Sovereign’s Great Path

C679 The darned Slaughterer's stronghold!

C679 The darned Slaughterer's stronghold!

"He's my husband!"    


Lu Xianer's face was completely red, her head was slightly lowered, and she almost dug a hole in the ground to burrow into. That way, she would be as shy as she could be and as embarrassed as she could be.    


But, Teng Yan and the other two were completely stunned.    


Swish Swish Swish    


The three of them looked at Lu Xianer in shock.    




Other than shock, Teng Yan was still shocked.    


He and Lu Xianer had just met, and they had not even known each other for a few minutes, or even exchanged a few words. How did he become Lu Xianer's husband just like that? The most important thing was that Teng Yan completely did not expect that these words would actually come from the extremely kind Lu Xianer.    


Wait a minute.    


Suddenly, Teng Yan was startled.    




"Could it be that Lu Xianer said this because the middle-aged man in front of her wanted to kill him, so she hoped to use this method to save her life?" As she thought about it, Teng Yan's strange gaze instantly landed on Lu Xianer. If it was anyone else, Teng Yan would naturally not believe it, but this person was different.    


She was too kind.    


Lu Xiong and his wife Liu Qingqing were also slightly stunned.    


"Xian'Er, what nonsense are you talking about?" Immediately, Lu Xiong glared at Lu Xianer and bellowed.    


As the chief of the Slaughterer's stronghold and the strongest in immortal stage, as well as Lu Xianer's father, Lu Xiong was truly too familiar with her own daughter. At this moment, Teng Yan thought that Lu Xianer had said this to save him, so how could Lu Xiong not think of it? His daughter was too kind, so kind that it was outrageous. Normally, she wouldn't even want to hurt a single weed, let alone Lu Xiong who wanted to kill someone in front of her.    


How could Lu Xianer agree?    


"Father, Xian'er is not spouting nonsense."    


Lu Xianer pouted.    




Lu Xiong looked at Lu Xianer, flustered and exasperated.    


"Xian'Er, how can a girl like you say such things?" If this were to spread out, how bad would that be for your reputation? Alright, let's go out with mother first. I'll leave the matters here to your father. " Immediately, Lu Xianer's mother, Liu Qingqing, pulled Lu Xianer over. Her calm voice sounded, and within her voice, there was a trace of helplessness.    


She understood Lu Xianer's kindness.    


She also supported Lu Xianer's kindness.    


However, it was a different time.    


Right now, the conflict between the Slaughterer's stronghold and Qingfeng stronghold was becoming more and more intense, and the battle between the two tribes could erupt at any time. In comparison, the Qingfeng stronghold had a slight advantage in terms of strength. At this time, a strange man actually appeared in the Slaughterer's stronghold, and he even appeared inside Lu Xianer's room.    


They would rather kill wrongly than let it go.    




Lu Xianer said in a dissatisfied voice.    


"Xian'er, be good and follow your mother."    


As Liu Qingqing said this, she pulled Lu Xianer and was about to leave.    




Unexpectedly, Lu Xianer immediately got rid of Liu Qingqing's hand. She then pouted as she looked at Lu Xiong and his wife in dissatisfaction, and said, "Father, mother, Xian'er is not spouting nonsense. According to the rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold, once he sees Xian'er's body, he wants to marry Xian'er. So, he is Xian'er's husband. "    




Words would not stop until one was shocked to death.    


Lu Xianer's simple voice shook the three of them.    


"Rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold?"    


Teng Yan was slightly taken aback as he looked at Lu Xianer.    


Earlier, Teng Yan thought that Lu Xianer said all this purely because of her kindness. She didn't want Lu Xiong to kill her, she wanted to save his life. Therefore, Lu Xianer saying that she was her husband could not be taken seriously. But now, Teng Yan realized that his guess was very possibly wrong. It was true that Lu Xianer wanted to save him, even if she said that he was her husband.    




As he thought about it, the corner of Teng Yan's mouth twitched.    


He was completely dumbfounded.    




Hearing Lu Xianer's words, Lu Xiong and Liu Qingqing were slightly stunned.    


"You, what did you say?"    


Immediately, Lu Xiong's angry shout sounded out.    


"He looked at Xian`er's body, he wants to marry her. He is Xian`er's husband." "Thus, father, you cannot harm him. Else, Xian'er will definitely hate father." Looking at Lu Xiong, whose eyes were flickering with anger, Lu Xianer said in a hesitant and determined voice.    




Lu Xiong and Liu Qingqing's bodies violently shook.    




Their gazes directly landed on Teng Yan's body again.    


The cold was pressing.    


"Brat, what did you do to Xian'Er?"    


Lu Xiong yelled angrily.    


His eyes were cold and cold.    


Killing intent filled the air, without holding back.    


"That …"    


Looking at Lu Xiong, and then glancing at Lu Xianer who was at the side, Teng Yan felt awkward and helpless. Teng Yan did not understand the rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold, and he did not know about the matters of the Slaughterer's stronghold and the Slaughterer's stronghold either.    


Immediately, Teng Yan hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth again:    


"Senior, this junior really isn't someone from the Qingfeng stronghold, and this junior doesn't even know what the Qingfeng stronghold is, this junior truly misunderstood. This junior did not appear here on purpose, and this junior did not even know what was going to happen here. Of course, this junior might not believe you, but Senior, please think about it carefully, this junior is just a Heaven Realm warrior, if this junior really did sneak into your Slaughterer's stronghold, how could you not find out? "    


"Also, although this junior does not know what the Qingfeng stronghold is, this junior thinks that the Qingfeng stronghold would not be so foolish, right? If they really wanted to send someone to the Slaughterer's stronghold to do something, they would at least send an Empyrean warrior, no? No matter how bad it was, they would have to send a earth emperor, right? What can this young master, who has been living for a whole day, do? "    




Hearing that, Lu Xiong frowned.    


"Are you really not from the Qingfeng stronghold?"    


"Really. Junior swears, junior does not even know what Qingfeng stronghold is. "    


"Then how did you get here?"    


"Does this senior know the Nine Serenities Secret Realm?"    


"The one in the East Tomb?"    


Looking at Teng Yan, Lu Xiong frowned.    


"That's right, this junior was previously within the Nine Serenities Secret Realm. However, because Junior met with some mishaps and was trapped in the Nine Serenities Secret Realm, and later on junior discovered a crack in the Nine Serenities Secret Realm, junior thinks that I can't just sit there and wait for death in the secret realm, right? Thus, this junior directly entered the crevice, and came here in the end. " Looking at Lu Xiong, Teng Yan weakly explained. Of course, it was impossible for Teng Yan to tell Lu Xiong that the reason he left Nine Serenities Secret Realm was because his clone controlled the secret realm.    




Looking at Teng Yan, Lu Xiong frowned.    


Nine Serenities Secret Realm?    


As a member of the central region, he was also an expert with immortal stage. Although the Slaughterer's stronghold was located in the desolate area of the Western Territory, Lu Xiong still had some understanding of the situation of the Nine Serenities Secret Realm and knew that the Nine Serenities Secret Realm had opened more than a month ago and then closed a few days ago. However, when he saw Teng Yan's cultivation, Lu Xiong frowned, could a Heaven Realm warrior enter the Nine Serenities Secret Realm? No matter how he thought about it, it was impossible.    


However, Lu Xiong did not point it out.    


"So what you said is true?" Looking at Teng Yan, Lu Xiong said in a cold voice.    


"It's true. It's definitely true."    


Teng Yan nodded wildly.    


"You are also not someone from the Qingfeng stronghold?"    


"Absolutely not."    


"Did you see Xian`er's body?"    


"This …"    


Teng Yan was slightly stunned. He glanced at Lu Xianer at the side, and then said while looking at Lu Xiong: "Senior, this is definitely a misunderstanding. This junior did not do it on purpose. Earlier, this junior said that this junior came from the Nine Serenities Secret Realm. This junior didn't know why he appeared here, but this junior didn't expect him to fall into Lady Xian'er's bathtub. This junior …    




When Teng Yan said that he had fallen into Lu Xianer's bath barrel, Lu Xiong's angry shout resounded, he was very clear about Lu Xianer's habits, and everyday, at this time, Lu Xianer would definitely be bathing, "You fell into Xian'er's bath barrel?" Gritting his teeth, Lu Xiong's cold voice came out.    


"This is really a misunderstanding."    


Teng Yan had a bitter face.    


Teng Yan cursed the clone ten million times in his heart.    




Lu Xiong gave a cold snort.    


"I don't care if you misunderstood me or if you did it on purpose. Since you are not from Qingfeng stronghold, then I will not pursue the matter from before, but since you have seen Xian'er's body, then you must follow my Slaughterer's stronghold's rules. " Immediately, Lu Xiong looked at Teng Yan and bellowed.    


"I …"    


Teng Yan was slightly surprised to hear this.    


Rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold?    


Teng Yan truly did not understand.    


Marry Lu Xianer?    


Although Teng Yan admits that Lu Xianer is definitely an exceptional beauty, even if they were to marry each other, it would definitely be Teng Yan who gets the upper hand. Moreover, it could be said that he and Lu Xianer were not familiar with each other at all. The most important thing was that Teng Yan still had a lot of things he had to do.    


"Senior, what are the rules of Slaughterer's stronghold?" Immediately, Teng Yan looked at Lu Xiong and asked weakly. The current situation was not one Teng Yan could control. In front of a single immortal stage, Teng Yan basically could not resist at all. Therefore, Teng Yan could only analyze the situation first and then act according to the circumstances.    




Lu Xiong coldly snorted once more.    


"According to the rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold, once you see the body of a Slaughterer's stronghold woman, you must marry her no matter if it was intentional or not. Of course, there is also a prerequisite for us to marry this woman. " Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Xiong's angry voice sounded out. Lu Xianer was his only daughter, so how could he not be angry when he encountered such a situation?    


He hated that he couldn't kill Teng Yan.    


Unfortunately, he couldn't.    


"What premise?"    


"Challenge him!"    




"If you want to marry the other party, you must first defeat him. If I cannot, then I will have to die to cleanse this woman of her innocence. " As Lu Xiong spoke, he couldn't help but glance at Lu Xianer, who was beside him. At that instant, the corner of Lu Xiong's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.    




The corner of Teng Yan's mouth could not help but twitch as well.    


Defeat Lu Xianer?    


Or die?    


This was too darn darned!    


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