Everlasting Conceited Supreme



When Ye Wuying said this, the complexions of Yi Qianfeng and the Dao-Guzhou's City Lord couldn't help but change. There was no doubt that the geniuses of the two provinces would definitely be stronger than the Nether Realm cultivators.    


But at this moment, the suspicion that Jiuyou's cultivators had killed the geniuses of the two provinces was, without a doubt, an admission that they were stronger than their disciples. In the face of Ye Wuying's words, the two were momentarily at a loss of words, not knowing how to refute.    


"I also regret the deaths of geniuses from your two provinces. However, don't forget that quite a few geniuses from the Nine Nether Domain also died. As the city lord, my feelings are the same as yours."    


After Ye Wuying finished choking, he said another sentence to ease the tension and tried to mediate the tension in the atmosphere. However, Yi Qianfeng, the City Lord of Dao-Guzhou, did not appreciate his words and instead stared angrily at Ye Wuying.    


"Of your ten Nine Serenities geniuses, only five have died. There are still five that have survived, so what are you joining in for? Even if our two prefectures' geniuses' deaths were not caused by you, the Nine Serenities cultivators, it would still definitely be responsible!"    


Yi Qianfeng rebuked. The overall strength of the netherworld's cultivators were not strong, but they had lost five people, which was not logical. Even if they met with danger, they should have died first.    


"Ye Wuying, this old man does not wish to target you, Nine Nether, but if this matter truly has something to do with you, Nine Nether cultivators, then I will definitely get a result of this!"    


A cold voice followed up with Yi Qianfeng's words.    


Ye Wuying's gaze swept across them, and instantly landed on the Dao-Guzhou's City Lord. "Duan Canghai, do you think so as well?"    


"That's a bit too much. After all, no one knows what happened inside. However, you, a netherworld cultivator, are indeed suspicious." Duan Canghai coldly spat out.    


"Since the two of you are so sure, I have nothing else to say. My top priority right now is to decide whether or not I should open the Eternal Demon Area ahead of time." Ye Wuying no longer explained.    


The Eternal Demon Area is an independent world, and what the three of us grasp is only an entrance. Moreover, it still needs a large amount of energy to break open the space, but this entrance is only in the third month of every year, when the weakest among the three, it is also the opportunity to open the entrance to the space. Right now, there are only three months or so until the best opportunity is present, and even if the three of us join forces, it might not necessarily be possible to open it. Duan Canghai said in a low voice.    


"City Lord Duan is right, I dare to ask, will you, Ye Wuying, bear the consequences?" After Yi Qianfeng finished listening, he looked at Ye Wuying with a cold smile.    


Ye Wuying's gaze grew serious. He knew that opening the Eternal Demon Area's entrance ahead of time might bring about consequences, but in this kind of situation, it would be impossible to take any risks.    


Duan Canghai and Yi Qianfeng kept singing the same tune, as they did not want to open the gate ahead of time. In any case, the two prefectures' geniuses, one of them had been completely wiped out, and the last one was a remaining three geniuses.    


There were only five Nine Hell sect cultivators left, it was possible that Yi Qianfeng was trying to stall for time because he did not want to open the Eternal Demon Area, so that the last five of his Nine Hell sect geniuses would have an accident.    


Ye Wuying did not say anymore, and could only wait!    


At this time, in the Eternal Demon Area, within the Demon Diagram, after Jiang Feng killed Jing Jimie and Leng Shuang, he followed his coordinates and passed by them.    


After walking for 10,000 miles, Jiang Feng stopped and looked up. On top of his head, there were 108 stars.    


"Have we finally arrived?"    


Jiang Feng muttered, he looked around, but other than the 108 stars, which were eye-catching, he did not find anything special, not even a shadow of the Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele.    


Jiang Feng did not say anything, he channeled all of the star power in his body, transforming into one hundred and eight beams of light, using his unrivalled position to rush towards the stars in the sky.    


Bang bang bang bang!    


A string of explosive sounds came from above the nine heavens as the one hundred and eight starlight beams that Jiang Feng had condensed were unerringly powerful and poured into the corresponding stars.    


The stars exploded one by one, turning into pure energy and pouring down from the sky. Suddenly, it turned into a huge gate of the starry sky, thousands of feet high, emanating a powerful aura.    


Jiang Feng's expression was shocked, he looked at the gigantic door of stars, his heart overwhelmed with shock, this gate of stars, was as huge as the sky, there was something hidden inside, as for the Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele, it was still nowhere to be seen.    


Through the gigantic gate of the stars, Jiang Feng faintly felt the power of space, and couldn't help but reveal a hint of curiosity. Could it be that behind the star gate was another space?    


Since things had reached this stage, it was already impossible for him to retreat. He could only bite the bullet and charge forth. Jiang Feng took a step forward, and instantly stepped into the Star Gate. Immediately, a terrifying aura surged forth from the front.    


Jiang Feng used the power of the stars to barely resist the attack. He looked ahead with his eyes wide open, and could not help but reveal a fiery look.    


Directly in front of him was an incomparably large stone tablet. It stood tall and straight and had numerous carvings of symbols on it. It looked like a talisman drawn by ghosts and exuded a mysterious and mysterious aura.    


The stone stele was two hundred and eighty meters tall and fifteen meters wide. It looked like a mountain, ancient and archaic, as if an ancient, enormous Devil were standing there, emanating incredible pressure.    


"Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele!"    


Jiang Feng's eyes burned with passion. The information he had obtained from Jing Jimie was not wrong, there were indeed Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele in the place where one hundred and eight stars gathered. He just did not expect that these Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele were hidden so mysteriously.    


This space was obviously a dimensional space, an independent world created once again from the devil diagrams. This kind of method would at least require a strong practitioner at the peak of The Realm of Ruins.    


There was no doubt that the person who had set the Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele here was the devil god. Only the Eternal Demon God had such an impressive ability.    


This Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele did not look like a treasure, but more like a naturally formed mountain. However, on this mountain, there were runes carved on it by experts, which was why it seemed so extraordinary.    


It was a pity that Jiang Feng did not recognize these runes. In his previous life, he had mastered many of the runes but none of them could be used to decipher the runes on top of it.    


Did the Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele really descend from this immortal world? If that was the case, then the words on it would be celestial characters.    


Jiang Feng thought with surging emotions, and his eyes revealed deep astonishment.    


He did not immediately take action. Instead, he flew around the Magic Patterned Heavenly Stele and looked around, discovering that there were more than just these mysterious runes on the Heavenly Stele.    


It seemed as though the entire Heavenly Stele had been refined by someone. Not only that, the shape of the Heavenly Stele resembled something from before ?    


Jiang Feng's pupils slightly contracted. The thing that he had thought of, was a bit inauspicious.    




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