Deliveryman of the Heaven

C1147 Mass Encirclement and Suppression

C1147 Mass Encirclement and Suppression

Weiqing and Taihao chatted in front of the bamboo house for more than an hour.    


No one knew that as the two of them were chatting about Weiqing, the Taihao was also very principled, and from beginning to end, he did not have the Southern Star Domain to kill Weiqing.    


Weiqing still understood what the Taihao was trying to do.    


Fighting Techniques Conference was a traditional feast for the entire Southern Star Domain. Taihao s of Qin Nation and Chongyang s of Jin Nation were chosen as the two great elders of Fighting Techniques Conference not because of their high status in the entire Southern Star Domain but because of the location of Fighting Techniques Conference, which belonged to the Star Domain of the State of War. Qin Nation and Jin Nation were the two strongest nations in the region.    


Thus, although the Taihao had the right to participate and make decisions, it was far from something where he alone had the power to decide.    


The moment Taihao told Weiqing about this potential danger, Weiqing would definitely display some abnormalities, and once this anomaly was discovered by those people, not only would Weiqing's situation become even more dangerous, Qin Nation would also become the target of public criticism. But since they were already going to be a family, Taihao naturally didn't wish for his great-granddaughter to be widowed after marrying, so he left the X factor of winning to Wu Shuang.    


Everyone in the Warring States star field knew what temper Wu Shuang had. He was extremely arrogant and always did some ridiculous things.    


And this kind of audacious personality became the straw that broke the camel's back.    


"Seventh Sister, send Young Master Wei back." Although Ying Tian didn't know what Weiqing and his ancestor had been talking about, this simple and honest general still understood very clearly that Weiqing was a friend and not an enemy. Otherwise, Weiqing and his ancestor wouldn't have been able to chat for so long. One must know that normally, when these descendants of the Qin Nation royal family went to visit the Taihao, only the current Qin Huang and Zhan Wushuang were able to chat for a while.    


With a frosty look on his face, Zhan Wushuang shouted at Weiqing: "You better cancel the bet, or I'll make you a eunuch!"    


Weiqing grinned and laughed: "You should just give up on me, you shouldn't ask your great grandfather to testify for you. Right now, you are already my person, and even if you die, you are my ghost. If you want me to be a eunuch, you will become the most miserable princess of Qin Nation in history. "Sigh, what a headache. I'll look for someone to take a look. It's a good day for me today."    


However, Ying Yunpeng was very straightforward. He said, "I've seen it. 11 days from now will be a good day!"    


Weiqing looked at Ying Huanhuan in shock, and laughed: "Your six uncles are really adorable!"    


"Sixth Brother, what nonsense are you spouting here? When did I say I want to marry this bastard!?" Hmph, if Great Grandfather marries me to this bastard, I'll hang myself! " After all, Weiqing's appearance and figure were not outstanding, and his background was not good enough. The most important thing was that his words were smooth and cunning, with such an image, it was truly difficult for a princess to like him.    


Weiqing smiled as he looked at Zhan Wushuang, and said: "You don't need a young master to insist on marrying you. To tell you the truth, I already have two beautiful wives in the Three Realms, and my children are in pairs. I really don't have much interest in you. If you can persuade Taihao to agree to cancel the engagement, I will have no objections. After all, with you as a burden, I will not feel comfortable! "    


Zhan Wushuang said angrily: "You want me to be your third wife?"    


Weiqing chuckled, "Using the rules of your three thousand worlds, you can only be a concubine, not a wife."    


Zhan Wushuang grabbed her whip and lashed out at Weiqing. Weiqing lightly swayed his body and suddenly appeared ten metres away. I've already said it before, a girl like you isn't hiding in your room and playing around with rouge and embroidery, you have to come out and play, and you even came to provoke me on your own accord, now that you're regretting it, you can't come here anymore. Hey hey hey, sixth uncle, you're not going to stop your sister any longer, if your temper doesn't change, I might return the goods in the future. "Hahaha …"    


Weiqing laughed and left. Under Heaven, Ying Zheng was determined to win, and he scolded Yue Shuang harshly.    


After returning to the cave, not a single person from the Kowloon Athletic Group rested or slept, as if they were all waiting for Weiqing's return.    


"Weiqing, I'm sorry. Brother Song and I have already submitted the withdrawal application for Fighting Techniques Conference, so …" Wang Loonggui's face was a little awkward, he knew that he couldn't hide these little thoughts of his. He smiled bitterly: "We are different from you, you have great fortune and are always able to turn the tide, now we finally have the chance to enter the Seven Great Academies, I don't want any accidents to happen on the stage, it's not worth it."    


"What about you guys?" Weiqing swept his eyes across the others.    


Looks like they were the same as Wang Loonggui, who had planned to give up his Fighting Techniques Conference.    


Only Mou Zhengxin patted Weiqing's shoulders and laughed: "I'll accompany you then!"    


Weiqing only gave a light grunt.    


Weiqing suddenly regretted it a little.    


Perhaps he had done something wrong.    


If Weiqing did not win in the Thousand Storey Tower gambling, then he would not let Southern Star Domain owe him 400 million, and the seven great academies would also not agree to the matter specially admitted. In that case, Kowloon Athletic Group could only fight to the death for the glory of the Nine Prefectures. But the situation was different now. Kowloon Athletic Group had already been specially recruited by the seven great academies, with a bright future ahead of them.    


Especially since Weiqing had won first place in the first round of the Seven Academies' assessment as a champion, causing the cultivators of Southern Star Domain, who were already embarrassed and furious, to burn with even more fury.    


In this sort of situation, the moment one reached the Fighting Techniques Conference, the odds were against them!    


Thus, the choice made by Kowloon Athletic Group to collectively renounce the competition like this, was completely correct in terms of individual interests. Yang Tianyuan and Zang Annning remained silent at this moment. It was clear that this was the intention of the two leading clan elders. Doing this would be a good choice for other people, but for Weiqing, it was undoubtedly pushing him to the brink of inescapable danger.    


The reason why this session of Fighting Techniques Conference invited them was because during the battle at the Corner Valley, many of Southern Star Domain's forces suffered terrible losses in the hands of the Nine Regions. They wanted to borrow Fighting Techniques Conference to recover their dignity and teach the people of the Nine Regions a lesson. As for Weiqing, as the leading figure in the battle of the Correspondence Valley, he was the victim who was called out by the Fighting Techniques Conference to participate in the competition to vent his anger. Adding to the fact that Weiqing's current glory was on the right and left, he was one of the seven examination grounds for the Thousand Catty Cauldron s.    


If Weiqing were to withdraw, the people from Southern Star Domain would not agree, and the seven great academies would not agree.    


Weiqing was also not willing to accept it.    


Because the moment he withdrew from the competition, Kowloon Athletic Group would collectively withdraw from the Fighting Techniques Conference. He would be seen as a coward, a disgrace.    


As for Wang Loonggui and the others, even if the board of supervisors did not agree, they would not let them go. At this point, the interest and hatred of the Southern Star Domain people towards Weiqing alone had obviously surpassed the interest of the rest of the Kowloon Athletic Group people. The reason why Weiqing regretted it, was not because he had fought too hard previously, but because the fighting spirit of the people of the Nine Regions, was truly too strong!    


He would only defend, not advance. Sooner or later, he would be abandoned by the times. The defeat of the Nine Prefectures was something that was only natural.    


Mou Zhengxin, the honorary disciple from the High Priestess, had probably left behind some dignity and ambition, but the other honorable cultivators of the Nine Regions, who valued the lives and interests of their disciples, had forgotten that in this world, other than the lives and benefits, there were more important things that were worth protecting with their lives. That was dignity and honor!    


Once a country lost its dignity, lost its glory and faith, it would be like a dying man in a field like this.    


"Weiqing, we know that doing this is unfair to you, but please understand …" Under Zang Annning's lead, everyone kneeled down in the cave at the same time. It could be considered as a sense of guilt towards Weiqing, and it could also be considered as an affirmation and respect that they had paid to Weiqing. After all, these people all understood that without Weiqing's numerous attacks, Kowloon Athletic Group would not even be able to make it past the limelight, much less cause a ruckus at Fighting Techniques Conference.    


Weiqing, on the other hand, had a very calm expression on his face. He slowly stood up and smiled: "This is good as well, it might not be a bad thing."    


Everyone looked embarrassed, thinking that Weiqing was angry.    


On the way back from the bamboo house, Weiqing was thinking about one thing, and that was what exactly was the killing intent that the Taihao had mentioned. Why was Taihao so confident, that even if Weiqing had the help of the seven great academies, he still might not be able to escape from the Tianqin Sea unscathed. Since the Taihao didn't reveal a single word to this killing intent, Weiqing had no way of guessing. The only thing he could do was to plan a more thorough escape route.    


Since these people had collectively left the competition, then naturally there wouldn't be too many casualties. Instead, it could be used to arrange a path of retreat.    


"Elder Yang, I remember you saying that the Sky Opening Mansion has a secret office in Fencheng near the Tianqin Sea?" Weiqing casually asked.    


Yang Tianyuan's face turned ugly, and laughed bitterly: That's right, Sky Opening Mansion does have many stops in the Southern Star Domain, but many of them are already abandoned, so I am not too sure now, if there are still people at the station in the Fen City.    


It's just that I want someone to send a letter. If there's someone stationed in Fencheng, then get them to deliver this letter to the Xianyang City inn, Fuxin Inn. As long as it's given to the shopkeeper, and if there's no one in Fencheng, then delegate this letter to one of Fencheng's mercenary groups.    


Weiqing passed a letter that he had prepared earlier on to Yang Tianyuan.    


Yang Tianyuan frowned: "Did something happen to Left Vanguard City?"    


Weiqing shook his head and laughed: "It's not a big thing, just a small thing."    


Yang Tianyuan asked: "Are you in a hurry?"    


Weiqing said: "During the Fighting Techniques Conference, just find a time to visit. Of course, if you're curious, you can read the contents of the letter, there's nothing that you won't see in the light of day."    


Although everyone had a face full of doubt, as they did not know why Weiqing wanted to send a letter, Weiqing did not explain any further and directly sat down in a corner of the cave.    


This letter was for Hsing Rong.    


That's right, it was because of the battle of Rugui Gate that Weiqing had named the new god of wealth, Hsing Rong.    


Before leaving for the Tianqin Sea, Qin Linglong and the others had suggested to split up and send people to help Weiqing. They had guaranteed Weiqing's safety, but Weiqing had rejected them. The reason was simple, Qin Twenty and the others would not do anything when they came to Tianqin Sea, because every single move they made would definitely be clearly investigated by the people on the board of supervisors.    


But Weiqing also knew that when he was out, if he wanted to escape from the tiger cave, he needed help.    


And this helper, was none other than Hsing Rong in business.    


The three thousand worlds were filled with hostility and vigilance towards the cultivators of the Nine Prefectures. However, among ordinary people, especially in the business level, there were no harsh requirements or inquiries, because in the business world, many people from the three thousand worlds would go to the Nine Prefectures to do business. There were also people from the Nine Prefectures who would come to the three thousand worlds to do business.    


However, once this kind of behavior was investigated, it would only take a few minutes for the head to land on the ground.    


And most of the merchants were just ordinary people. They would not and would not meddle in the grudges between the practitioners and would only ask for money in a proper manner.    


As for Hsing Rong, he had done business at the Southern Star Domain back then, especially in the city, where he had a distant relative that ran Fuxin Inn. Right now, Hsing Rong was staying at his cousin's house, so Weiqing only needed to send a letter to Hsing Rong, and Hsing Rong will naturally do as he is instructed. Hsing Rong became an outside helper of Weiqing who escaped from the tiger cave, and he will be much more secretive.    


As for the letter that was sent out to Yang Tianyuan, there wasn't a single word on it, only a number three.    


And these plans, only Weiqing and Hsing Rong knew about it. Even if Yang Tianyuan or someone else were to open the letter, they would not be able to see through it. This matter was related to whether or not he would be able to leave the Tianqin Sea alive. Naturally, Weiqing would not tell this matter to anyone in the Kowloon Athletic Group.    


Early morning of the next day, at daybreak, everyone once again gathered at the Pearl Peak's plaza.    


News exploded one after another.    


Firstly, Weiqing knew about the first piece of news, it was that many of the participants from the Nine Regions had been injured in the Thousand Catty Cauldron test, thus, other than Weiqing, the rest of the participants had already approved their applications to leave the Fighting Techniques Conference. This news aroused the dissatisfaction of many young cultivators from the Southern Star Domain, but this matter was decided by the supervisory board and could not be changed!    


The second thing was a happy occasion. The First Guard Commander, the sixth son of the present Qin Huang, had won, and in the name of the Qin Huang, he had released a public announcement, saying that the wedding celebration of Weiqing and the Seventh Princess winning the round was set at eleven days later. After calculating the time, it was exactly after the Fighting Techniques Conference, and upon seeing this event, many young talents of the Southern Star Domain were so angry that they cried out.    


The so-called number one beauty of the Warring States Star Region, Zhan Wushuang, was just trampled over by a pig from the Nine Regions?    


Although everyone knew that Weiqing had won the bet between Weiqing and Zhan Wushuang. But many people thought that since Weiqing was invited to see the Taihao yesterday, he would definitely give in. As long as Weiqing and Taihao agreed to destroy the bet, then the marriage that suddenly popped up would naturally not exist anymore. However, who would have thought that not only would the marriage not change, they would even set a date for the marriage?    


The third matter concerned the Seven Academies.    


which was also the Destiny's Starry Sky assessment today. The Kowloon Athletic Group assessment that was arranged to be the first one to participate in the Thousand Catty Cauldron examination yesterday was forcefully arranged to be the one to take place today.    


This could be a small matter.    


As long as one had the qualifications to participate in the Destiny's Starry Sky Assessment, no one would disturb each other after the first one.    


However, there were still some differences when it came to the competition between the Southern Star Domain and the Nine Prefectures.    


Right now on the plaza, many Young Expert s were not convinced by the fact that the first rank of the Thousand Catty Cauldron had been snatched away by Weiqing yesterday. They thought that they had been careless, and did not bring out all of their strength, saying that if Weiqing had been the first to take the examination, then the competitors in Southern Star Domain, even if they had been seriously injured or vomited blood, would have surpassed Weiqing.    


These coarse words seemed to make quite a bit of sense.    


But in reality, he couldn't hold his ground.    


This was because the Thousand Catty Cauldron was testing the life limit, which was also the indirect cultivation limit. This limit wasn't something that could be raised just by putting up a fight. After all, Weiqing's first place evaluation was a full 101 points higher than the second place Huangfu Changtian. How much effort did Huangfu Changtian have to be able to overtake Weiqing?    


However, this way of speaking at least gave the Southern Star Domain the confidence to be at the same level as Weiqing.    


Now I understand, the reason the Supervising Board allowed Weiqing to participate in the Destiny Decree first was because once Weiqing's results were out, it would allow the competitors in the Southern Star Domain to have a goal they can set up to surpass. In other words, even if he had to pay a huge price, he would absolutely not let Weiqing obtain first place again.    


With regards to the Board of Supervisors' decision, Kowloon Athletic Group, no, right now, it should be Weiqing alone.    


Weiqing was pleasantly surprised.    


What made the examinees of Southern Star Domain go a little crazy about was …    


To everyone's surprise, Zhan Wushuang had also arrived at the square.    


In front of everyone's eyes, Zhan Wushuang was dressed in a beautiful royal phoenix robe, she was extremely beautiful, and slowly walked towards Weiqing with a brilliant and gentle smile on her face. However, Weiqing did not laugh, because he saw how both of Zhan Wushuang's hands were holding onto his clothes, as though they were struggling, and the terrifying thing was that the Taihao told him to cheer for her future husband.    


"Weiqing..." Just as Zhan Wushuang spoke up.    


Weiqing waved his hand and put on a straight man's posture, and said: "If you're scolding me, then forget it, because I won't be angry. If you're here to cheer me on, then that's fine, because my grades won't be affected by you at all. "Don't be too wronged, I'm not willing to see a woman in front of me."    


Suddenly, she laughed: "You sure are fun. This princess has said that I'm unwilling."    


Weiqing was slightly taken aback, then chuckled: "How did you figure it out?"    


Zhan Wushuang snorted and said: "You too are happy too. I hope you won't regret it, don't beg for mercy in front of me during the bridal ceremony. Even if I don't marry you, my future choice might not be any better than right now. At the very least, you are not a trash, and you still have a great talent in cultivation, so this princess will not lose too much. "    


Weiqing ridiculed, "I am not a good man. "Firstly, I do not know how to coax women. Secondly, I have been fooling around outside all year round, so if you follow me, you will basically stay in your own room?"    


Zhan Wushuang did not show any weakness as she snorted: "If you dare to betray me, I'll bring you a green hat!"    


This Princess Qin Nation is really intrepid, she can even say such words …    


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