Sovereign’s Great Path

C707 Zi Tianming's craziness!

C707 Zi Tianming's craziness!

Slaughterer's stronghold.    


At noon, the guests were gathered together.    


Inside the bamboo room of the Slaughterer's stronghold's Main Hall, Lu Xiong and Liu Qingqing were seated on top of the great hall with joyous smiles on their faces. Within the hall, nearly a hundred village heads were sitting on both sides of the hall. The rest of the people were all standing outside the hall to watch.    


In the center of the hall.    


The two of them quietly stood together, dressed in fiery red wedding clothes, without a doubt, they were the main characters of this wedding — Teng Yan and Lu Xianer. At this moment, Lu Xianer's head was covered by a 'red veil', making it difficult for people to clearly see her expression, but just the action of her head drooping slightly was enough to show the bashfulness in her heart.    


On the other hand, Teng Yan.    


There was no shyness, but there was a hint of bitterness.    


Being married, was definitely not Teng Yan's original intention.    


"The auspicious hour has arrived!"    


A loud and clear voice sounded with a trace of happiness.    


However, a sudden change occurred.    


"Boom!" BOOM! BOOM *    


Outside of the palace, waves of terrifying imposing aura swept over in a flash. The aura gathered together and locked down the entire Slaughterer's stronghold, as though it was going to shatter the entire space, causing the entire world to crumble. The sudden change caused the joy on the faces of everyone in the hall to disappear without a trace. What replaced it were confusion and fear. Everyone looked outside the hall in shock.    


His face was filled with shock.    


Lu Xiong stood up straight.    


His line of sight was exceptionally solemn.    


Teng Yan was no exception.    




In the next second, Lu Xiong did not hesitate at all, and immediately rushed outside. That burst of aura even caused the soul of a immortal stage expert like Lu Xiong to tremble, so Lu Xiong naturally did not dare to be the least bit careless. After Lu Xiong, Teng Yan did not hesitate at all as well. Soon after, everyone rushed out of the hall.    


In the main hall.    


Liu Qingqing consoled Lu Xianer, "Xian'er, it's alright."    




Lu Xianer nodded her head obediently. She took the 'red head' off her head, and her serious eyes couldn't help but look towards the outside of the hall. In the end, Lu Xianer and Liu Qingqing also walked out of the hall, after all, everyone could feel the enmity and killing intent from the aura.    


The people who came were not friendly!    


"This …"    


When Lu Xiong was the first to arrive outside the great hall, he was completely stunned by the scene before his eyes. His body instinctively locked in place and he was no longer able to move. It was not only Lu Xiong, but even Teng Yan and the other people after him were the same. Looking at the scene in front of them, every single one of them had a trace of shock in their eyes.    


In the void.    


Over a hundred immortal stage experts stood there proudly.    


Golden-colored long robe, Divine Punishment totem.    


Arbitration Society!    


Seeing the attire of this group of people, Lu Xiong and Teng Yan could not help but look at each other. They could see the shock in each other's eyes, and then their expressions became extremely serious. Previously, a messenger from Arbitration Society had just died in Border Land, but now that nearly a hundred immortal stage Warriors had suddenly arrived, they did not think that it was just a coincidence.    


Ling Feng's killing intent was extremely terrifying.    




At this time, from the void, a human figure rushed out, and instantly appeared in front of the hundred over immortal stage experts of the Arbitration Society. He stood there in mid air, his ice-cold eyes looking at Teng Yan and the rest, looking down at all the living beings, as if he was looking at a group of ants.    


"Slaughterer's stronghold, kill my Arbitration Society's envoy. This hall master will now sentence you to death!"    




The cold voice made everyone shudder.    


Sentencing the death penalty?    






Amongst the crowd, Teng Yan looked at the youth standing in the air, who was spitting out ice-cold words at him. Teng Yan's body suddenly trembled, and his eyes flashed a trace of disorder and shock. Looking at Zi Tianming, Teng Yan was unable to recover his senses for a long time. Teng Yan never thought that Zi Tianming would actually appear here.    


Didn't A Fu capture him?    


However, Teng Yan could not think about too much at the moment.    


"Zi Tianming!"    


An exclamation immediately sounded.    




In the air, Zi Tianming's body could not help but tremble.    




His sharp eyes directly looked at Teng Yan.    




Instantly, Zi Tianming's body could not help but tremble.    


"It's you!"    


"Zi Tianming, why are you here? Didn't A Fu capture you? And my father? Where's grandpa? What about the rest of the people from Kingdom of Zi Yun? " Hearing Zi Tianming's voice, Teng Yan was even more certain that the youth in front of him was the secular Kingdom of Zi Yun's crown prince, Zi Tianming. However, Teng Yan could never understand why the other party would appear here. Furthermore, from the other party's words, it seemed as if he had already joined the Arbitration Society, and was even some kind of Palace Master within it.    


The most important thing was Zi Tianming's cultivation.    


peak undying realm?    


Teng Yan's heart could not help but tremble.    


At that time, it had only been a little more than a year since the final battle between the secular Kingdom of Zi Yun and himself. And at that time, what cultivation did Zi Tianming have when he was brought away by A Fu and the rest? It had only been a little more than a year, and Zi Tianming had actually leaped up from a Heaven Realm warrior to become a strong peak undying realm Ranker.    


How could Teng Yan not be shocked?    


How could Teng Yan not be shocked?    




He was simply a monster amongst monsters.    




Teng Yan's words caused Lu Xiong, who was beside him, to be unable to help himself from being stunned. Son-in-law, you know him? " Immediately, Lu Xiong could not help but ask. However, before Teng Yan could reply, the expression of Zi Tianming, who was in the air, instantly changed, and then directly opened his mouth and said:    


"Hmph, why would this hall master appear here and tell you about an ant? As for the others? You are even less qualified to know their whereabouts. Today, this Hall Master is only carrying out the tasks assigned to the Arbitration Society, and since you have killed my people, you all deserve to die. However, this hall master will not kill you today, or rather, this is not the time to do so yet. Ten years later, there will naturally be someone who will kill you.    


Immediately, Zi Tianming's cold voice sounded out.    




Teng Yan's expression changed greatly.    


Teng Yan never expected to meet Zi Tianming here, and even more so, never would have thought that Zi Tianming would become a profound practitioner. The most important thing was that Zi Tianming was actually full of enmity towards him. If Zi Tianming was like that, then what about the others? Where's father? Where's grandpa? Did they also see themselves as enemies like Zi Tianming?    


One after another questions emerged up in Teng Yan's mind.    


Teng Yan was confused.    


Teng Yan simply could not understand what was happening.    


"This …"    


At this moment, not only were the people from Border Land at a loss, even the people from Arbitration Society had expressions of disbelief. They looked at Teng Yan, and then looked at Zi Tianming. Everyone could clearly hear the conversation between the two, it seemed like Teng Yan and Zi Tianming had known each other for a long time, as for how they got to know each other, no one knew. However, the people from Arbitration Society heard Zi Tianming personally say that he would not kill Teng Yan.    


"Vice Hall Master Zi, you want to go against the hall master's imperial decree?"    


Immediately, Vice Hall Master Zhong used this as an excuse, pointing at Zi Tianming, he asked.    




The rest of the Arbitration Society were also stunned.    




Zi Tianming's ice-cold gaze directly fell on Vice Hall Master Zhong.    


"Do you have any objections?"    




Looking at Zi Tianming, and hearing Zi Tianming's reply, Vice Hall Master Zhong was stunned instinctively. Immediately after, a hint of excitement flashed across his face, and he pointed at Zi Tianming: "Good, good, good, very good. Zi Tianming, you said it yourself, all of us here heard it with our own ears. You actually want to let this brat go? I don't care what relationship you have with him, but please remember your own identity and remember our mission here this time. Let him go? If word of Feng Ye's demonification spread out, who would be responsible for it? Can you afford it? "    




Vice Hall Master Zhong's words caused Teng Yan and Lu Xiong to be unable to help themselves from being taken aback.    


Transformation into a demon?    


Originally, Teng Yan and Lu Xiong had thought that the reason so many immortal stage Warriors had appeared here was because they had killed the people from Arbitration Society. However, it seemed like the matter wasn't as simple as he thought. Their reason for coming here was only because of the Arbitration Society's envoy becoming a demon, and they didn't want this news to spread.    


Murder to silence everyone!    


An idea suddenly emerged in Teng Yan's mind.    


Teng Yan was shocked.    


If that was really the case, then things would be even more complicated. Since the people of Arbitration Society knew that the envoy had turned into a devil, and that they wanted to kill him to silence him, did that mean that they could also turn into a devil? The more he thought about it, the more shocked and trembling Teng Yan felt in his heart.    


Arbitration Society?    


Sky Demon?    


What was the relationship between the two?    


'Humph! '    


Without waiting for Teng Yan to think further, Zi Tianming coldly snorted.    


"What this hall master will do does not require your consent." Immediately after, Zi Tianming's contemptuous voice sounded out once again.    




Vice Hall Master Zhong was speechless for a moment, and then became even more furious. He pointed at Zi Tianming and said, "Very good, Zi Tianming, since you're so stubborn, then don't blame me for being rude. Everyone, you have all heard it with your own ears. Zi Tianming is going against the hall master's orders, someone come and capture this traitor for me. "    


A furious roar echoed.    


Zi Tianming instantly became the Arbitration Society's traitor.    


"This …"    


The members of the Arbitration Society hesitated.    


"What are you all still standing there for? Do you know how serious it would be if word of Feng Ye's transformation into a demon were to spread? will it bring us so much trouble in the Arbitration Society? Let's make our move now, capture Zi Tianming first, and then massacre the entire Border Land. " Immediately, Vice Hall Master Zhong's angry roar sounded again.    


Sou sou sou!    


The members of the Arbitration Society did not hesitate and immediately surrounded Zi Tianming.    




At this time, Zi Tianming let out a long roar into the sky.    




A moment later, Zi Tianming's ice-cold gaze directly fell on Vice Hall Master Zhong and he said coldly, "Since all of you are courting death, then don't blame this hall master for being impolite. What responsibility, what responsibility, what punishment, what bullshit. As long as this hall master kills all of you, everything that has happened here today will forever remain a secret.    




Zi Tianming's words caused everyone to tremble.    


Kill him to keep his mouth shut?    


Just him alone?    


This was simply wishful thinking and arrogance.    


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