Sovereign’s Great Path

C284 Trash, all f * cking trash!

C284 Trash, all f * cking trash!



Right now, Wu Lai was a madman in the eyes of everyone in front of him.    


Arrogant madman.    


Extortion the Celestial Sect of Wonders's Young Master?    


He even wrote a promissory note?    


Could it be that he didn't know that if he dared to take the promissory note to the Celestial Sect of Wonders for payment, the Celestial Sect of Wonders would definitely not let him off, and he would definitely die without a doubt. It would be better if he took all of Feng Shaoyu's money and left right now.    


But now?    






This was a bold and arrogant fool.    


He's an idiot.    




However, Wu Lai did not care about what the people in front of him thought of him. In fact, Wu Lai was extremely confused, but everything was arranged by Teng Yan, he just had to follow his instructions. Taking the promissory note that Feng Shaoyu wrote, after looking at it, Wu Lai immediately stood up.    


"Very well, since you've already written the promissory note, then we'll settle our debt." In the next second, Wu Lai smiled at Feng Shaoyu and said.    


"Phew …"    


Hearing that, Feng Shaoyu could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    




Two clear?    




He finally no longer had to endure this youth's inhuman torture.    




In the next second, Feng Shaoyu rubbed his abdomen, and struggled to stand up from the ground. He was in a sorry state, and even his clothes were tattered and tattered, and there was even a smudge of blood at the corner of his mouth. After standing up, Feng Shaoyu's gaze landed on Wu Lai again, "I will definitely pay off this money as soon as possible." Following that, Feng Shaoyu's indifferent voice sounded and a trace of caution flashed in his eyes, as if he was afraid that Wu Lai would go back on his words.    


Heh …    


Hearing that, Wu Lai sneered.    




Isn't that all right?    


Wu Lai was not worried at all that Celestial Sect of Wonders would not return the money.    


A promissory note?    


Since Teng Yan got him to write the promissory note, he believed that Teng Yan had a way to get the Celestial Sect of Wonders to give him the money.    


As for why he did not take Feng Shaoyu's money first?    


That's simple.    


What was Feng Shaoyu's money used for?    


Participating in the auction.    


What was being auctioned?    


Those were all Teng Yan's things.    


Feng Shaoyu's money?    


In the end, all of this money belonged to Teng Yan.    


With more than a hundred million of Feng Shaoyu's funds and two hundred million of debts, Teng Yan could take back three hundred million Purple Gold Coins from Feng Shaoyu, or more accurately, from Celestial Sect of Wonders. But if he made Feng Shaoyu repay one hundred million of these Purple Gold Coins right now, then he would have gotten the money early, but Feng Shaoyu wouldn't be able to participate in the auction.    


That way, Teng Yan would earn at least 100 million less.    


A hundred million.    


Teng Yan naturally would not let his off.    




Wu Lai didn't have the slightest intention to pay attention to Feng Shaoyu, and didn't even spare him a glance as he placed the promissory note amongst the spatial ring. Then, he directly walked towards the battlefield in the distance.    




Right now, the battlefield was still incredibly bizarre.    


Nine great celestial realm?    


In addition, the five great heavenly beings of Celestial Sect of Wonders still had a few level of concentration s.    


The battle of fourteen heavenly men?    


This was definitely an unprecedented, devastating battle. It was chaotic, and the destructive aura was capable of annihilating everything. However, what everyone saw was not some terrifying battle, but a strange one. The nine great heavens' side did not even want to fight the Celestial Sect of Wonders's side directly, of course, this was not the case at the beginning, since the nine great celestial realm were merely intertwined with the people of the Celestial Sect of Wonders, making it impossible for them to leave the battlefield. At the same time, the Celestial Sect of Wonders's side was also helpless against the nine great celestial realm.    


A dilemma!    


Before, no one could understand it, but now, everyone's heart was clear as a mirror.    


Not fight?    


Just pestering?    




The reason was simple. The main task of the nine great celestial realm was to stall the Celestial Sect of Wonders, so that Wu Lai could beat him up and at the same time, take the opportunity to extort from him ruthlessly.    


The surrounding people all understood.    


How could the people of Celestial Sect of Wonders be useless?    




The Celestial Sect of Wonders warriors were all enraged to the extreme.    


The Young Lord was beaten?    


And he was extorted out of two hundred million Purple Gold Coins?    




This was simply an extraordinary shame and humiliation.    


However, they were helpless in the face of the nine great celestial realm in front of them. It was already extremely merciful for the other party to not kill them directly.    




Wu Lai stood at the edge of the battlefield, watching the fiery battle before him, a demonic smile surfaced on his face: "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, the other brother-in-law has already apologized, about this matter, let's forget about it, stop fighting, stop fighting." In the next second, Wu Lai's loud voice came out.    


Weng! *    


The entire battlefield suddenly came to a standstill.    


Swish Swish Swish    


The nine great celestial realm retreated from the battle and came to Wu Lai's side.    


Swish Swish Swish    


After finally getting rid of the nine great celestial realm restrictions, the warriors on the Celestial Sect of Wonders's side did not hesitate at all. Each and every one of them endured the resentment and anger in their hearts as they instantly arrived at Feng Shaoyu's side. The white-haired man supported Feng Shaoyu, frowning as he looked at Feng Shaoyu: "Young Master, are you alright?" Concern filled his voice.    




Can this young master be alright like this?    


heard the angry voice in his heart, and even more so coldly snorted in his heart as he looked at the white-haired man: "Trash, all of you are f * cking trash." However, this was only what Feng Shaoyu was imagining in his heart, he did not reveal it.    


"Phew …"    


Hearing Feng Shaoyu's words, the people of Celestial Sect of Wonders could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    




It would be for the best if nothing happened.    


What's the matter?    


If anything happened to Feng Shaoyu, then they would be held accountable for their actions.    




In the next second, all of the Celestial Sect of Wonders's warriors all looked at Wu Lai and the rest.    






He was even more on guard.    


Heh …    


Wu Lai looked at the cautious expression in Celestial Sect of Wonders's eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled into a devilish sneer. "Let's go." In the next moment, Wu Lai's playful voice came out, and he himself took the lead to walk far away, with the nine great celestial realm and more than ten acupoint stage experts behind him also following closely behind.    




He had finally left.    


"Phew …"    


Seeing that Wu Lai and the rest had finally left, Feng Shaoyu could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    


His entire body felt relaxed.    




In the next second, Feng Shaoyu looked at the backs of Wu Lai and the others, both of his eyes flashed with a trace of fury that overflowed the heavens.    




He was enraged to the extreme.    


Within his rage, a cold killing intent flashed.    




These people are going to die.    


Ga Ga!    


's eyes were ice-cold to the extreme. His fists were clenched so tightly that the sounds of bones rubbing against each other could be heard, and his entire body was "trembling". To Feng Shaoyu, all that he had suffered today was an unerasable humiliation that could only be washed away with the blood and life of Wu Lai and the others.    


Angry killing intent;    


Excited emotions;    


Tight body.    


All of these things faintly hurt the wounds on Feng Shaoyu's body once again.    




Thus, Feng Shaoyu instinctively took in a deep breath.    




A heart-wrenching pain.    


"Young master, you … are you alright?" Seeing this, the white-haired man's concerned voice sounded again.    




Feng Shaoyu shook off the white haired man's hand.    




Looking at the white haired man, Feng Shaoyu could only endure the pain in his voice as he snorted, "Is there something you need? If there is anything else, can this young master continue standing here? "Trash, a bunch of useless trash." In the next second, Feng Shaoyu's angry voice sounded out. Previously, Wu Lai didn't dare to vent his anger on him, but now it was different.    




Hearing that, all the warriors on the side of the Celestial Sect of Wonders lowered their heads.    


Including the white-haired man.    




They were all extremely ashamed.    


Heh …    


However, Feng Shaoyu ignored the members of the Celestial Sect of Wonders. His sinister, angry and hateful gaze once again landed on the direction in which Wu Lai and the others had left. In the next second, his sinister eyes flashed with a trace of playfulness. "Bastard, I'm just afraid that you won't come and ask for money. As long as you dare to come, I will definitely make you suffer a fate worse than death. Today, I will make you pay for everything I have endured." In the next second, Feng Shaoyu's cold voice sounded out.    


Extremely cold.    


Infuriated and infuriated.    




The surrounding people could not help but suck in a breath of cold air when they heard Feng Shaoyu's words.    


Swish Swish Swish    


Everyone's gaze turned towards the direction that Wu Lai and the others had gone.    


A promissory note?    


Everyone present instinctively felt worried for Wu Lai.    


Celestial Sect of Wonders?    


The young master of Celestial Sect of Wonders had suffered such a humiliation today, so she would definitely not let the matter rest.    


A promissory note?    


If Wu Lai really dared to go to Celestial Sect of Wonders to collect his debt.    


Then …    


He was definitely going to die!    




At the side, Qin Feiyue watched as Wu Lai and the others left, and when she heard Feng Shaoyu's oath, she could not help but laugh indifferently. No matter how Qin Feiyue saw it, Wu Lai was not stupid, he was not stupid either, since the other party dared to blatantly torture and humiliate Feng Shaoyu, and dared to openly extort from him, and even wrote a promissory note, then the other party must have the confidence to make him pay the two hundred million, as for why Qin Feiyue did not know.    


She didn't want to know.    




In the next second, Qin Feiyue's complicated gaze landed on the three thousand gold.    




But the moment he saw the three thousand gold coins, Qin Feiyue was stunned.    


Three thousand gold coins?    


At the moment, Wealth's eyes were sparkling, the corners of her mouth had a bit of crystal liquid, and her excited eyes were staring straight at Feng Shaoyu at the side.    




It was rather wretched.    




There was a hint of greed in the eyes of the three thousand gold coins.    




Qin Feiyue was confused.    


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