Sovereign’s Great Path

C272 It was like he had just awoken from a dream!

C272 It was like he had just awoken from a dream!



The entire auction plaza was dead silent.    




The deathly atmosphere could feel everyone's nervous breathing.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The deathly atmosphere could hear the rapid heartbeat of everyone.    




What he was playing with was his heartbeat, and what he was shooting was madness.    




As the price continued to rise, it had already reached 130 million. This made everyone go crazy and suffocate. Furthermore, the price continued to rise, but at an extremely slow rate. The various VIP rooms would not increase the price by more than a hundred thousand Purple Gold Coins each time.    


130 million?    


This was already the limit of the honored guests.    




They couldn't afford any more.    


Everyone in the eight VIP rooms had grave expressions on their faces. Even the droplets of crystalline liquid could not help but seep out from their foreheads and fall to the ground. However, the people in the eight VIP rooms did not care about all this at all. At the moment, everyone was concerned about the prices of the other people.    




He was extremely nervous.    


130 million?    


It was still the Purple Gold Coins.    


Even the people in the eight VIP rooms had never taken out so much money in one go.    


It was about to collapse.    


At this moment, only Sky No. 2, Sky No. 3 and Sky No. 4 were bidding. They were from the Celestial Sect of Wonders, Purple Cloud Sect, Sky Mist Sect and secular land. And in the entire secular land, only these three major sects were so rich and imposing.    


A Martial Beast?    


130 million?    


Perhaps only the three great sects had such boldness.    


"140 million!"    


Finally, a sky-high price once again rose up from the Purple Cloud Sect's guest room.    




Everyone could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


140 million?    




This was too crazy.    


Swish Swish Swish    


Countless gazes instantly landed on Sky Two and Sky Four.    


Will they continue to raise the price?    


A voice sounded in the hearts of countless people.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In the dead silence, there was only the sound of heartbeats.    






He was even more excited.    


No response.    


Sky No. 2 did not react.    


Sky Four did not react either.    


Give up?    


One minute.    


Two minutes.    


Three minutes    


Still no reaction.    


"The third honored guest called out a bid of 140 million, is there anyone else willing to bid?" At this moment, the sound of three thousand gold coins rang out once again.    


Swish Swish Swish    


Everyone's gaze was fixated on Sky Two and Sky Four.    


Continue bidding?    


That would mean only the two rich people in the VIP rooms.    


However …    


Two minutes later, there was still no reaction.    


"140 million going once." At this moment, the sound of three thousand gold coins rang out once again.    


No response.    


"140 million going twice."    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Everyone's heart tensed to the extreme.    


Still no response.    


"One hundred forty million going thrice, deal! Congratulations to the Violet Cloud Sect for obtaining this item, the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python!" Finally, after a few minutes, the sharp voice of the three thousand sounded out, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. At this moment, the victor of this battle was the Purple Cloud Sect in the Sky No. 3 VIP room. Even if others went back on their word, it would be impossible for them to continue bidding.    


The auction had already ended.    


The transaction was completed.    


can't change.    


"Phew …"    


At this moment, everyone present couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.    


140 million?    


This price was simply too crazy.    


It was as if they were part of the auction.    








However, now that the auction was over, everyone felt much more relaxed.    




It was finally over    


"Phew …"    


In the Sky No. 3 VIP lounge, a young man was standing straight up, his fists clenched tightly and his entire body tensed up. He had always been in an absolute state of nervousness and depression, and now that he heard the sound of three thousand dollars, he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. At the same time, he collapsed onto a chair, as if all the strength in his body had been instantly sucked out.    


140 million?    


The corners of his mouth twitched when he thought of the youth.    


This was too crazy.    


Even he didn't expect to do such a crazy thing.    


140 million?    


This was already all the money he had earned from the auction. In other words, the Purple Cloud Sect, one of the three major sects in the mortal world, had already withdrawn from the auction. After all, the Purple Cloud Sect no longer had any more money to bid for anything else.    


"Phew …"    


The other people beside the young man could not help but sigh in relief.    


It was finally over.    


Heh …    


In the next second, the corners of the youth's mouth curled into an excited smile.    


The Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?    


Although he had spent all of the purple gold that he had prepared for this auction and the process had been very difficult, he had still obtained the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python. Just this point was enough to make the youth excited. Moreover, he believed that the other two sects didn't give up because they didn't want to continue bidding. It could be because they only had that much money on them.    


Violet Cloud Sect?    


The Purple Cloud Sect had only barely won.    


But even if it was just a narrow victory, in the end, he still won, and obtained the Heaven-Devouring Blood Python.    


He was the final winner.    




Thinking of this, the youth directly stood up.    




"Wealth Owner, now that this round of auctions has ended, can you tell me the secret of the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?" In the next second, the youth's eager and excited voice sounded out. Wasn't the reason why they were bidding so crazily was because of the potential value of the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?    


He was filled with anticipation!    




Along with the youth's questioning voice, everyone was stunned.    


The secret of the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?    


Swish Swish Swish    


In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on the three thousand gold coins.    


They also wanted to know what it was.    




However, at this moment, the three thousand gold coins faced the young man's question, as well as the countless pairs of expectant eyes around him, caused his fat body to suddenly freeze. His gaze even turned to the third VIP room, "Secret?" the secret of the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python? " A surprised voice came from the three thousand gold coins.    


"Right, right. It's the Heaven-Devouring Blood Python's secret." The youth's urgent voice sounded.    




The three thousand gold coins were once again taken aback.    


"What secrets does the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python have? How come I didn't know? " In the next second, the astonished voice of the three thousand gold coins could be heard again.    




Countless shocked voices rang out from the surrounding people.    


You don't know?    


How could you not know?    


Just now    


Wait a minute.    


Everyone was stunned.    




The astonished gazes of the crowd instantly fell on the three thousand gold coins.    


Just now?    


Just now, he didn't even say anything about the three thousand gold coins?    




Suddenly, everyone's heart shook.    


Three thousand gold coins?    




The corners of their mouths twitched. At this moment, they seemed to have thought of something.    




In room number 3, the expression of the teenager in the private room suddenly changed, "Wealth Owner, what do you mean by that? Just now, you clearly said that this Heaven Swallowing Blood Python had other secrets. What you wanted to say was stopped by the person with the number seven title, and you also said that this Heaven Swallowing Blood Python's value is far more than one hundred million Purple Gold Coins. You … "    


"What?" An exclamation came from the three thousand gold coins in the blink of an eye.    


"Me? You? I, when did I say that? There are so many people who are here to testify for me, but I promised you with my three thousand dollars in the Celestial Treasure Pavilion's name that I definitely did not mention that the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python had other secrets, or that its value far exceeds one hundred million. If so, let God punish me and turn me into the poorest and poorest person in the world in my next life. " In the next second, the firm voice came out of the three thousand men's mouth. His expression was strange to the extreme, as if he had suffered an enormous grievance.    




The young man in room number 3 of the Heaven grade suddenly trembled.    




The Heaven Swallowing Blood Python had no secrets?    




How was this possible?    


How could this be allowed?    


Third Cycle Martial Beast?    


Then wouldn't he have spent one hundred forty million Purple Gold Coins to buy a Third Cycle Martial Beast?    






Absolutely not!    




The youth wanted to say something, but was stopped by an elder beside him. At this moment, the corners of the old man's mouth constantly twitched as he looked at the young man and shook his head, "Young master, could it be that you still can't tell?" We were cheated, everyone was cheated by the three thousand, and it's true that he didn't say anything from beginning to end. "    




The youth was stunned once more.    








Three thousand was simply too much.    




In the next second, the youth's eyes surged with a monstrous rage.    


"Young master, you better not be reckless. Have you forgotten what the sect said before you came here? We cannot afford to offend the Celestial Treasure Pavilion, but we can only blame ourselves for being scammed. Three thousand gold coins? Who here doesn't know what 3000 gold is? But even so, everyone is still tricked. We can't be blamed for being too stupid, all we can do is complain that 3000 gold is too treacherous. Forget it, since the situation is already like this, we can't do anything about it. I believe that when the time comes, the Sect Leader will not blame you, Young Master. " Looking at the furious young man, the elder tried to persuade him again.    


Weng! *    


Hearing this, the youth was stunned.    




It was just as the old man had said, Celestial Treasure Pavilion and the others could not afford to offend him.    


However …    


Was he going to let it go just like that?    


He wasn't willing to accept this.    


He was extremely unwilling.    


That was a hundred and forty million Purple Gold Coins, even a hundred and forty million gold coins was not a small amount.    




Angry and flustered, the youth spat out a mouthful of blood.    




The youth directly fainted.    




"Young master." Seeing the scene in front of him, the people around the young man became anxious and hastily checked the young man's condition. Because of this, in the eyes of outsiders, the number seven instantly stopped moving, as if it had already tacitly acknowledged everything.    




Everyone's eyes instantly fell on the White Jade Auction House's high-spirited 3000 RMB. The corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch. If they still didn't understand what was going on at this time, then they would really become idiots.    


The Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?    




This was a huge pit.    


Sky Seven?    


This was the reward of three thousand gold coins.    




Too despicable, too shameless, too despicable.    


'This fatty … '    


'Ah! '    


And then they all shook their heads and sighed. That was the kind of person who got three thousand gold coins. But they were still tricked by the three thousand gold coins. Who could they blame? They could only blame themselves. Especially the people from Celestial Sect of Wonders and Sky Mist Sect, they could not help but heave a sigh of relief. Luckily they did not bring enough money with them and could not continue bidding, otherwise they might be the ones being cheated.    


140 million.    


As they thought about it, a chill rose up from the bottom of their hearts.    


Impulse was indeed the devil.    




In the next second, everyone's vigilant eyes fell on the three thousand gold coins.    


Violet Cloud Sect?    


The fact that the Purple Cloud Sect had been tricked had nothing to do with them. However, everyone would be extremely cautious about what would happen next. They would not let the same thing happen and would not let the three thousand people continue to fool them.    


Absolutely not!    


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