Sovereign’s Great Path

C1375 A human being that couldn't be created in a hurry for three months!

C1375 A human being that couldn't be created in a hurry for three months!

The Blade Giant Demon was the fourth race that Teng Yan had created.    


Following that, Teng Yan did not slow down at all and continued to create members of the fourth clan 'Blade Giant Demons', a second, third, and fourth.    


As more and more 'Blade Giant Demons' were created by Teng Yan, Teng Yan's creations became more and more proficient, and his speed became faster and faster.    


Ten thousand;    


Twenty thousand;    


Thirty thousand;    


A million;    


Two million;    


It was only until Teng Yan created five million 'Blade Giant Demons' that he stopped, and this was not what Teng Yan wanted to stop, it was just that he could no longer continue creating 'Blade Giant Demons'.    


Back then, when Teng Yan created the three great guards, three million was already the limit. But now, the fourth clan's' Blade Giant Demon 'had reached five million, an entire two million more.    


However, Teng Yan was clear that this was not because his strength had increased, so the number of people he had created had also increased. Rather, as the strongest existence in Teng Yan's universe, the three great guard races could not be compared to the other races, which was why their numbers were under control. However, many of the abilities of the fourth race had been restricted, so their initial number had actually increased.    


Not only that, in the future, when Teng Yan creates the fifth, sixth and seventh races, their initial number will definitely increase, and of course, the conditions in all aspects will also become weaker and weaker.    


"Wrong, wrong, very wrong." After the fifth million 'Blade Giant Demon' was created, Teng Yan shook his head, his face filled with pain. "The faster the race is created, the stronger their innate gifts will be. This fourth race, I should have created the human race first!"    


Previously, Teng Yan had thought of creating a human, but when he thought about how it would feel weird creating a human, he gave up. But now, Teng Yan only regretted it.    


Without a doubt, aside from the three great guard races, the fourth race was the strongest. But right now, the most humans could do was only the fifth race.    


"Forget it. The fifth race should be the fifth race. It's better than the sixth, seventh, or even the later races." Helplessly, Teng Yan could only console himself.    


'Whoosh! '    


In the next second, Teng Yan no longer hesitated, his mind locking onto a spirit body. Compared to the other races, Teng Yan was more familiar with the human race. Therefore, very quickly, Teng Yan created the appearance of a human baby boy.    




Following that, another two words came out from Teng Yan's mouth.    


'Bang! '    


With a muffled sound, the male baby's model exploded.    


"This …"    


Teng Yan was startled by the sudden scene.    


"What's going on?"    


Astonishment in the eyes, confusion in the heart. Teng Yan had never encountered such a situation before, why did the spirit body directly explode?    


"Did something go wrong?"    




'Whoosh! '    


His will surged out, locking onto the spirit body and evolving into a human.    


'Bang! '    


Two minutes later, the spirit body exploded again.    




'Bang! '    


Two minutes later, the spirit body still exploded.    




'Bang! '    


Two minutes later, the spirit body still exploded.    


"This" failed four times in a row, causing Teng Yan to be slightly stunned. Looking at the white spirit bodies in front of him, he had a face full of astonishment, "Just what is going on here? Why wasn't there a single success? Could it be that because this young master is a human, he can't create a human? "    


"No, Yan Wu said that 'Snow' is also a Members of the human race. Since she can create humans, then why can't I?"    


"This young master doesn't believe it."    




'Bang! '    


Two minutes later, the spirit body exploded again.    










After trying again and again, all of the trials had ended in failure. This made Teng Yan feel helpless, confused and even more unwilling.    


'Bang! '    


The hundredth time was still a failure.    




However, when the human model formed by the 100th spirit body exploded, Teng Yan suddenly felt the blood in his body churning, followed by him spitting out blood essence.    


A chill rose from the bottom of his heart.    


"This …"    


The sudden turn of events caused Teng Yan's face to turn pale white.    


"True origin body, what is going on?" Then, Teng Yan could not help but shout loudly.    


"Phew …"    


Inexplicably, Teng Yan could clearly feel the source soul's real body exhale a long breath. Then, without waiting for Teng Yan to think about it, the voice of the source soul directly sounded out, "You, you, what did you just do?"    




The weird voice from the source soul's true body stunned Teng Yan.    


"What's wrong?" could not help but ask.    


"What's wrong?" The source soul's true body said: "Did you know that just now, right now, I had somehow lost control of this universe? "Not only that, I was also sealed in a mysterious manner. Furthermore, just now, my body was actually melting and collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye."    


The voice of the source soul true body carried a deep dread.    




Hearing this, Teng Yan's body fiercely trembled.    


The source soul's true body was sealed? Her body almost melted? She even lost control of the universe? Was it because she had created the human race?    


"How could this be?" Unable to help it, Teng Yan's astonished voice sounded out.    


"What did you do?" At this time, the source soul's true body let out another loud shout. There was even a trace of anger within the voice, and just now, he was almost annihilated.    


"I'm only creating humans." Teng Yan said weakly.    


"Create a human? "That's it?" The source soul's true body was slightly startled upon hearing this.    


"Right here."    


"Is there anything unusual about this?" The source soul's true body thought for a while before asking again.    


"Abnormal?" Teng Yan frowned and said again: "I do, consecutively failed a hundred times. Moreover, on the last time, I even inexplicably got injured."    


"This …"    


Hearing this, the source soul's true body sank into silence again.    


"In the future, don't create another human." A few minutes later, the source soul spoke again, his voice carrying a trace of heaviness.    


"Why?" Teng Yan could not help but ask.    


"Damn you, why? You want to die, but I don't want to die. Can't you see what's going on? Although I don't know why, just now, when you were creating the human race, I was actually sealed, and almost annihilated. Do you know what it means when I die? "This means that the universe will disappear forever. Besides, you and I are one, although we are separated now, you won't be able to live without me. If you want to die, you can continue." The source soul's real body went silent after being cursed.    




The angry roar of the source soul's true body stunned Teng Yan for a bit. However, Teng Yan was not a person who did not know what was good for him, and naturally, he knew how important this matter was. Although he did not know why such a situation would occur, it seemed better not to continue creating humans, as this was simply too dangerous.    


Although he could not create a human, Teng Yan would not give up on creating other races. Then, Teng Yan started to consider the form of the fifth clan.    


The Fourth Race, 'Blade Giant Demon', was a combination of strength and defense. The Fifth Race, Teng Yan, directly combined both strength and speed.    


Swift speed meant that the force of impact was bound to be quite great. At this time, if it was combined with a small and sharp weapon that was as small as a silver needle, its lethality would definitely be quite high.    


Slowly, the shape of the Fifth race in Teng Yan's mind slowly took shape. With a bee as a model, its body was only the size of a finger, and Teng Yan had given two needle-like arms that were extremely sharp and sharp. The most important thing was that the poisonous thorn in the bee's body had also been strengthened to the extreme by Teng Yan. This poisonous thorn normally hid within the body, and only when one used a fatal blow would this poisonous thorn reveal itself.    


Teng Yan directly called the Fifth Clan the 'Killing Bees'.    


After that, Teng Yan started to mass create the 'Killing Bees'. As a member of the fifth race, reaching the initial seven million 'Killing Bees' was already the limit.    


After that, Teng Yan continued to create sixth, seventh, and eighth races. Each and every race was created by Teng Yan, and the vitality of the entire dantian universe had undergone a huge change as well. Not only that, Teng Yan had also created mountains and seas on each of the stars, evolved plants, and collected a large amount of spirit herbs and godly herb seeds from the Hidden Spirit Star, which he sprinkled onto the various stars.    


dantian universe was constantly changing, and time was also constantly passing by.    


"Phew …"    


It was unknown how much time had passed before Teng Yan finally stopped her transformation of the already lit up stars in the entire dantian universe. Of course, Teng Yan's transformation of the entire dantian universe was also based on the universe he lived in right now.    


"It's time to go back." Looking at the dantian universe in front of him who had undergone a huge change, Teng Yan said in embarrassment, "Xian'er and I have agreed on five days, I don't know how many days it will be today."    


"How many days?" At this time, the voice of the source soul's true body sounded once again. This was the first time the source soul had spoken since the change happened to Teng Yan when Teng Yan created the human being.    


"What do you mean?" The words of the source soul's true body caused Teng Yan to be unable to help but be stunned.    


"Hehe, unfortunately, it has been three months since you entered last time." Then, the source soul laughed and said.    


"What?" Three months? " Teng Yan cried in alarm.    


"Yes, not much, exactly three months."    


"Damn you, why didn't you remind me?"    


"You didn't ask me to remind you."    




The corner of Teng Yan's mouth could not help but twitch slightly.    


Three months?    


At that time, he promised Lu Xianer five days, but now an entire three months had passed. Teng Yan was truly unable to imagine what the outside world had become like now.    


Lu Xianer was fine, but Yan Shuwan?    


It's over!    


Teng Yan immediately felt a cold feeling engulfing his entire body.    


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