Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C259 Nail Account

C259 Nail Account

Hou Guangsheng's memorial service and the farewell ceremony for the body were held as scheduled. Gu Xiaohui led the company's middle-level and above managers and some employees to attend.    


Although Hou Yong thought that his father's death was caused by Gu Xiaohui, he did not want to complicate things in his father's memorial service. He pretended that nothing had happened and expressed his gratitude to Gu Xiaohui and the company employees in the name of family.    


There were also business partners who participated in the memorial service, as well as Hou Guangsheng's relatives and friends when he was alive. The memorial service was very grand.    


When Gu Xiaohui spoke on behalf of the Gu's Group, she followed the principle of the dead. She did not mention a single word about his corruption and misappropriation of the company's funds, as well as the fact that he ordered people to cause a car accident. The matter of killing her father, Gu Yuming, and driver Lei Ming was only a confirmation of the contributions he had made to the Gu's Group. He deeply expressed his condolences to Hou Guangsheng.    


After Hou Guangsheng's memorial ceremony and the farewell ceremony of the body, Gu Xiaohui led the company's leaders and employees and left. Hou Yong led his family and friends and family members along with the staff of the funeral parlor and sent his father's body into the cremation room for cremation.    


In the end, this person who used to corrupt and misappropriate the company's funds indirectly caused the death of the former chairman, Gu Yuming. He sent someone to assassinate the new chairman, Gu Xiaohui, and the notorious Hou Guangsheng turned into a pile of bones. He disappeared in the long river of history and was forgotten by people.    




The next day, Shen Tianshun, the chairman of the Shen's Group, received the notice of success for the Shantytown transformation project in Rongcheng City.    


Once he received the bid, Shen Tianshun called Shen Ao to his office and asked him, "Let me ask you, did you send someone to the detention center to kill the vice chairman of Gu's Group?"    


"Yes," Shen Ao said without hiding anything. "Hou Guangsheng sent someone to kill Gu Xiaohui but did not succeed. I asked him to turn himself in at the police station. After the incident where we killed Gu Yuming in a car accident, that guy was useless. In order to prevent him from turning up the confession, we had to send people to infiltrate the detention center to get rid of him. "    


"Did the police find out the cause of Hou Guangsheng's death?" Shen Tianshun continued to ask.    


"When the forensic doctor examined the body, the result was that he died of myocardial infarction..." Shen Ao replied.    


"Very good." Shen Tianshun nodded and said, "Now, the police will not suspect that you are the mastermind behind the murder of Gu Yuming and Hou Guangsheng. You must not find trouble with Gu Xiaohui again. Rest assured and arrest the project of rebuilding the shed area. "    


"So, the notice of winning for the project of the shacks in the shacks has been sent down?" Shen Ao asked eagerly.    


"Yes." Shen Tianshun handed the winning notice to Shen Ao and said, "The profit of this project is considerable. You need to organize the construction team as soon as possible. Take note of the progress of the project. You must ensure that the quality of the project is guaranteed! "    


"Okay, I will make the arrangements now!" After Shen Ao said that, he took the notice of winning and left the chairman's office.    


On the third day, Shen Ao invited the city leaders and relevant departments in the name of the Shen's Group to organize and hold the opening ceremony of "Rongcheng City Shantytown renovation project" in the name of the Shen's Group.    


Immediately after, the construction team entered the venue.    


However, the construction of the project was not that smooth. The reason was to cooperate with the construction of the project. Over a hundred households had already reached a compensation agreement with the city government and moved out one after another. However, there were still a few households who did not reach an agreement with the government regarding compensation and were unwilling to move. It impeded the progress of the construction.    


After many attempts to dissuade them from moving, Shen Ao instructed the construction party to use abnormal methods to force a few families to move away, leaving only one family.    


This family had a mother and son. The mother was an old lady in her sixties, and the son was a disabled person in his twenties.    


They were Ma Junhao and his mother.    


In order to catch up with the construction progress, dozens of excavators, bulldozers, and transport vehicles worked day and night. The entire construction site was rumbling with machines and motor sounds.    


Due to the issue of compensation not being settled, Ma Junhao's mother was quite old and stubborn. When the demolition staff, the leaders of the neighborhood committee, and the police mobilized them to move, it was like grinding the skin of their mouths.    


Everyone had said all kinds of good things, but they were left behind by their ancestors and could not be destroyed. If they were destroyed, it would be inauspicious and would never be able to live again in the name of rebirth. They would never be willing to move away from this place.    


Their house was located in the middle of the demolition house. It was supported by a set of wood. The roof was covered with tiles, and there was a well inside. The courtyard was surrounded by brick walls.    


Even though the water had stopped, they took the water from the well. The electricity had been cut off, but they lit candles and the gas had stopped. They burned firewood to cook. In short, if they did not meet their requirements, they would not move.    


The construction workers uprooted the soil around their yard. Their house was isolated, like an isolated island.    


Tonight, after the mother and son finished dinner, Ma Junhao sat in a wheelchair and pushed the wheelchair along with his mother to the courtyard dam to cool down.    


Mrs Ma comforted him, "Junhao, we can't earn all the money. If it really doesn't work, let's move!"    


"Mom, you are already so old, yet you still need to go outside to collect junk and pick up garbage. It's too hard to earn money to support me. This is a good opportunity. If we don't pay the construction team now, we won't have a chance in the future. Let's wait a little longer! "    


"Don't wait too long. I'm afraid we won't get any compensation!" the old lady said worriedly.    


"It won't happen. Don't worry, they will definitely agree to our conditions!" Ma Junhao said confidently.    


However, before Ma Junhao could finish his words, he heard a loud bang. The door collapsed and a large group of men with sticks rushed in.    


Ma Junhao's mother did not know what had happened and was shocked. She hurriedly stood in front of Ma Junhao's wheelchair and rushed to Old Fifth Ma, who was still wrapped in bandages, and shouted, Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma! Old Fifth Ma!    


"You... Who are you?"    


"Damn, you don't even know who we are?" Old Fifth Ma glared at the old lady and ordered the man who came with him, "Old Sixth, ask our brothers to push this old lady who doesn't know what's good for her to the ground with me. Go to hell! Inside! Fight!"    


"Brothers, attack!" Old Sixth waved to his subordinates behind him.    


A few burly men rushed forward and pushed Ma Junhao's mother down in the yard. Without any explanation, they gave her a series of punches and kicks.    


"Ah..." Mrs Ma could not help but cry out in pain.    


"You... What are you doing? Why did you hit my mother?" Ma Junhao, who was sitting in the wheelchair, saw that his mother had been hit for no reason. He was so angry that his face turned green. His lips turned purple. He pointed at Old Fifth Ma and shouted, "If you have the guts, come at me. Don't hit my mother. Quick... Let go of my mother... "    


"You cripple, you actually dare to go against us! I'll let you have a look! The consequences of going against us," Old Fifth Ma said as he shouted at his subordinates. "Come with me and smash everything here with me!"    


After the brothers received the order, they raised the clubs in their hands and rushed into the room. They violently smashed everything inside, creating endless crackling sounds.    


Ma Junhao saw his mother being pressed to the ground and beaten up by a few men, and the things in the house were smashed to pieces by these guys. He immediately became anxious, and with all his strength, he kicked the ground with his legs. He actually miraculously stood up from the ground.    


Then, his knees went soft and he knelt on the ground. He begged Old Fifth Ma, "Big Brother, I beg you, don't hit my mother, don't smash our things..."    


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