Deliveryman of the Heaven

C963 Saint Roland

C963 Saint Roland

A day's time passed in a calm atmosphere.    


However, there was still no movement from the secret plane.    


"What's going on?"    


Everyone raised their heads to look at the end of the sky.    


Logically speaking, after the location of the Twelve Sovereigns had been determined, the time limit should also be reached. Headless Hsing Tian should stand out and announce who the Mortal King's chief was, then open the Earth Fiend and Heaven's Mandate secret grounds, just for the final round.    


But at that moment, the three Enforcers seemed to have forgotten about it.    


Boom boom boom!    


Suddenly, the secret plane shook violently.    


Just as everyone was in a state of shock, an arm dropped down from the sky. With its strong arm, veins started to bulge out from its body as it held onto an axe, isn't that the axe that Headless Hsing Tian is holding?    


What was going on outside?    


How could headless Hsing Tian have one of his arms chopped off, and even lose his weapon?    


"Hahaha, I said it before, there is no place in this world that can trap my Sage Sovereign Da Luo, I will come out eventually!" A savage laugh descended from the sky, and the sounds of battle could be heard.    


"Out of the way!"    


Upon hearing the words Sage Sovereign Da Luo, Weiqing immediately jumped towards the black Sovereign Column that Jian Wuque was.    




Weiqing raised his Black Iron Rod and smashed his staff onto the black Sovereign Column.    


Instantly, the entire space began to tremble violently, and even the air became unstable.    


With this swing of the rod, half of the altar was broken. Weiqing jumped down without any hesitation and shouted: "Everyone follow me!"    


After Weiqing finished this sentence, he did not even bother to look for anyone else to follow as he directly jumped down.    


"Uncle, what's going on? Who is Sage Sovereign Da Luo?" But Weiqing was in a very bad mood right now, so he said, "Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo, it's best that you are truly crazy, I will let you live, but as long as you two brothers try to do something that would harm the Three Realms, as long as I, Weiqing, do not die, even if it means that I have chased to Three Thousand Worlds, I will not let you two brothers go!"    


This time, the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo surprisingly did not make a sound.    


This immediately caused Weiqing's mood to sink to the bottom.    


Perhaps Wang Loonggui was right, he was indeed playing with fire and fell into the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo's trap.    


Weiqing quickly arrived at a Nihility Space beneath the altar. This Nihility Space was practically the same as the space in which the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo resided, but Weiqing made use of the Eye of Heaven and quickly discovered a crack in the Nihility Space. He hurriedly chased after the person who caught up to him.    


"Weiqing, the three Enforcers have been injured by the Sage Sovereign Da Luo. He has broken through the seal of the 3rd Heavenly Fate Layer and is preparing to escape from here!"    


Weiqing shouted as he ran: "Escape from here?"    


"Of course, the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo has control over the power of thunder and the Great Dao of space. The reason why I came here as a sacrifice to Master is because I want to use this opportunity to strengthen the seal on the Great Luo. Otherwise, once the elites of the three realms leave and the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo breaks out, the entire three realms will face a calamity!"    


"But don't worry, the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo is in your hands. His brother didn't leave him behind and left by himself."    


Weiqing cursed and shouted, "None of them should even think of leaving."    


Now Weiqing finally understood why the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo was acting crazy in front of him.    


The Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo had cultivated the Sky-melting Arts, and was fused with the Nihility Space. Taking away the Nihility Space was equivalent to taking away the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo, and it was not eternally sealed within the Black God's body. The reason the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo was acting dumb in front of Weiqing was only to obtain Weiqing's current position, and to let him bring him away.    


This was probably also the reason why Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo ate Fu Tianshou at the first possible moment.    


Because Fu Tianshou was someone of the Church of Holy Fire, he knew too much about the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo. Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo was afraid that Fu Tianshou would spout nonsense, so he ate him.    


Why did the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo decide that only Weiqing could bring him out?    


The reason was simple.    


A Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo who had already lost his physical body, and using his Nihility Space as his physical body, ordinary people would not be able to bring his into this space. Only a Sacristy that was refined like the three-headed Demon Snake Holy Dragon would be able to take his away. Once Weiqing took away the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo, Weiqing would have to go see the Sage Sovereign Da Luo sooner or later. At that time, they would have to snatch the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo away and the two brothers would be able to escape from the Three Realms together!    


After all, even if the Sage Sovereign Da Luo was stronger than him, he still wouldn't be able to truly break through the seal, so he needed someone else to bring the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo to the same Nihility Space.    


Very quickly, Weiqing arrived at the crack in the Nihility Space.    


In front of the crevice, there was still a huge devil cloud floating around. It was almost the same as the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo, as expected of a twin brother.    


"Young man, why don't you give me the Magic Cube?"    


Sage Sovereign Da Luo's tone was very tough as he said, "Haha, fighting back and forth, in the end, I still won. Headless Hsing Tian tried to use the power of the twelve new Sovereigns to strengthen the seal on me, but he was still a little lacking. I have already opened a crack in this damnable Nihility Space, the crack goes straight to the Chaotic Milky Way, the two of us will soon regain our freedom! "    


"Pan Gu, just you wait for us brothers!"    


"Youngster, you are a smart person, you should know how to choose, right?"    


Weiqing looked at the Sage Sovereign Da Luo coldly, and said with a chuckle. "Naturally, it is to keep you two brothers here in the Three Realms forever!"    


Now, Weiqing finally understood why this batch of Heavenly Fate Wheel came back so abruptly.    


As the son of the heavens, Hsing Tian wanted to have the Heavenly Fate Wheel come back to reshuffle the cards in his hands and balance the battles in the Three Realms. At the same time, he wanted to remove the aftereffects of the Yin Yang Reverse chaos and unleash the potential of the Three Realms. Just like in the beginning of the Primordial Era, after the second Celestial Fate Wheel returned, the Primordial Era welcomed a peak period.    


Now that his Pan Gu City was in urgent need of a large amount of fresh blood, it was imperative for his Taoism Realm to be revived.    


Secondly, it was because of the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo.    


As I said before, the strength of a Sacred Master in this world is equivalent to the Four Great Disciples of Great Emperor Pan Gu. And right now, the strongest people in the Three Realms, such as the people of Three Purities and Jade Emperor, are at most quasi-Saint realm experts. Once the Great Luo steps out of the Three Realms, he can practically sweep through the Three Realms.    


If the new sect wanted to seize power, the Great Luo would have to go through Pan Gu City to escape. At that time, there would be a pincer attack on both sides of Pan Gu City which involved internal and external troubles.    


Therefore, Weiqing had to keep the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo.    


In reality, Weiqing also believed that the Three Realms had the ability to do so.    


After all, the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo had lost his physical body, so he could at most be considered to have half a Sage Sovereign Expert. As long as Weiqing delayed for a while, Three Purities and the Jade Emperor would definitely rush over to clean up the mess. No matter how much the Three Realms fought over it, there was at least one common understanding. That the Three Realms was a world in which all cultivators lived side by side and could not be invaded by other realms.    


"Hahaha, good, then let this sovereign see if your strength is as great as your words!"    


Sage Sovereign Da Luo was also not an idiot, of course he knew that he couldn't stay in the Three Realms. It wasn't easy for him to injure three law enforcers, and he tore open a seal, he immediately opened his mouth to inhale and a burst of terrifying suction power directly devoured Weiqing and Jian Wuque. Weiqing and Jian Wuque wanted to break through but discovered that the space around them had been sealed and there was nowhere for them to escape!    




At this moment, Weiqing did not hesitate to crush the talisman.    


Weiqing felt that his mind was completely blank for a moment, but luckily, in the next moment, Weiqing regained his ability to move. Looking at the Sage Sovereign Da Luo that he could not move, he immediately pulled out his Black Iron Rod, and thrusted his spear at Mo Yun!    


Boom boom boom!    


At this moment!    


Weiqing released all the power in his body, and it was like a white galaxy rippling open, and was completely poured into the black iron jar.    


Then, the demonic cloud loudly exploded, crushing into pieces!    


This was already Weiqing's final attack, without holding back at all.    


Because when the talisman exploded, other than Weiqing, everything else had been sealed, including the body, Primordial Spirit, and soul! Facing such a rare opportunity, how could Weiqing not try his best? After all, in the Three Realms, other than the miser Resting Soil, it would be hard to find any other talisman that could temporarily restrict Sage Sovereign Expert, right?    


"I will kill you!"    


After the demon cloud was blown apart, it formed again. However, it was paler than before.    


Sage Sovereign Da Luo could not suppress his anger and shouted, "How is this possible? How could you have such a powerful soul talisman as a gift?! This is something that only three generations of Sage Sovereign Expert can refine!"    


Swish, swish, swish!    


Suddenly, ten Sovereign Column descended from the sky, and landed in the Nihility Space.    


Layers after layers of stone skin fell to the ground, revealing ten Sacristy s. Unparalleled Ghost Master and the others also descended from the skies as well, and from above, the feeble voice of Dullahan came, saying, "As the Enforcer of Destiny's orders, I will return with ten divine gods, slay Sage Sovereign Da Luo and Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo. Once my master's orders is released, the blue sea will not change, and will not rest until I die!"    


As soon as his voice fell, the Unparalleled Ghost Master, Ling Xiaozi and the rest were enveloped by the divine lights that fell from the sky. They were unable to control themselves as they descended towards the ten great Divine Monarchs.    


What was interesting was that in the west, there were actually three White Emperor Sovereign Column, namely DualBlades of the Western Regions and Dugu Hsing.    


As for Jian Wuque and Weiqing, they seemed to have been left behind and did not receive any inheritance.    


However, the ten people who had acquired the ten Sovereigns didn't feel happy at all.    


It was because at this moment, everyone finally understood why Ninth Heaven Profound Woman and Ah Faang had given up the position of Sovereign.    


Because inheriting the position of Sovereign meant leaving the Three Realms.    


And their current order was to chase and kill the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo s. Canghai did not change, and did not stop until one party died.    




Sage Sovereign Da Luo swept up the Magic Cube and escaped towards the crevice behind him.    


If not for these ten Sacristy s, even if Sage Sovereign Da Luo had been schemed against by Weiqing, he might not have even tried to escape. But the situation was clear now, ten Sovereign Column s that Qing Tian had refined with his entire cultivation, which were even ten Saint Rulers, were specially used to deal with the experts from the three thousand worlds.    




Weiqing growled, and everyone followed closely behind, as they rushed into the crevice together. Quite a few people turned around to look at their Nihility Space, with faces full of helplessness.    


If conditions permitted, who would be willing to leave the Three Realms easily?    


But now, no one stayed behind.    


Thinking about it carefully, on the second day, the Fate Wheel returned, the Shao Emperor ascended to the top, and became one shoulder to shoulder with the Heavenly Dao.    


Actually, Shao Emperor should have left the Three Realms for the Pan Gu City, but he did not. This was fate. When Shao Emperor participated in the return of the Heavenly Fate Wheel, it was already the fate of the Shao Emperor. But now, when these ten people became Sovereigns, they still faced the fate of becoming Shao Emperor. If they remained in the Three Realms, they would have the power of Sovereigns and would be able to rule over an entire region.    


On the contrary, if he followed Heaven's Mandate to go to the Pan Gu City, there might be a glimmer of hope.    


The entire space was filled with cracks.    


In actuality, Weiqing did not know where he was.    


He only knew that this was the best chance to kill the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo.'s shocking strike just now had heavily injured the Sage Sovereign Da Luo, but the Sage Sovereign Da Luo had also snatched away the Demon Cube that the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo was hiding in.    


Everyone desperately chased after him in the dark …    


After a long time and eighty-one minutes, Weiqing and the other twelve people finally walked out of the dark space and time, and arrived in front of a white milky way, while the Great Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo rushed into his Chaotic Milky Way, and disappeared without a trace. Weiqing suddenly waved his hand, and the darkness behind him slowly closed up. In other words, even if Weiqing and the other twelve people wanted to return to the Three Realms, it would be almost impossible.    


"Everyone, be careful. There are powerful demon beasts in this Chaotic Milky Way, and experts from the Three Realms who are cultivating while hiding in the devil cloud. Of course, there are also experts from the Three Thousand Worlds. Of course, if you all want to return, as long as you walk through this Heavenly Fissure, which is the Dark Abyss of the Heaven Realm, you can return to the Three Realms. But what I can tell you all is that the Gods and Demons of the Three Realms, who are hiding in the Dark Abyss, are not to be trifled with! "    


"This Dark Abyss was first created when the Bu Zhou Mountain collapsed, causing a rift in the Three Realms. Later on, the experts of the Three Realms and Three Thousand Worlds fought many times here, and the scale has increased to its current level!"    


Jian Wuque looked at the limitless Chaotic Milky Way in front of him, exhaled, and said, "Our journey has only just begun …"    


Weiqing turned to look at Jian Wuque and asked, "Where exactly do you come from?"    


"I was an abandoned baby from the Three Realms Vanguard back in the day, so I bled from three thousand worlds. But I grew up in the Three Realms, and the Three Realms are my home. In the end, Master had me bring a heavy treasure to strengthen the seal on the Twelve Sovereigns Pillar, but I was still a little late in doing so in order to create the situation I am in now! "    


"And you are the same as me!"    


Weiqing's face slightly changed, and said: "What do you mean?"    


Jane Wuque said, "What I mean is that you are also not a pure member of the Three Realms. That is why you and I were unable to obtain the position of Sovereign. Sovereigns of the Three Realms were naturally bestowed with gifts from the Three Realms. If I remember correctly, when Madonna of the Three Realms went to the Pan Gu City to look for Mother Nuwa and passed through the Chaotic Clan, picking up an abandoned baby, that was your father's taboo, right? "    


Weiqing nodded: "Indeed."    


Jane Wuque said: "Then have you ever thought about why your father was abandoned by the Chaotic Clan? It's because he was abandoned by someone from the Chaotic Remnants Clan and three thousand worlds, because his bloodline was not pure. It was also because of this that even though your father's talent was outstanding and he shone brilliantly in the Heaven Realm, he was always suppressed by them. It was also because of this reason! "    


Weiqing said in a slightly displeased manner, "If you dislike the fact that my bloodline is impure, then why is it that my son Wei San is able to become the new Heavenly Dao?"    


"Hehe, many people have heard of this phrase before. The heavens are already dead, and Huang Tian is the one who stands up, the truth is also like this. But actually, there's still this last sentence, and that is, after Huang Tian, there's no other Heavenly Dao. Although your son has inherited Huang Tian's legacy, this time, the Heavenly Profound Realm will not select a person to stand side by side with. Strictly speaking, he is not considered a complete Heavenly Dao, it is also fate! "    


Everyone, don't be discouraged. Sooner or later, the day will come when the three realms will have Pan Gu City along with them and more and more experts from the three realms will appear on the stage of the three thousand worlds. And we are merely going to scout first. "    


The Unparalleled Ghost Master said: "There are too many variables in the Chaotic Milky Way, with our strength, there is no way to cross it!"    


The Asura slowly opened his mouth and said, "I have a map. Would you like to look at it?"    


Asura, could be said to be the most unhappy of them all.    


As the Sect Master of the Church of Holy Fire, the Asura Race were simply too ambitious. In fact, once he had engulfed the Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo and the Sage Sovereign Da Luo himself, he was the strongest of the three realms and could lead the Church of Holy Fire to stand at the summit of the three realms. He had been forced to leave the Three Realms. What was even worse, he was the one of the twelve who was least trusted.    


Furthermore, the Church of Holy Fire was a sect that was established in the three thousand worlds of the Three Realms. Worse, the Sage Sovereign Da Luo and Sage Sovereign Xiao Luo he was chasing down were the ones who had created the Church of Holy Fire.    


As long as there was a possibility, with Asura's pride, he would definitely leave this group.    


But he had no choice now, because in the Chaotic Milky Way, surviving by himself was a very difficult thing to do. Hence, he had no choice but to reveal the map he possessed in exchange for everyone's trust.    


Sure enough, once Asura spoke, everyone looked at him with suspicion …    


On the way, if Weiqing had not said that he wanted to kill the Asura, everyone would have killed the Asura. Who would be willing to leave a potential enemy by their side to be afraid?    


"Have a look?"    


Weiqing was pretty open-minded, he smiled at the Asura.    


It was true that the Asura was an ambitious person who wholeheartedly wanted to revive the Church of Holy Fire, bringing glory to Lou Lan's world. But the Asura was the same as Fu Tianshou, being born and raised in one of the three realms, only his brain had been muddled by all kinds of chicken soup from the Church of Holy Fire, but when he realized that Church of Holy Fire was not as great as he had imagined, he was as pitiful as Fu Tianshou.    


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