Everlasting Conceited Supreme



After all, the opponent was a Nirvana Realm expert, yet he directly exploded his own life to end his own life. From this, one could see how great the pressure brought by the elder of the 9th mountain was, which made the opponent give up on resisting and hope to self-destruct and inflict some damage on the elder of the 9th mountain.    


However, the ninth peak's elder was unbelievably strong. Facing the self-detonation of a Nirvana Realm warrior, he had only waved his hand and suppressed the destructive power of the self-detonation.    


This method made Jiang Feng guess secretly, could it be that the Ninth Peak's elder had already reached the Domain Lord Realm?    


"What happened?" The Ninth Peak elder looked at Jiang Feng and asked with a serious tone.    


Jiang Feng cupped his hands and told everything that had happened to the elder of the ninth summit.    


"Just who are these people? How did they even dare to lay their hands on the Celestial City of Li Chuan?" The ninth peak elder mumbled to himself.    


Hearing that, Jiang Feng felt weird. Hearing what the Ninth Peak's elder said, he knew that there were these people, but he never thought that they would come to Li Chuan Immortal City to cause trouble.    


Jiang Feng originally wanted to ask the Ninth Peak's elder, but before he could say anything, the Ninth Peak's elder said, "You go back to the sect first, I'll go look for Yun Mo Yun and Lei Qianyi."    


After he finished speaking, the Ninth Peak's elder immediately disappeared, Jiang Feng did not dare linger here, and quickly left.    


After returning to the sect, Jiang Feng was unable to calm down nor had he fallen asleep, so he waited all night for news.    


Yun Mo Lian and Lei Qian Yi could be considered his guides, if it weren't for the two of them, he wouldn't have been able to enter the Spirit Floor Sect, and if anything were to happen to the two of them, Jiang Feng would feel uneasy.    


It was only on the second day that Jiang Feng directly left the courtyard to ask others about it. It was only then that he found out that the Ninth Peak's elder did not manage to find Yun Mo Xie or Lei Qianyi!    


Jiang Feng's heart could not help but sink. The other party's goal was too clear; seven years ago, they had already set up an ambush.    


This time, their goal was the same: to kill them.    


If he couldn't find Yun Mo Yun or Lei Qianyi, this meant that the two of them might have already been killed.    


Moreover, even the elder of the 9th mountain didn't know the origin of the person who did this.    


The news spread like wildfire. Countless cultivators were watching, wondering just who would dare to make a move against a Spirit Sect disciple in the Immortal City.    


In this vast Azure Frost Immortal Domain, the Spiritfount Sect was ranked in the top 10 out of the myriad forces. It was extremely powerful and peerless.    


In the land of Li Chuan, the Spiritfount Sect had towered for hundreds of thousands of years, and its foundation was deep. It was a lucky place, but now, someone had attacked a disciple of the Spiritfount Sect and shocked everyone.    


In the Azure Frost Immortal Domain, the other powers were also paying close attention.    


The higher ups of the Spiritfount Sect had issued a search order and were certain to find the person who'd intervened. At the same time, they strictly prohibited disciples from leaving their homes.    


For a time, many people felt fear in their hearts.    


Yun Mo Xiao and Lei Qianyi's lives were unknown, but the person who acted was not found. This had already caused the atmosphere of the Li Chuan Immortal City to become stormy.    


Just a few days later, another matter happened in Li Chuan Immortal City, causing everyone to feel terrified.    


In the Celestial City of Li Chuan, a few blood-red stones appeared. On them interweaved bloodline patterns, and they were known as divine stones. It was said that refining them could raise one's cultivation.    


Many people were secretly fighting over it. In the end, those who stole the divine stone were devoured by the divine stone. Following that, the divine petrified man made his move at night and killed quite a few people.    


Aside from the skeleton, all of the bodies of the people who were killed had disappeared.    


This news swept across the entire Li Chuan Immortal City, causing countless cultivators to be terrified, who knew if they would be harmed.    


After Jiang Feng received the news, he could not help but feel astonished in his heart, because a few days ago, in Li Chuan Immortal City, the shopkeeper had even told him about it as a secret.    


However, at that time, Jiang Feng did not take it to heart. He felt that the other party was trying to recruit guests for the Lan Ting Auction House, but now it seemed that it was not so.    


Just as someone was in the Celestial City of Li Chuan, he attacked a disciple of the Spiritfount Sect and unleashed a divine stone as a demonic event. No matter how you looked at it, this seemed like a conspiracy.    


In the beginning, the Spirit Abyss Sect did not intervene, they felt that it was just some evil being, nothing serious.    


However, a few days later, the situation had taken a turn for the worse.    


In the Celestial City of Li Chuan, the number of people killed skyrocketed.    


Often early in the morning, one could see that the streets were covered with skeletons.    


Some people had calculated that in just ten short days, more than ten thousand people from Li Chuan Immortal City had already died.    


The cultivators living here had their daily lives completely disturbed. Even the shops were closed. Although there were cultivators forming a search party, it was still useless. It was impossible to tell who was the real person from the God's Stone.    


When night fell, the people formed by the Divine Stones would begin to kill.    


Many people began to request for the Spiritfount Sect to help. Under this pressure, the Spiritfount Sect had no choice but to intervene.    


The Li Chuan Immortal City was under the protection of the Spirit Elegance Sect. Now, with this monster causing trouble, in just a short ten days, more than ten thousand people had died.    


The Spirit Coil Sect sent out fifty core disciples and five hundred inner disciples.    


Each core disciple would lead ten inner disciples to form a small team. There was a total of fifty small teams, and they would thoroughly inspect the entire Li Chuan Immortal City.    


Besides these fifty teams, there were ten other elders overseeing the entire Li Chuan Immortal City. As long as anyone found out about the situation, they would be able to contact them.    


Jiang Feng was fortunate to have been chosen with nine other people from the same academy to follow the core disciple Duan Mu.    


Ephemeral! Jiang Feng was no stranger to him, he was Yun Mo Xie and Lei Qianyi's friend. Seven years ago, when they were returning to the Spiritfount Sect from the Xiang Jin City, the two girls went to pick Poria Cocos Grass was entrusted to them by Ye Duan.    


Fifty teams gathered in the main square. Under the guidance of the Elders of the ninth summit, everyone listened attentively.    


After a few simple sentences, the fifty squads and five hundred fifty disciples left the sect and flew towards Lichuan Immortal City.    


Amongst the ten elders who came this time, Jiang Feng was quite familiar with one of them, it was the white-haired old man who specially lectured for the outer sect disciples. Seven years ago, on the main mountain plaza, he was completely shocked by Jiang Feng's methods of instant enlightenment.    


The other nine elders, including the two elders who were to be the lecturers within the inner sect, were not acquainted with Jiang Feng.    


Although he had already been in the Spirit Swamp Sect for seven years, there were at least a hundred Elders in the Spirit Swallow Sect. There were only a few that he could see. As for the other Elders, they were rarely seen.    


"After entering the Li Chuan Immortal City, everyone spread out and pretend to be passersby. Do not be too flamboyant. If there is a situation, signal it immediately!" An elder said.    


All the disciples nodded.    


It only took a few minutes for them to get close to the Immortal City. They didn't fly directly into the city, but when they were a few miles away from the Immortal City, they landed early and blended into the crowd before entering the city.    


After entering the Immortal Li Chuan City, the fifty squads spread out.    


Although the ten of them were in a small group, in order to not attract attention, Jiang Feng and the other ten maintained a certain distance, pretending to not know each other.    


Furthermore, the tokens that they had on them, representing their status as disciples of the Spiritfount Sect, had been taken, so as not to alert the enemy.    


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