Sovereign’s Great Path

C286 They would rather die than enter the Chaotic Capital!

C286 They would rather die than enter the Chaotic Capital!

When the mysterious girl appeared in the Chaotic Capital, she was as humble as a slave.    


Zi Yun, Teng Family;    


Young Fern Moon;    


In an auction, the Teng Family and Qin Feiyue became the focus of attention of all the major powers in the secular land.    


Shocking the world!    


The arrogant youth had beaten up Young Master Tianxuan.    


Large promissory notes?    


It shocked countless people to their very core.    


However, all of this was just a good show for the people of Chaotic Capital. After seeing it, they would just laugh it off. The Chaotic Capital was still the same, bustling with life and was still as lively as before. The people from the various great powers were also waiting for the next auction with excitement and helplessness.    


Time passed quietly.    


Nine days passed in the blink of an eye.    


In the span of nine days, Celestial Treasure Pavilion had held nine consecutive auctions. Forget about others, just the tickets and three thousand gold coins made a huge sum of money. Without a doubt, these nine days were definitely a harvest for three thousand gold coins, but the people of the major forces were different. Their mood became heavier and heavier every day, and their faces became uglier and uglier.    




He was enraged to the extreme.    




So much hatred.    


The Celestial Treasure Pavilion was filled with grievances.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


This was a son of a b * tch.    




What a crappy auction.    


The Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?    


The first day of the auction was worth three thousand Third Cycle Martial Beast, so there were a hundred and forty million of them.    






However, everyone quickly understood.    


140 million?    


It had nothing to do with them.    


The second day?    


On the second day, another three thousand War Pet were auctioned off, and there were ten of them. This made all the people from the various forces grind their teeth in anger.    


The Heaven Swallowing Blood Python?    


Thirty Ginseng?    


Ten Rank three War Pet?    




Everyone clearly remembered that when the three thousand Heaven Swallowing Blood Python was being auctioned off, he said that the Celestial Treasure Pavilion paid a huge price to capture the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python. Listening to him, it seemed that he only had one War Pet. But now? There were forty more of them, how could the major powers not go crazy over this?    


Three thousand gold coins?    


This fatty was simply too shameless.    


Even though they were angry, they were still full of expectations for the War Pet s. However, because of the incident with the Heaven Swallowing Blood Python, the people from the major powers were all very "rational", so these ten Rank three War Pet could not be sold for as high as they were on the first day. In the end, they all sold for twenty million each.    


On the third day, it was still the War Pet.    


The various powers were in a state of disarray.    


The fourth day was still the War Pet.    


All the major powers were driven mad.    


The fifth day was still the War Pet.    


All the major powers were enraged.    


Currently, the Nine Heavens Auction had already passed, but in these nine days, all of the items auctioned by the Celestial Treasure Pavilion were War Pet s, there were no other items at all. In total, over ninety War Pet were auctioned off in three thousand over the span of nine days. Of course, the price was also falling lower and lower, and on the ninth day, which was also the day before, the final War Pet was auctioned off for five million. Compared to the first one, it was a natural difference. However, even if it was just three thousand gold coins, it was still enough to make a ton of money.    


The people from the major powers were enraged.    


They were truly angry.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


Everyone could tell that the three thousand yuan was on purpose.    


Nine days?    


All of the people being auctioned were War Pet?    




It was really too much of a scam.    


Many of them had stopped coming to the auction in the past few days.    




Participate my ass.    


War Pet?    


War Pet s were no longer needed.    


Over the course of nine days, especially the last few days, the number of people participating in the auction grew fewer and fewer. After all, there was no longer any meaning for them to participate in the auction, especially for those who had already obtained War Pet s. They did not want to pay a high ticket fee just to see others compete for War Pet s. Nine of the ten honored guests in particular were completely empty; the only one in the VIP room, was Teng Yan. Of course, there were still some people who came to participate in the auction.    


The major powers had only sent representatives over.    


And there was only one in each house.    




This meant that everyone was preparing for the 3000 dollars, afraid that he would suddenly take out some other auction item.    


As for Martial Beast?    


Since it had come, there was no need to bid anymore.    


What a pity …    


With his three thousand gold coins, in the Nine Heavens Auction, all ninety War Pet were sold in the end. And only the last one was priced at five million, while the rest were auctioned off for far more than ten million. When they entered the auction, they had already made up their minds not to bid even if they wanted to, but in the end, even they didn't know why they would so foolishly participate in the auction, and even used a high price that even they couldn't accept.    


The reason?    


It should be because of the three thousand yuan mouth.    


A perfect tongue.    


However, this was not the true reason why the major powers were enraged and driven mad.    


The real reason?    


which undoubtedly meant the entire Chaotic Capital.    


Three Thousand Pits?    




And the Chaotic Capital?    


It was even worse.    


Accommodation was increasing in price.    


The price of food was also increasing.    




Right now, without a meal with tens of thousands of Purple Gold Coins, they could only starve.    




Without a million gold coins, there was no place to stay.    




It was the same every day, and it was increasing every day.    


As the time went by and the end of the auction got closer and closer, the price rose even more rapidly. As of yesterday, which was also the ninth day, the worst restaurant in Chaotic Capital required one million and five hundred thousand gold coins for one night, and the best one directly broke through ten million gold coins.    




There was even less of a need to talk about eating.    


Snatching money.    


This was simply stealing money.    


I can't afford it.    


He couldn't afford to live there either.    


Perhaps someone would say that the people from the major powers were all foolish? Could it be that they had paid the entire accommodation fee in one go, so that they wouldn't be afraid of a price increase? However, he still had to ask the owner if he was willing. Whenever someone said that they would have to pay double or even triple the price of the room for the next few days, the owner would directly say that he would deal with it tomorrow.    


What else can you do if you don't want the money?    




Everyone was looking forward to the last day of the auction, so how could they leave?    


Of course, there were people who directly chose not to stay in the Chaotic Capital and instead spent the night outside the Chaotic Capital. Furthermore, there were no small number of people who chose to do so. After all, these people were all from major powers and were used to being rich and powerful. However, they were also martial artists, so it was not a problem for them to stay outside for the night.    


However …    


The truth was always cruel.    


Exit the city?    


Of course.    


Enter the city?    


He still had to pay the city entrance fee.    


How much?    


Two million gold coins.    


At that time, those people who stayed outside of Chaotic Capital were completely dumbfounded when they saw this number. They had all collapsed and had gone crazy, entering the city cost 2 million gold coins? They might as well just live inside the Chaotic Capital. There should at least be a bed, a blanket and a comfortable sleep. But now they had to pay for the city. What to do, give it. Moreover, these people all heard from the City Guards that the city entrance fee for tomorrow would be even higher than the living and dining fees in Chaotic Capital.    


What should he do?    


It would be better to just live in the city.    


Chaotic Capital?    


Now, when the people from the various powers heard the words Chaotic Capital, they gritted their teeth.    


This was a pit.    


This was a machine for eating money.    


Someone from the Chaotic Capital?    


Right now, the people from the various big powers were looking at Chaotic Capital and feeling weird about it.    








It was as if he had already become the prey of the entire Chaotic Capital.    


Big fat sheep!    




Right now, the people from the various powers were filled with hatred.    


Why did they come to the Chaotic Capital?    


Why did they come to the auction?    


Thinking back to the nine days.    


These nine days in Chaotic Capital were like a thousand years to the people of the major forces. It was simply worse than death, suffering and suffering, every minute and every second of every day felt like a thousand years, and the most important thing was that they still did not have any gains.    








What else?    




Nothing but spending a lot of money to buy a ticket.    


Chaotic Capital?    


Other than spending money, it was still spending money.    


Chaotic Capital?    


This was too much.    


The people from the various major powers all secretly swore in their hearts: in the future, they would rather die than enter Chaotic Capital.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


He cherished life and distanced himself from three thousand.    




On the tenth day, which was also the last day of the auction, the people from various factions could not help but heave a sigh of relief. No matter how much pain they had endured previously, they had endured. As long as they finished participating in this auction, they could immediately leave Chaotic Capital. Furthermore, this was also the last day of the auction. They all believed that the final item of the top three thousand would be announced today, so today, people from all the major powers had the same goal as the first day, to purchase tickets to enter the Celestial Treasure Pavilion.    


"Phew …"    


The moment they entered the Celestial Treasure Pavilion, all the major powers couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.    




Everything was finally coming to an end.    


It was as if they were all suddenly relieved.    


His soul had been sublimated.    




A heaven-defying object?    


He had to get it.    


However, the people from the various major powers realized that they did not have much money on them. Even in the last nine days, they did not have a single War Pet. Without question, all the money that the major powers had on them had fallen into the hands of the treacherous merchants of Chaotic Capital.    


It cost money to eat.    


The lodging costs money.    


Compared to before he came to Chaotic Capital?    


People from all the major powers realized that the amount of money they had brought with them had at least shrunk.    


hate, hate, anger, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate    


He felt even more helpless.    




Finally, at this time, the three thousand gold coins' fat meatball body walked out from behind the white jade auction table.    


On the tenth day.    


The last auction had officially started!    


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