two Sovereign Kings give up trying to stop Jiang Feng and force him to take away Huo Ting and the other two. He was extremely unwilling, so the two immediately sent a sound transmission to the man behind him, and in the end, waved his hand, and shouted to the cultivators behind him: "Kill him!"    


When the two countries' cultivators heard that, their eyes immediately shone with a look of surprise, obviously they were also shocked by the Sovereign King's decision, but in the end they still quickly took action and rushed towards Jiang Feng.    


In the wilderness, there was nothing Jiang Feng could do even if he was killed, even if the Sacred City found him, they would not be able to find out. Even if the Sacred City found out, Jiang Feng would be dead by then, and he could lie that he made a move first, in order to protect himself.    


Since there was no proof, the Holy City also didn't know what had happened. Even if they suspected the two empires, they still didn't have any substantial evidence. In the end, they would just leave it at that.    


This was also the reason why the Divine Blade Empire's Emperor and the Ferocious Lion Empire's Emperor decided to take action.    


Moreover, he no longer had a stone sword on him, so even if he had a cultivation at the third level of the concealment, he might still be able to kill him.    


"If you don't know the meaning of death, then don't blame me for staining the world with blood!" When Jiang Feng saw the two nation's cultivators rushing towards him, killing intent shot out from his eyes. He instantly activated the Great Desolate Heaven Exterminating Finger, and like a powerful finger that could pierce through the heavens, he directly pierced through space and smashed towards the group of people with an unstoppable force.    


Puff puff puff ?    


In an instant, a total of three geniuses exploded and died!    


The three of them were geniuses participating in the Imperial Assembly, all of their cultivations were above the fourth stage of the Astral Reaching Realm, but they could not withstand Jiang Feng's attack. The moment their bodies collided with the Great Desolate Heaven Exterminating Finger, they instantly went from the inside to outside, exploding loudly and causing their flesh and blood to fly everywhere.    


"dark yellow qi!"    


Jiang Feng released the killing move again, and the Profound Yellow and Profound Yellow Qi condensed in his hands, as though two suns piercing through the sky, they disappeared into the crowd, and in the next moment, miserable cries sounded out. Where the dark yellow qi passed by, there was a burst of blood mist.    


"Attack!" The two great rulers of the Kuang Shi and Shen Dao Empire saw that the situation was bad and immediately took action, rushing towards Jiang Feng with killing intent.    


As emperors, their cultivation levels were not low. One of them had the cultivation of the third stage of the concealment and the other one had the cultivation of the fourth stage of the concealment.    


In fact, this cultivation was relatively high in the Jiuyou Ancient Prefecture. Normally, the monarch of an empire and the masters of some sects with two A Tier 3 Empire would have this cultivation.    


However, Jiang Feng had already stepped into the concealment and obtained first place in the Imperial Assembly, so these monarchs were nothing in his eyes, even though one of them had a cultivation level that was around his and the other was even higher than him by a level, Jiang Feng was not afraid of them at all.    


From an objective point of view, the Emperor of the God Blade Empire and the King of the Wild Lion Empire might not be able to compare to terrifying geniuses like Gu Chen and Kong Sheng. Because they had cultivated for more than a hundred years, they had only made it to their current level of cultivation and were not outstanding in many aspects, thus their fighting strength was extremely limited.    


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