Deliveryman of the Heaven

C845 An Old Friend of Another Country(part Ii)

C845 An Old Friend of Another Country(part Ii)

Begging was one of the two great abilities Weiqing learned after leaving the Xiang Yang Port.    


As for the other ability, I'll talk about it later.    


North Harbour was not like the Port of Xiang Yang, it was warm like jade all year round, extremely suitable for living, and its fisheries were very developed as well.    


Although the human world was in chaos right now, what was in chaos were still the various great Profound Realm s. The ordinary world was still as stable as ever.    


On the contrary, more and more cultivators snuck into the world of ordinary people in order to avoid disasters. Thus, currently, there were suddenly quite a number of martial artists with blades and swords in their hands in the mortal world. These people were usually rich and powerful in the secular world, just like the Yu Family s.    


"Oh wow, another beggar has arrived from our North Harbour."    


The leader was an old beggar, and with one mouth wide open, two of his teeth were missing. When he spoke, he looked like an old rogue, the old beggar knocked on the porcelain bowl with the iron rod in his hand, and laughed: "Kid, you must be new, do you understand the rules here?"    


Weiqing did not speak.    


From Xiang Yang Port to now, half a year had already passed, and Weiqing had only learned three words.    


The first two words were his daughter, and that was something Weiqing learned when he was trying to save Soo Soo. Although he still hadn't understood what the word 'daughter' meant, he would only mutter the word out when he had nothing to do, talking about it countless times when he was in a daze, and the other word that he learned when he was a fist slave, was' death '.    


Weiqing's injuries were accumulated when he escaped from the Fighting Slave Beast Fighting Arena.    


When the old beggar saw that Weiqing did not speak, he gave the two middle-aged beggars behind him a look. One of the beggars took the money from Weiqing's porcelain bowl and chuckled: "Hehe, since it's the first day here, I'll give you a lesson, and these few tens of dollars will be treated as school fees. With regards to North Harbour, you can pay half of a month's worth of oil and water to our Cyan Dragon Gang, or you can join our gang, and I'll arrange for you to beg for a plot of land every day so that you can live a happy life."    


Weiqing still did not speak.    


Another beggar took Weiqing's porcelain bowl and shouted, "Brat, you're too dumb, you should just pretend to be dumb. Didn't you hear us talk to you?    


Weiqing slightly raised his head to look at the beggar, and the beggar said angrily: "What are you looking at, do you believe that I will dig out your eyes? You really know how to act, and have mercy on me, grabbing all the blood in your body, but don't you see who's territory this North Harbour belongs to, killing you is as easy as stepping on an ant. " As he spoke, he unceremoniously stomped his foot on Weiqing's body.    


Weiqing still did not move, nor did he speak, as he only stared at the three beggars in front of him.    


The old beggar laughed, "Little brat, you're mute, right? But at least you can hear what we say. If you listen, just nod your head. It's really dumb. We won't make things difficult for you, so we'll give you a place to live."    


Weiqing still did not speak.    


This time, even the old beggar's temper rose as he shouted, "I would like to see if you are really dumb or not." As he spoke, he swung the bamboo pole down towards Weiqing's leg.    


After this strike, even a mute would have to cry out miserably.    


"Pu ci!"    


Weiqing simply thrusted the iron rod in his hand forward.    


The old beggar spat out a mouthful of blood as he heard the iron rod stab into his chest. His eyes widened …    


Weiqing trembled as he stood up. He calmly took the metal rod out from the old beggar's chest, and spurted blood all over his face, but Weiqing's expression did not change at all, as if he was not killing people, but pulling the radish. In actuality, the current Weiqing did not know what killing people were, nor did he need to take any legal responsibility. All he knew was that in the place before him, killing people frequently.    


After Weiqing pulled out the steel rod, the old beggar collapsed to the ground, instantly attracting the attention of passersby.    


Weiqing did not even look at the others as he walked in front of the other beggar, and thrusted his stick in again. He then turned around and punched the third beggar, and the two beggars fell onto the ground, stupefying all the spectators around them. Killing in public was already a very serious matter, but this beggar, covered in blood, had killed three of them in one go without even blinking.    


With this kind of cold-blooded and calm attitude, even the most awesome executioner in the world wouldn't be able to do something like this.    


Very quickly, someone chose to call the police …    


On the other side of the street, two hundred meters away, two young people were shopping. A man and a woman, both around the age of thirty.    


The woman was extremely beautiful, with long flowing hair and black leather pants perfectly revealing her curvaceous body, especially her pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes which gave off a very wavy feeling. However, the woman was holding onto an iron sword, and there was a mountain symbol on the sword blade, so if the cultivators of North Sea saw this standard, they would definitely recognize it, it was the symbol of North Sea!    


The man at the side followed the woman like a clown, and shouted: "Senior Sister, it's time to go back and eat, or else Eldest Senior Brother will scold me again!"    


The woman harrumphed, "Crow, as a man, you talk all day, no wonder you can't find a wife!"    


The man laughed vulgarly, "Senior Sister, why would I, Tu Wuya, need a wife in this life? I want to be a bachelor all my life, so long as there's money in my pockets, I'm afraid I won't have a woman. As men, it's normal to be single, but you women are different. You're already thirty years old, shouldn't you find a man to marry?! "    


"Look at Yu Wen, given how rich you are, aren't you just a fifth brother of the Diamond King? But you, you're not young anymore. It's time to think about your marriage. "    


The woman harrumphed, "I'm so pretty, why would I be afraid that no man would want me?"    


The man laughed: "Who doesn't know that the Third Miss of our Beiming Mountain is the number one beauty of our North Harbour. But this woman has passed the age of thirty, and will become old very quickly, even though you still have some looks to you now, in a few years, you will turn yellow from age, and furthermore, even if your demeanor is still the same, but you are old now, giving birth to a child is a problem.    


"I just think that Young Master Zhong is not bad. His cultivation is not any weaker than yours, and his family background and character are obvious to all. Why don't you think about it?"    


"If it's really not possible, then Yu Wen is not bad either."    


"He has told me many times in private that he will either marry you as his wife or be a bachelor for the rest of his life. How can he find someone who is so infatuated with you?"    


So these two people were the Northern Profound Third Miss and Tu Wuya, they were Weiqing's old friends.    


Hearing Tu Wuya's words, the Third Miss's beautiful face had a look of disdain, but his eyebrows still furrowed, and in his mind, a person appeared. With a long sigh, he quickly walked to the street in front of his. The two of them turned and started talking. Tu Wuya saw that the Third Miss's face was solemn and did not dare to joke around anymore. He looked around and said: "Senior sister, there seems to be a show up ahead.    


Third Miss only replied lightly, and followed along a little listlessly.    


The scene was very bloody.    


Three beggars fell in the blood. Two of them were stabbed in the chest while the other one's head was deformed. Both of them were fatal.    


In addition to these three people, there was also a beggar with a steel rod in his hand, and three policemen with guns and electric rods. They were slowly approaching this beggar who was trying to act fierce. Weiqing just stood there casually, he did not realize how many troubles he had caused. Instead, he looked at the crowd, then at the three policemen that were carefully walking towards him, his face filled with confusion.    


Of course, Weiqing did not know that these people were policemen, he only held onto the iron rod tightly.    


This was a person's instinct when encountering danger!    


"Give up or we'll shoot!"    


one of the policemen shouted.    


These policemen had good eyesight. Judging from the assassin's clothes, he was a beggar. Moreover, he was someone with an unstable mind.    


Why did they say there was something wrong with Weiqing's mind?    


For example, what kind of murderer would have no reaction after killing someone? Even if it was murder, he would at least run away. He wouldn't be so stupid as to wait for the police to find him, right?    


In actuality, Weiqing had just killed three beggars and was now sitting in his original position and begging for money, as if nothing had happened. Since there was something wrong with the suspect's mind, the three policemen did not dare to force him too far. One was to make the surrounding people scatter in order to prevent this mentally ill beggar from harming the innocent, and the other three would surround Weiqing.    


Suddenly, Weiqing's lips moved slightly, his gaze landed on one of the police officers' electric batons.    


The electric baton was pitch black, and looked somewhat similar to the electric baton in Weiqing's hands.    


Weiqing walked over step by step, completely unprepared.    


Of course, he was still holding the iron rod in his hand, he had been holding it ever since Weiqing was a living dead man, and in his eyes, this pole was a part of his body, and it was impossible for him to release it. No matter how the policemen shouted, it was useless, he did not understand, and just swaggered towards the policeman holding the electric baton.    


Weiqing approached the police with the weapon in his hand, and the three policemen immediately entered into the garrison, while shouting for Weiqing to put down his weapon and stop resisting, they also pushed his gun into the barrel, ready to shoot at any time.    


Suddenly, Weiqing grabbed towards the electric baton.    


The policeman did not panic, seeing that Weiqing had extended his hand, he immediately struck Weiqing's body with the electric baton, releasing a powerful electric current!    


However, Weiqing did not have any reaction at all, and easily snatched the electric baton over, and carefully sized it up.    


Since the electric baton was taken away, it could be considered as an assault on a police officer, as one of the police officers shot and shot towards Weiqing.    


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