Unparalleled Slaughter God

C9 hematopyrexia

C9 hematopyrexia

The sky was clear and cloudless.    


After finishing the morning's lesson, Yang Liefeng returned to the Yang Mansion.    


After accompanying his parents and eating a heartwarming lunch, Yang Liefeng returned to his room.    


After returning to his room, Yang Liefeng sat cross-legged on his bed, pretending to be in a state of cultivation. Then, he slowly raised one of his hands and stretched out a finger, urging his spirit energy to the tip of his finger, and began drawing in the air that was filled with spirit energy.    


Following Yang Liefeng's drawing, green illusory lines gradually appeared in the air, and in the end, formed into a relatively complex spirit pattern.    


After the spirit pattern appeared, Yang Liefeng suddenly pulled away the finger that was drawing the spirit pattern. In the next moment, the finger activated more spirit energy and quickly pointed at the center of the spirit pattern.    


This gentle tap that was like a dragonfly touching the water instantly caused the spirit pattern to emit a bright green light. The entire spirit pattern seemed to come to life as it began to tremble slightly.    




Yang Liefeng waved his hand, and the spirit patterns at the tip of his finger flew out at an extremely fast speed, striking one of the teacups on the table. With a "bang" sound, the teacups exploded, turning into white powder that scattered all over the table.    


Yang Liefeng lightly nodded his head and lightly said: "A first level spirit pattern. This body, can still be easily drawn out. Next, let's try to draw a second level spirit pattern."    


After saying that, Yang Liefeng once again raised his hand and extended his index finger out, starting to draw spirit patterns in the air. This time, the drawing of spirit patterns were clearly much more complicated than the one from before.    


Yang Liefeng curled his lips, his face revealing a look of obvious dissatisfaction, "I can draw a second rank spirit pattern, but the speed at which it is drawn is so slow. In battle, I must pay a huge price!"    


If that was the case, then the speed at which one drew the spirit patterns was extremely important. It was basically impossible for people who were slow in drawing to win against people who were fast in drawing. Before the drawing was finished, the opponent's spirit mark would attack.    


At this time, if he were to dodge, it would be very easy for him to fail the spirit pattern he was currently drawing.    


If he didn't dodge, he would be injured, and the spirit lines he was drawing would also fail.    


As a result, in order to achieve good results in a Spirit Emblem battle, not only was it necessary to draw a high level Spirit Emblem, it was also necessary to quickly draw a Spirit Emblem.    


"Forget it. Don't be impatient. There's still enough time. This body has never drawn a spirit pattern before. It's understandable that I'm not familiar with it." Taking a deep breath, Yang Liefeng reminded himself not to panic. Then, he started to practice inscribing Rank 2 spirit patterns.    


In just one afternoon, Yang Liefeng had been practicing and drawing the Rank 2 Spirit Inscriptions.    


"Phew, I finally managed to increase the speed at which I draw a Rank 2 spirit mark. It wasn't a waste of my afternoon practice. My fingers are aching now." After exhaling a long breath, a faint smile appeared on Yang Liefeng's face.    


In the past, there had never been a third level spirit mark in a match between first grade students. As long as one was able to quickly draw out some powerful second grade spirit marks for battle, one would be able to obtain a decent result in a first grade spirit mark battle.    


If he was able to inscribe the third level spirit pattern quickly, he would basically be ranked first.    


After getting off the bed and drinking a cup of spirit tea, Yang Liefeng pushed open the door and walked towards the direction of the Yang Mansion's gate, and thought to himself: "There is still some time until the Yue Sai, other than seizing the time and raising my cultivation, I can give it a try, and whether or not I can quickly draw out a Rank 3 spirit pattern, it will be safer this way. After all, I promised Instructor, this time's Yue Sai, our class will have the highest score."    


When he arrived at the Yang Mansion's gate, Yang Liefeng coincidentally met Yang Zhenfeng, who was also going to school.    


In the past, at this time, the situation would definitely be as Yang Zhenfeng left after ridiculing and humiliating Yang Liefeng.    


Today, after seeing Yang Liefeng, Yang Zhenfeng's face changed, he lowered his head and pretended not to see, as he quickly walked out.    


Seeing that, Yang Liefeng could not help but sneer.    


Hearing Yang Liefeng's sneer from behind, Yang Zhenfeng's face surged with anger. Clenching his fists, he thought to himself: "I'll let you feel proud for now. When Brother Lin Feng returns, I'll make you kneel down and lick my shoes."    


One in front and one behind, Yang Liefeng followed behind Yang Zhenfeng who was feeling extremely tormented, and arrived at the Academy.    


The two of them were not in the same class, so they split up and entered their respective classes.    


After Yang Liefeng arrived at the classroom, he immediately attracted many strange gazes from his classmates. However, these strange gazes were no longer the same as those from before.    


In the past, the gazes they used to look at Yang Liefeng with were mostly filled with ridicule and contempt, but now, these gazes were mostly filled with reverence.    


Yang Liefeng did not care about the crowd, he took large strides to his seat and sat down, waiting for the bell to ring.    


Not long after, the bell for class rang and a middle-aged man in black clothing walked into the classroom.    


"Fellow students, Teacher Liu has something on his mind, so let's change classes for this period. Everyone, let's go to the sports field." The black-clothed middle-aged man didn't waste a word. After he finished speaking, he directly turned around and walked out.    


Most of the students in the classroom moved out.    


Only Dai Ning's expression was extremely unsightly. Fear surged within his eyes as fine beads of sweat emerged on his forehead.    


"Damn it, Liu Hui. I didn't change earlier or later, but I had to change classes at this time." Clenching his fists tightly, Dai Ning gritted his teeth and said with hatred in his heart.    


If it was before, when someone changed classes with the black-clothed middle-aged man, Dai Ning would be extremely happy, but now, this had become something that Dai Ning was extremely unwilling to do.    


While Dai Ning was feeling fear, depression and internal torment, the rest of the students had already left the classroom.    


Outside the classroom, the black clothed middle-aged man's gaze swept across the students. After that, he asked seriously, "Is there no one else in the classroom?"    


"This ?"    


After hearing the black-clothed middle-aged man's question, many students revealed troubled expressions as they stammered and stammered.    


"Teacher Yue, Dai Ning is still in the classroom." At this time, Yang Liefeng said to the black clad middle-aged man with a sneer in his eyes.    


When the black clothed middle-aged man heard this, his brows knitted and a trace of displeasure appeared on his face. He walked into the classroom with large strides, and sure enough, he saw Dai Ning still sitting in the middle of the classroom with a dazed expression, as if he was thinking about something.    


"Dai Ning, what are you waiting for, come out quickly and prepare for class."    


The middle-aged man in black shouted with a cold expression.    




This voice suddenly resounded, and sounded like thunder, as if it had exploded in Dai Ning's mind, causing his entire body to tremble, and then, he cried out in shock.    


"Ah what? If you don't come out, I'll punish you to stay in the gravity room for six hours." The middle-aged man in black shouted.    


Hearing that, Dai Ning's face was filled with fear, and immediately rushed out of the classroom, as if there was a powerful spirit beast chasing after him.    


When Dai Ning walked out of the classroom, with everyone gathered, the black clad middle-aged man led the students towards the field.    


Along the way, the corners of Yang Liefeng's mouth held a trace of a playful smile.    


As for Dai Ning, there was an unforgettable fear on his face, and his body was trembling slightly.    


"Everyone, as usual, I won't say much. However, don't expect me to be lazy. I will be watching from the office. If anyone wants to challenge my temper, then do it!" The black-clothed middle-aged man swept his gaze across many students as he spoke with an extremely forceful voice that was filled with majesty.    


The black-clothed middle-aged man had a cold and stern expression, and his entire body was suffused with majesty. His imposing manner shocked many of the students into promising that they would absolutely not dare to be lazy.    


"Teacher Yue, don't worry. I definitely won't be lazy." Yang Liefeng had a playful smile on his face as he teased Dai Ning.    


The black clothed middle aged man felt that something was amiss with Yang Liefeng today, but he did not say much, nodded his head, turned around and walked towards the office.    


After the black clothed middle-aged man left, most of the students on the field did not even dare to relax for a moment. Immediately, they revealed anxious faces and quickly spread out their hands and feet.    


Only Dai Ning and Yang Liefeng were left without any opponents in front of them.    


"Alright, Dai Ning, don't just stand there. Come over here quickly, we are preparing to fight. Yang Liefeng's eyes were filled with a cold smile as he stared at the fearful Dai Ning and said playfully.    


After Dai Ning heard this, his scalp began to turn numb.    


That's right, the reason why Dai Ning was not willing to attend this combat lesson, was because his opponent was Yang Liefeng.    


Speaking of which, Dai Ning reaped what he sowed. In order to ravage Yang Liefeng during lessons, he chose Yang Liefeng as his opponent in actual combat. How could the originally weak Yang Liefeng dare to say no? Even though he knew that Dai Ning was scheming, he still had to agree.    


But now, Yang Liefeng's strength was stronger than his, and he was no longer weak. If he continued to fight with Yang Liefeng, he would definitely be beaten to a pulp!    


As a result, after Dai Ning witnessed Yang Liefeng's might in the morning, he made up his mind that he would not take this combat lessons anymore.    


However, he did not expect that Liu Hui's history class, which should have been taught by Liu Hui, would be replaced by Yue Hanshan's combat class.    


This Yue Hanshan was famous among the teachers for his fiery temper and was extremely strict with his students. He didn't dare to go to this class in front of Yue Hanshan.    


It was precisely because Yue Hanshan was standing here that he gave the students so much pressure that many students with poor mental qualities were unable to display their true strength in battle. That was why Yue Hanshan left the sports field before the students could battle and went to the office to supervise this battle.    


"What are you dawdling for?" Come over quickly. Weren't you used to like this class the most? "What happened today?" Yang Liefeng asked even though he already knew the answer.    


Dai Ning did not want to go over, but he knew that he would have to do it sooner or later.    


Thus, Dai Ning had no choice but to endure the fear that filled his heart as he braced himself and walked towards Yang Liefeng.    


"Yang Yang Liefeng, seeing how I kowtowed so many times to you in the morning, can you save some mercy when you attack later?" He came to Yang Liefeng's side, and seeing Yang Liefeng's playful look, Dai Ning was very uncertain, so he lowered his voice and begged.    


"That's fine, I promise you, be lenient." Yang Liefeng grinned, and said very happily.    


Yang Liefeng agreed so readily, causing Dai Ning to be surprised. However, very soon, he relaxed and said: "Alright, let's begin. Otherwise, Yue Hanshan will be coming over."    


Yang Liefeng had a playful smile on his face as he nodded his head. In the next moment, he urged his spirit energy, and his body shot out like an arrow leaving the bow. In an instant, he arrived in front of Dai Ning, and sent a slap across Dai Ning's face.    


Seeing that, Dai Ning was shocked, and said that he would be merciful? Why were their attacks so ferocious?    


Startled, Dai Ning immediately urged his Spirit Qi to dodge, trying to avoid the palm.    


However, Yang Liefeng's cultivation realm was a small realm higher than his, how could he avoid it?    


A "bang" sound was heard, and Dai Ning's body flew out. While he was in midair, his face had already become swollen, and a deep bloody palm print appeared on his face that was swollen like a steamed bun, revealing a strange demonic feeling.    


Seeing that Yang Liefeng, who was usually oppressed by Dai Ning, was actually able to send him flying with a single move, in the faraway office, with a teacup in hand, looked at Yue Hanshan, who was standing over there, with a look of surprise.    






After landing, Dai Ning was furious, he pointed at Yang Liefeng and was just about to ask why his attack was so heavy, but Yang Liefeng suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost, instigated his spirit energy, and with a kick that felt like kicking a sandbag, he kicked Dai Ning away, causing Dai Ning to reach his throat, and then back into his stomach.    


Bang Bang Bang    


Bba Bba Bba    


Just like that, Yang Liefeng finished one move after another, ruthlessly punishing the defenseless Dai Ning.    


From the beginning of the lesson all the way to the end, Dai Ning had completely abused this lesson. After the bell for the end, Dai Ning was like a pile of mud as he collapsed onto the ground, his face swollen like a pig's head.    


The others who were Dai Ning's classmates immediately went to help Dai Ning up, asking him if he was alright.    


Dai Ning's eyes were filled with rage as he looked at Yang Liefeng, and angrily asked: "Didn't you say you would show mercy? Why did you beat me up so badly? "    


Yang Liefeng smiled flirtatiously, and said: "I was just being lenient. Otherwise, you would have died a long time ago."    


Yang Liefeng, you will not end up well if you treat me like this. I have already told my brother, after the first lesson, I will come to teach you a lesson. Dai Ning said as his breath roiled.    


"Is that so? "Then I want to see what your brother has to teach me." Yang Liefeng crossed his arms across his chest and said fearlessly.    


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