Unparalleled Slaughter God

C31 wenbi

C31 wenbi

"How can this be? Yang Liefeng actually truly carved a third level spirit pattern. "    


"Although the drawing was a little slow, but it was done in the real world, didn't you see Zhang Huiyi being knocked unconscious?"    




After a moment of silence, a hubbub broke out.    


"How is that possible?" Qiao Qiang's eyes trembled, his fists clenched tightly as he asked in disbelief.    


Gu Daming was also like this, staring at Yang Liefeng as if he had seen a ghost. It was obvious that Yang Liefeng, who was extremely lacking in talent when he was inscribing spirit patterns before, was unable to even inscribe a first level spirit pattern, so why was he able to inscribe a third level spirit pattern today?    


This feeling was as if he'd suddenly seen a baby that couldn't walk before, and his heart trembled as if he was flying.    


"Good boy, he is indeed extraordinary!" The old headmaster's eyes narrowed as he smiled faintly.    


On the high platform, Li Hanfeng's incomparably handsome face was also filled with shock.    


Not to mention that Yang Liefeng had even heard of being a trash before this, even if Yang Liefeng wasn't a trash, the fact that he had some innate talent when it came to inscribing spirit tattoos, being able to inscribe a third level spirit pattern at this moment was enough to shock everyone.    


It had to be known that since the founding of the Holy Wind Academy, there had not been a single first year student who had been able to inscribe a third level spirit pattern.    


Yang Liefeng had broken a record today!    


As everyone was immersed in shock, no one immediately treated the unconscious Zhang Huiyi, causing him to have some side effects in the future. Zhang Huiyi also hated him to the bones, and had to kill him no matter what methods she used.    


However, this was a story for the future.    


On the high platform, after being shocked, Li Hanfeng announced the result of the "Spirit Pattern Battle."    


Yang Liefeng won, and took over the first place position, but because Zhang Huiyi was injured and unconscious, she could not continue to challenge the second or third place. Therefore, she lost her first place position in Yue Sai this time, and she did not even manage to obtain the second or third place.    


The students of the first grade's three classes, after seeing Yang Liefeng's power, naturally did not challenge him.    


As for Wu Ji and Zhou Lin, no one challenged them.    


In the end, the result confirmed that this month's "Spirit Pattern Battlefield", Yang Liefeng of the second class had obtained first place, and won twenty points for the class.    


Second place was still the last month's Yue Sai 'Spirit Tattoos Battlefield', second place. Wu Ji Yi had won fifteen points for Class 1, and third place was Zhou Lin, who had won five points for Class 3.    


After the end of this "Spirit Tattoo Match" exam, the first grade's class three would be ranked second with 20 points. They would temporarily be ranked first with 15 points, ranking second with the same ranking as class three, because their class only had 5 points.    


"Damn it, this matter has actually developed to this state, but there are still the battles of literature and martial competition, these two are more than enough for my class to obtain Yue Sai first place. Gu Daming, don't be happy too early." Qiao Qiang's expression was not good as he said to Gu Daming with a cold expression.    


Gu Daming ignored him, and directly looked towards Yang Liefeng who was walking over.    


"Instructor, I'll give you first place in the spirit tattoos to start eating." Yang Liefeng said with a smile.    


After Gu Daming heard this, he was moved but also touched. He then asked: "Ripping Wind, earlier when you were inscribing spirit patterns, your talent was average, how come you were able to inscribe a third level spirit pattern so suddenly?"    


What Gu Daming was curious about, was also what everyone present was curious about. After hearing what he said, the nearby students all looked over, waiting to see what Yang Liefeng would say.    


Yang Liefeng grinned and said: "Perhaps I just had a sudden enlightenment, for the past few days, I have been diligently inscribing spirit patterns everyday, but in the end, my efforts did not go to waste, and I managed to inscribe a third level spirit pattern. However, the speed was not fast enough, so I thought of first using the 'Slow Mark' to delay the opponent's' Attack Spirit Mark ', and then, inscribe a third level spirit pattern, and defeat it!"    


"How smart! Ripping Wind, teacher had really underestimated you. I didn't expect that not only are you skilled in inscribing spirit tattoos, but your brain is also formidable as well!" Even if an ordinary person was able to inscribe a Grade Three Spirit Emblem, but the speed at which they inscribe it is inferior, it would still not be of great use. Whereas you are able to think of a way to let a Grade Three Spirit Emblem display its effects. Gu Daming was excited, happy and proud at the same time. He had finally taught an extraordinary student.    


"Actually, I didn't think of this idea before. I only thought of it later on. It's nothing, not much at all." Yang Liefeng said while laughing.    


The gazes of the surrounding students towards Yang Liefeng had changed quite a bit.    


After the "spirit pattern battles" ended, there was a time for free movement. After that, the next battle of Yue Sai began.    


The time it took to brew a cup of tea passed by quickly.    


"Everyone, quiet down for a moment. 'Wen Bi' will begin immediately!" On the high platform, after Li Hanfeng's voice faded, the entire audience quietened down. He continued, "Next up is the 'Literature Competition'. Please take a seat and answer the questions for the students of the three classes."    


In the time it took to make a cup of tea, some of the staff had already arranged the examination venue.    


The examination venue was still in the square, where chairs and chairs had been set up. The exam papers, brush and ink were placed on the table. Once the students were seated, they could begin to answer the questions.    


After the sound of chaotic footsteps, the students of the first grade's class three all took their seats.    


At this time, the old dean walked to the question answering area and stepped on a piece of floor. Immediately, a dense Spiritual Energy surged out from under his feet, and in an instant, the Spiritual Energy circled the complex patterns on the floor before a transparent barrier appeared out of thin air, enveloping all the people who answered the questions within.    


This protective cover could guarantee that no wind would blow away the paper, and it would also ensure that no one would use any methods to help the person who answered the questions.    


"Alright, everything is ready. Let's begin!"    


Li Hanfeng's voice encompassed the dense Spiritual Energy within the barrier. Most of the people within started to answer questions.    


Without the sound of Spiritual Energy, it could not be transmitted into the barrier. Furthermore, if one used Spiritual Energy to brighten the voice, it would be heard by the crowd. Therefore, the onlookers had no way of helping the person who answered the questions.    


The rule of the "literary competition" was to rank the top three according to the written score of the person who answered the questions.    


As for this test, it was related to many topics in various courses. The difficulty level had always been quite high.    


Usually, Class 1's female student, Tyrant Mu Qingqing, would get first place, Class 3's Li Wenlong, would get second place, and Class 2's Dai Ning would get third.    


Inside the protective shield, all the students were concentrating on answering the questions, but Yang Liefeng seemed rather dispirited. He lazily grabbed onto his brush and stared at the questions.    


"Look, that Yang Liefeng doesn't seem to know how to do anything."    


"Heh heh, the 'Spirit Emblem Match' has made him shine. This time, he's probably going to lose face."    




Outside the protective barrier, some of the second and third year students started to laugh as they discussed.    


They did not know that Yang Liefeng had mastered all of his knowledge in "Spirit Beast Classes". After all, Dai Ning was very influential in the second class. Other than Yang Liefeng, the rest of the students were afraid of him.    


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