Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C167 Hiding the Truth

C167 Hiding the Truth

After Zhang Mengmeng parked the car, she kept a close eye on what was happening at the entrance of the Shen's Group's office building.    


When she saw Shen Ao hurriedly walk out of the hall, she stretched out her hand from the window and made an OK gesture to Ma Zhong who was hiding not far away. She quickly started the car and stepped on the accelerator.    


When Shen Ao looked at the Ferrari sports car, the sports car instantly sped up and drove towards the street like the wind, leaving only a red afterimage in front of Shen Ao.    


Ma Zhong, who was hiding in the dark, immediately engraved Shen Ao's image in his mind. He sentenced this person to death from the bottom of his heart, and at the same time secretly admired Zhang Mengmeng's ability.    


Shen Ao saw the Ferrari sports car disappear into the bustling crowd and traffic. He knew that he had been fooled and was furious in his heart.    


He raised his hand and gave the fat and thin security guards a big mouth respectively. He scolded angrily, "Trash, you didn't even know who the person was, and you called me to come downstairs?"    


The tall and thin security guard covered his face with his hand and said with a wronged face, "She... She said that her name is Gu Xiaohui. We didn't think much about it and called you..."    


"She said that she is Lady Sahir. Do you believe her?" Shen Ao said coldly, "Hurry up and find out who this woman is. Otherwise, I will drive you two away now. Do you believe me? "    


The tall and thin man was dumbfounded when he heard that they were going to be fired. He said hurriedly, "I... We will go to the security room and show you the surveillance footage."    


Shen Ao glared at the tall and thin man and said," Come, follow me to the security room to see which woman has the guts to come to the company and make fun of me! "    


After he said that, he turned around and walked towards the security room on the second floor.    


The tall and thin man asked the fat security guard to stay on duty while he followed Shen Ao. He followed Shen Ao to the door of the security room.    


The tall and thin man pushed the door open and let Shen Ao in. He said to a small security guard sitting in front of the computer, "Bring out the surveillance footage you took at the entrance of the office building. Let Mr Shen take a look!"    


The small security guard held the mouse in his hand and skillfully operated the keyboard. He immediately showed the scene of Zhang Mengmeng driving the red Ferrari to the entrance of the office building and sticking her head out to talk to the two security guards standing at the entrance.    


Although Zhang Mengmeng was wearing sunglasses and could not see her face clearly, Shen Ao still felt that she looked familiar.    


Suddenly, a memory flashed in his mind. In the high-class ward where he went to Wu Xu the last time. When he was about to apologize to Wu Xu, he was angered by him. When he was about to make a move on that kid, a girl stepped forward to stop him. The scene of him beating the young man up.    


"Could it be her?" Shen Ao frowned and thought to himself, "That's not right. Isn't that girl the nurse in the hospital? How can she drive such a luxurious sports car? Could it be that I'm seeing things? "    


Shen Ao rubbed his eyes with his hand and looked at the screen again.    


Ring, ring, ring!    


Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang.    


Shen Ao took it out and saw that it was a call from his father, Shen Tianshun. He hurriedly picked up the phone and asked, "Dad, why are you looking for me?"    


"Little brat, where are you now?" His father's cold voice came from the phone.    


Shen Ao hurriedly said half-heartedly, "Someone came to the company's entrance to cause trouble just now. I'll come downstairs to deal with it!"    


"Make trouble? Who would have the guts to come to Shen's Group to cause trouble in broad daylight?" Shen Tianshun said angrily, "Is it you who caused trouble outside? Did someone come looking for you?"    


" No... it's not like that... " Shen Ao explained in a hurry.    


"No way," Shen Tianshun said sternly. "Stop talking to me. Come to my office. I have something to talk to you about."    


Shen Tianshun hung up the phone quickly.    


After answering his father's call, Shen Ao told the tall and thin man, "Copy this video on a USB drive and send it to my office later."    


"Okay!" The tall and thin man said timidly.    


Shen Ao saw his servant-like appearance and was very angry in his heart. However, he was too embarrassed to flare up, so he glared at him fiercely and turned around to walk out of the room.    


After taking the elevator upstairs, Shen Ao came to the chairman's office door and raised his hand to knock on the door.    


"The door is not locked. Come in!" One. A loud voice came from the office.    


Shen Ao opened the door and saw his father sitting at his desk reading the newspaper. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He walked to his father's desk and asked:    


"Dad, why are you looking for me?"    


Shen Tianshun looked up and threw the newspaper on the desk. He looked at Shen Ao and asked angrily,    


"After Zhang Xuezhong from Gu's Group revealed the price of their company to you, why did you let them drag him to the wasteland in the suburbs and bury him alive?"    


Shen Ao asked, "You... How did you know Zhang Xuezhong was taken to the suburbs and buried alive?"    


Shen Tianshun pointed to the headlines in the newspaper and said, "The newspaper has already published the news about Zhang Xuezhong being buried alive. Do you still need to ask?"    


Shen Ao picked up the newspaper on the desk and read it. He said, "I... I didn't do this. I didn't ask anyone to kill Zhang Xuezhong."    


"Then why did the newspaper say that someone wanted to kill Zhang Xuezhong to silence him?" Shen Tianshun questioned.    


"I... I don't know..." Shen Ao said without confidence.    


"As the saying goes, know your son better than your father. Did you do this? Don't tell me I don't know?" Shen Tianshun glared at his son and said, "I also heard that Zhang Xuezhong's lover brought a large group of people to the Gu's Group to cause trouble this afternoon. This matter should be planned and instigated by you behind the scenes, right? "    


"No... that's not it..." Shen Ao continued to defend himself.    




Shen Tianshun slapped the desk and stood up from the office chair with a swoosh. He pointed at Shen Ao's nose and scolded loudly.    


"You unfilial son. You didn't admit what you did wrong. Do you have to wait until you are caught by the police before you are willing to tell me the truth?"    


Shen Ao saw that this matter could not be hidden from his father. He said coldly, "Zhang Xuezhong deserves to die. If I don't let people kill him, the project of our company winning the bid will be ruined..."    


"Why?" Shen Tianshun questioned.    


"He told me about the price of the Gu's Group. After our company became the candidate for the bid, I've already given him 200,000 yuan, but he thinks it's too little. He also asked me for 1,000,000 yuan, even though I gave him 1,000,000 yuan. He would still ask for an exorbitant price, so he got someone to kill him... "Shen Ao said half-heartedly.    


Afraid that his father would blame him, Shen Ao hid it from Zhang Xuezhong and followed Gu Xiaohui to the alley in the shantytown. When he held her in a house and tried to force her, after he was knocked out by the man who saved Gu Xiaohui, he asked someone to tie Zhang Xuezhong up. He dragged him to the wasteland in the suburbs and buried him alive.    


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