Sovereign’s Great Path

C1374 Blade Demon!

C1374 Blade Demon!

"If that's the case, then the fourth race will completely give up on speed. All they need to do is attack and defend." Teng Yan's determined voice sounded out. Just like the source soul's true body had said, the three great attributes simply could not perfectly coexist. Since it was like this, then he had three choices: give up his speed, and push his attack and defense to the extreme.    


Furthermore, this was only the fourth clan. Teng Yan could definitely continue to create fifth, sixth, and seventh clan, and there was no need to worry at all.    


"Up to you." After the source soul left these two words, he fell into an endless silence and did not say anymore.    


"Since we want to push our attack and defense to the extreme, then the size of the members of this race must be enormous. In addition, just the size alone is far from enough. The body must be strong and tough. " After the source soul's real body fell into silence, Teng Yan continued to think about what kind of body to build for the Fourth Clan.    


"In the universe of 'Snow', many races have hard scales on the surface of their bodies. "If that's the case, then I will build multiple scales on the body of the fourth race."    


"From the outside to the inside, the first layer can be the dragon-scaled outer armor similar to the Dragon clan."    


"The second level, similar to the Golden Armor Race, has a metal body that's covered in dragon scales, but it's thickness can be increased by several times. After all, the size of the fourth race is huge, so this won't affect them at all."    


"The third level is something that no living being can absorb directly from the universe. Then, this young master will use the power of law within the body of the fourth race to construct the third level's inner armor. As long as I don't die, the inner armor will not disperse."    


"Dragon scales, a metallic surface, and an inner armour of Laws. With these three layers of defense, coupled with the massive body of the fourth race, I believe that it's absolutely impossible for an existence of the same level to break through their defense. Even if it's an existence one or two levels higher than them, this level of defense is enough to make anyone feel a headache."    


"Now that the defense of the fourth race has been set, the next step is to attack." After saying that, Teng Yan's brows slightly furrowed, and he continued, "Attacking is nothing more than the coordination of strength and speed. However, with the size and strength of the fourth race, there's no need to think too much about their speed.    


"In addition, although the enormous body of the fourth race had been destroyed, its strength would definitely be boosted to an extreme."    


"A single blow against ten, the power of the fourth race is bound to be astonishing, but it's still far from enough. "No matter how hard your fists are, they are still not as sharp as the blades of a weapon. If the Fourth Tribe is equipped with their own weapons, then they will be able to display their lethality to the extreme."    




Two words suddenly surfaced in Teng Yan's mind.    


Mantis body long, mostly green, also have brown or floral species. compound eyes large and bright; slender antennae; free neck rotation. Forelegs and tibiae are spiny, sickle-shaped, often folded to the leg segments to form forelegs capable of catching prey; mid and hind legs are suitable for walking. Anterior wing cortex, covered with wings, lacking anterior border area, posterior wing membranous, gluteal area developed, fan-shaped, overlapping on the back during rest; abdominal hypertrophy.    


The mantis' tibia was like a sickle, but it was also very good for stabbing. It was like a sharp blade, possessing absolute lethality.    


"Good, since the first, second, and third races are all ordinary insects like the mantis, then the fourth race should just use the mantis as the prototype. This way, I don't need to consider the shape of the fourth race too much." Immediately, Teng Yan muttered.    


The mantis' body shape definitely fit Teng Yan's requirements, especially its pair of shank, sickle-like shins. The massive body of the fourth race coupled with their blade-like shins were absolutely terrifying in terms of lethality.    


"We will use the mantis as the model to create the fourth race. We will increase their size and build up three layers of defenses. In addition, we must strengthen the shin."    


'Whoosh! '    


Since he had already made his decision, Teng Yan no longer hesitated and directly disappeared from where he stood. If he appeared again, he would be on a star right next to the core star, Hidden Spirit Star.    


Right now, Hidden Spirit Star already has flies, ants, and crickets, so it's not suitable for us to create a fourth race.    


At this moment, this star was the same as the Hidden Spirit Star from before. There were white spirits everywhere on this star. They seemed to be remnant souls without consciousness floating aimlessly above this star.    


'Whoosh! '    


Teng Yan's thought immediately rushed out, locking onto one of the spirits.    




The moment Teng Yan's mind locked onto the white spirit body, it trembled slightly. With the creation of the nearly ten million members of the previous three great races, Teng Yan was naturally already very familiar with all of this, so he naturally did not care about this spirit body's reaction.    


Following that, Teng Yan started to evolve the spirit body.    


Gradually —    


His head, body, and a newborn mantis appeared in Teng Yan's line of sight, but it was only the size of a finger.    


After that, without any hesitation, Teng Yan started to modify the normal mantis. First, it was naturally to remove the surface of the praying mantis's body; Teng Yan then used the power of the Ancient Code to transform the mantis so that its body could directly absorb the power of the Ancient Code. Afterwards, Teng Yan used the power of the Ancient Code to construct a layer of Ancient Code inner armor around the praying mantis's body.    


After the formation of the Ancient Code's inner armour, Teng Yan began to help him create the metal body armor. Finally, the black, dragon-scale-like scales covered the entire metal body.    


After that, Teng Yan started to modify the mantis' legs, making it stronger and sharper. had even directly used his own strength.    


Time continued to pass minute by minute, second by second, the mantis under Teng Yan's mental control was also transforming crazily.    


Twenty minutes later, the modification was completed.    




The word Teng Yan came out of his mouth in an instant.    




The mantis' body shook slightly as well.    




In the next second, the space trembled as streams of Origin Energy frantically rushed towards the mantis' Origin Energy. Then, they flowed back into the mantis' body.    


With his previous experience of creating three great races, Teng Yan knew that the source of power of his universe was undergoing a final transformation towards this creature that had just been created, making it even more perfect, and merging into the universe at the same time.    




As the source energy continued to flow in, the mantis' body also continued to grow. Eventually, it became a two meter tall 'giant' mantis. In other words, the creature in front of him was no longer a mantis but a brand-new creature.    


At this moment, the two-meter-tall 'mantis' legs were no longer folded, but stood proudly like a human. Its body was covered with a layer of dragon-scale-like black scales, and was shining with a faint metallic light. Especially the pair of shins that had turned into a blade. They flickered with a layer of icy coldness, causing one to feel a chill in their heart just by looking at it.    


The ice-cold blade, the black scales, and the 'mantis' in front of his eyes gave him an inexplicable sense of sternness, as if it was born to kill.    




Looking at the 'mantis' in front of him, Teng Yan was slightly stunned.    


"So small?"    


"This is still young?"    


Once Teng Yan finished, the source soul's real voice sounded out once again.    




Teng Yan was stunned once again.    


"It's only around two meters. Isn't it considered small? I originally wanted to turn it into a huge monster that's thousands or even tens of thousands of meters in length. " Teng Yan said in a flustered manner. The 'mantis' in front of him was completely unlike what he had imagined.    


"Why don't you take a look at its cultivation." At this time, the source soul true body's contemptuous voice sounded again.    




Teng Yan was stunned once again.    


'Cultivation base? '    


At this moment, Teng Yan finally realised that the 'mantis' in front of him was actually only at physical state. It didn't even have any physical state, it was just an ordinary mantis.    


"Did you see that? It was only just created now, so it will continue to grow in the future. Think about it, when you first created that Ant Emperor, how old was he? " However, the disdainful voice of the source soul's true body rang beside Teng Yan's ears once again.    




Teng Yan was stunned yet again.    


Only now did Teng Yan remember that back then, the Ant Emperor was only a little tiny when it was just created. It was not much different from normal ants, but what about now?    


This' mantis' in front of him was already two meters tall, many times bigger than the Ant Emperor from before. If he continued to grow, then he would become a colossus in the future.    




After understanding this, Teng Yan burst out laughing.    


"Good, this is the Fourth Race that this young master wants. From today onwards, your race will be called," Teng Yan said as he looked at the gigantic 'praying mantis' in front of him after laughing for a while. However, when he mentioned the race's name, Teng Yan hesitated a little, "The Fourth Nation is so tyrannical and powerful, they absolutely cannot be called the Mantis Tribe. Furthermore, right now, you don't look like a Mantis either."    




After saying that, Teng Yan frowned slightly as he thought about it.    


'Bang! '    


A moment later, Teng Yan clapped his hands together again and said: "Blade Giant Demons, from now on, your fourth clan is called Blade Giant Demons."    


On this day, the Teng Yan dantian universe, the fourth clan was born, a race born to fight — — Blade Giant Demon!    


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