Deliveryman of the Heaven

C155 Emergency Task

C155 Emergency Task

Weiqing looked at the message in the group. It was that the longevity Arctic Immortal Elder was @ Weiqing.    


Weiqing immediately sat on the stone block and started talking.    


Weiqing: @ Arctic Immortal Elder, you're looking for me?    


Er-lang God: Weiqing, is my exclusive Diagram done yet? It's been over ten days and I have to thank you for waiting! angry)    


Weiqing: Soon, in two days.    


The second day after Er-lang God paid the deposit, Sister Sarah delivered two sets of Diagram. When Weiqing sent one in Er-lang God, the Er-lang God was overjoyed, and asked Weiqing to give him all of the remaining Diagram, telling him that he wanted to show off.    


Originally, Weiqing planned to give it to him on the spot, but after careful consideration, he changed his mind and said that it was only a sample.    


This was what Weiqing had learnt from Xiao Zekai.    


For example, this time, the Pills dragged on for half a month and kept many people in suspense. It was proven that the effect was very good.    


As for buying and selling, there was a cost involved. The cost was related to the price.    


If someone placed an order, you could immediately send it out. This was an ordinary product without any special or rare characteristics. However, if it was an item, even if you placed an order, you would still have to wait a long time for it. Even if you placed an order, you would still have to wait a long time for it. This point was especially obvious in the luxury industry. For example, the custom-made sports car bags of clothes. Honestly speaking, if he really wanted to make these things, he wouldn't need that much time.    


However, he had put on an air that even if you had money, you might not be able to buy it, and had unwittingly raised his status.    


It was the same logic for Weiqing to sell Diagram s.    


If Er-lang God was satisfied, Weiqing could deliver the goods on the second day. Even if Er-lang God was satisfied, he would definitely feel that the Diagram was not worth 8000 contribution points. But if Weiqing were to create an appearance of making it difficult and drag it out for a while, Er-lang God would not complain and think that Weiqing had spent a lot of effort and effort to create it.    


Diagram s were currently one of the main sources of Yang Virtues s, so they had to be carefully planned. Otherwise, it would be difficult to raise the price later on.    


Er-lang God: I'll give you two more days. If you don't take it out, I'll come down to earth!    


Weiqing's heart trembled as he hurriedly said: "Er-lang God is great, you can rest assured that even if I'm to die of exhaustion, I will help you drive you out overnight. I guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result, you will still be waiting in the Heavenly Palace for a long time, there's no need for you to descend to the mortal world, right?    


Er-lang God: (throwing the kitchen knife) You have to keep your word!    


Looking at this dynamic Diagram, even Weiqing was speechless. Ever since Weiqing sent this sample of Diagram to Er-lang God, this lord seemed to have been possessed. He immediately sent this kitchen knife to the Diagram in the group when there was a single disagreement.    


Arctic Immortal Elder: Private message, I have a quest for you!    


Weiqing: Alright.    


After adding his friends, Arctic Immortal Elder sent a red packet over, saying: The item is in the package, you must hurry to the First Hospital of the Huangpu District before 10, and deliver this package to a person called Lee Jiachun! It's very urgent. If you don't arrive on time, not only will you be guilty, I won't be able to escape responsibility!    


Weiqing: Is it really that urgent?    


Arctic Immortal Elder: It's a matter of life and death. I'll @ you in the afternoon, it's your fault that you didn't reply!    


Weiqing: (Big Sweat) Alright.    


Arctic Immortal Elder: I wish you good luck. smile)    


looked at his watch. It was already 3 in the afternoon, so theoretically speaking, there was plenty of time to travel from the Furong District to the Huangpu District. However, Weiqing also understood that sending couriers to the immortals was not as simple as couriers sending them back, it was not something that could be avoided, so he immediately made a call to Big Brother Fei.    


Big Brother Fei was drunk and said that he couldn't drive because he had drank too much.    


Weiqing could not help but scold him.    


The Big Brother Fei said with great grievance that Weiqing had told him to give him a day off when he sent him to the Xiao Mansion this morning. Thus, he went to find his brothers to drink.    


In desperation, Weiqing could only give Xiao Zekai a call and ask the tiger leopard to drive him. Unfortunately, the tiger leopard was sent out by Xiao Zekai to carry out his mission, but rest assured that Weiqing would immediately send a reliable driver over.    


In less than ten minutes, more than ten luxurious cars stopped in front of Weiqing. It was only after Weiqing asked that did he know that these luxurious vehicles were all the big shots that had come to the Xiao to participate in the conference today. These big shots were still drinking at the banquet, hearing that Weiqing wanted to get a driver to take care of some urgent matters, they immediately called him. All the drivers immediately drove over to give him orders.    


To be able to drive a car with ten billion worth of big shots, Weiqing was very confident in the quality of these drivers.    


In the end, Weiqing chose Du Feng's car, because it was driven by a beautiful woman.    


"Where to?" The beauty was wearing sunglasses and chewing gum, she was wearing a black tight suit. When Weiqing got on the car, the perfume scent was a little unbearable, Weiqing took a deep breath and said: "Huangpu District, Huangpu Hospital. We must be there by 8 PM! "    


The beauty smiled and looked at Weiqing from the rearview mirror, "You are Princess Xiao's fiancé, right?"    


Weiqing frowned: "Is there a problem?"    


The beauty laughed. "I've seen you in the newspapers. You look even uglier than you do in the newspapers."    


Weiqing immediately felt black lines over his head. What kind of driver was this?    


However, a pretty driver was still quite skilled. It was just that she was a bit too stable. After all, safety was paramount when driving a car for a big boss like Du Feng. Weiqing had initially wanted to tell the beautiful driver to drive faster, but the driver couldn't hear him at all, continuing to drive methodically, just saying that he would be there before 8 PM.    


The pretty driver gave Weiqing a feeling of arrogance, but he didn't have the urge to chat. Instead, after drinking a bit of white wine, Weiqing leaned back on his seat and dozed off.    


When Weiqing woke up, it was already 9.15.    


"Not yet?" Looking at his watch, Weiqing jumped in shock. Only then did he realise that the car had stopped, and the beautiful driver said lightly, "7: 55, I am already at the parking lot of Huang Po Hospital. You have already slept for an hour and 20 minutes!"    


Weiqing was immediately furious: We're here, why aren't you waking me up?    


The pretty driver turned around and laughed, "I am just a driver, not your secretary. As the boss, do you really need me to control your time? " As he spoke, he picked up the military bag on the passenger seat and said, "You go take care of your matters, I'll go out shopping. After I'm done, you wait for me here!"    


Weiqing looked on dumbfoundedly as the beautiful driver left with her bag. What kind of driver did Du Feng hire? Who exactly was the boss?    


"Quick, get to the point!" Weiqing picked up his phone and rushed into Huang Po Hospital.    


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