Sovereign’s Great Path

C287 Heavenly character seven again!

C287 Heavenly character seven again!

Da Da Da    


As the three thousand gold coins walked over step by step, the fat on his body also trembled.    


This fatty was not just any fat person.    


Fat flowing oil!    


"Haha, good morning everyone. We meet again." His smile was still as sincere and passionate as before. Immediately after, he bowed towards the entire auction house and said, "Thank you everyone for your support of Celestial Treasure Pavilion for these nine days, and for your support of 3000. Today is the last day of the ten days of the auction, to be honest, 3000 is a little reluctant to part with everyone, and I really want this auction to continue on."    




There was a complicated expression on his face.    










However, when the people present heard the three thousand gold coins' words, they all felt a wave of fierce disdain.    


Keep going?    


Of course you do.    


However, everyone present didn't want to stay for even a second longer.    




Then every one of them would definitely go bankrupt.    


Cough cough.    


And then, three thousand dollars made another cough and looked at the auction house once more. He said seriously, "There is no such thing as an immortal banquet that does not exist in this world. It is always sad to part with you, but I believe we will meet again soon. Alright, let's not waste any more words. I believe that everyone is already impatient. "Also, today is the tenth day, and also the last day of the auction. The item that will make everyone's heart move will be displayed before everyone today."    


whoosh *    


The three thousand dollars made the entire audience go into an uproar.    


That thing?    


It was finally time to fight.    


Heh …    


They had endured nine days of torment, and all they were waiting for was this mysterious auction item.    


This moment was finally about to come.    




However, facing the noisy scene in front of them, the three thousand gold coins suddenly let out a sound of surprise, "Why are there so many people today?" In the next second, the surprised voice of the three thousand gold coins could be heard as well, and a look of disbelief appeared on his chubby face.    




Hearing the three thousand dollars' worth of words, everyone present couldn't help but roll their eyes.    


Why are there so many people?    


Great Lord.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


This damn fatty was playing dumb again.    


Why are there so many people?    


Presumably, none of the people present knew about it better than the three thousand gold coins.    




Following that, the three thousand gold coins did not care about the reaction of everyone present, and smiled slightly, "Thank you everyone for giving the three thousand face, giving the Celestial Treasure Pavilion face. Since there are so many people here, then the three thousand gold coins is no longer needed.    


Swish Swish Swish    


Everyone's eyes fell on the three thousand gold coins.    


He was filled with anticipation.    


First auction item?    


What is it?    




Following the words of the three thousand gold coins, the two big men pushed an iron cage onto the white jade auction stage. The iron cage was still covered by a black cloth, causing people to be unable to clearly see what was inside.    




An iron cage?    


Black cloth?    


It was a deja vu!    




"Today, the first auction item is the Third Cycle War Pet, berserk gorilla. Everyone look at her robust physique and her full muscles, if you take this out, you would definitely be able to bewitch countless girls. Not only that, it is also a strength type Martial Beast, if it could grow into a celestial realm Martial Beast, it would be an existence that would instantly kill everything. The priceless auction will now begin."    




Violent gorilla?    




Everyone's eyes fell on the iron cage.    


It wasn't just a gorilla.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In the blink of an eye, countless people in the hall had collapsed.    


War Pet.    


The auction house was once again selling War Pet s.    


F * ck you.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


What exactly did the three thousand gold coins want?    




Other than the Sky No. 1 VIP lounge, the other nine VIP rooms couldn't help but have the corners of their mouths twitch when they saw this scene. No one would have thought that the auction for the three thousand would still be held on the tenth day of the auction. He had already sold ninety of them before, and now he still had more.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


Just how many Martial Beast had he subdued?    


Everyone was flustered.    


Everyone was driven mad.    


Everyone was even more furious now.    


Swish Swish Swish    


Everyone's eyes instantly fell on the three thousand gold coins.    


Anger spewed out!    




However, at this time, the three thousand gold coins were also taken aback. "Baseless auction, starting now." In the next second, he repeated himself.    




Everyone cast a fierce glance at the three thousand gold coins.    




Start your grandpa.    


Haven't you sold enough War Pet that you've sold for nine days?    




Everyone was enraged.    




In an instant, the entire auction house fell into a deathly silence.    


No one bid.    




Seeing this scene, the corner of the mouth of the three thousand gold coins on the white jade auction platform twitched.    


Extremely awkward!    




However, when the whole auction hall saw the awkward look on his face, they could not help but laugh in their hearts. It was as if all the grievances and suffering that he had endured for the past nine days had disappeared without a trace at this moment.    




What could be more frustrating than losing the three thousand dollars?    




Don't you like auctioning Martial Beast s?    


No one will take a picture of you.    


"Wealth Owner, today is the last day, everyone wants to bid for your last item. As for this War Pet, you have already been auctioning it for nine days, is it not enough? I think that should be the case. This time, how many War Pet do you plan on auctioning, will all be auctioned together, and this will save quite a bit of time, don't you think? " Suddenly, in the dead silence, a voice sounded from the VIP room on the second floor.    




Everyone was stunned.    


Auction together?    




Everyone couldn't help but applaud the speaker.    


Auction of Martial Beast?    


That would be a waste of time.    


Swish Swish Swish    


In an instant, everyone's gazes turned towards the source of the voice. They all wanted to see who the person who gave such a good suggestion was.    




But when everyone saw this clearly, their expressions suddenly changed.    


Sky Seven?    


It's the Sky No. 7 VIP lounge again?    


During the first auction, everyone had witnessed the extraordinary performance of the number seven VIP room. It was a place where one billion Purple Gold Coins had to pay. However, things were different now. After experiencing the first day of the auction, everyone was very clear about the identity of this number seven VIP room.    




After all, this was the reward of three thousand gold coins.    


Auction together?    


Good idea?    


Good God!    


The f * cking number seven had come again. He wanted to save the situation because he saw that the auction was not going well.    


F * ck.    


Everyone could not help but curse in their hearts.    


Do you take them all for fools?    




You go on.    


Let's see how long you can play.    




On the white jade auction stage, even the three thousand gold coins couldn't help but be taken aback. He couldn't help but look at the number seven VIP booth with a shocked expression. A hint of hesitation flashed across his face. Everyone clearly saw all of that, but no one cared about it. On the contrary, they only fiercely looked at the three thousand gold coins with disdain. In their eyes, it was simply three thousand gold coins.    


"Alright, since this guest has made this suggestion, then let's auction the last ten War Pet in this auction together. The starting price of the ten three-way War Pet will be set." The next second, the calm voice of the three thousand gold coins could be heard again.    




Everyone was stunned.    




This fatty was actually planning on auctioning ten War Pet today.    


Damn it.    


Heh …    


After getting angry, a mocking smile flashed on everyone's faces.    


Ten War Pet?    


No one is bidding to see what you do.    




After everyone had decided not to participate in the auction, the auction house once again fell into a deathly silence.    




Feeling the scene in front of his eyes, the three thousand gold coins felt a little awkward, "The starting auction for the ten Rank three War Pet will now begin." In the next second, the strange sound of the three thousand gold coins rang out again. Surprisingly, this time, he did not continue to use his impeccable tongue to fool the crowd. Perhaps he knew that no one would fall for it.    


"Wealth Owner, don't shout, it looks like no one will be bidding on these War Pet anymore. How about this, in order to start the auction as soon as possible, I will offer one gold to accept these ten War Pet." In the next second, in the dead silence, a calm voice sounded from private room number 7.    


One gold coin?    




When everyone heard this price, the corner of their mouths twitched.    


One gold coin?    


Ten Rank three War Pet?    


Even if a Rank one Martial Beast was killed, it would still be worth a gold coin. Moreover, there were ten of them in front of him, and they were all Third Cycle Martial Beast. The most important thing was that the first day's Heaven Swallowing Blood Python was worth 140 million, and even the later days were worth more than 10 million Purple Gold Coins. If one gold coin could really buy these ten War Pet, then it would be no different than picking them up for nothing.    


Under normal circumstances, there would definitely be people bidding.    


But now?    


One gold coin?    


The one who called out the price was still someone in private room number 7.    


Everyone fell silent.    




This was definitely a trap!    


He absolutely could not jump inside, or else he would die miserably.    


"One gold coin? You must be joking with this friend here, right? Ten Third Cycle Martial Beast s, you bid one gold? " At this moment, the three thousand gold coins looked towards the seventh VIP room. A dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded out and everyone could clearly see the corners of the three thousand people's lips slightly twitching.    


"Of course Wealth Owner, since you said you will bid for the item at an extremely high price, then why can't I bid one gold?" Sky No.7's indifferent voice rang out.    


"I …" His wealth was in disarray.    




In the next second, under everyone's astonished gaze, Wealth 3000 slapped herself in the face.    


An auction with no starting price.    


Why was the auction going on without a starting price?    


One gold coin.    


He lost everything.    


"This friend of Heaven's No. 7 bid one gold coin, is there anyone else who wants to bid?" The next second, the 3000 dollars went on and on with the auction. However, everyone could see his helplessness and madness on his face, and they could even see him clenching his teeth.    


Heh …    


Looking at the three thousand dollars, everyone couldn't help but laugh.    




Continue acting.    


Let's see how long you can keep it up.    


One gold coin?    


In everyone's eyes, this meant that the 3000 gold coins and the number seven VIP room were acting.    


He absolutely could not be fooled.    




Feeling the still deathly silence on the auction house, the three thousand gold coins were once again stunned. Gritting his teeth, he said, "Ten Rank three War Pet, Heaven's number seven honored guest bids one gold coin, could it be that no one is bidding anymore? These are ten Rank three War Pet! "    


Heh …    


Facing the sound of three thousand gold coins, everyone smiled faintly.    




The three thousand gold coins were all over the place.    


In the next second, the helpless voice of the three thousand gold coins could be heard again.    


"One gold coin for one time."    


"One gold coin for the second try."    


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