Everlasting Conceited Supreme



Stepping into the Yu Di City, Jiang Feng could more and more feel that the Earth Vein's essence energy that surged out from beneath the ground was incomparably rich. In addition to the righteous energy that gathered from all over the world, it was all gathering towards the center of the Yu Di City.    


That place should be the imperial city, and there would definitely be experts of the concealment overseeing the imperial city.    


Jiang Feng secretly thought in his heart, he did not immediately head to the imperial city to meet the Sovereign King, but instead took a stroll around Yu Di City.    


This capital that had towered over the world for thousands of years had at least a crowd of millions of people gathered here.    


Jiang Feng was looking for a shop that specialized in collecting ingredients. He wanted to sell the spoils of his spoils of war and convert them into stellar stone, so that he could use them when he attacked the second sky of Astral Reaching Realm.    


"Do you know of any relatively reliable shops in the Yu Di City that specialize in collecting various materials?" Jiang Feng asked the two girls.    


"Eight Desolations Pavilion, the biggest trading ground of the Yu Di City, accepts all the materials. At the same time, sell them all at the same time, which is under the control of the Ye Family, which is one of the top families in the Yu Di City." Qin Yao said with an ice-cold tone.    


"En, Eight Desolations Pavilion, then we'll go there. You lead the way." Jiang Feng said indifferently, "Oh, that's right. In the future, use a more amiable tone. If you want to act like a servant, learn more about her." Jiang Feng pointed to Shen Jing, then took a big step towards Eight Desolations Pavilion.    


"I ?" Qin Yao's petite body trembled in anger, but she could only endure it.    


In the Eight Desolations Pavilion's number one trading market, there was an ancient fortress that was dozens of meters tall. Its signboard was incomparably huge and hung on the outside, exuding a majestic aura.    


Jiang Feng directly entered the Eight Desolations Pavilion, but unfortunately, no one came to take care of him.    


The service personnel of the Eight Desolations Pavilion all greeted the cultivators who seemed rich and overbearing. They only glanced at him coldly, and when they saw that it was a young lad, they retracted their gaze.    


"Known as the Yu Di City's number one trading market, just so-so." Jiang Feng muttered.    


"This little gongzi, he doesn't seem to be big, but his tone is actually quite arrogant." Although Jiang Feng's voice was soft, it was still heard. A cold and gorgeous middle-aged woman wearing a tight dress walked over, her body wrapped in an exquisite and exquisite cloth. However, the contempt in her eyes made her look completely different from her dignified and elegant self.    


"Regardless of what kind of shop it is, to serve customers is the most basic knowledge. Is Eight Desolations Pavilion's basis for entertaining guests cold eye to eye?" Jiang Feng glanced at the arrogant woman.    


"Hehe, this young noble is very young, his speech is very mature, since our Eight Desolations Pavilion is the number one shop, then there must be a reason for it to exist, and it is not something you can slander easily, furthermore, if you want to serve well, you have to have the strength." The arrogant woman covered her red lips and laughed as she spoke, completely disregarding Jiang Feng.    


"Then may I ask what kind of strength you need?" Jiang Feng asked coldly.    


Above the sixth floor, but the condition is that your value is over a hundred thousand stellar stone, or else, your cultivation will reach the fifth stage of Astral Reaching Realm or above, and if you satisfy one of the two requirements, I will personally serve you. "    


"But if you are not satisfied with either of these things, then let's not mention that the Eight Desolations Pavilion's service is not good, we will not waste any time to chat with people who are not important."    


The haughty woman said contemptuously, her tone full of mockery. The person in front of him looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. His clothes were ordinary, and he did not seem to have any huge background, so there was no need to mention a hundred thousand stellar stone s, even ten thousand wouldn't be enough.    


As for cultivation, how high could people at such an age possibly be? Unless the ten prodigies of the Yu Di City came over, only then would they have such cultivation.    


"I'm not here to buy." said with a calm expression. The other party had mocked and ridiculed him, but he was calm, and looked down on people everywhere, anywhere. What Jiang Feng needed to do, was to ruthlessly slap her in her face.    


You didn't come to the Eight Desolations Pavilion to buy anything, hehe! The haughty woman laughed so much that her flowers trembled wildly. She decided not to cover her face any longer, as this was too laughable.    


"If you don't want to buy anything after entering the Eight Desolations Pavilion, then you are just here to take a look. Since you are just a poor person who came in to take a look, and want to obtain the services of the Eight Desolations Pavilion, you are truly adorable." The arrogant woman extended her hand, wanting to pinch Jiang Feng's face.    


The people around them started to laugh, looking at Jiang Feng in a ridiculous manner.    


"Take your dirty hands away!" Jiang Feng opened the haughty woman's hands with a cold expression. The other party had truly treated him as an ignorant child.    


"Young noble, I advise you to be more courteous, someone like you who has no money and still dares to come in and speak so shamelessly. If it was any other shop, they would have already brought you out, and only our Eight Desolations Pavilion has the bearing, and I will not bother with you, but I still have to wait upon the other people, quickly get out of here, don't disturb our business."    


The arrogant woman also became cold, her voice full of contempt, she tiptoed, as though she was superior to others just because she worked in the Eight Desolations Pavilion.    


"This seductive bitch!" Even Qin Yao could not bear to continue watching, she looked at her with contempt, she knew clearly what kind of strength Jiang Feng had, and what background he had, this woman truly looked down on him, she suddenly hoped that Jiang Feng could explode and kill her in one strike.    


Without saying a word, Jiang Feng immediately opened his spatial ring and took out the Red-Fire Lizard's corpse, throwing it fiercely onto the ground. The hall suddenly shook.    


"I don't want to buy, but can't I sell things when I come to the Eight Desolations Pavilion? Or do you guys think the Eight Desolations Pavilion won't accept me?" Jiang Feng said coldly, staring at the arrogant woman's changing expression.    


Crimson Flame Lizard!    


At this time, everyone in the hall was attracted by the spirit beasts that Jiang Feng threw out. Those who had seen it for themselves could tell that this was a Scarlet Fire Lizard living in an incredibly hot place, relying on absorbing fire energy to survive and cultivate.    


The skin of this kind of demon beast was the perfect material for refining defensive magical equipment. For this kind of complete Scarlet Fire Lizard, each piece of skin would be refined slightly and it would be able to create a set of armor. It would be sold at the market for tens of thousands of stellar stone, or even more.    


"As far as I know, once a Crimson Flame Lizard reaches adulthood, it can also grow to around a meter tall. This Crimson Flame Lizard is actually three meters long, and this old man has never heard of it before. I haven't even read about it in the books."    


Inside the hall, the knowledgeable old man revealed a surprised expression.    


Although they had heard about the Scarlet Fire Lizard, a demonic beast, they had heard about it before. Although it was only a Spiritual Demons, it was still incredibly rare and could only be found in hot areas. With the average Life Image Realm cultivator, they would not be able to set foot in those places.    


This kid actually had a Scarlet Flame Lizard of such a size, who knows how he got it?    


No one expected Jiang Feng to kill it himself, because he looked too young. Forget about the Scarlet Flame Lizard, he might not even be able to close in on its territory.    


"Did you kill this Scarlet Flame Lizard?" The arrogant woman was stunned for a good while, then reacted and asked Jiang Feng with a look of bewilderment. She had been in the Eight Desolations Pavilion all year round and had heard of the Red-Flame Lizard's value, so she was extremely clear about it.    


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