Sovereign’s Great Path

C689 The darned Slaughterer's stronghold!

C689 The darned Slaughterer's stronghold!

A betrothal gift?    


The moment Lu Xiong and the other two heard that astonished gaze, all of them fell on Teng Yan's body, and for a moment, they did not manage to react. Especially Lu Xianer, whose fair face instantly flushed red, and her entire head drooped downwards, feeling extremely bashful. After a brief moment of astonishment, a hint of happiness surfaced on Lu Xiong's face once more.    


"Young Master Yan has agreed to marry Xian'Er?"    


The excitement in Lu Xiong's words was not concealed at all.    


According to the rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold, Teng Yan had to marry Lu Xianer when he saw Lu Xianer's body. However, when Teng Yan displayed a heaven-defying battle power that made him unable to retaliate, although Lu Xiong still remembered this matter, he did not dare to bring it up again.    


Forcing it?    


Did he force it?    


Now that Teng Yan had brought it up on his own accord, he was naturally extremely happy.    


He was even more excited than if he had beaten back the Qingfeng stronghold.    




Looking at Lu Xiong, the corner of Teng Yan's mouth could not help but twitch. Teng Yan wanted to say no, but when he thought about Lu Xiong's temperament and stubbornness, Teng Yan immediately gave up on this idea. He thought that he should first help the Slaughterer's stronghold get out of this difficult situation, and think of the things that would happen in the future.    


"Something like that."    


Thinking about it, Teng Yan said helplessly.    




Lu Xiong's excited voice rang, and even Liu Qingqing's face revealed a hint of happiness. In a world where the strong were respected, if sshe could find a strong backer for her daughter, that would definitely be a good thing. In their eyes, not only was Teng Yan strong, he was also a high level alchemist.    


A perfect candidate for a son-in-law.    


At this moment, only Lu Xianer lowered her head bashfully, not daring to say a word.    


"Good son-in-law, father-in-law will go and arrange it now. I'll have you and Xian'er marry later tonight." Lu Xiong's face carried a trace of a smile, and that excited voice sounded. That voice even carried a trace of impatience, and directly changed the way she addressed Teng Yan, and became 'son-in-law'.    


Regarding this, Teng Yan deeply felt helpless.    


"Slaughterer's Village Chief, we can talk about the marriage later. The most pressing matter of all is for Madam Slaughter to swallow the 'Honorable Breaking Pellet' first before raising her immortal stage. After all, we are currently facing a great enemy, so none of us know when the next 'invasion' of the Qingfeng stronghold will be. "    


Teng Yan waved his hand and advised.    


Lu Xiong was startled.    


"Alright, everything will be as you say, son-in-law. When we completely settle the matters of Qingfeng stronghold, we'll let you and Xian'er get married." After a moment of hesitation, Lu Xiong faintly said this, but the joyous expression on his face was not concealed in the slightest.    


"Phew …"    


Hearing this, Teng Yan couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.    


Married now?    


Teng Yan had never thought of marrying Lu Xianer, and the reason why he said that was only to deal with the situation in front of him. Of course, it was impossible for him to marry Lu Xianer so quickly. Furthermore, Teng Yan had already made up his mind.    


"Since that's the case, then I'll take Qing Qing to take the 'Honorable Breaking Pill'. Son-in-law, you and Xian'Er can have a good chat first, and we can take a stroll around our stronghold." As Lu Xiong spoke, he looked straight at Lu Xianer, and said with a serious face: "Xian'er, did you hear that? Take your husband to walk around the village a while, and familiarize yourself with the environment, understand?"    


"Got it, Daddy."    


Lu Xianer lowered her head and said weakly.    


Extremely bashful.    


Seeing his own daughter's embarrassed look, Lu Xiong 'haha', then looked towards Teng Yan and said: "Alright son-in-law, we will take our leave first." After he finished speaking, he immediately took the Broken Sovereign Pill in front of him and prepared to leave with Liu Qingqing.    


"Wait a moment."    


But at this time, Teng Yan spoke again.    




Lu Xiong and Liu Qingqing frowned, and looked at Teng Yan in puzzlement.    


"Son-in-law, what else?"    


Lu Xiong asked.    


Without the slightest hesitation, Teng Yan directly took out a few bottles of pellets from the spatial ring, and placed them at the place where he had previously placed the "Honorable Breaking Pellet". This scene stunned both Lu Xiong and Lu Xiong. Feeling the dense amount of spirit energy and medicinal power emitted from the jade bottle, their shocked eyes carried a trace of suspicion, as they could not help but fall on Teng Yan's body.    


"There are some Grade 7 Healing Pills in here, let's use them."    


Grade seven healing pill?    


Lu Xiong and Liu Qingqing could not help but look at each other, a look of shock flashed past their eyes, at the same time, they couldn't help but think: "This son-in-law is truly worthy of being a level eight medicinal master, to be able to obtain a level seven Healing Pill or a level eight Breaking Heaven Pill, which one of them is not a priceless existence, for Xian'er to be able to find such a home, it is also the luck of Xian'er."    


Following that, Lu Xiong laughed and took another two bottles of healing pills.    


"Son-in-law, then I'll accept father-in-law?"    


"Slaughterer, the chief is at ease."    


Hearing that, Lu Xiong was startled, then looked at Teng Yan and frowned: "Son-in-law, look at this betrothal gift, don't call me Slaughterer Stronghold Chief, Slaughterer Stronghold Master, how awkward. From now on, you can call me father-in-law, or call me daddy like Xian'er did. "    




The corner of Teng Yan's mouth could not help but twitch.    


"Alright, alright, I won't force you. After all, you have just come to our Slaughterer's stronghold. We'll talk about this after you and Xian'er have married." Looking at Teng Yan's expression, Lu Xiong laughed and said, his face did not have the slightest of dissatisfaction. Right now, he was as satisfied as he could be with Teng Yan, the son-in-law he had already decided on.    


"Alright, I won't disturb you guys anymore." With that, Lu Xiong directly pulled Liu Qingqing and left.    


Within the main hall of the bamboo house.    


At this moment, only Teng Yan and Lu Xianer remained.    


Teng Yan looked at Lu Xianer with deep eyes that had a hint of disorder.    


Looking at this kind, otherworldly girl in front of him, Teng Yan couldn't help but slightly shake his head. The situation had developed far beyond Teng Yan's expectations. He could neither leave nor leave. Immediately, Teng Yan made his decision. He would wait till he had helped the Slaughterer's stronghold to defeat the Qingfeng stronghold and then leave, just like that, he would treat it as making up for Lu Xianer.    


As for completing the marriage, Teng Yan would definitely not do so. After all, he was not familiar with Lu Xianer at all. Furthermore, Teng Yan believed that after he leaves, it wouldn't be long before Lu Xianer would forget about him. The people of Slaughterer's stronghold would also forget about him, and at that time, Lu Xianer could start a new life for himself.    


Unfortunately, things never went as planned.    


Of course, that was something to be said later.    


"Xian'Er, bring me along so I can take a look around." Immediately, Teng Yan looked at Lu Xianer and said.    


"Yes, Darling!"    




"Upon hearing Lu Xianer's reply, especially the words' husband ', the corner of Teng Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Xian'Er, we are not married yet, so you don't need to call me husband. You should call me Teng Yan, this way it will sound more comfortable. "    


"Big brother Teng Teng Yan."    


Lu Xianer's voice, that sounded like a mosquito flapping its wings, rang out.    


"Let's go!"    


Lu Xiong and his wife's bamboo house.    




"After Lu Xiong returned here, he immediately sat down, and heaved a long sigh of relief at the same time. Even Liu Qingqing did the same, as though the two of them had been relieved from a heavy burden." Luckily that kid agreed to marry Xian'Er, otherwise we really would have let Xian'Er down. " Lu Xiong said in a bland voice, and even more so, his face carried a trace of gratification.    


"Who says it isn't?" As Liu Qingqing spoke, she looked at Lu Xiong with a grumbling gaze, "I wonder what your Slaughterer Family's ancestor is thinking, to actually set such a common and illogical teachings of an ancestor. What if that Young Master Yan doesn't agree? What if he left? Are we really going to punish Xian'er according to our ancestor's teachings? That's our daughter, and did she make a mistake? "    




The corners of Lu Xiong's mouth twitched as he looked at Liu Qingqing, who had a grumbling face, and he immediately chose to remain silent.    


"Tell me, if Young Master Yan hadn't agreed to marry Xian'er and left, what would you do? Will you punish Xian'er according to the teachings of your Slaughterer Family? " Seeing the silent Lu Xiong, Liu Qingqing pushed him, as his voice full of resentment rang out.    


"I …"    


"You what? Tell me."    


"Qingqing, didn't he agree?" Immediately, Lu Xiong said helplessly.    


"I'm asking what happens if he doesn't agree? We might have had a chance to keep him, after all, he's just a man of heaven. But now? You have also seen his methods, and even Xue Changqing wasn't able to defeat him, so much that he couldn't retaliate at all. If we were to try to force him to stay, it would simply be impossible. " Liu Qingqing said with dissatisfaction.    


"I …"    


"Say it."    


"The teachings of our ancestors must not be disobeyed."    




"Alright Qing Qing, isn't he already willing to stay and marry Xian'Er?" Looking at the discontented Liu Qingqing, Lu Xiong comforted him. Towards the rules of the Slaughterer's stronghold, which was the so called Ancestral Tribute, Yun Che was very dissatisfied and even helpless. However, that was still an Ancestral Tribute, so as a descendant of the Slaughterer family, he naturally had to abide by it.    


'Humph! '    


Liu Qingqing grumbled, "When I first married you, it was simply ten lifetimes of bad luck."    




Hearing this, the corner of Lu Xiong's mouth twitched.    


"Alright Qing Qing, isn't this already resolved?" It would be better if you consumed the 'Honorable Breaking Pill' and advanced in immortal stage to resolve the crisis in Qingfeng stronghold before you do anything. " Following that, Lu Xiong no longer bothered with the matter of the Slaughterer's stronghold's teachings and changed the topic.    


'Humph! '    


Liu Qingqing snorted and did not say anymore.    


It could be considered as a tacit agreement.    


Elder Cave's teachings?    


Who knew what Teng Yan would think if he heard what Lu Xiong and his wife had to say. Teng Yan had always wanted to immediately leave this place after settling the matters with the Slaughterer's stronghold. At that time, it wouldn't be long before the people of the Slaughterer's stronghold would forget about him.    


However, this did not seem to be the case.    


Teng Yan escaped?    


Lu Xianer seemed to still need to be severely punished.    


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