Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C372 Can't be Changed

C372 Can't be Changed

"You are talking about the matter before Gu Xiaohui and I divorced. Now I have divorced Gu Xiaohui. I am no longer a member of their family. On the contrary, Ma Junhao may replace me. Become their son-in-law and I, an outsider, will call her. She thought that I am sowing discord and ruining the relationship between the mother and daughter!" Wu Xu replied.    


"You are wrong," Sun Yan replied. "Mrs Gu did not treat you as an outsider. She felt very guilty about her daughter and you getting divorced. She felt sorry for you and kept talking about you."    


"Are you telling the truth?" Wu Xu asked in surprise.    


Since the last time he was hospitalized, Mrs Gu had brought a fruit basket to ward number 8 on the 11th floor of Inpatient Department of the People's Hospital to visit him. Wu Xu had never seen Gu Xiaohui's mother again.    


Now that he had recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he did not go to see Mrs Gu. Wu Xu felt a little guilty and a little sorry for her.    


Especially after Gu Yuming died in a car accident, Gu Xiaohui was handling Gu Yuming's funeral at the funeral parlor. Not only did Wu Xu not go to the funeral parlor to say goodbye to Gu Yuming's body, he also did not go to the funeral parlor to send him to his funeral. He also did not go to the funeral parlor to say goodbye. Because of the matter of purchasing the land of the Heng Tai Machinery Factory, he asked Zhang Mengmeng to accompany him home to get his ID card.    


When he bent down and took his ID card from the drawer of the bedside table in his bedroom, he felt a sharp pain in his wound. Zhang Mengmeng helped him lie down on the bed and was caught by Gu Xiaohui, who ran back home to change her clothes. Gu Xiaohui mistakenly thought that he was bringing Zhang Mengmeng home to fool around and did not say anything after slapping Zhang Mengmeng. He even insisted on divorce him.    


Because Gu Xiaohui's parents were especially good to Wu Xu, they had always treated him as their own son. If Gu Xiaohui exaggerated this matter and told Mrs Gu about it, Mrs Gu would treat him as an ingrate. Wu Xu would not have the face to see Mrs Gu, let alone call her.    


"Of course it is true," Sun Yan continued to speak on the phone. "Mrs Gu is very concerned about you and has been worried about your injuries. You have recovered and have been discharged from the hospital. It is reasonable and reasonable. You should also inform her and tell her not to worry about you anymore. What do you think? "    


" Then... Alright, I'll call and try! "Wu Xu felt Sun Yan's words made sense and reluctantly agreed.    


Zhang Mengmeng sat beside Wu Xu and heard the conversation between Wu Xu and Sun Yan clearly. After Wu Xu put down the phone, Zhang Mengmeng asked eagerly:    


" Xu, do you really want to tell Gu Xiaohui that Gu Xiaohui appointed Ma Junhao as the vice chairman of Gu's Group to Gu Xiaohui's mother? "    


"Yes." Wu Xu nodded seriously and explained, "Gu Xiaohui's parents owe me a favor. I can't just watch Gu Xiaohui jump into the fire pit. Also, I don't want Gu Xiaohui to be misused. Destroy the company and destroy the Gu's Group that Gu Yuming built with great effort. "    


Zhang Mengmeng said faintly, "Since you have already decided, I won't stop you anymore. However, I don't think this phone call will have any effect. On the contrary, Gu Xiaohui will think that you are jealous that she is with Ma Junhao. That's why I made a small report to her mother. That's why I hate you even more! "    


"Now that things have come to this point, I can't think about it anymore. Since I have divorced Gu Xiaohui, it is meaningless for her to hate me anymore." Wu Xu replied.    


"Alright, you can call Mrs Gu now and try it!" Zhang Mengmeng knew that she could not persuade Wu Xu, so she could only let Wu Xu talk to Gu Xiaohui's mother.    


Wu Xu transferred Mrs Gu's home phone number from the phone book and dialed.    


"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" A woman's voice came from the phone.    


Wu Xu felt that the voice was a little unfamiliar, so he asked, "Is this Mrs Gu's home?"    


"Yes." The other party replied.    


"Who are you?" Wu Xu asked curiously.    


"My surname is Zhang. I am Mrs Gu's nanny." After Zhang Shuqin introduced herself, she asked Wu Xu, "Do you need anything from Mrs Gu?"    


"Yes." Wu Xu did not want to talk to a stranger on the phone, so he went straight to the point. "Ask Mrs Gu to answer the phone."    


"Okay, wait a moment!" After Zhang Shuqin finished speaking, she immediately held the phone in her hand and shouted to Mrs Gu in the bedroom upstairs, "Auntie, your phone..."    


After Mrs Gu finished lunch, she went to the bedroom to take an afternoon nap. When she heard the shouting downstairs, she hurriedly jumped down from the bed. She walked out of the room and went downstairs to the living room. She took the landline microphone from Zhang Shuqin. He asked the landline microphone.    


"Who are you?"    


"Mom, I'm Wu Xu..." Wu Xu was used to addressing his former mother-in-law like this, so he couldn't change his mind.    


"Wu Xu? Why did you call me? When did you get discharged? "When the old lady heard Wu Xu's voice, she could not suppress the excitement in her heart.    


"I got discharged yesterday." Wu Xu answered truthfully.    


"Does Xiaohui know about your discharge?" Mrs Gu asked even though she knew the answer.    


"Yes, I know," Wu Xu said without hiding anything. "Yesterday afternoon, she went with me to the Civil Affairs Bureau to settle the divorce procedures."    


"Ah? You guys divorced?" Mrs Gu pretended to be surprised and asked.    


In fact, last night, she had heard the news of their divorce from Gu Xiaohui. It was just that she did not want to believe this fact, so she pretended to be innocent in front of Wu Xu.    


"Yes. After Gu Xiaohui and I divorced, she chose to be with Ma Junhao." Wu Xu went straight to the point.    


"You... How did you know she was with Ma Junhao?" Mrs Gu asked.    


She mistakenly thought that Gu Xiaohui and Ma Junhao's matter could be hidden from Wu Xu, but he still found out. She felt a little sorry for him and was a little nervous, so she blurted out.    


"Isn't Ma Junhao a crippled person? Why are they together..."    


"What crippled man?" Wu Xu complained, "His legs are fine, and Gu Xiaohui appointed him as the vice chairman of Gu's Group to take over Hou Guangsheng's job."    


"What did you say? Xiaohui asked Ma Junhao, that scumbag, to be the vice chairman of the company?" Mrs Gu was shocked.    


Yesterday, she heard from Gu Xiaohui that Ma Junhao's leg had recovered and thought that Gu Xiaohui lied to her. But after Wu Xu said so, she believed him.    


"Yes." Wu Xu replied, "It is said that after Gu Xiaohui announced Ma Junhao's appointment and decision on the Gu's Group's board of directors, I heard that after ___ announced the appointment of ___ on the ___'s board of directors, she was rejected by all the board of directors. Ask the assistant of the chairman, Sun Yan, to print out Ma Junhao's appointment document and send it to all departments! "    


"This is ridiculous. I didn't expect Xiaohui to forget her father's last words so quickly. " Mrs Gu said hatefully, "She is already so old. Why do we always have to worry about her? No, I can't just sit and do nothing about this matter and let Xiaohui continue to mess around in the company. Otherwise, the Gu's Group will be destroyed in her hands... "    


Last time, Mrs Gu did her best to stop Gu Xiaohui from arranging Ye Ping to be the company's Leader of the Finance Department. She just refused to listen and let Ye Ping be the company's Leader of the Finance Department.    


This time, Gu Xiaohui actually did not care about her objections and continued to be with Ma Junhao. Not only that, she even appointed Ma Junhao as the company's vice chairman. This made Mrs Gu very disappointed and very angry.    


Wu Xu consoled her, "Mom, don't be angry. It is probably because Gu Xiaohui is obsessed that she did this. However, I have something to ask you..."    


"What is it? Go ahead and ask!" Mrs Gu replied.    


" You just said that Ma Junhao is a disabled person who is paralyzed. What is going on? " Wu Xu asked with a puzzled expression.    


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