Deliveryman of the Heaven

C1111 Wushan Eighteen Pirates

C1111 Wushan Eighteen Pirates

"Weiqing, we cannot thank you enough."    


Looking at the Wu Mountain that had gathered from several pieces of the sea of clouds below them, everyone felt as if they were in a dream.    


Zang Annning cupped his fists towards Weiqing, his face full of gratitude.    


As for Wang Loonggui and the other participants, although they were unconvinced, they could only thank Weiqing.    


However, Weiqing only chuckled and shouted in a low voice: "The stars above are too cold. Once the Wu Mountain completely stabilizes, who knows if there might be some other calamity. After saying that, Weiqing immediately flew forward, the others did not dare to say anything else and followed behind him. The facts had proven, Weiqing's prediction ability for the unknown dangers was far higher than the others.    


Very quickly, Weiqing and the rest had passed through the Cloud-sea of Wu Mountain, the starry sky in front became more and more blue, and they were about to escape from this life and death danger zone.    


However, Weiqing suddenly stopped.    


"Weiqing, what did you discover?" This time, Zang Annning's tone was much more polite.    


Weiqing shook his head: "Wait, if there really is someone ambushing us, they will appear very soon."    


Zang Ning's face changed and said, "Wait for them here!"    


Soong Wenshan frowned: "It wasn't easy for us to escape, everyone's vitality is severely injured, and now they have not caught up to us, we just so happen to get rid of them, waiting here for them to catch up, aren't we a little too conceited?" This Soong Wenshan was one of the people that was on good terms with him. It was said that this person was a genius that only appeared once every thousand years in the Sky Opening Mansion.    


The others also agreed with Soong Wenshan's words.    


Weiqing laughed and said, "Throwing off these pursuers is naturally not a problem. But, everyone, imagine, they actually dare to stay in the Cloud-sea of Wu Mountain, trying to use Wu Mountain to reform and annihilate us. Hehe, ordinary people don't have this kind of courage. If it was just an ambush here, that would be fine. But if it was a series of events, there would be many more ambushes in front of us that we don't know about. Could it be that everyone is so nervous that you are all on guard like a hedgehog? "    


"Until now, we've only been halfway through our journey. Even if the rest of our journey goes smoothly, we'll need at least two to three days. Do you have the energy to do so?"    


Everyone was speechless.    


Although it was Weiqing's first time exploring the 3000 worlds, but in terms of experience in the martial arts world, no one here could compare to him.    


"What Weiqing said is wrong, as long as we know what these people are planning, it will last forever!" Yang Tianyuan looked at Weiqing with appreciation. He wanted to come over and chat with Weiqing for a while, but due to the stench on Weiqing's body, he could only give up. Instead, he turned around and smiled at Zang Annning: "Brother An Ran, you really hide your strength well.    


Zang Annning's expression immediately darkened, and he bellowed: "This is not the place to speak."    


Obviously, Zang Annning had thought of something.    


However, Weiqing frowned. Could it be that this old fellow wanted to go back on his word after getting out of danger?    


"Elder Zhang, you don't need to hide it. You should probably want to tell me that I'm not from the Three Realms, but from the Three Realms, right?" Weiqing's expression was very calm.    


Zang Annning was startled: "You know about it?"    


Weiqing smiled and said, "So what if I didn't belong to the Three Realms in my previous life?"    


When Weiqing was in the Lu Ya Immortal Mansion, he met Sage Sovereign Zhuo Yue, which was sealed in an immortal estate by the gods. Sage Sovereign Zhuo Yue told him before that Lu Ya Dao Lord was a ball of strange fire that came from three thousand worlds. They all died under Lu Ya's Divine Arts, with the exception of one exception. This was because the Lu Ya Immortal Arts that Lu Ya Dao Lord had mastered were contrary to the Daoist magics of the Three Realms, and could not be cultivated by the people of the Three Realms.    


This was to say that the reason why taboo was not counterattacked by Lu Ya's immortal arts was because taboo originated from the three thousand worlds. Naturally, Weiqing, the son of taboo, came from the three thousand worlds as well.    


However, Weiqing's life story was a bit complicated.    


Simply speaking, this line of ancestor was not the true Chaotic Clan, but rather the result of the combination of Chaotic Clan and a certain clan in the three thousand worlds. Thus, Weiqing had two different identities, he was not only the descendant of the three thousand worlds, he was also the descendant of a primal chaos clan member.    


As for his past life, the entire world did not seem to have any records of him, as if he had never existed.    


The only evidence was that during the life and death battle between the ten Sacred Masters, Weiqing was able to interfere with history. The only evidence was that Weiqing's previous life was right inside the Ao Mountain Fantasy, so when their current lives overlapped, Weiqing was able to interfere with the final battle between Lu Ya Dao Lord and Peng Miaotian.    


Therefore, Weiqing had a very bold guess.    


The reason why he started with Secular World and not in the Immortal Realm was because he had died once and all the almighty beings had wiped away everything that happened to Weiqing and placed him in the Secular World. This was the reason why Supreme Lord had invited Weiqing to join the Tusita Palace's chat group back then.    


As for the mission that Weiqing had since he was reborn, Weiqing did not know. But under the current circumstances, his own development should fit the expectations of Supreme Lord and Qi Yi, right?    


That was enough!    


At least, Weiqing now firmly believed that he came from the Three Realms and thought of himself as one of them.    


"Hehe, since you know your own identity, I have nothing else to say." Zang Annning revealed a bitter expression.    


He originally thought that Weiqing knew that he wasn't an official from the Three Realms, but was related to the Three Thousand Worlds. Weiqing would be confused and collapse, but Weiqing's expression was just too calm, as if Weiqing had never had any qualms about his own background. If it was a normal person, the world that you wanted to conquer day and night would be your home. This huge difference was enough to make a person collapse.    


But Weiqing did not.    


He was only certain that he would belong to the Three Realms for the rest of his life.    


However, Zang Annning's news made Wang Loonggui and the others uncomfortable.    


Because the current Weiqing, just by relying on his identity as the number one youth of the Three Realms, had already reached a height that was difficult for his peers to reach.    


Since Zang Annning was not an official from the Three Realms, then there must be some big shots of the Three Realms who knew about it. However, they still raised Weiqing up as the leader of the Three Realms. If the Three Realms were to be compared to Weiqing's clan, then there was suddenly a possibility that Weiqing's mother would be a transcendent family from the Three Thousand Worlds. Then, Weiqing's future status and achievements would simply be unimaginable …    


As for the enmity and rejection towards Weiqing, it had always existed.    


The way the people of the Nine Regions looked at the people of the Three Realms was the same as the people of the Nine Regions looking at the people of the Three Thousand Worlds. As the leader of the Three Realms, Weiqing had already turned the Nine Regions into a bloody mess, which made many people of the Nine Regions grind their teeth in anger.    


"However …" Zang Annning wanted to speak again, but suddenly his face changed, he looked towards the clouds and sea, and bellowed: Someone is coming!    


Everyone quickly grouped into two or three groups and kept their own distance from each other.    


Mou Zhengxin walked to Weiqing's side and chuckled: "I'll team up with you."    


Weiqing said softly.    


Mou Zhengxin was a disciple of the High Priestess, but this young disciple's cultivation was not outstanding. He was merely a Second Holy King, far inferior to the disciples of the High Priestess who had widely spread their Roaming Green Palace when they were accepting disciples in the ancient times. But at least, Mou Zhengxin could be considered as having been a staunch supporter of the Three Realms along the way. As for why High Priestess had sent Mou Zhengxin to participate in the Fighting Techniques Conference, he probably had his own intentions!    


"It's the eighteen great thieves of Wu Mountain!"    


Following the appearance of the eighteen rough looking men riding wooden horses, Fang Zheng could not help but exclaim.    


Weiqing's face darkened.    


Along the way, when everyone was sitting on the flying carpet, Zang Annning and the other elders spread information about the Southern Star Domain to the participants. These eighteen bandits proclaimed themselves to be eighteen arhats of the Wu Mountain. It was not the real arhats, but simply because they were all bald, each of them were scum cultivators who had committed heinous crimes within the Southern Star Domain.    


For hundreds of years, there had been many worlds with Southern Star Domain that fought against the eighteen great thieves, but none of them returned in defeat.    


The most important reason was that they were hiding at the borders of the Cloud Sea, and if they met with an unstoppable situation, they would hide inside the Cloud-sea of Wu Mountain. There were also the possibility that they would attract the reunion of the meteorites, so no matter how strong the pursuers were, once they were drawn into the changes in the meteorites, they could gather as many people as they wanted.    


In the end, the eighteen great thieves reached an agreement with the various powers in the Southern Star Domain. They didn't violate each other and from then on, the eighteen great thieves lived a happy life that was neither shy nor impetuous at the edge of Cloud-sea of Wu Mountain.    


But now, how did the eighteen great robbers get involved in the affairs of the three thousand worlds?    


"Why don't we retreat? The boss who led them is a man with Sage Sovereign Expert. Adding on the seventeen great robbers who have killed many people, it would be difficult for us to have a chance of victory!" Yang Tianyuan suggested retreating and said softly: "Although this old man does not know why they are plotting against us, they are bound by the laws of the Southern Star Domain. The eighteen great thieves will not casually enter the territory of any other world, and the area in front of us is the Windraiser Country …"    


Weiqing shook his head: "Did you forget what I told you just now?"    


Zang Annning shouted: "But we don't have any chance of winning?"    


"If you bring out the courage to strike at the meteorites, then what's there to fear about this kind of bandit? No matter who it is that wants to harm us, they would need to do so in order to catch us. No matter what intentions they have, especially during the time that we were harassed along the way, when Southern Star Domain people would come up with excuses to attack us, we might as well just attack the mountain, shake the tiger, and eat this piece of hard bone! "    


"This battle must be fought, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future!"    


Weiqing swept his eyes across Wang Loonggui, and laughed: "Didn't you say you want to compete with me, then you and I will choose an opponent, and see who kills the opponent first."    


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