Sovereign’s Great Path

C692 He took the initiative!

C692 He took the initiative!

Advanced undying.    


The power of the immortal stage was far beyond what an Sky Sovereign could compare to. Naturally, Liu Qingqing had just advanced in her immortal stage, so she was unable to control the strength of the immortal stage as she pleased. However, a moment later, the terrifying pressure from the immortal stage quickly retracted, dissipated, and returned to tranquility, as if nothing had happened before. However, all the people in the entire Slaughterer's stronghold were jumping with joy and excitement.    


Liu Qingqing made a breakthrough.    


This undoubtedly meant that Slaughterer's stronghold would gain another person's immortal stage.    


Qingfeng stronghold, what's there to be afraid of?    


"Great, my mother broke through."    


"That's right, our Slaughterer's stronghold will have two immortal stage in the future. Hahaha, our Qingfeng stronghold's trash is finished."    


"Right, kill them all."    


The excited voices rang one after another. The members of the Slaughterer's stronghold did not conceal the excitement and joy in their hearts. Liu Qingqing breaking through the immortal stage was great news, there was no need to suppress the emotions in the bottom of her heart. At the same time, as everyone was feeling extremely excited, Lu Xianer had already appeared outside Lu Xiong and his wife's bamboo house.    


"Mother broke through?"    


Looking at the bamboo house, Lu Xianer's weak voice sounded out.    


There was a trace of happiness on his face.    


At the same time, Lu Xianer was holding a golden ball of fur in both her hands. This was undoubtedly Teng Yan's Gold Devouring Beast. Hairy Ball's charm was something that the young girl could not resist. She was an absolute female assassin, and Lu Xianer was no exception. When Lu Xianer first met Hairy Ball, she was completely 'captured' by it.    


In the past three days, Hairy Ball was' taken care 'of by Lu Xianer. Of course, Hairy Ball's goal was clear, it was only coveting Lu Xianer's gold coins. Although Teng Yan still had a few hundred million gold coins on him, Teng Yan had strict control over Hairy Ball so Hairy Ball simply could not wantonly devour gold coins.    


Lu Xianer was different.    


Gold coins?    


This was something that Hairy Ball could easily handle with just a few simple 'tricks'.    




Inside Teng Yan's bamboo house, Teng Yan's eyes also fiercely opened.    


"He broke through?"    


Looking in the direction of the bamboo house Lu Xiong and his wife were staying, Teng Yan's indifferent voice sounded out. During the training earlier, Teng Yan had clearly felt a strong suction force snatching away the natural spirit energy he had gained from heaven and earth. Of course, Teng Yan didn't care about it at all.    


Snatching spiritual energy?    


This was undoubtedly a sign that Liu Qingqing had advanced.    


Immediately, Teng Yan stopped his cultivation, kept his high-grade spirit crystal, and walked out of the bamboo house.    


Inside the main hall of the bamboo house in Slaughterer's stronghold.    


At this moment, all of the Slaughterer's stronghold's Empyrean level warriors were gathered here, and of course Lu Xiong and his wife, as well as Lu Xianer were present as well. After everyone congratulated Liu Qingqing, their gazes fell on Teng Yan's body. After all, everyone knew that Liu Qingqing's breakthrough was all because of one of Teng Yan's "Zun realm pellet". If not for Teng Yan's pellet, Liu Qingqing would definitely not have advanced to the immortal stage so early.    


"Good son-in-law, thank you so much. I'll arrange for you and Xian'Er to get married tonight." My Slaughterer's stronghold has not had any joyous events in a long time, so today is the arrival of a double joyous occasion. " Looking at Teng Yan, Lu Xiong had a face full of smiles as his excited voice sounded out.    


Teng Yan?    


The more he looked at his son-in-law, the more satisfied he became.    


Of course, Lu Xiong's own injuries had also healed in these three days, after he had consumed a Grade Seven Healing Pill.    




Hearing that, Teng Yan was startled, and his gaze shifted to Lu Xianer.    




When Lu Xianer, whose line of sight had originally stayed on Teng Yan's body, saw him looking at his, his entire head drooped down in an instant. At the same time, a captivating red surfaced on his face. Lu Xianer's appearance was extremely bashful, but it was even more enticing, causing others to feel intoxicated from looking at his.    


Everyone saw it all.    


Everyone smiled faintly.    




However, the corner of Teng Yan's mouth twitched. Originally, Teng Yan had planned to escape Slaughterer's stronghold after taking care of Qingfeng stronghold, but thinking about what his ancestor had told him, Teng Yan felt an incomparable pain in his balls. After a moment of hesitation, Teng Yan looked straight at Lu Xiong and said, "Slaughterer, there's no need to rush about the marriage."    




Teng Yan's words caused Lu Xiong to be slightly stunned.    




The smile on Lu Xiong's face instantly disappeared, and his confused gaze immediately fell on Teng Yan's body. Not only Lu Xiong, even all the other Slaughterer's stronghold s present looked at him in confusion. Even Lu Xianer couldn't help but steal a glance at Teng Yan, and that look of his had even flashed a trace of undetected disappointment in his eyes.    


"Good son-in-law, what do you mean?" Immediately, Lu Xiong asked directly, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his voice.    


"Slaughterer, don't worry. First, let me finish what I have to say." Looking at Lu Xiong, then sweeping his eyes at the rest of the people, Teng Yan immediately spoke up. Then he continued, "Now that Madam Slaughter has levelled up to the immortal stage, our Slaughterer's stronghold has two experts from the immortal stage. At this time, we should take this opportunity to destroy the Qingfeng stronghold."    


"Destroy the Qingfeng stronghold?"    


Everyone was taken aback.    


"That's right. Thinking about it, in the battle three days ago, when Xue Changqing was heavily injured, this young master thought that the Qingfeng stronghold did not have a Seventh Rank Healing Pill, right? If that's the case, by this time, Xue Changqing's injuries are bound to have yet to recover, and if we were to make a move, we will definitely have the absolute advantage, allowing him to get caught off guard. " Looking at Lu Xiong, Teng Yan immediately revealed his thoughts.    


"As for the Arbitration Society's immortal stage, when the time comes, I will control them. The Slaughterer Stronghold Chief, you and Madam Slaughter will use all our power to kill Xue Changqing. Once Xue Changqing dies, the three of us will work together to defeat the Arbitration Society's immortal stage. With the death of the two great immortal stage, the rest of the Qingfeng stronghold s will no longer have to be afraid. "    


"This …"    


Teng Yan's words caused everyone to hesitate.    


Kill Qingfeng stronghold?    


This was definitely something the entire Slaughterer's stronghold wanted to see.    


"Slaughterer tribe leader, this is a golden opportunity. Once Xue Changqing's injuries recover, the difficulty of us making our move will definitely increase. Furthermore, the Qingfeng stronghold and the Slaughterer's stronghold are existences that did not want to die, what do you have to worry about? If we don't make a move, Qingfeng stronghold will make his move sooner or later.    


Teng Yan added.    




After a moment of hesitation, Lu Xiong cried out.    


"Then, today we will kill him. The two of us have been arguing with each other for so many years, it's about time for us to end this. Today, it's either him or me who are going to die." Lu Xiong's firm voice sounded, and the voice even contained a trace of decisiveness.    


The other members of the Slaughterer's stronghold were also the same.    


Destroy Qingfeng stronghold?    


Why wouldn't they want to?    




Suddenly, Lu Xiong's hesitant voice sounded out, and his gaze landed on Teng Yan, "Good son-in-law, do you really have the confidence to control the Arbitration Society's immortal stage before we kill Xue Changqing? That is a middle level immortal stage. " Lu Xiong's words carried a trace of seriousness. After all, at that time, if they did not frighten off the envoys from the Arbitration Society, they would not have been the opponent of the other party. Although Lu Xiong really wanted to exterminate the Qingfeng stronghold, he had no choice but to consider the lives of more than nine hundred people from the Slaughterer's stronghold.    


The difference between a low level undying and a middle level undying was like heaven and earth.    




Hearing this, everyone's gazes all landed on Teng Yan's body.    


Teng Yan chuckled and said: "Slaughterer, village chief, don't worry. Even though I can't instantly kill that middle immortal stage, it won't be difficult to control it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have proposed attacking the Qingfeng stronghold right now. "After all, I'm still young, and I don't want to die."    




Hearing Teng Yan's words, everyone was stunned.    


Don't want to die?    




And then, everyone burst into laughter again. Although Teng Yan's words were a little joking, he had already expressed it very clearly, and that was that he had the absolute confidence to control the Arbitration Society's middle immortal stage. Since it was like this, the Slaughterer's stronghold naturally would not hesitate anymore.    


"Then let's attack the Qingfeng stronghold tonight."    




Teng Yan immediately denied.    




Hearing that, Lu Xiong and the rest were stunned again, as they looked at Teng Yan with puzzled eyes.    


"Slaughterer Tribe's chief, since you've decided to take the initiative to attack, there's no need to carry out a night raid. What was the point in ambushing an undying? Moreover, there were still a few hours of time before nightfall. These few hours were enough to let Xue Changqing recover from his injuries. So, since we're going to take action, then we should do it quickly. It's best if we attack right now and catch him off guard. " Teng Yan did not hesitate at all, as his sharp voice sounded out. Since he was going to fight, then he had to be fast.    


"Alright, then we'll attack now."    


Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Xiong's determined voice sounded out, and he naturally understood what Teng Yan meant. As Xue Changqing's injuries grew heavier, their odds of winning increased. Teng Yan wanting to attack immediately was because he did not want to give Qingfeng stronghold any opportunity to catch his breath. Lu Xiong could even imagine that if Liu Qingqing had already levelled up three days ago, she would have decided to attack Qingfeng stronghold directly at that time.    


Following that, the entire Slaughterer's stronghold became busy.    


Qingfeng stronghold and Slaughterer's stronghold have fought for so many years, but there was no clear victor. Three days ago, the Slaughterer's stronghold almost lost miserably in a battle, but now that they received the order from the village chief to attack Qingfeng stronghold, everyone was naturally excited.    


Liu Qingqing levelled up.    


The two great immortal stage s of Slaughterer's stronghold.    


Right now, everyone was filled with confidence when it came to attacking Qingfeng stronghold.    


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