Everlasting Conceited Supreme



At this time, in the middle of the image that Ye Wuying opened up, a figure astonishingly appeared. The owner of the figure, was none other than Jiang Feng.    


However, the current Jiang Feng was not standing on the Sacred Mountain's stairs, but in the void.    


What shocked Ye Wuying the most, was that Jiang Feng's body was covered with an endless amount of will. There were dozens of them, and they looked like a giant dragon coiling around his body.    


But Jiang Feng, wrapped in so much boundless will, was actually safe and sound. He was currently in the air, and was swiftly flying towards the Sacred Mountain.    


"Crazy, is this kid crazy!" Ye Wuying was terrified, being able to control one or two strands of will was already something, but Jiang Feng had actually gathered all of his willpower into his body, such a powerful force was enough to make his body explode at any time, it was something that no ordinary person would dare to do, and it was not something an ordinary person could do.    


"Jiang Feng is really crazy, how did he do it?"    


"Arriving at the sacred mountain is impossible to fly, but he is actually soaring in the sky! Unimaginable!"    


When the group of people in the plaza saw the scene that appeared on the screen, they let out shocked cries.    


Especially those cultivators who said that Jiang Feng had been blasted down from the Sacred Mountain, their faces immediately turned green. Not only was Jiang Feng not blasted flying, he was actually sent soaring through the air, much more powerful than Gu Chen.    


Originally, there were some who were interested in the summit of the holy mountain, but at this moment, their gazes were all gathered on the image that Ye Wuying had created. They wanted to see whether Jiang Feng was the first one to step onto the summit, or Gu Chen was the better one.    


At this time, on the Sacred Mountain stairs, Gu Chen had activated the Xiao Yao Holy Steps to the extreme. The astrology had been locking onto Jiang Feng the entire time, and realized that after Jiang Feng had soared into the sky, his speed had increased by almost a fold, being just a hair's breadth away from him. This caused Gu Chen to feel a certain amount of pressure.    


Withdrawing his gaze and raising his head to scan the place, Gu Chen's heart once again relaxed. The summit of the holy mountain was right in front of him. One more three steps, and he would be able to reach the summit in three steps at most!    


These three steps, Jiang Feng, how could he not notice that he was already not too far away from the peak? But these few steps, he would definitely not let Gu Chen easily step forward.    


From the first dozen or so wills, to now, the amount of wills condensed in Jiang Feng's body, was already more than a dozen. It formed into a terrifying whirlpool of will, his speed also increased by quite a bit.    


With a sudden rush, a powerful aura exploded forth, and Jiang Feng's body neared the peak of the holy mountain in an instant.    


It was at that moment, Gu Chen's eyes turned serious, he suddenly realised that the power of will in the air was suddenly pressing down on him, causing his footsteps to become as heavy as a mountain, it was extremely difficult to raise his head.    


It was Jiang Feng, controlling the power of will in his body, suppressing towards the space in front of him!    


"If this can trap me, then you're underestimating me!" Gu Chen said coldly. An ancient aura immediately emerged from his body, forcefully propping up the willpower that was surging towards him.    


Thus, under the shroud of the ancient Qi, Gu Chen stepped forward quickly.    


"Ancient Dao Qi!" Jiang Feng focused his gaze, the qi of the Ancient Dao was actually being released from Gu Chen's body, something that only those who have stepped into the The Realm of Ruins can leave behind.    


This was because the experts of the The Realm of Ruins had already walked down the road of martial arts of their own, and in the end, before passing away in meditation, the martial intent would transform into an aura.    


In addition, within these ancient energies, there would usually be some intent hidden within. The wills of those who were alive, could even be their opponents' wills or thoughts when they wished to cultivate it.    


Once in the Yu Di City, Jiang Feng had once cut out a strand of Ancient Dao Qi from a piece of primordial stone that came from the Ancient Battlefield, and as a result, comprehended the Concept of Slaughter.    


From the aura that Gu Chen was releasing, it was obvious that what he had comprehended from the Ancient Dao Qi was not a concept of martial arts, but some sort of powerful force.    


Jiang Feng did not delay any further, he raised his speed to the limit and continued to fly in the air.    


Boom boom!    


In that instant, Jiang Feng landed a step on top of the Sacred Mountain. The powerful force caused both of his feet to emit a burst of muffled sound wherever he landed.    


However, the current Jiang Feng didn't have much joy on his face, because just now, two sounds came out from the ground.    


One of them belonged to him, and the other one ?    


Jiang Feng quickly turned his head, and saw that not far away, Gu Chen was standing, and the other party was also staring at him!    


The two of them had arrived at the summit of the Sacred Mountain at the same time, and they had shared the limelight equally. This was a coincidence that had never happened before in the history of the Imperial Assembly.    


The group of people in the plaza also revealed astonished expressions, what they were surprised about was not the coincidence that the two of them arrived at the same time, but rather Jiang Feng was not weaker than Gu Chen.    


Shua, with a wave of his hand, the scene in the air disappeared as he looked at Jiang Feng and Gu Chen.    


"Congratulations to the two of you for reaching this place at the same time. Each of you will receive an 'Eternal Gold Pill'. This is a Grade 9 elixir which has an extraordinary physical effect. Whether it be when you are injured or when you are breaking through, it will be of great help!"    


After Ye Wuying finished, he flicked his fingers, and two of them released a gold light, flying towards Jiang Feng and Gu Chen.    


"Whiz!" Jiang Feng waved his hand and suddenly grabbed. He then opened his palm and saw a pill that was emitting a gold light, quietly resting on his palm.    


The pills were divided into four ranks, the Common Tier, the Earth Tier, and the Heaven Tier!    


And each of these grades was further divided into nine grades according to the quality of the pills.    


Normally, a Life Elephant Realm cultivator would come into contact with Mortal Grade pills, which were also known as unranked pills. However, in most people's mouths, the word 'Mortal Grade' was simply discarded, and with these two words, the pills would only appear to be of a lower tier.    


Above the Common Tier were the Spirit Tier pills. This level of pills was something that only those with a certain level of cultivation could refine and refine, or even those with a certain level of cultivation.    


At the same time, only those with a certain level of cultivation or an illustrious background would be able to come into contact with a spirit rank pill.    


And the Eternal Gold Pill that Ye Wuying took out was undoubtedly a treasure amongst all the Spirit Level pills. In the market, this kind of pill could easily be sold for high prices for hundreds of thousands of stellar stone.    


At this moment, many people looked at the Eternal Gold Pill with fiery eyes. If they weren't in Holy City of Nine Serenities, just the name of the rank 9 pill would be enough for them to steal it.    


"I thank City Lord for his reward!" Jiang Feng cupped his hands in a very casual manner, his expression revealing no joy at all. Although a Grade Nine Spirit Dan was precious, in his previous life, Jiang Feng would never even glance at it. The only things that could move his heart were the high grade Earth Grade and Heaven Grade medicinal pellets.    


However, the current situation was different from his previous life. A Grade Nine Spirit Dan was already not bad.    


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