Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C263 Negotiating Terms

C263 Negotiating Terms

"What are you doing?" Hsiao Yue shouted and let go of Fifth Ma's wrist, pushing him away.    


Old Fifth Wang staggered forward and almost fell to the ground. He was supported by his two lackeys and then turned around. He looked coldly at Hsiao Yue and said while baring his teeth.    


"You stinky woman, you actually dare to make a move on me and you are so ruthless. Watch how I deal with you!"    


Hsiao Yue's expression was calm. Her hands were on her hips as she stood in the middle of this group of people and loudly asked, "I want to see how you guys deal with me!"    


When the surrounding crowd saw Hsiao Yue's appearance of not giving in to men, they praised her from the bottom of their hearts. However, they saw that she was only one person, and a weak girl at that. The other party was seven or eight strong men, and they had the advantage in numbers. They all broke out in cold sweat for her, afraid that she would get herself into trouble. No one dared to stand out and help.    


Therefore, everyone stepped back, but they did not want to miss the chance to watch this good show. They stood far away and watched the show. Someone took out his phone to record the video.    


Mr Wang was already very dissatisfied with Hsiao Yue meddling in other people's business, but when he saw Old Ma and the others stand out to help him teach this woman who did not know the immensity of heaven and earth a lesson, he was half happy and half worried.    


He was happy that someone stood up for him and helped them chase this woman away. He was worried that this woman was beautiful. If she was hurt or violated by these guys, it would be a pity and he would feel pity for her.    


Therefore, he did not step forward to stop them, nor did he step forward to help resolve the situation. He only led the few staff members and followed the crowd to watch the show.    


The atmosphere immediately became extremely tense and strange.    


These guys were all veterans in fighting. Seeing that although Hsiao Yue was a woman, her technique was neat and tidy, without any sloppiness. With just one move, she injured Fifth Brother Ma until he looked like this, they knew that her skills were not bad.    


Especially when she was surrounded by so many brothers, she did not show any signs of fear. It was a little unusual. She must be someone who had practiced martial arts. She did not dare to attack recklessly and only surrounded her. He stood in his position and waited for an opportunity to attack her, taking her down in one go.    


Hsiao Yue saw that these people did not dare to approach her and knew that they were looking for an opportunity. In order to deter them, she said loudly:    


"You bunch of bullies, either fight with me or quickly disappear from my sight. Otherwise, I will not be polite to you guys..."    


"Little girl, if you say so, we are so scared. ” After Old Ma's pain lessened, he gradually recovered. He once again stood out from among his underlings and said with a smile," It's fine if you want us to disappear from your sight, but you have to accompany our brothers' losses tonight. "    


"Losses?" Hsiao Yue raised her eyebrows and said with slight interest, "What losses?"    


Old Ma shamelessly replied, "You just sprained my wrist. The medical fees are 10,000 yuan. Our compensation is 8,000 yuan, a total of 18,000 yuan. If I give you a discount, you can compensate me 15,000 yuan. "    


"Big brother, I came out to dance square dance, and I happened to pass by here. Where did I bring so much money with me?" Hsiao Yue deliberately put on a pitiful and timid look and said, "How about I take you guys to a place and you guys come with me to get it. Do you think it's okay? "    


"Where to? I'm not going to your house, am I?" Old Ma saw that Hsiao Yue seemed to have given in and forgot about the way she dealt with him just now. He said, "You brought so many of us to your house. Can you live there?"    


"No problem. Our house is very spacious. There are single and large rooms. No matter how many people there are, we can still stay there!" Hsiao Yue said with a smile. "Don't worry, I guarantee that I will serve you well..."    


Old Ma did not know that the house Hsiao Yue mentioned was a detention center. He felt that this woman had long hair and short knowledge. She was a little stupid. She was in a difficult situation and actually dared to bring them home. Wasn't she trying to implicate his family?    


Thus, he said with a mocking expression, "I think we should just forget about it. It's not that troublesome. Just come with us. Tonight, you only have two choices. Either pay up or pay up. Or come with us and play with us! "    


"Right, if you don't pay up, then play with us brothers!" Everyone joined in the jeering. This bunch of fellows each displayed a fierce look and were very arrogant.    


"Big Brother, I really didn't bring any money with me. I can play with you guys, but I have a condition." Hsiao Yue seemed to be a little nervous.    


"What condition?" Old Sixth laughed proudly.    


"My condition is very simple. That is to leave your hands and feet behind." Hsiao Yue scolded harshly, "Bastard, you actually want to take advantage of me. Truly arrogant!"    


This woman had changed too much. Sometimes she was calm, sometimes she panicked, and sometimes she became a threat. It was really unbearable for him.    


They had more people on their side, and they surrounded Hsiao Yue in the middle. She was obviously at a disadvantage. Not only was she not afraid of the fight, but she was also so arrogant. She did not put them in her eyes at all.    


"Stinking woman, after messing around for so long, are you f * cking messing with us here?" Old Ma was completely enraged by Hsiao Yue. He shouted at his companion, "Brothers, let's attack together and kill this woman..."    


With an order, he brought these six people and pounced towards Hsiao Yue together, preparing to press her to the ground and teach her a good lesson.    


However, how could Hsiao Yue give them this kind of opportunity? Her body was as light as a swallow, swift as lightning, and her movements were swift and fierce. She grabbed her shoulders, grabbed her wrists, kicked her legs, and turned around in one go.    


At the same time that she knocked over a person, she also stuck close to another person. This kind of close combat in the crowd was a compulsory lesson that Hsiao Yue once had when she was training in the female special forces. It was also her strong point.    


For a qualified female special forces team member, fighting with the enemy in the crowd was like playing. It was graceful, agile, steady, accurate and ruthless.    


Hsiao Yue's eyes were full of targets. Her robust figure danced wildly in the crowd like a dance. She moved about and kicked with her hands and feet. Her movements were neat and clean.    


Crack! Crack! Crack!    


The sound of bones breaking continuously rang out. The sound of people crashing into the ground continuously rang out, as well as the cries of these people.    


In the blink of an eye, these few people were knocked down to the ground. Their bodies twisted as they howled in pain.    


After throwing these people over, Hsiao Yue seemed to have completed a physical task of moving bricks. Patting her hands, she used her disdainful gaze to glance at these guys lying on the ground. Then she walked to the front of Old Fifth Ma, who was lying on the ground, and stepped on one of his arms. He asked:    


"Tell me, did you break into this mother and son pair's house, and after injuring them, you forced them to move out of the house and let them sleep on the streets?"    


"No... No, I... We didn't..." Old Fifth Ma hurriedly defended himself.    


"I think you won't shed tears until you see your coffin." Hsiao Yue shouted and suddenly exerted force on her feet. She asked coldly, "Quickly tell me, did you bring people to break into this mother and son's house? Injured them and then chased them out of the house?"    


"Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" Old Fifth Ma shouted loudly, "It... It was me who brought people to do it..."    


"Tell me, who ordered you to do it?" Hsiao Yue slightly relaxed her legs.    


Old Ma's pain was slightly reduced, but it was still quite uncomfortable. He knew that he had fallen into this woman's hands today. If he did not tell the truth, he would be seriously injured by her, or even crippled by her.    


Thus, he stammered, "It's... It's our boss..."    


"Who's your boss?" Hsiao Yue asked.    


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