Everlasting Conceited Supreme



Eh? The disciples of the two major forces all revealed expressions of surprise. When Lou Aoyue appeared, they thought that she was going to personally take action, but they did not expect her to actually invite the other party to cooperate. What was the meaning of this?    


Jiang Feng's eyes also revealed a look of surprise. He thought that the other party would be like Liu Bingyan and the others, bargaining with him, or even looking down on him.    


However, it was not hard to guess that the other party must have seen that he could activate the Ancient God's Scroll and was afraid of involving them in it, which was why he had the intention to cooperate.    


"If we work together, what can we get?" Jiang Feng asked.    


"Damn!" The Little Wolf King felt a chill in his heart, and looked at Jiang Feng deeply. This guy couldn't have been infatuated with the other party's beauty, right?    


"Work together with us and search for the ultimate treasure of the Eye of the Heavens. If you have the luck, we can split a part of it with you and at the same time guarantee that you won't die. When I introduce you to the sect master, I can also have the chance to join the Snowy Immortal Sect." Lou Aoyue said coldly, as if she was giving Jiang Feng a huge benefit.    


"Is this what you meant by working together?" Jiang Feng suddenly laughed and mocked, "I also have the Ancient God Scroll, and the way to activate the Ancient God Scroll is also on my body. The ultimate treasure of the God's Eye might not be yours, maybe it's mine, if I obtain it, what qualifications do you have to split a part of my opportunities with me? Isn't this simply giving me something that belongs to me as a favor? As for your promise that I won't die, it's even more laughable. My life is in my own hands, how can you guarantee mine? "    


Each of Jiang Feng's words, was filled with a piercing sound that caused everyone present to be shocked!    


This fellow was too daring, actually using such a tone to reject Lou Aoyue's invitation.    


"There's more."    


Jiang Feng spat out coldly, once again attracting everyone's attention!    


I'm sorry, in my eyes, the Excalibur Sect, is merely an uninitiated power. Your sect head is just a third-rate cultivator who wants to take care of his own matters.    




Jiang Feng's words were like a clap of thunder that fiercely crashed into the minds of everyone present, startling everyone present.    


This guy was truly bold. Not only did he reject Lou Aoyue's invitation, he even dared to attack the Exquisite Snow Sect, and was disrespectful to the sect head.    


If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes and heard it with their own ears, who would have believed that a Fragmentation Realm cultivator would actually brazenly say that he had no interest in joining the Excalibur Sect?    


As a top disciple of the Lingxue Immortal Sect, her influence was exceptionally great, and she was also known as one of the rare peerless talents in the Scarlet Mountain Range. She was known to have surpassed her peers since young, and had been enveloped in a halo of light for her entire life.    


In terms of cultivation level, she was ranked in the top five of the Immortal Training Ranking. In terms of beauty, she was second only to the sect head, and her name shook the Immortal Cultivation Region. Countless men admired her.    


Regardless of whether it was her strength or her beauty, when she went to find someone to work with, the other party would definitely not reject her offer. Instead, she would be flattered and overjoyed.    


In the end, even their Sect Master was ridiculed by this person. This caused her blood to boil and her eyes to shoot out an incomparably cold killing intent, wishing that she could immediately kill this ignorant fellow.    


However, she had seen great storms and great waves before, so her state of mind was pretty good. She quickly calmed down, but the coldness in her eyes did not disappear.    


"Do you know what you're saying?" Lou Aoyue kept silent for a long time. Because the other party had the ability to open the Ancient God's Scroll, she did not dare to say too much. She was afraid that she would lose all decorum with him.    


"Of course I know what I'm talking about. If you, Lou Aoyue, don't hear it clearly, you can confirm it with your companion." Jiang Feng spat out coldly, with a strong aura.    


He really was a ruthless character! The Little Wolf King smacked his lips. He had thought that the house had been mesmerized by the other party's beauty. He hadn't thought that the counterattack would be so fierce, giving him a refreshing feeling.    


After all, a great power like the Lingxue Immortal Sect was like a myth in the Scarlet Training Immortal Domain. The disciples under the sect carried halos of light and they would never have received such mockery before.    


"Stinky brat, clean your mouth for me. The Excalibur Sect is not something you can insult, and even more so, Senior Sister Ao Yue is not someone you can mock!" Some of the disciples could not hold in their anger, and shouted loudly.    


Stinking brat? Jiang Feng's mouth revealed a sneer, he suddenly unleashed a sneak attack. The Ancient God Scroll opened up and a pair of eyes stared at it, instantly transforming into a powerful force that swept away the disciple without a sound.    


The whole process was extremely fast. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that this person had disappeared into thin air. The spectators all sucked in a breath of cold air, their hearts pounding madly.    


"Who else is unconvinced? Just keep your mouth shut, I have plenty of time to play with you." Jiang Feng looked at everyone coldly.    


Although only one person had disappeared, it had intimidated everyone present. A living person had disappeared in the blink of an eye. It was unknown whether he was dead or alive. This kind of terror was even more terrifying than witnessing a person being killed.    


The scene became silent for a moment. Everyone was afraid that they would become the next person to disappear.    


"I thought the so-called top powers were just a bunch of fearless people. I didn't expect them to be this kind of people." Jiang Feng continued to mock them, he had always treated others as food, these cultivators all acted the same as his grandpa, acting as if they were nothing, if not, he would just shut his mouth and not show off in front of Jiang Feng.    


Even Lou Aoyue was the same. What was the use of having a beautiful face? After dying, he would still be a skeleton with a handful of dirt.    


Even though she came from the Exquisite Snow Sect, the halo bestowed to her by the Exquisite Snow Sect, as well as her own appearance, did not give Jiang Feng the slightest bit of pressure.    


In this world, even if one was able to shake the world, it was not necessary to show off one's might all the time.    


It was not that Jiang Feng had never seen true strong people before, but he was well aware of the unfathomable profoundness of those people.    


Even though the two great forces and tens of thousands of disciples were frightened by Jiang Feng's sarcasm, they still couldn't help but want to speak up.    


With so many people around, it was hard to not believe that they would kill him.    


Jiang Feng was not afraid. He had the Ancient God's scroll, at most, he would open it again and send some of the cultivators to their deaths. In any case, the Ancient God's scroll was not something that the ordinary cultivators could have.    


"All of you, quiet down!" Lou Aoyue turned around and shouted to the cultivators who were in high spirits, his eyes looked as if they were about to eat someone, causing everyone to calm down and not dare to act rashly.    


The majority of the people in the group quieted down, and the remaining cultivators of the Agu Sword Sect naturally could not continue to clamor. After all, it was Lou Aoyue who had appeared, and there was no need for them to act rashly in front of others.    


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